Coconut Atta Biscuits - Healthy Biscuit Recipe | Bake with Shivesh (2024)

Coconut Atta Biscuits - Healthy Biscuit Recipe | Bake with Shivesh (1)I am a massive bakery style biscuit fan. So crispy, buttery and absolutely delicious. But I mean if I have a will to consume them every day, it may not be the best thing for me health-wise. Which is why I had to come up with a healthier version. Trust me, this recipe maintains the the same texture and flavour but is definitely much healthier for you. I am so excited to share this recipe with you cause let me tell you, once I made this for my family they became absolute fans of these coconut atta biscuits and ate them all in go, hehe!

These coconut atta biscuits come packed with the goodness of whole wheat flour, and healthy fats from coconut oil. These biscuits get their sweetness from jaggery which means that great earthy caramel like taste. They also remind me of the Nice time biscuits that I used to love eating as a child! Umm even thinking and writing about these is making my mouth water and making me so so hungry! Oof! I think I know what I’m going to do right after I write this recipe blog for you guys. Make another batch and I am sure once you finish reading this you will definitely want to do the exact same!!

More healthy recipes to check: Healthy Chickpea Brownies, Gluten-free Healthy Plum Cake, Healthy Keto Cookie, Healthy Chocolate Chip Cookies, Healthy Chocolate Pancakes, Healthy Smoothies.

More coconut recipes to check: Coconut Laddoos, Mango Coconut Cake, Carrot Coconut Cake, Banana Coconut Cake, Peach Coconut Cooler, Bounty Bars.

Ingredients for the coconut atta biscuits

Coconut Oil

We are making healthy biscuits today and that means we need a good source of fat. Coconut oil is the perfect choice. I used it because (a) I want that lovely hint of coconut flavor and (b) coconut oil is good for your health. It is a great source of healthy fatty acids and increases good cholesterol.


For my healthy cookies, I used jaggery as the sweetener in my recipe because it is a great source of antioxidants and is a less refined source of sugar. However, to help the texture of my cookies, I also used some caster sugar. While the jaggery makes the cookie chewy and gives that caramel-y goodness, the caster sugar helps in making these cookies crunchy. And using a mix of both is definitely giving our cookies a healthier edge plus the most amazing taste ever! But if you just prefer using jaggery, go for it. The cookies might slightly be less crunchier but equally yum, I promise! More about types of baking sugar here.

Whole wheat flour

As the name of the biscuits suggests, to make these coconut atta biscuits, I have used whole wheat flour here. This is what will give it that bakery style goodness and also help make it nutritious. Whole wheat flour is a great source of fiber and is a whole grain which makes for consumption.

Desiccated Coconut

I know a lot of us get confused about what kind of coconut to use in baking recipes. Mainly, dessert recipes will have two kinds of coconut textures: shredded coconut or desiccated coconut. Desiccated coconut is slightly more dry than shredded and also desiccated coconut is much finer in size. I used desiccated coconut but you can easily use one or the other in a recipe. Whatever you have available will work fine.


One major binding element in this recipe is milk. It really brings everything together and makes the dough hold its shape. Depending on how much your whole wheat flour is absorbing the liquid, you will need around 5 or 6 tablespoons of milk.

Apart from these ingredients, you will need a few basic ones like baking soda and some others for the chocolate dip I made but we will talk more on that later.

Coconut Atta Biscuits - Healthy Biscuit Recipe | Bake with Shivesh (2)

Important to rest coconut atta biscuits in the fridge

I mean we spend all this time and effort to prepare the dough and then we have to wait more for the biscuits to chill in the fridge? Yes. This is a very crucial step to get these coconut atta cookies right. Since we are using coconut oil, which is liquid at room temperature and solid in the fridge. We will apply the same logic to our biscuit dough and understand that when our dough gets to rest in the fats in it from the coconut will solidify and help our dough retain shape when baked. This will also prevent the biscuits from spreading too much and losing their shape.

Rolling out and shaping coconut atta biscuits

Once your dough has chilled, you can start rolling it out. It is very important to be able to roll the dough flat equally from all sides. The best way to do this is between two parchment or silicone mats. This will not only ensure a smooth surface for our biscuits but also help prevent it from sticking to the rolling pins. Now if you are a thin biscuit person by all means roll them as thin as you like. If you are on the team thick biscuits like myself, we will roll them about ½ an inch thick.

Once evenly rolled out, you can use any cookie/biscuit cutter of your choice and cut out individual biscuits. If you don’t have a cookie/biscuit cutters, you can simply use a knife and cut of rectangular biscuits. They will look equally cute! Remember, you can easily re use the scraps from the first round of cutting out the biscuits. So get re rolling and reduce your kitchen wastage.

Chocolate for dunking

Ahh! This is my most favourite part. Dunking and coating the baked biscuits in chocolate and adding finishing salt on. The combination of coconut and chocolate feels like a match made in heaven. So decadent and nutty! I have used 55% dark chocolate from amul and melted it with coconut oil. Now adding oil here will make our chocolate glaze super shiny and silky! It’s too simple to prepare and tastes delicious. All you do is add the quantities of both over a double boiler, melt and dunk. That’s it! Once I dunk my biscuits in covering only half of a biscuit, I love sprinkling some sea salt on top as a finishing touch. Salt and sweet go really well together and the finishing salt here provides balance to our sweet sweet biscuits. If you don’t want to use chocolate, you can absolutely skip this step and just have the plain coconut atta biscuits too.

Coconut Atta Biscuits - Healthy Biscuit Recipe | Bake with Shivesh (3)

I know you all will love this recipe and I cannot wait to see your recreations! Tag me on Instagram using @shivesh17 so that I can see you all makes these beauties. Happy baking!

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Coconut atta biscuits- healthy biscuit recipe

Coconut Atta Biscuits - Healthy Biscuit Recipe | Bake with Shivesh (4)

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For the biscuits

  • 1 + ¼ cup (156gms) atta
  • ½ tsp (1.5gms) baking powder
  • ¼ (32gms) desiccated coconut
  • ⅓ cup (72gms) coconut oil
  • ¼ cup (35gms) jaggery
  • 2 tbsp (28gms) caster sugar
  • 1 tsp (3gms) vanilla
  • 5-6 tbsp (70-85gms) milk

For the chocolate glaze

  • ½ cup (63gms) dark chocolate
  • ½ tbsp (7gms) coconut oil

To sprinkle

  • Sea salt (optional)


  1. Preheat your oven at 180C.
  2. In a large bowl combine jaggery, caster sugar and coconut oil. Mix until everything is nicely combined.
  3. Add vanilla and milk into the coconut oil sugar mixture and mix well.
  4. To the wet mixture, add all the dry ingredients. This includes whole wheat flour (atta), baking powder, and desiccated coconut. Combine until a dough is formed using your hands.
  5. Refrigerate the dough for 30 minutes. Once chilled, roll out flat about half an inch between two layers of parchment. Cut into circles and transfer to a baking tray lined with parchment paper.
  6. Bake in a preheated oven for about 8-10 minutes or until the sides looks golden brown.
  7. Prepare the chocolate glaze by melting the chocolate and coconut oil over a double boiler or simply in a microwave.
  8. Once the biscuits are baked and cooled completely, dip the biscuits into the chocolate glaze and sprinkle some sea salt on top.
  9. Enjoy!


Coconut Atta Biscuits - Healthy Biscuit Recipe | Bake with Shivesh (2024)


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