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Template modified: 27 May 1997 14:30






OPR: HQ AFPC/DPPPO (CMSgt Autumn Foley)

Certified by: HQ AFPC/DPP (Col Stephen S.Lerum)

Pages: 21Distribution: F

This pamphlet provides information to help personnel better understand the Air Force officer promotionprogram. Because there are many technical and legal aspects of the promotion program and becausesome policies change, refer to the governing directives (Air Force Instructions [AFI] 36-2501, OfficerPromotions and Selective Continuation, and 36-2402, Officer Evaluation System) for more specific infor-mation or consult your military personnel flight (MPF) representative. This pamphlet implements AirForce Policy Directive 36-25, Military Promotion and Demotion,and applies to all Air Force officer per-sonnel serving on active duty in the grade of colonel and below. (Spouses and other family members ofAir Force officer personnel should also read it.) It does not apply to US Air Force Reserves or AirNational Guard members. Do not supplement this pamphlet. Refer to Attachment 1 for abbreviationsand acronyms.

Section A—The Air Force Officer Promotion Program

1. A Part of Your Way of Life. You have chosen to serve your country as a member of the UnitedStates Air Force. In accepting your commission, you obligated yourself to distinctive professionalresponsibilities and a special way of life. The Air Force officer promotion program is an advancementprogram for officers established in law, modified over time, and carefully managed by senior Air Forceofficials. The Air Force promotion program is your program--you should understand it and be able toexplain it to your family and friends, and discuss it with contemporaries, subordinates and supervisors.

2. Purposes of the Officer Promotion Program. The Air Force officer promotion program’s purposeis to select enough officers of the desired quality, in the proper grades, to carry out the mission. To dothis, the Air Force should promote officers in sufficient numbers as vacancies occur, maintaining thestrength of the Air Force in each grade and providing reasonable progression to retain a highly qualifiedand motivated officer force:

2.1. Other objectives include:

2.1.1. Providing reasonably stable, consistent, and visible progression patterns for all competitivecategories.

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2.1.2. Ensuring the best qualified officers are selected.

2.1.3. Providing for accelerated promotion opportunities for officers with exceptional potential.

3. Terms Explained: The following are terms used throughout this publication:

3.1. Active Duty List (ADL). A list of all officers serving on active duty, except for a few small cat-egories excluded by law. A separate list is maintained for officers in each competitive category (para-graph 3.4.). Officers are carried on the list in order of seniority in the grade in which they are serving.Eligibility for promotion consideration is based on the officer’s competitive category and position onthe list.

3.2. Best Qualified Method of Selection. Requirement that selection boards may recommend for pro-motion only those officers whose records, when compared with those of other eligible officers, reflectthe greatest potential to serve successfully in the next higher grade. A numerical selection quota isapplied. All selection boards, with promotion opportunity less than 100 percent, use the best qualifiedmethod of selection.

3.3. Central Selection Board. A board of officers convened under the authority of the Secretary of theAir Force (SecAF) to consider ADL officers for promotion to the grades of captain, major, lieutenantcolonel, colonel, brigadier general and major general. These boards are convened at HQ Air ForcePersonnel Center (AFPC), Randolph AFB TX.

3.4. Competitive Category. A grouping of officers who by law compete among each other for pro-motion. The categories are Line of the Air Force (LAF), Judge Advocate (JAG), Medical Corps(MC), Dental Corps (DC), Chaplain (CHAP), Medical Service Corps (MSC), Biomedical SciencesCorps (BSC), and Nurse Corps (NC).

3.5. Date of Rank (DOR). The date used as the primary means of indicating relative seniority amongofficers of the same grade and determining eligibility for consideration for promotion to the nexthigher grade. The DOR of officers promoted from promotion lists approved after 15 September 1981is the same as the effective date of the promotion. NOTE: Service academy graduates are assignedthe same date of rank on graduation and will be placed initially on the ADL in order of their gradua-tion class standing.

3.5.1. Seniority of officers with the same grade and DOR is determined by the following criteria,respectively: Previous DOR (if applicable). Total Active Federal Commissioned Service. Total Federal Commissioned Service.

3.5.2. When the above criteria does not result in a determination of relative rank, Regular officerswill precede Reserve officers.

3.5.3. Regular officers will rank among themselves based on the following in the order listed: Date of presidential nomination. Date of Regular Air Force appointment acceptance. Date of birth (earliest takes precedence).


afpam 36-2506 - [PDF Document] (3) Reverse social security number (SSN) (lowest takes precedence).

3.5.4. Reserve officers will rank among themselves in the order listed (distinguished graduates ofcommissioning programs taking precedence over other Reserve officers): Date of birth (earliest takes precedence). Reverse SSN (lowest takes precedence).

3.6. Effective Date of Promotion. The date specified in the order that announces the promotion. It isthe date the officer is entitled to wear the insignia and receive the pay and allowances accompanyingthat grade. This is not the date an officer is notified of selection.

3.7. Failed to be Selected. Officers considered for promotion In-the-Promotion Zone (IPZ) orAbove-the-Promotion Zone (APZ) but not selected for promotion are commonly referred to as "non-selectees" or "deferred officers." Officers considered Below-the-Promotion Zone (BPZ) but notselected are not considered "failed to be selected for promotion." Paragraph 22. explains the conse-quences of nonselection.

3.8. Fully Qualified Method of Selection. One-hundred percent of total eligibles may be promoted tofirst lieutenant provided designated commanders determine they are fully qualified. The same is trueto major for MC and DC officers and captain for all competitive categories if central selection boardsdetermine they are fully qualified.

3.9. Phase Points. The average number of years and months of active commissioned service thatmost officers complete when promoted to a particular grade. The Defense Officer Personnel Manage-ment Act (DOPMA) guidelines are as follows:

3.10. Promotion Board Quota. For any one board, promotion opportunity (as a percentage) multi-plied by the number of officers eligible IPZ determines the promotion board quota.

3.11. Promotion List. A list of all officers approved for promotion within a competitive category tothe grade of captain and above. Officers are placed on the promotion list in order of seniority on theADL and promotion sequence numbers are assigned accordingly. A separate promotion list is usedfor each competitive category. NOTE: Sequence numbers are not assigned for promotion to captainor for MC and DC officers. These promotions occur at prescribed times based on DOR in the currentgrade.

3.12. Promotion Zones. Groupings of officers in the same grade who are eligible for promotion con-sideration in each competitive category on the ADL. There are three promotion zones:

Grade Phase Point (years of service)

First Lieutenant 2

Captain 4

Major 9 - 11

Lieutenant Colonel 15 - 17

Colonel 21 - 23


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3.12.1. Above-the-Promotion Zone (APZ). This zone represents the officer’s "late" considerationfor promotion. These officers have previously failed IPZ selection to that grade (to include thoseremoved from a promotion list to that grade) and are senior to officers being considered IPZ.

3.12.2. Below-the-Promotion Zone (BPZ). This zone represents the officer’s "early" consider-ation for promotion. Officers are eligible BPZ at the two boards immediately preceding the boardin which they are considered IPZ. This applies for promotion to the field grades only. NOTE:There are no BPZ considerations for promotion to captain in all competitive categories or for pro-motion to major in the MC and DC. If a captain will be eligible IPZ for promotion by the calendaryear l998 major board, he or she will be eligible BPZ by the calendar year l996 and calendar year1997 major boards. Officers eligible BPZ are always junior to officers being considered IPZ.

3.12.3. In-the-Promotion Zone (IPZ). This zone represents the officer’s "on-time" considerationfor promotion to the next higher grade based on his or her current DOR. The opportunity for beingselected for promotion is the highest when officers are eligible in this zone.

3.13. Senior Rater. The official who completes promotion recommendation forms (PRF) on officerseligible for consideration by a HQ USAF Central Selection Board and also serves as a reviewer onofficer performance reports (OPR). For majors and below, the senior rater must be at least a colonel(or equivalent) serving as a wing commander or equivalent. For lieutenant colonels, the senior ratermust be a general officer (or equivalent) and will be the first general officer in the rating chain.

3.14. Special Selection Board. A board convened under the authority of the SecAF to consider offic-ers for promotion to grades of captain through colonel who were not properly considered by one ormore promotion selection boards. In addition, these boards can be convened to reconsider RegularAir Force Appointment, continuation, and selection for intermediate or senior service school. Thereare two bases for considering an officer by a special selection board:

3.14.1. Administrative error--It is determined an officer should have been considered but was notconsidered or was not considered in the correct promotion zone or competitive category.

3.14.2. Legal or material error--An officer is nonselected by a selection board, and it is deter-mined: The action by the board was contrary to law or involved material error of fact ormaterial administrative error. The board did not have the necessary information for consideration that should havebeen available if instructions and policies had been followed.

Section B—Promotion Eligibility

4. When Are You Eligible for Promotion? How will you know if and when you are eligible for con-sideration for promotion? The answer depends on your current grade:

4.1. A second lieutenant will be eligible for promotion upon completing 24 months in grade. Forother grades, the SecAF determines the specific eligibility criteria for BPZ, IPZ, and APZ consider-ation. Once the eligibility criteria are determined, the MPF gives each officer eligible for consider-ation an officer preselection brief (OPB) and officially notifies the officer that the board will considerhim or her for promotion. In addition, the MPF makes a public announcement, through the base bul-letin or paper, so all eligible officers, supervisors, and commanders are aware of the upcoming board.


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4.2. In addition to meeting the basic eligibility criteria (time-in-grade), an officer must be onextended active duty at least 6 months before the central selection board convenes. This rule does notapply to MC and DC officers considered for major or other non-line officers being considered for pro-motion to captain.

4.3. Furthermore, officers with an established DOS or retirement are still eligible for promotion iftheir DOS or retirement is not within 90 days of the board convening date. Board members will givethese officers fair and equitable consideration.

NOTE:The Air Force permits most officers selected for promotion to withdraw their DOS or retirement and toaccept the promotion with an appropriate Active Duty Service Commitment (ADSC).

4.4. In most cases, a central selection board will consider first lieutenants for promotion to captainafter they serve between 9 to 21 months as a first lieutenant. If selected, officers are promoted to cap-tain upon completing 24 months in the grade of first lieutenant.

4.5. Captains, majors, and lieutenant colonels are not eligible for IPZ consideration to the next highergrade until they serve 3 years in their current grade. Generally, a central selection board will considerofficers for major IPZ after about 10 years’ service; for lieutenant colonel after about 15 years’ service;and for colonel after about 20 years’ service. Officers in these grades are normally considered for pro-motion BPZ 2 years before their IPZ consideration.

Section C—Promotion Opportunities and Selection Rates

5. What is Your Promotion Opportunity? What does promotion opportunity mean? It is the approx-imate percentage of officers in an accession year group that a central selection board will select for pro-motion after competing for promotion to the next higher grade in all three promotion zones--BPZ, IPZ,and APZ:

5.1. On approving the promotion eligibility criteria to each grade, the SecAF also specifies the pro-motion opportunity for each competitive category. Because reasonably stable, consistent, and visiblecareer progression is an objective of the promotion program, promotion opportunities do not changemuch, if at all, from year to year.

5.2. Current promotion opportunities for LAF officers are 100 percent for captain; 90 percent formajor; 70 percent for lieutenant colonel; and 50 percent for colonel. This percentage, applied to thenumber of IPZ eligibles, determines the maximum board quota. A percentage of the board quota isallocated to BPZ selections. Current BPZ percentages are 5 percent for major, 7.5 percent for lieuten-ant colonel, and 15 percent for colonel. NOTE: All BPZ and APZ selections are at the expense ofIPZ selections.

5.3. For each board, promotion opportunity multiplied by the number of officers eligible IPZ deter-mines the maximum number of officers the board can promote (i.e., maximum board quota). There isa limit on the number of officers that the board may select BPZ. This limit is determined by multiply-ing the maximum board quota by the BPZ percentage which SecAF has approved. If the full BPZquota is used (and it normally is for Line officers), the number of promotions available for IPZ/APZwould be the board quota minus BPZ selections. EXAMPLE: The current promotion opportunity tomajor is 90 percent. If there are 3,000 officers eligible IPZ and 1,000 officers eligible APZ, the max-


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imum number of officers that could be selected from the total of 4,000 would be 2,700 (90 percent X3,000 = 2,700). The BPZ limit for major is 5 percent. If the board quota is 2,700, the maximum num-ber that the board may select is 135 (.05 x 2,700 = 135). The number of promotions available for IPZ/APZ would be the board quota minus BPZ selections or 2,565 (2,700 - 135 = 2,565).

5.4. One common misunderstanding is that the selection rate is the same as the promotion opportu-nity. While promotion opportunity determines the maximum number of officers that a board canselect, selection rates are the actual percentages of IPZ, BPZ, or APZ eligibles that were selected. Nor-mally, the board selects for promotion some officers eligible BPZ and APZ, thus reducing the numberof promotions available for officers eligible IPZ. Using the previous example: 90 percent x 3,000 =2,700 (board quota: total available promotions); 2,700 x 5 percent = 135 (BPZ quota: maximum whocan be promoted BPZ); 2,700 - 135 = 2,565 (available IPZ and APZ promotions); 2,565 - 300 (if 300APZ eligibles were selected) equals 2265 (IPZ selects); 2265 divided by 3,000 (IPZ eligibles) = 75percent IPZ selection rate.

5.5. The IPZ selection rate for any one promotion board is usually lower than the promotion opportu-nity for that board.

Section D—Promotion Recommendation Form (PRF)

6. Line Officer Allocation Rates. Officers meeting a promotion board will have a PRF written by theirsenior rater that will be included in the Officer Selection Record (OSR). The senior rater can make one ofthree recommendations: "Definitely Promote" (DP), "Promote" (P), or "Do Not Promote This Board"(DNP). Historical DP allocation rates for BPZ eligibles, and IPZ and APZ eligibles are as follows:

EXAMPLE: Current DP allocation rate to major is 65 percent for IPZ/APZ and 10 percent for BPZ. Ifthere are 3,000 officers eligible IPZ and 1,000 officers eligible APZ, the total number of DPs for IPZ andAPZ officers would be 1,950 (3,000 x .65 = 1,950). If there are 2,000 officers eligible BPZ, the total num-ber of DPs for BPZ officers would be 200 (2,000 x .10 = 200).

7. Selection of Officers With "Promote" Recommendations. Since the number of officers that aboard can select for promotion IPZ and APZ is greater than the number of DP recommendations, andsince a "DP" is not a guarantee of promotion, each board will select for promotion some officers whor*ceive a "Promote" recommendation. While the actual selection rate for officers with a "Promote" rec-ommendation may vary from board to board, the anticipated selection rate IPZ for line officers whor*ceive a "Promote" recommendation is:

For Promotion To DP Allocation Rate (Line Officers)


Major 10% 65%

Lieutenant Colonel 10% 40%

Colonel 15% 20%


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EXAMPLE: If there are 3,000 officers eligible IPZ to major and 1,415 received "Promote" recommenda-tions, approximately 566 of the officers with a "P" would be promoted (1,415 x .40 = 566).

7.1. It is a common misconception that a "DP" is a guarantee of promotion. While it should certainlyenhance an officer’s opportunity, selection for promotion is ultimately the responsibility of the mem-bers of the promotion board, who will select officers based on the board members’ independent deter-mination as to who is best qualified. The PRF is but one document in the selection record, though animportant one, that selection boards will consider.

8. Competitive Category Exceptions. There are some exceptions for using PRFs in promotion boards.When the promotion opportunity is 100%, only "Do Not Promote This Board" PRFs are prepared. Thereason is that the eligible officers compete on a fully qualified basis:

8.1. First lieutenants in the JAG competitive category do not receive a PRF. They are promoted afterapproximately 6 months of active duty and on a fully qualified basis.

8.2. In those cases where the board uses DP recommendations for non-line officers, the selectionrates may differ from the comparable Line rates since the promotion opportunity for some non-linecategories differs from the Line promotion opportunity.

Section E—Selection Boards

9. Scheduling Selection Boards. The convening dates for major, lieutenant colonel, and colonel selec-tion boards vary from year to year. Boards are scheduled far enough ahead, and prior to exhausting a cur-rent list to ensure a promotion list for each grade is always available from which to promote. Each yearthe number of eligibles the board considers varies as does the number it selects. The larger the year group,the larger the number of selects; therefore, the longer it takes to pin-on. This is one of the main reasonspromotion boards are convened at different times during the year:

9.1. Captain line and chaplain boards are held annually, captain BSC/MSC/NC boards are held semi-annually, and captain JAG boards are held quarterly. First lieutenants are normally promoted after 2years in grade without regard to vacancies. Officers selected for major and above are promoted onlyas vacancies occur, except for MC and DC officers who are promoted after they complete prescribedperiods of time.

9.2. Each year, HQ AFPC/Selection Board Secretariat publishes selection board schedules andupdates them as necessary. Your MPF has a current schedule.

For Promotion To Anticipated Selection Rate IPZ for LAF Officers With A "Promote" Recommen-


Major 40%

Lieutenant Colonel 35%

Colonel 25%


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10. What Documents Do Central Selection Boards Consider? When a central selection board con-siders you for promotion, board members review your HQ USAF Officer Selection Record (OSR) main-tained at HQ AFPC, Randolph AFB TX:

10.1. Documents included in selection records are:

10.1.1. OPRs, officer effectiveness reports (OER), PRFs, training reports (TR), and supplementalevaluation sheets such as mandatory letters of evaluation (LOE). All OPRs, OERs, and TRs ren-dered since you were commissioned are included. PRFs exist in your OSR only for a particularboard and are removed from the selection record after that board adjourns. The PRFs are for-warded to HQ AFPC/Master Record Division for placement on microfiche. Once filmed, thePRFs are destroyed.

10.1.2. An AF Form 11, Officer Military Record. This is a historical document for all officerscommissioned before 5 April 1974. These forms are obsolete and have not been updated sinceApril 1974.

10.1.3. Citations for approved US decorations. Special orders are used when a citation is notgiven for the decoration. Approved awards (e.g., AF Outstanding Unit Award, Humanitarian Ser-vice Medal, etc.) are not part of the OSR.

10.1.4. An officer selection brief (OSB). The OSB has the same data items as the OfficerPre-Selection Brief (OPB) that is provided to officers for review and update approximately 90days before the board convenes. The OPB and instructions on how to correct errors are providedto eligible officers by the Promotions Unit at their MPF. An example is at Attachment 2.

10.1.5. A specialty board certification (letter or certificate) for members of the Medical, Dental,Nurse, and Medical Service Corps.

10.1.6. Operational deferment letters for Professional Military Education (PME).

10.1.7. A letter to the board from an eligible officer. The board permits letters from officers it isconsidering IPZ, APZ, or BPZ. Letters are in selection records while the board is in session. TheBoard Secretariat removes them after the results are approved and the letters are destroyed orreturned to the officer upon his or her advanced request.

10.1.8. The commander’s letter recommending the board find an officer not qualified for promo-tion (NQP). Even though a commander may recommend to a board that it find an officer NQP, theboard will still consider the officer. The commander must notify an officer in writing and give theofficer a chance to comment if the commander takes action to recommend that a board find theofficer NQP. A commander may submit an NQP letter on an officer after the PRF has been ren-dered if an officer’s actions subsequently cause his or her commander to consider it inappropriateto select the officer for promotion.

10.1.9. Court-martial orders containing or reflecting approved findings of guilt (mandatory andpermanent filing).

10.1.10. Air Force Forms 366, Record of Proceedings of Vacation of Suspended NonjudicialPunishment, 3070, Record of Nonjudicial Punishment Proceedings, and 3212, Record ofSupplementary Action Under Article l5, UCMJ, regarding nonjudicial punishment (optionalfiling by the commander).

10.1.11. Letters of Reprimand (LOR) (optional filing by the commander).


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10.1.12. An Air Force Form 330, Records Transmittal/Request, or similar document. Thisform reflects HQ AFPC efforts to obtain missing documents such as OPRs, OERs, citations, etc.

10.2. Your selection record is you appearing before the board. You should carefully review itbefore the board convenes. A copy of the documents listed in paragraphs 10.1.1. (except the PRF),10.1.2., 10.1.3., 10.1.9., 10.1.10., and 10.1.11. are in your records at your MPF. Your command per-sonnel record at your Major Command (MAJCOM) has a copy of the documents listed in 10.1.1.para-graphs 10.1.1 (except the PRF), 10.1.2., 10.1.6., 10.1.8., 10.1.9., 10.1.10., and 10.1.11. The specialtyboard certification (paragraph 10.1.5.) is filed only in your HQ USAF OSR, but you should have apersonal copy. The OSB (paragraph 10.1.4.) is a temporary document; however, HQ AFPC doesretain a microfiche copy of the OSB to document the information provided to the board.

10.3. Do not wait until just before the board convenes to review your records. When you receivenotification from your MPF that a board will consider you, act quickly to ensure your records areaccurate and up-to-date. If possible, you should review your HQ USAF OSR since this will actuallymeet the board. You may do this in person by visiting HQ AFPC at Randolph AFB TX, or by writingto HQ AFPC/Officer Selection Record Section, 550 C Street West, Suite 5, Randolph AFB TX78150-4707, and requesting a copy of your selection record:

10.3.1. After the results of a promotion board are announced, if an officer believes he or she is thevictim of an error or injustice, the officer may petition the Air Force Board for Correction of Mil-itary Records. The governing directive is AFI 36-2603, Air Force Board for Correction of Mili-tary Records. However, if the alleged error or injustice involves an officer evaluation systemcomponent, the officer should first pursue action under AFI 36-2401, Correcting Officer andEnlisted Evaluation Reports. Personnel at your servicing MPF can provide assistance.

11. What Criteria Do Boards Use to Select Officers for Promotion? The Air Force does not selectofficers for promotion as a reward for past performance. It promotes officers based on their potential tosuccessfully serve in the next higher grade and in positions of greater responsibility. The criteria the AirForce uses to evaluate each officer’s relative potential is known as the "whole-person concept:"

11.1. Factors the SecAF approves include:

11.1.1. Job performance--the most important indicator of potential is performance in the job asPRFs, OPRs, OERs, TRs, and LOEs document. The most recent performance record is veryimportant to the board; however, the board considers the entire performance record in making itsassessment of an officer’s potential.

11.1.2. Leadership--staff, operations, and command positions.

11.1.3. Professional qualities--expertise as a specialist, supervisor, operator, etc.

11.1.4. Breadth and depth of experience--where the officer is assigned, at what level, when, vari-ety of jobs and tasks, etc. Breadth of experience is more appropriate for field grade officers. Lieu-tenants and captains should concentrate on depth of experience in their career area. Field gradeofficers need to place more emphasis on broader considerations--that is PME, advanced educa-tion, and breadth of duty experiences that may include command, career broadening assignments,and headquarters assignments.

11.1.5. Job responsibility--scope of responsibility, exposure, opportunity to make decisions,resources managed, etc.


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11.1.6. Academic and professional military education--appropriate level, relationship to careerfield, and possible assignments, etc. NOTE: Advanced academic degrees will be masked on theOSB for line officer promotion boards to the grade of captain and major.

11.1.7. Specific achievements--awards, decorations, special recognition, etc.

11.2. Each board member reviews the total selection record and makes a subjective evaluation bysecret vote on the officer’s relative potential as a whole-person to serve in the next higher grade.

12. Board Members. The Air Force selects only highly qualified senior officers with extensive experi-ence and mature judgment to serve as board members. Collectively, they represent the broadest practicalscope of Air Force activities. To provide a balanced perspective on the Air Force mission, the Air Forceselects officers who mirror, as much as possible, the officers they are considering with respect to race,sex, aeronautical rating, career field, and command of assignment. In addition, joint duty, and Reserveofficers participate as board members when appropriate. It is important to understand; however, thatwhile the Air Force uses these demographic characteristics in selecting board members, these officers donot represent or sponsor any particular officer group, interest, or command. Board members are requiredto perform their duties based on the best interest of the total Air Force and take an oath affirming that theywill do so:

12.1. Board member names are available at your servicing MPF when HQ AFPC releases the boardresults.

13. What Instructions Are Given to Board Members? The SecAF convenes selection boards and theboard members work for him or her. The Secretary provides guidance to the board members in the formof a Memorandum of Instruction (MOI). This MOI includes specific information concerning the board’spurpose, the tasks the board will perform, selection method, and the need to ensure the board provides alleligibles fair and equitable consideration. In addition, the MOI includes guidance to board membersregarding their specific responsibilities during the board and instructions regarding unauthorized disclo-sure of the board’s proceedings and findings. While the basic data included in each MOI to a board is thesame, each is tailored to fit the grade and competitive categories of the officers being considered. In aseparate briefing, the Selection Board Secretariat, as the Secretary’s representative, tells board members tocarefully review the officer’s entire selection record using the whole-person concept. The Board Secretar-iat briefs board members on the following items:

13.1. Board Specifics. Members are briefed on the agenda the members will follow, pertinent histor-ical facts regarding selection to that grade, eligibility criteria, significant changes affecting promo-tions, and the task they must perform.

13.2. Facts About the Eligibles. This portion of the briefing familiarizes board members with generalcharacteristics about the eligibles.

13.3. Selection Record. The specific contents of the selection record and where each item is locatedwithin the record.

13.4. Scoring Procedures. The score board members give each selection record must reflect theirassessment of the officer’s potential to serve in the higher grade relative to the records of other officersconsidered. The board members may consider only the record, not personal experience. To do so,board members need to make a whole-person assessment of each officer’s total record and assign aspecific numerical value to each record, using a scoring scale from 6 to 10 that includes half-point


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increments. Scoring is by secret ballot. Any time there is a difference of more than one and one-halfpoints between two or more board members scoring the same record (known as a split vote), therecord is taken back to the panel. Through discussion, the differences are resolved between the differ-ing members to bring all scores within a one and one-half point range. For boards where promotionopportunity is 100% of the total eligibles, a "yes" or "no" scoring procedure is used. In this case, asplit vote would occur anytime there was not a unanimous "yes" or "no" vote. In that case, the recordwould be brought back to the members for discussion. An example of the scoring scale is providedbelow:

13.5. Trial Run. The required practice scoring session that gives experience in applying thewhole-person assessment and in using the 6- to 10-point, or "yes" or "no" scoring scale. The trial run’sobjective is to help each member establish an individual scoring standard that the board members willapply consistently. More than one trial run may be conducted. Scoring "for the record" does notbegin until the board president is satisfied that all board members are fully prepared.

13.6. BPZ Selections. Board members will determine, on the basis of the eligibles’ quality, whetherto use the full BPZ quota. They should use the full BPZ quota only if the quality of all officers whomthey select from BPZ is higher than the quality of those IPZ and APZ whom they would displace,since BPZ promotions come at the expense of APZ and IPZ eligibles.

13.7. Joint Duty. Board members appropriately consider performance in Joint Duty Assignments(JDA), that are accountable billets, for those officers who are currently serving in, or have served in,such assignments:

13.7.1. The qualifications of officers selected for assignment to JDAs and officers designated asJoint Specialty Officers (JSO) should be such that the following promotion objectives are met: Officers, as a group, who are serving, or have served, on the Joint Staff are expectedto be promoted to the next higher grade at a rate not less than the rate for officers in the AirForce in the same grade and competitive category who are serving, or have served, on the AirStaff. JSOs are expected, as a group, to be promoted at a rate not less than the rate forofficers in the Air Force in the same grade and competitive category who are serving, or haveserved, on the Air Staff.

Absolutely Superior 10 Outstanding

Outstanding Record 9.5 Outstanding

Few Could Be Better 9 Above Average

Strong Record 8.5 Above Average

Slightly Higher Than Av-erage

8 Above Average

Average 7.5 Average

Slightly Below Average 7 Below Average

Well Below Average 6.5 Below Average

Lowest in Potential 6 Below Average


afpam 36-2506 - [PDF Document] (12) Officers who are serving, or have served, in JDAs (excluding officers above) areexpected, as a group, to be promoted at a rate not less than the rate for all officers in the AirForce in the same grade and competitive category.

13.7.2. The SecAF’s MOI for promotion selection boards shall include, at a minimum, the follow-ing guidance: "You will give appropriate consideration to the performance in JDAs of officerswho are serving in, or have served in, such assignments." Additionally, the records of all officerswho are serving, or have served, in a JDA or who have been designated as JSOs will be clearlyidentified for board members.

13.7.3. For promotion boards, including special selection boards that consider officers serving orhave served in JDAs, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff shall review the promotion boardresults to determine if joint duty performance was given appropriate consideration. The Chairmanof the Joint Chiefs of Staff’s written comments will be attached to the promotion board documen-tation and returned to the SecAF. These comments may include recommendations for appropriateaction. The Secretary of Defense will resolve any disagreement between the Chairman of theJoint Chiefs of Staff and the SecAF.

13.8. Acquisition Corps. Board members consider performance of officers currently serving inacquisition assignments:

13.8.1. The law requires that the qualifications of officers assigned to these duties be such thatthose officers are expected, as a group, to be promoted at a rate not less than the Air Force averagerate both IPZ and BPZ.

13.9. Skill Needs. To best satisfy Air Force needs, the Air Force uses a generalist-specialist (asexplained below) team concept for Air Force officer career development. This concept is based on thefollowing factors:

13.9.1. The Air Force must produce officers whose interests and capabilities become broader asthey acquire experience and move up in levels of staff and command. This is an inherent functionof a personnel system that must "grow" its own leaders.

13.9.2. While the Air Force must, for the most part, produce its own specialists (some of whommay remain in certain functional areas for a major portion of their careers), the movement betweenfunctional areas of rated officers and some officers who are not rated is essential if the Air Forceis to develop the optimum capability of the total officer force.

13.9.3. All career officers should have a competitive opportunity to obtain higher grades andresponsibilities commensurate with their performance and ability. In view of the generalist-spe-cialist team concept, the Secretariat tells selection board members that Air Force skill require-ments are for an officer force of specialists and generalists that should be selected for promotionon a best qualified basis.

13.10. Academic and Professional Military Education. These accomplishments serve as an indicatorof initiative and should be assessed in terms of how they enhance the officer’s performance and poten-tial to assume greater responsibility. The key is the right level of PME at the right time. That is,Squadron Officer School for captains, intermediate service school for majors, and senior serviceschool for lieutenant colonels and colonels. While important, completing PME or advanced academiceducation is not a pass-fail requirement, especially since all officers do not have the same opportunityto do so (see 11.1.6.paragraph 11.1.6). NOTE: Although advanced academic degree information is


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masked at the central selection board for line officers competing for captain and major, it is availableto senior raters and MAJCOM Management Level Reviews.

14. Board Members’ Responsibilities. The following is extracted from the instruction the Secretariatprovides each board: "Central selection boards are convened by the SecAF to select the best qualifiedindividuals for promotion. You must act in the best interest of the Air Force and not any particular com-mand, specialty, or group. While you are here, you are working directly for the SecAF under the supervi-sion of the board president who is a nonvoting member. Each of you is responsible for maintaining theintegrity and independence of this selection board, and to foster the careful consideration, without preju-dice or partiality, of all eligible officers."

15. Disclosing Information. The Secretariat also provides the following instructions to each board:"The names of the officers comprising the membership of the board will be publicly released when theresults of the board are announced. However, the score given any particular record is privileged informa-tion and may not be disclosed. Names of individuals selected or not selected, or any statistical data per-taining to board results will not be maintained by you nor will your knowledge of the same be disclosedto anyone, including your superior officers and commanders, prior to public release. After public releasethere is no prohibition to disclosing information on the overall numbers considered, the manner in whichthe board was organized, the general procedures it followed, or the number and grade of its membership."

16. The Oath. Following the MOI to the board, each member takes the following oath: "I solemnlyswear that I will, without prejudice or partiality, having in view both the special fitness of the officers andthe efficiency of the United States Air Force, perform the duties imposed upon me."

17. How Does the Board Determine Who is Selected? Each selection record is scored on a 6- to10-point scale using half-point increments; i.e., 6, 6.5, 7, etc. As soon as each of the panel members scoreall records allocated to a panel, scores are totaled and aligned in a relative order of merit. Each panelreceives a proportionate share of the board quota based on the number of records it scored. The quota isthen applied going from the top of the relative order of merit listing down until the quota is exhausted:

17.1. Often the score category at which the quota is exhausted contains more records tied at that scorethan the quota can accommodate. That score category is referred to as the "gray." Board membersrescore these records to determine whom they should select. For example, with a quota of 50, if 45records fall into score categories above the gray-score category and 10 records are in the gray-scorecategory, the board members will rescore the 10 gray records to determine which five records in thegray-score category they will select.

18. Other Functions of Selection Boards. Boards convened to select officers for promotion also per-form other functions:

18.1. By law, all promotion boards must also identify officers whose records indicate that they shouldbe required to "show cause" for their retention in the Air Force. If approved by SECAF, HQ AFPCprovides the names of officers the board identifies to the proper MAJCOM commanders for appropri-ate action.


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19. Safeguards. Proper consideration for advancement to higher grades is a very important event in anofficer’s career. Accordingly, the Air Force has the following safeguards to ensure that boards considerall eligible officers on a fair and equitable basis:

19.1. General Notice. At least 30 days before the board convenes, the law requires public announce-ment of the names and dates of rank of the most junior and senior officers the board considers IPZ ineach competitive category and the date the board convenes.

19.2. Officer Preselection Brief (OPB). Based on approved eligibility criteria, you should receive anOPB about 90 to 120 days before the board convening date. The OPB contains information the boardwill consider. You should promptly follow the instructions provided along with the OPB to ensureyour OSR at HQ AFPC at Randolph AFB is current.

19.3. MPF Verification. In addition to the computer-generated OPBs, each MPF is required to per-form data verification checks to ensure they provide an OPB to all officers eligible for considerationby an upcoming board.

19.4. Senior Officers Serve as Board Members. Only knowledgeable senior officers serve as boardmembers. Collectively, these officers possess great professional diversity and include both general-ists and specialists. A breakdown by grade follows:

19.5. Letters to Selection Boards. All officers eligible IPZ, APZ, or BPZ may send a letter to theselection board. The board considers the letter when assessing the officer’s selection record. (Detailson how to prepare letters to the boards are in AFI 36-2501.)

19.6. Selection Boards Review Specified Information Only. Selection board members can consideronly those documents the Air Force approves and lists in AFI 36-2501 in assessing each officer’srecords. Appropriate "due-process" requirements exist to preclude a board from considering deroga-tory information without the eligible officer having knowledge of such information. For example, arecommendation to find an officer Not Qualified for Promotion (NQP) must be referred to the officerfor comment, and it must have a legal review before the board can consider it. Board members willnot disclose information about an officer’s career unless it is referenced within the content of the OSR.

19.7. Briefings to the Board. The Secretariat briefs selection board members regarding the demo-graphics of the eligibles and the content of selection records. The briefing discusses a variety of issuesrelative to the OSR that may come to the attention of the board members during the scoring process.This includes such things as ratings by civilian supervisors and members of other services, breaks inservice, organizational changes, differences in OER and OPR ratings the officer received while in theReserve, etc.


Board President Panel Chief Panel Members (4)

Colonel Lt General Major General Brig General or Brig General (sel)

LtColonel Major General Brigadier General Colonel

Major Major General Colonel Colonel

Captain Brigadier General Colonel Colonel


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19.8. Trial-Run. Before actually scoring any records, board members complete a trial-run exercise.The Secretariat selects records used in trial run exercises to depict the full range of quality the boardwill see and to highlight anomalies and differences in records. The trial run gives board members anopportunity to set a consistent scoring pattern to be used throughout the board.

19.9. Random Flow of Selection Records to the Board. The Secretariat combines selection recordsfor all IPZ and APZ officers for each competitive category and provides them to board members in arandom manner by reverse social security number. The distribution of BPZ records is done in thesame manner.

19.10. Oaths. All board members take an oath to serve without prejudice or partiality. All recordersinvolved with administration of the boards also swear to keep a true record of the board proceedings.

19.11. Secret Ballots. Using a secret ballot, each board member records his or her assessment of eachselection record. This eliminates any chance of undue influence. Discussion of records is allowedonly when resolving a split vote.

19.12. Split Votes. A difference of more than 1 1/2 points between any two panel members on afive-member panel is a "split vote," and the split vote panel members must resolve the split vote. Thatis, the members should discuss the split and then rescore the record until all panel members’ scores forthe record are within 1 1/2 points. This prevents any one panel member from adversely impacting theoverall score of a given record.

19.13. Board President’s Review. The board president reviews 15 to 20 percent of all eligible recordsto ensure that board members are assessing all records in a consistent manner. The board presidentalso reviews controversial records--for example, where a split vote is not easily resolved--and variousother records to ensure that the board provides all eligibles fair and equitable consideration.

19.14. Board Members’ Signatures. All board members sign the board report affirming the best qual-ified officers are those they are recommending for promotion and that the board carefully consideredthe record of each officer whose name was furnished to it.

19.15. Postboard MPF Verification. Before HQ AFPC announces the board results to the public,MPF personnel check to be sure all eligible officers they service are accounted for.

Section F—Processing Board Results

20. Notifying Selectees and Processing Board Results. Usually, commanders do not notify officerswhether they are selected or not until 6 to 8 weeks after the board adjourns. Why does it take so long?

20.1. HQ AFPC cannot release the board results until the Office of the Secretary of Defense approvesthe board proceedings. Auditing lists and preparing memoranda and documents needed to transmitboard results to the SecAF and the Office of the Secretary of Defense for approval and through thePresident for nomination to the Senate must be thoroughly and accurately accomplished. Generally,preparing, reproducing, and routing the board proceedings to the Office of the Secretary of Defensetakes 5 to 7 weeks. While HQ AFPC can release promotion results at that time, the Air Force cannotpromote selectees to the field grades until the Senate confirms the promotion list.

21. Promoting Selectees. The Air Force promotes officers selected for captain and MC and DC officerson the day they complete the necessary time-in-grade requirement. For captain, it is usually 2 years fromthe date he or she was promoted to first lieutenant. The Air Force promotes officers to field grades to fill


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vacancies. HQ AFPC places selectees in each competitive category on promotion lists in seniority order(based on the selectee’s position on the ADL in his or her current grade) and assigns promotion sequencenumbers. Each month, HQ USAF determines how many officers the Air Force may promote in eachgrade and in each competitive category. By about the 15th of the month, HQ AFPC provides each MPFthe number for each grade and for each competitive category the Air Force will promote the followingmonth. The MPF notifies commanders which of their officers the Air Force will promote the next monthand commanders notify the officers. HQ AFPC also publishes increment numbers through the HQ AFPCHome Page on the worldwide web and other media to inform the Air Force at large:

21.1. Effective Date of Promotion and Date of Rank (DOR). The effective date of promotion is thedate specified in the order that announces the promotion. It is usually the 1st day of the month for pro-motion. EXCEPTIONS: The effective date for promotion to captain and for promoting MC and DCofficers to any grade is the officer’s anniversary date of their current grade rate of rank.

21.2. Declining of Promotion. A selected officer may decline promotion. However, if an officerdoes not decline before the effective date of promotion, the Air Force considers that the officeraccepts the promotion. The officer is also subject to the ADSC and retirement restriction associatedwith promotion to that grade. AFI 36-2501 explains what action an officer will take to decline a pro-motion and the consequences of a promotion declination.

21.3. Active Duty Service Commitment (ADSC) and Retirement Restrictions. Officers promoted tocaptain incur a 1-year ADSC. Officers (other than MC and DC officers) promoted to major and aboveincur a 2-year ADSC. The ADSC for promotion runs concurrent with any other ADSC an officer mayhave. Officers promoted to lieutenant colonel and colonel are not entitled to voluntary retirement inthe higher grade until they serve 3 years in that grade. The ADSC computer notice provided to theofficer soon after being notified of selection for promotion specifies the applicable ADSC and retire-ment restrictions.

21.4. Propriety of Promotion Actions. Being selected for promotion does not ensure an officer theAir Force will promote him or her. As a continuing quality control check, commanders are requiredto take action to delay an officer’s promotion or recommend removal (also known as "red line") of anofficer’s name from a promotion list if they believe the officer is not physically, mentally, morally, orprofessionally qualified to perform the duties of the higher grade. The commander needs to notify theofficer of such action before the promotion effective date and provide him or her an opportunity tosubmit a statement in his or her behalf before action is taken on the approval authority’s recommenda-tion.

22. Consequence of Nonselection. Officers, not selected IPZ, are considered again by a second board(their first APZ look). Officers not selected by a second board for captain or major are separated or retirednot later than the 1st day of the 7th month after the Office of the Secretary of Defense approves the boardresults. A selective continuation board may consider officers not selected the second time for major if theofficers possess a critical skill, as determined by the SecAF. If the continuation board selects them, offic-ers may remain on active duty for an initial 3-year period. Prior to expiration of the initial 3-year period,the Air Force considers officers for further continuation until they are eligible to retire if a board does notselect them for promotion during the initial continuation period. Selective continuation for captain andmajor is a board process and is not something for which an individual applies. Continued officers remaineligible for promotion consideration as long as they are on active duty and meet established promotionboard criteria. The Air Force usually permits regular majors not selected for lieutenant colonel to remain


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on active duty until they have reached 20 years of commissioned service. Lieutenant colonels notselected for colonel may remain on active duty until they have 28 years of commissioned service, unlessselected for early retirement by a Selective Early Retirement Board (SERB).

Section G—What Can You Do To Improve Your Chances for Promotion?

23. Things You Should Do. There is no guarantee the selection board will select you, or any otherofficer, for promotion. However, there are three things you should do to increase your opportunity forbeing selected:

23.1. The first and most important thing you can do is perform your current job to the best of yourability. Your raters will evaluate you on how well you do the job you have now. If you do well andmaintain a positive and professional attitude, your raters will recognize you for it and help you volun-teer for more challenging and responsible jobs. Selection boards and leaders looking for top-notchperformers to take on increasingly more responsible jobs recognize consistently outstanding perfor-mance.

23.2. The second thing you should do is seek advice from your supervisor, your commander, and oth-ers in a position of leadership. Their guidance can be of great value in helping you develop profes-sionally. There are some differences in desired professional development steps for various jobspecialties; some emphasize extensive broadening while others require greater specialization. Youshould also be familiar with the officer professional development information in AFI 36-2611,Officer Professional Development, and AFPAM 36-2630, Officer Professional Development Guide,that pertains to your career field.

23.3. Finally, understand the officer promotion program and take appropriate actions before the boardconvenes. One of those actions is to review your record before boards convene to ensure it is accurateand up to date.

Section H—Summary

24. Some Final Comments. One of the most gratifying aspects of a military career is being selected forpromotion to the next higher grade. Unfortunately, it is a fact that not all officers can be selected for pro-motion. In addition, law has established specific limitations on the number of both regular and reserveofficers who can serve on active duty in the grade of major and above:

24.1. Your objective should be to progress to the highest grade possible commensurate with yourcapabilities. At the same time, recognize that promotion boards cannot select all officers to the highergrades and competition for promotion to each succeeding higher grade becomes more intense. Thereare many exceptionally talented officers in the Air Force, but the Air Force is not going to promoteeveryone to the highest grades, because not all officers are required in the higher grades. Promotionbased entirely on individual capability without regard to requirements would be wasteful, so it is inev-itable the Air Force will not select some highly capable officers.

24.2. A fair and equitable promotion program exists now and will continue in the future. You shouldunderstand it, so you can better appreciate the significance of your successes and better realize thenecessarily competitive nature of Air Force promotions. The officer promotion program in the Air


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Force has served individual officers, the Air Force, and our country well by continuing to help pro-duce a professional, highly qualified, and fully combat-ready officer corps.

MICHAEL D. McGINTY, Lt General, USAFDCS/Personnel


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Attachment 1


Abbreviations and Acronyms

ADL— Active Duty List

ADSC—Active Duty Service Commitment

AFI— Air Force Instruction

AFPC—Air Force Personnel Center

APZ—Above-the-Promotion Zone

BPZ—Below-the-Promotion Zone

BSC—Biomedical Sciences Corps


DC—Dental Corps

DNP—Do Not Promote This Board

DOPMA—Defense Officer Personnel Management Act

DOR—Date of Rank

DP—Definitely Promote

IPZ— In-the-Promotion Zone

JA—Judge Advocate

JDA—Joint Duty Assignment

JSO—Joint Service Officer

LAF— Line of the Air Force

LOE—Letter of Evaluation

LOR—Letter of Reprimand

MAJCOM— Major Command

MC—Medical Corps

MOI— Memorandum of Instruction

MPF—Military Personnel Flight

MSC—Medical Services Corps

NC—Nurse Corps

NQP—Not Qualified for Promotion

OER—Officer Effectiveness Report

OPB—Officer Preselection Brief


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OPR—Officer Performance Report

OSB—Officer Selection Brief

OSR—Officer Selection Record


PME—Professional Military Education

PRF—Promotion Recommendation Form

SERB—Selective Early Retirement Board

TR—Training Report


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Attachment 2


Figure A2.1. Air Force Officer Selection Brief.


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Are Air Force instructions legally binding? ›

In almost all cases, an Air Force Instruction is a form of a general order; and violation of the AFI by an Airman subject to it can be punished under the UCMJ Uniform Code of Military Justice.

What is the tongue and quill format? ›

The Tongue & Quill has provided generations of Airmen a standardized format for Air Force documents such as Official Memorandums, Point Papers, Personal Letters, and many more.

What are the requirements for SSgt to TSgt? ›

SSgt and TSgt (E-5 and E-6)

SSgt: 6 months TIG, 3 years TIS, and your 5 Skill Level. TSgt: 23 months TIG, 5 years TIS, and your 7 Skill Level. In order to obtain these ranks, there are more requirements. On top of TIS, TIG, and AFSC Skill Level, you'll start testing for these ranks.

What is afi 36 2406? ›

It provides guidance and procedures for implementing Air Force Officer and Enlisted Evaluation Systems. It also describes how to prepare, submit, and manage forms.

What is the 80 20 rule Air Force? ›

Prior to that, each major command received funding from Air Force for distribution to its installations. In a typical fiscal year, Congress mandates that no more than 20% of funding can be spent in August and September. Known as the 80/20 rule, the mandate establishes a requirement to execute 80% by July 31.

How long are Air Force memorandums good for? ›

This memorandum becomes void after one year has elapsed from the date of this memorandum, or upon incorporation by an interim change to, or rewrite of AFI 36-2406, whichever is earlier. The point of contact for this publication is AF/A1PPP,

What is a DoD white paper? ›

DoD white papers are intended to provide the contracting agency with a concise yet detailed overview of an applicant's proposed research, allowing the agency to select the projects that are the best aligned with their mission and capability gaps.

Does the navy use tongue and quill? ›

Tongue & Quill is a great resource for writing and speaking for the Army, Air Force, Marines, Navy, Coast Guard, and Space Force.

What is an army white paper? ›

CJCS White Papers. Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff White Papers articulate the Chairman's vision and provide clarity and perspective on issues relevant to the current and future joint force.

Is it hard to make staff sergeant Air Force? ›

When it comes to getting to SMSgt/CMSgt ranks, the Air Force can only have around 1% or 2% of their workforce in those positions so it is extremely competitive. There are also numerous factors that'll need to be considered when trying to go for a promotion.

How much does a SSgt get paid? ›

Air Force Staff Sergeant Salary
Annual SalaryMonthly Pay
Top Earners$66,500$5,541
75th Percentile$56,500$4,708
25th Percentile$50,500$4,208

How long can a tech sergeant stay in the Air Force? ›

Service members of ranks airman basic through airman 1st class may stay in for 10 years without promotion before they're forced out of the Air Force, senior airmen have 12 years, staff sergeants 22 years, technical sergeants 24 years, master sergeants 26 years and senior master sergeants 28 years.

What is the purpose of AFI 36 2618? ›

This handbook defines the Air Force enlisted force structure and implements Air Force Policy Directive 36-26, Total Force Development and Management.

What is AFI 36 2906? ›

2 of AFI 36-2906 states that in all cases unit commanders are to "Advise members and the complainant of Air Force policy, including the fact that the Air Force has no authority to arbitrate cases of nonsupport or personal indebtedness."

What is AFI 36 3026? ›

AFI36-3026V2 24 JANUARY 2023

This publication provides procedures for compliance of forms prescribed in the DoD Real-time Automated Personnel Identification System (RAPIDS) Workstation and Verifying Official (VO) Certification Practice Statement, herein referred to as the RAPIDS/VO Certification Practice Statement.

What is the Air Force Regulation 39 36? ›

The revision to Air Force Regulation 39-36 April 24, 1952 finally gave the Air Force its own enlisted rank structure. That structure included basic airman, airman third class, airman second class, airman first class, staff sergeant, technical sergeant and master sergeant. In 1954, the new Chief of Staff Gen. Nathan F.

What is Air Force instruction 36 703 civilian conduct and responsibility? ›

discipline and adverse actions, and agency grievance procedures. This instruction provides guidance to implement that policy and directs that civilian management officials, supervisors, and employees will perform official duties lawfully and comply with ethical standards of conduct.

Are forced contracts legally binding? ›

But being forced, pressured, or tricked into signing a contract goes against the very concept of contract law. Still, people do sometimes sign contracts under duress or because of undue influence or coercion. These are all legal terms referring to questionable tactics, and they may invalidate a contract.

What is Air Force Regulation 39 10? ›

Air Force Manual (AFM) 39-10 provided numerous types of separation or discharge for Air Force Personnel. In general, service members are assigned to a base or installation for a certain period of time. Upon expiration of that time, they are then reassigned to another location for another period of time.


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