Air Quality Conformity Determination Report€¦ · This Air Quality Conformity Determination Report accompanies the Indianapolis MPO’s 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), - [PDF Document] (2024)

Air Quality Conformity Determination Report€¦· This Air Quality Conformity Determination Report accompanies the Indianapolis MPO’s 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), - [PDF Document] (1)

v. 2018-11-09 Indianapolis MPO | 1

Air Quality Conformity Determination Report

Ozone Attainment Maintenance Area Boone, Hamilton, Hanco*ck, Hendricks,

Johnson, Madison, Marion, Morgan, and Shelby Counties

– Indianapolis Metropolitan Planning Organization –– Madison County Council of Governments –

– Indiana Department of Transportation –

2045 Long Range Transportation Plan

December 20, 2018 (US DOT Approval Date)

Prepared by: Indianapolis Metropolitan Planning Organization

200 East Washington Street, Suite 2322 Indianapolis, Indiana 46204

317-327-5136 |

Air Quality Conformity Determination Report€¦· This Air Quality Conformity Determination Report accompanies the Indianapolis MPO’s 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), - [PDF Document] (2)

v. 2018-11-09 Indianapolis MPO | 2

Contents 1. Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................... 3

2. Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 4

3. Ozone Pollutants and Standards ............................................................................................................... 4

4. Current Designations ................................................................................................................................ 4

5. Geographic Area ....................................................................................................................................... 5

6. Interagency Consultation .......................................................................................................................... 7

7. Target Years and Projects ......................................................................................................................... 8

8. Calculating Emissions and Reporting Results ........................................................................................... 9

9. Ozone Analysis Results ............................................................................................................................ 10

10. Public Review and Comment ................................................................................................................ 11

11. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................. 11

12. Approvals .............................................................................................................................................. 12

IRTC Policy Committee Resolution .......................................................................................................... 12

MCCOG Policy Board Resolution............................................................................................................. 13

US DOT Approval Letter .......................................................................................................................... 15

Tables Table 1: Emissions Analysis, Ozone Results .................................................................................................. 3 Table 2: Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) for each model year for the Ozone Attainment Maintenance Area .......................................................................................................... 3 Table 3: Summary of Modeling Requirements ............................................................................................. 8 Table 4: Emissions Output Sample .............................................................................................................. 10 Table 5: Mobile Source Emission Forecasts for the Ozone Maintenance Attainment Area and the 2020 SIP Attainment Ozone Budget ........................................................................................................... 10 Table 6: Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) for each model year for the Ozone Attainment Maintenance Area ........................................................................................................ 10

Figures Figure 1: Central Indiana Air Quality Conformity Region and Indianapolis Metropolitan Planning Area .... 6

Appendices Appendix A: ICG Meeting Summaries Appendix B: Modeling Environment Overview Appendix C: Air Quality Conformity Determination Report Public Comment

Air Quality Conformity Determination Report€¦· This Air Quality Conformity Determination Report accompanies the Indianapolis MPO’s 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), - [PDF Document] (3)

v. 2018-11-09 Indianapolis MPO | 3

1. Executive SummaryThis Air Quality Conformity Determination Report accompanies the Indianapolis MPO’s 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), which serves as a major update of the most recent 2035 LRTP (updated in April 2011 and March 2014), in accordance with the four-year update required for air quality nonattainment areas by federal transportation legislation (23 CFR 450.324c) & (40 CFR 93.104b3). LRTP updates must be accompanied with an air quality conformity determination by FHWA/FTA under Section 176(C) of the Clean Air Act of 1990. This Air Quality Conformity Determination Report accompanies only the 2045 LRTP as adopted by the Indianapolis Regional Transportation Council (IRTC) in December 2017, and the projects therein. The Madison County Council of Governments (MCCOG) is undergoing a major update, to be completed by Spring 2019. MCCOG’s air quality conformity analysis model results have been incorporated into this report’s air quality conformity analysis.

The 9-County Central Indiana region (Boone, Hamilton, Hanco*ck, Hendricks, Johnson, Madison, Marion, Morgan, and Shelby counties) is designated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as an attainment maintenance area under the 1997 8-hour standard for ozone (72 FR 59210).

Based on Federal EPA regulations (40 CFR 93.105) and the interagency consultation process, it was agreed to conduct the following target years (beginning January 1 each year) for air quality conformity determination for the current 8-hour ozone standard.

• 2020 (conformity attainment year)• 2025 (intermediate year allowing no more than ten years between modeled years)• 2035 (intermediate year allowing no more than ten years between modeled years)• 2045 (current horizon year of LRTP)

To demonstrate conformity, forecast emissions must be below the most recent budget for 8-hour ozone standard designations established in 2012by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) for the 9-county region of Central Indiana. The following table shows the emissions budgets and forecasts for the model years 2020, 2025, 2035, and 2045. The results of the air quality conformity analysis indicate the area is under the allowable attainment budgets for ozone pollutants.

Table 1: Emissions Analysis, Ozone Results Emissions Analyses

Ozone Results (Tons per Summer Day) Running + Non-Running Emissions

Year VOC Budget (2020)

VOC Forecast

NOx Budget (2020)

NOx Forecast

2020 25.47 25.12 69.00 46.71 2025 25.47 20.55 69.00 33.05 2035 25.47 11.50 69.00 20.94 2045 25.47 9.90 69.00 20.49

Table 2: Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) for each model year for the Ozone Attainment Maintenance Area

Year System VMT (non-Centroid Connectors)

2020 57,084,659 2025 63,994,360 2035 71,948,047 2045 80,166,245

Air Quality Conformity Determination Report€¦· This Air Quality Conformity Determination Report accompanies the Indianapolis MPO’s 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), - [PDF Document] (4)

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2. IntroductionRegulation 23 CFR 450.324 (c) mandates that the long-range transportation plan (LRTP) be updated at least every four years in nonattainment and maintenance areas to confirm the transportation plan’s validity. Any update or amendment to the LRTP is to be accompanied by an air quality conformity determination from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) under section 176(c) of the Clean Air Act of 1990. The need for conformity analysis is also triggered by amendments to the LRTP for the addition, removal, or a change in time period of any regionally significant project.

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sets National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for six common air pollutants called "criteria" pollutants. These are: carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxide (NOx), ozone (O3), lead (Pb), particulate matter (PM) and sulfur dioxide (SO2). The Clean Air Act, last amended in 1990, requires the EPA to set NAAQS for pollutants that cause adverse effects to public health and the environment. Of the six criteria pollutants, ozone and particulate matter are of particular interest for transportation planning purposes as motor vehicle exhaust is considered to be a significant source of these pollutants. This report will primarily focus on ozone pollutants.

3. Ozone Pollutants and StandardsOzone is a colorless, odorless gas composed of three oxygen atoms. Ground-level ozone is not emitted directly into the air, but forms when oxygen, nitrogen oxides (NOx), and volatile organic compounds (VOC) chemically react in the presence of sunlight. The major sources of NOx and VOCs are industrial facilities and electric utilities, motor vehicle exhaust, gasoline vapors, and chemical solvents. The standard set by the EPA for ozone is the 8-hour ozone standard. Under the current standard (last designated in 2008), ozone must not exceed 0.075 parts per million (ppm), calculated as a 3-year average of the fourth-highest daily maximum 8-hour average ozone concentrations measured at each monitor within an area over each year.

In accordance with the attainment/maintenance status for ozone for the 9-county area, this document addresses an air quality conformity analysis for the 8-hour ozone standard.

4. Current DesignationsOzone – Attainment Maintenance In October 2007, the 9-county central Indiana region (Boone, Hamilton, Hanco*ck, Hendricks, Johnson, Madison, Marion, Morgan, and Shelby counties) was designated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as an attainment maintenance area under the 1997 8-hour standard for ozone (72 FR 59210).

At the time of the 2045 LRTP’s adoption, the Indianapolis MPO had been given guidance that it was no longer necessary to report projects’ air quality conformity. A recent court case (South Coast Air Quality

Air Quality Conformity Determination Report€¦· This Air Quality Conformity Determination Report accompanies the Indianapolis MPO’s 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), - [PDF Document] (5)

v. 2018-11-09 Indianapolis MPO | 5

Management District v. EPA) reinstating the anti-backsliding rule has made necessary the approval of this air quality conformity report, regarding the Indianapolis MPO’s regional conformity for ozone pollutants.

PM 2.5 - Unclassifiable/Attainment Five counties in Central Indiana were previously designated as nonattainment for fine particulate matter (PM 2.5), but as of July 2013 (as indicated by 78 FR 41698 and 80 FR 2205), Central Indiana has achieved the status of Unclassifiable/Attainment, therefore this area is in compliance for the annual PM 2.5 standard.

5. Geographic AreaThe Indianapolis Metropolitan Planning Area (MPA) consists of the area defined as urbanized in the year 2010 plus the contiguous area expected to be urbanized by 2045. The MPA boundary includes approximately 1,520 square miles and a population of approximately 1.5M. It contains Marion County and parts of Boone, Hamilton, Hanco*ck, Hendricks, Johnson, Morgan, and Shelby Counties, as well as the cities of Beech Grove, Carmel, Fishers, Franklin, Greenfield, Greenwood, Indianapolis, Lawrence, Noblesville, Southport, and Westfield, and the towns of Arcadia, Atlanta, Avon, Bargersville, Bethany, Brooklyn, Brownsburg, Cicero, Cumberland, Danville, Edinburgh, McCordsville, Mooresville, New Palestine, New Whiteland, Pittsboro, Plainfield, Speedway, Spring Lake, Whiteland, Whitestown, and Zionsville.

Modeling areas for transportation plans have historically been larger than the planning area itself, to account for influences on the transportation system of growth occurring beyond the planning area boundary. The full 9-county region of Central Indiana (Boone, Hamilton, Hanco*ck, Hendricks, Johnson, Madison, Marion, Morgan, and Shelby) is designated as the geographic area of analysis for ozone. This geographic area is also referred to as the Ozone Attainment Maintenance Area (Figure 1).

The MPA for the Madison County Council of Governments (MCCOG) is also included in the Ozone Attainment Maintenance Area. The Indianapolis MPO and MCCOG have separate long range plans and transportation improvement programs, but coordinate with each other to meet the federal reporting and monitoring requirements required for the Ozone Attainment Maintenance Area.

Air Quality Conformity Determination Report€¦· This Air Quality Conformity Determination Report accompanies the Indianapolis MPO’s 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), - [PDF Document] (6)

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Figure 1: Ozone Attainment Maintenance Area

Air Quality Conformity Determination Report€¦· This Air Quality Conformity Determination Report accompanies the Indianapolis MPO’s 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), - [PDF Document] (7)

v. 2018-11-09 Indianapolis MPO | 7

6. Interagency ConsultationFederal regulation (40 CFR 93.105b) requires that a region’s MPO representatives, state and local air quality planning agencies, state and local transportation agencies, and other organizations with responsibilities for developing, submitting, or implementing provisions of an implementation plan required by the Clean Air Act (CAA) must consult with each other and with local or regional offices of EPA, FHWA, and FTA on the development of transportation plans and associated air quality conformity determinations. Central Indiana’s Interagency Consultation Group (ICG) includes representatives from the different stakeholders that oversee air quality analysis in the geographic area.

Interagency Consultation Group Members The following individuals were included on invitations to 2018 meetings of the Interagency Consultation Group and have been instrumental in reviewing the processes and procedures used to demonstrate air quality conformity.

Name Organization Title/Area Anthony Maietta EPA Region V Robert Dirks FHWA Indiana Division Susan Weber FTA Region V Shawn Seals IDEM Senior Environmental Manager Katie Robinson Indianapolis DPW Director, Office of Sustainability Matt Mosier Indianapolis DPW Office of Sustainability Stephanie Belch INDOT Long Range Planning Section Jay Mitchell INDOT Long Range Planning Section Katherine England INDOT Capital Program Management Director Ryan Wilhite IndyGo Strategic Planner Jerry Bridges MCCOG Executive Director Bobby Wertman MCCOG Principal Transportation Planner Brandon Kendara MCCOG Transportation Planner Ryan Phelps MCCOG Transportation Planner Dean Munn Convergence Planning LLC IMPO/MCCOG consultant Andy Swenson MPO Principal Planner, Data/Modeling Catherine Kostyn MPO Senior Planner, Data/Modeling Jen Higginbotham MPO Principal Planner, LRTP

Steve Cunningham MPO Principal Planner, Transportation Improvement Program

Anna Gremling MPO Executive Director Laura Thayer CAMPO Executive Director

LPA / Project Sponsor Project Manager if needed

Meeting summaries that correspond to the discussion, development, and approval of this report can be found in Appendix A: ICG Meeting Summaries.

Air Quality Conformity Determination Report€¦· This Air Quality Conformity Determination Report accompanies the Indianapolis MPO’s 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), - [PDF Document] (8)

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7. Target Years and ProjectsTarget Years Federal regulations governing air quality conformity require that, for the Ozone Attainment Maintenance Area, certain time periods be analyzed to estimate emissions of relevant pollutants and precursors from mobile sources. For each analysis year modeled, the implementation of planned and programmed capacity enhancement projects is reflected using best planning assumptions.

Based on Federal EPA regulations (40 CFR 93.105) and the interagency consultation process, it was agreed to conduct the following target years (beginning January 1 each year) for air quality conformity determination for the current 8-hour ozone standard for the Ozone Attainment Maintenance Area.

• 2016 (base year for transportation network)• 2020 (conformity attainment year)• 2025 (intermediate year allowing no more than ten years between modeled years)• 2035 (intermediate year allowing no more than ten years between modeled years)• 2045 (current horizon year of LRTP)

The following LRTP project time periods reflect the air quality conformity analysis requirements (40 CFR 93.106). It should be noted that these time periods are based on open-to-traffic dates. To be included in an air quality conformity analysis, a project’s full impact needs to be measured by a full year of traffic data before it is included in that time period. Consequently, the following time periods correspond with the dates below.

• 2016 – 2025 = open to traffic between 01/01/2016 and 12/31/2024• 2026 – 2035 = open to traffic between 01/01/2025 and 12/31/2034• 2036 – 2045 = open to traffic between 01/01/2035 and 12/31/2044

It was also agreed that, in the absence of budgets for the horizon years, the 2045 LRTP must show conformity with the available 2020 attainment budgets. For this update, the LRTP is required to demonstrate that implementation of the fiscally constrained projects will attain emissions levels of regulated pollutants and their precursors within the budgets established by IDEM in 2012. The 2020 attainment budget is used for 2020, 2025, 2035, and 2045 forecasts for 8-hour ozone.

Table 3: Summary of Modeling Requirements Criteria

Pollutant Geographic Area Pollutants and Precursors Conformity Test Analysis Years


9 County Attainment Area Boone, Hamilton, Hanco*ck,

Hendricks, Johnson, Madison, Marion, Morgan, & Shelby

NOx & VOCs (precursors to


Attainment Test Emissions forecasts in future years must not exceed SIP Attainment

Budget (2020)

2020* 2025 2035 2045

*2020 is both the attainment and budget year for this ozone determination.

Air Quality Conformity Determination Report€¦· This Air Quality Conformity Determination Report accompanies the Indianapolis MPO’s 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), - [PDF Document] (9)

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Projects Projects that are regionally significant, regardless of funding source, are included in the regional air quality analysis. Projects that are exempt from inclusion in air quality analysis can be found in 40 CFR 93.126 and 40 CFR 93.127.

A comprehensive list of fiscally constrained projects (40 CFR 93.108) included in this Air Quality Conformity Analysis of the 2045 LRTP can be found in the 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan, “2045 LRTP Recommended Project List” on pages 48-56 of the plan, which can be found online at

8. Calculating Emissions and Reporting ResultsGround level ozone levels are highest in the summer as heat catalyzes its formation from NOx and VOC. Since ozone is not directly emitted from vehicles, the mobile source emissions of VOCs and NOx are modeled instead. To obtain emissions forecasts for these precursors, environmental conditions for a typical July day are assumed throughout the modeling process.

The Indianapolis MPO uses a set of models and a simple output conversion routine to calculate daily ton outputs of 8-hour ozone components VOC (in terms of hydrocarbons) and NOx for the year in question. These values are used for 8 of the 9 counties.

For Madison County, the Indianapolis MPO provides rate tables generated by the MOVES 2014a model to the Madison County Council of Government (MCCOG) for their use in emissions calculations. This ensures that rate tables, vehicle fleet mix, and underlying Air Quality Post-Processor assumptions are the same for both MPOs.

The MCCOG uses the Indianapolis MPO-generated rate tables and its own TDM to model Madison County projects and provides the Indianapolis MPO with Madison County running emissions for VOC and NOx for each target year. The Indianapolis MPO staff adds Madison County emissions to those of the other 8 counties to calculate final summary calculations for running emissions.

The Indianapolis MPO calculates non-running emissions for all 9 counties, including Madison County. These are based on rates generated by the MOVES 2014a model. Running and non-running emissions are summarized and are then compared with the appropriate SIP ozone budget for each target year.

The following tables represent a sample of emissions analyses performed for the conformity determination on the 2045 LRTP. The total emissions for the criterion pollutants are compared to the allowable budget set in the SIP for the 2020 attainment year.

Air Quality Conformity Determination Report€¦· This Air Quality Conformity Determination Report accompanies the Indianapolis MPO’s 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), - [PDF Document] (10)

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Table 4: Emissions Output Sample

Emissions HPMS Class Pollutant (tons/day)


Running Rural Interstate 0.42 3.97 Running Rural Principal Arterial 0.70 3.68

Running Rural Minor Arterial 0.14 0.73

Running Rural Local 0.28 1.07

Running Urban Interstate 1.95 12.11 Running Urban Principal Arterial 0.23 1.28 Running Urban Other Arterial 1.78 6.06 Running Urban Minor Arterial 1.50 4.92 Running Urban Local* 0.77 2.01

Non-Running ALL 17.37 10.90

Total Emissions for 2020 25.12 46.71 *The Indianapolis MPO model networks do not include UrbanCollectors, but the MCCOG networks do. These emissions have beenadded into the “Urban Local” summary total.

For more information on these emissions and the model outputs, refer to Appendix C: Modeling Environment Overview.

9. Ozone Analysis ResultsConsistent with federal requirements (40 CRF 93.118) and guidance from the ICG, mobile source emissions forecasts of ozone precursors, NOx and VOC, were modeled for 2020 (attainment year), 2025, 2035, and 2045. As shown below, emissions forecasts for both the attainment and future years are below the 2020 Attainment budget.

Table 5: Mobile Source Emission Forecasts for the Ozone Maintenance Attainment Area and the 2020 SIP Attainment Ozone Budget

Emissions Analyses Ozone Results (Tons per Summer Day)

Running + Non-Running Emissions

Year VOC Budget

(2020) VOC

Forecast NOx Budget

(2020) NOx

Forecast 2020 25.47 25.12 69.00 46.71 2025 25.47 20.55 69.00 33.05 2035 25.47 11.50 69.00 20.94 2045 25.47 9.90 69.00 20.49

Table 6: Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) for each model year for the Ozone Attainment Maintenance Area

Year System VMT (non-Centroid Connectors)

2020 57,084,659 2025 63,994,360 2035 71,948,047 2045 80,166,245

Air Quality Conformity Determination Report€¦· This Air Quality Conformity Determination Report accompanies the Indianapolis MPO’s 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), - [PDF Document] (11)

v. 2018-11-09 Indianapolis MPO | 11

10. Public Review and CommentThe Indianapolis MPO held 16 meetings during September 2017 to gather public feedback on the 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan and its list of projects, as well as advertising an official public comment period from October 8 – November 10, 2017, in accordance with the MPO’s Public Involvement Plan. The IRTC Joint Meeting of the Technical and Policy Committees approved the 2045 LRTP during a public hearing on December 13, 2017. Public comment received during all these opportunities can be found in Appendix Q: Public Comments of the 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan, available online at

This Air Quality Conformity Determination Report is being reviewed and approved separately from the 2045 LRTP due to a federal change in guidance. This report was available for public review and comment between September 20, 2018 and October 23, 2018. A summary of public comments received can be found in Appendix D: Air Quality Conformity Determination Report Public Comment.

Approval Timeline In order to be eligible for conformity finding by the U.S. Department of Transportation, approval of the 2045 LRTP and Air Quality Conformity Determination Report is required from the two metropolitan planning organizations (Indianapolis MPO and MCCOG) within or overlapping the Ozone Attainment Maintenance Area.

The Indianapolis MPO received approval of the 2045 LRTP Air Quality Conformity Determination Report from the Policy Committee of the Indianapolis Regional Transportation Council (IRTC) on October 24, 2018.

MCCOG received approval of the 2045 LRTP Air Quality Conformity Determination Report from the Policy Board of the Madison County Council of Governments on November 1, 2018.

U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) approved the 2045 LRTP Air Quality Conformity Determination Report and issued an official conformity finding for the 2045 LRTP by ________ 2018.

11. ConclusionThe modeling and analysis with respect to the 8-hour ozone standard designation demonstrates that the updated plan will attains emissions levels of regulated pollutants (VOC and NOx) in future years within the prescribed budgets and hence conforms to federal air quality requirements.

Air Quality Conformity Determination Report€¦· This Air Quality Conformity Determination Report accompanies the Indianapolis MPO’s 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), - [PDF Document] (12)

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12. ApprovalsIRTC Policy Committee Resolution

Air Quality Conformity Determination Report€¦· This Air Quality Conformity Determination Report accompanies the Indianapolis MPO’s 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), - [PDF Document] (13)

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MCCOG Policy Board Resolution

Air Quality Conformity Determination Report€¦· This Air Quality Conformity Determination Report accompanies the Indianapolis MPO’s 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), - [PDF Document] (14)

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Air Quality Conformity Determination Report€¦· This Air Quality Conformity Determination Report accompanies the Indianapolis MPO’s 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), - [PDF Document] (15)

v. 2018-11-09 Indianapolis MPO | 15

US DOT Approval Letter

0 U.S. Department

of Transportation

Federal Transit Administration Federal Highway Administration Region V Indiana Division 200 West Adams St., Suite 320 575 N. Pennsylvania St., Rm 254 Chicago, IL 60606-5253 Indianapolis, IN 46204-1576

December 20, 2018

Roy Nunnally, Director Asset Management Division Indiana Department of Transportation 100 N Senate Ave. N925 Indianapolis, IN 46204

Dear Mr. Nunnally:

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) have completed our review of the documents necessary to make an air quality conformity finding on Amendment #1 to the Indianapolis Metropolitan Planning Organization (IMPO) 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan.

The Indiana Department of Environmental Management, the Indiana Department of Transportation, and the US Environmental Protection Agency have completed their reviews and recommend that we find the amendment conforms to applicable air quality conformity requirements. Appropriate consultation and public involvement on the conformity analyses was completed.

Therefore, FHW A and FTA find the IMPO's 2045 LRTP Amendment #1 conforms to air quality conformity rule requirements. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Robert Dirks, FHW A, at 317-226-7492 / [emailprotected] or Kris Green, FTA, at 312-353-3853 / [emailprotected].


b""Kelley Brookins Regional Administrator FTA Region V

cc: (transmitted by e-mail) AnnflGremling, IMPO Jerry Bridges, MCCOO Jay Mitchell, INDOT Emmanuel Nsonwu, INDOT Kris Green, FTA Tony Maietta, EPA Shawn Seals, IDEM

Sincerely, Digitally signed by MAYELA

MA VELA SOSA 01s.12.20 13:4s:os-��;:205'00'

MayelaSosa Division Administrator FHW A Indiana Division

Air Quality Conformity Determination Report€¦· This Air Quality Conformity Determination Report accompanies the Indianapolis MPO’s 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), - [PDF Document] (16)

v. 2018-11-09 Indianapolis MPO | A1

Appendix A: ICG Meeting Summaries

Included are the agendas and meeting summaries from Interagency Consultation Group (ICG) meetings that included discussion regarding the air quality conformity status, projects, assumptions, and results for the 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan.

Air Quality Conformity Determination Report€¦· This Air Quality Conformity Determination Report accompanies the Indianapolis MPO’s 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), - [PDF Document] (17)

Indianapolis Metropolitan Planning Organization Interagency Consultation Group Meeting Summary May 18, 2018 | Page 1

Meeting Summary Interagency Consultation Group

Conference Call | May 18, 2018 | 10am

Attended • Andy Swenson (Indianapolis MPO)

• Catherine Kostyn (Indianapolis MPO)

• Steve Cunningham (Indianapolis MPO)

• Jen Higginbotham (Indianapolis MPO)

• Anna Gremling (Indianapolis MPO)

• Robert Dirks (FHWA)

• Joyce Newland (FHWA)

• Stephanie Belch (INDOT)

• Jay Mitchell (INDOT)

• Anthony Maietta (EPA)

• Shawn Seals (IDEM)

• Jerry Bridges (MCCOG)

• Bobby Wertman (MCCOG)

• Ryan Phelps (MCCOG)

Invited / Did Not Attend • Susan Weber (FTA)

• Kate Robinson (Indianapolis Office of


• Mike Terry (IndyGo)

• Bhaumik Gowande (MCCOG)

Latest Planning Assumptions / Methodology • Catherine –Any guidance come out of the Evansville ICG phone call? MPO Ozone years are 2006

and 2020, but model years extend after that

o Jay – About 6 questions from Evansville have been shifted up to headquarters for

answers; Waiting on those responses

• Catherine – which budget do we need to use? Mobile 6 or Moves 2014?

o Jay – no answer yet

o Tony – no answer yet, still being addressed

▪ Catherine – we have 2012 replacement budget…?

o Anna – when will we have an answer?

▪ Joyce – Bernadette has answers but can’t send out yet. MPO does need to have

Base standard + 10 years

o Catherine – had a base year of 2010, new base year is 2015 [edit: 2016], model years

2025/35/45; can we comply with the 2025 or do we need to use previous base year of


▪ Joyce – waiting on answer

▪ Catherine – may or may not need to create a new network

▪ Tony – still waiting on answer – had a court decision to remove areas, but

they’re trying to figure it out

Air Quality Conformity Determination Report€¦· This Air Quality Conformity Determination Report accompanies the Indianapolis MPO’s 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), - [PDF Document] (18)

Indianapolis Metropolitan Planning Organization Interagency Consultation Group Meeting Summary May 18, 2018 | Page 2

• Catherine – ozone, any need to model 1997 PM 2.5 as well?

o Tony – not that he knows of

• Anna – hold off on model runs until we have more info?

o Joyce – Janice Osadczuk and Michelle Allen were at a seminar but are out now, so

they’re waiting to see

o Shawn – no definitive info, but go ahead and do what you do with year 2020, just to get

ahead of it

• Jerry (MCCOG) – PM 2.5 – doesn’t affect Anderson but does affect Indy; if court case only

affected ozone, should we be doing PM 2.5 anyway?

o Tony – no indication right now that there will be a future court case

o Jay – same

o Jerry – just don’t want to be behind

o Catherine – Indianapolis MPO calculates them at the same time anyway

• Catherine – regarding base year, Anderson is working on a new model, and their base years are

different from Indianapolis MPO’s. How should we coordinate for the original base year? 2010

and 2020?

o Tony – wouldn’t have to worry about 2010 (in the past)

o Catherine – so just coordinate on 2020 (pending guidance)

o Robert – to be clear, Anderson has a different base year?

▪ Catherine, yes, but it’s in the past

o Jerry – looking for network, couldn’t find it

▪ Catherine – We will coordinate on that

Project Exemption Status • Project Description: LRTP #4001 - Amendment to the LRTP/TIP - the Added Travel Lane work has

been removed from the I-70 project Lead Des 1592433 (the project is now an I-70 pavement

replacement in FY 20). The SR 39 Bridge over I-70 is being removed & the whole interchange is

being modified from a Diamond interchange to a two Bridge Divergent Diamond in FY 19.

• Jerry – Anderson has a procedure on defining “regionally significant”, based on mileage of


• Steve – this project is REMOVING travel lanes, so does it qualify?

o Jay – had a meeting this week on that project; interchange will move forward as a

separate project, and added travel lanes is now simply a reconstruction

o Jay – INDOT considers it to be two projects

▪ Jay – (1) added travel lanes was never in a conforming plan – want to change

from added lanes to reconstruction so not regionally significant

• Stephanie – should move this one to LRTP illustrative list

• Shawn – reconstruction is not “significant”

• Jay – agree that it is exempt

• Tony – agrees that it’s exempt

Air Quality Conformity Determination Report€¦· This Air Quality Conformity Determination Report accompanies the Indianapolis MPO’s 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), - [PDF Document] (19)

Indianapolis Metropolitan Planning Organization Interagency Consultation Group Meeting Summary May 18, 2018 | Page 3

▪ Jay – (2) interchange modification is probably regionally significant

• Catherine – not adding any lanes outside of bridge/diamond

• Shawn – document says interchanges are significant?

• [didn’t catch speaker’s name] (MCCOG) – there are different criteria for

different types of interchanges

• Jerry – pretty sure it requires that we have to do AQC analysis

• [didn’t catch speaker’s name] (MCCOG) – A roundabout in Anderson

was a modified interchange that didn’t require AQC

• Steve – no new movements or access? Less that ½ mile?

o Jay – don’t think so

o Joyce – exempt if not adding capacity

o Catherine – no change in lanes on either side

o [didn’t catch speaker’s name] – eliminating left turns?

• Shawn – wants to see more information for the project

o Catherine – will send screenshot of before/after image to ICG

• Anna – need another meeting?

o Group – no, just email (probably)

▪ Andy – approval subject to no objections via email?

• Group – yes (Shawn/Tony)

• Jerry – I-69 project

o Jay – met conformity to previous standards?

▪ Jerry – yes

▪ Jay – may be in a lapse right now due to 4-year v. 5-year Anderson LRTP


• Jerry – it was understood that Anderson had until March 2019

• Jay – same, but need to make sure; project may or may not be in a

conforming plan

o Joyce – because of court case, Anderson would need to do 4-year conformity despite 5-

year plan update

▪ Jerry – so Anderson doesn’t have until March 2019?

▪ Jay – I-69, may need to be on hold until new conformity is done for the

Indianapolis region

o Catherine – since IMPO needs to show 2045 conformity anyway, can we do it all at the

same time Anderson + IMPO?

▪ Jay – that would be advisable, Anderson will need to do their update anyway

▪ Catherine – has a 2022 network she can modify to 2020

▪ Jerry and Andy will coordinate

o Jerry – need to move I-69 to illustrative list?

▪ Jay – leave it alone, just don’t have a conforming plan right now

▪ Jay – neither MPO/INDOT can advance amendment until conforms

Air Quality Conformity Determination Report€¦· This Air Quality Conformity Determination Report accompanies the Indianapolis MPO’s 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), - [PDF Document] (20)

Indianapolis Metropolitan Planning Organization Interagency Consultation Group Meeting Summary May 18, 2018 | Page 4

Schedules • Jen – if exempt, all done?

o Group – yes

• If non-exempt – do a phone call or email?

o Send email to group of what model shows

o Call or not depending on results of model run

• Catherine – if we have to use Mobile 6, what would comprise failure?

o Years 2025/35/45 with addition of 2020

o [didn’t catch speaker’s name] – don’t demonstrate conformity to history, but do show

for all future years where there’s a budget

Wrap up • Anna – anxious to get guidance on budget, and will send out before and after I-70 info

• Bobby and Catherine will coordinate on Anderson I-69 project

• Joyce – reminder, Randy Simon (KIDPA) to bounce ideas off

• Bobby – IMUG meeting next week to discuss with other model users

Air Quality Conformity Determination Report€¦· This Air Quality Conformity Determination Report accompanies the Indianapolis MPO’s 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), - [PDF Document] (21)

Indianapolis Metropolitan Planning Organization Interagency Consultation Group Meeting Summary July 16, 2018 | Page 1

Meeting Summary Interagency Consultation Group

Conference Call | July 16, 2018 | 10am

Attended • Andy Swenson (Indianapolis MPO)

• Catherine Kostyn (Indianapolis MPO)

• Steve Cunningham (Indianapolis MPO)

• Jen Higginbotham (Indianapolis MPO)

• Anna Gremling (Indianapolis MPO)

• Sean Northup (Indianapolis MPO)

• Trevor Preddy (Indianapolis MPO)

• Janice Osadczuk (FHWA)

• Anthony Maietta (EPA)

• Shawn Seals (IDEM)

• Jerry Bridges (MCCOG)

• Bobby Wertman (MCCOG)

• Ryan Phelps (MCCOG)

• Brandon Kendara (MCCOG)

• Dean Munn (RSG - MCCOG On-Call)

• Stephanie Belch (INDOT)

• Jay Mitchell (INDOT)

Invited / Did Not Attend • Robert Dirks (FHWA)

• Joyce Newland (FHWA)

• Susan Weber (FTA)

• Laura Thayer (Columbus MPO)

• Kate Robinson (Indianapolis Office of


• Mike Terry (IndyGo)

• Vince Bernardin (RSG - MCCOG On-Call)

Project Exemption Status • Project Description: US 31 at 236th Street Interchange. New Interchange Construction. The

project includes development of a new graded separated interchange on US 31 at 236th Street

in Hamilton County, Indiana. Currently proposed as a tight diamond interchange with

roundabout ramp terminals, the interchange will advance corridor mobility and congestion

reduction goals.

o The Interagency Consultation Group determined this project to be regionally significant,


• Project Description: US 36 from Raceway to I-465. Added travel lanes and sidewalks. Widening

roadway from 4 to 6 travel lanes with sidewalks. US 36 is on the National Highway System and

provides access to the CXS Avon Yard intermodal connector.

o The Interagency Consultation Group determined this project to be regionally significant,


• IndyGo had intended to amend the Long Range Transportation Plan for an upcoming project,

but are holding off on that until a later date.

Air Quality Conformity Determination Report€¦· This Air Quality Conformity Determination Report accompanies the Indianapolis MPO’s 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), - [PDF Document] (22)

Indianapolis Metropolitan Planning Organization Interagency Consultation Group Meeting Summary July 16, 2018 | Page 2

Latest Planning Assumptions / Methodology • Hypothetically, if the air quality projections for Ozone do not meet the required budget, what

would be the next course of action?

o Jay – move projects around until you meet budget

▪ Anna – coordination between MPO & INDOT? Scenario runs?

▪ Jay – yes, different scenarios, different dates; becomes a discussion with the

entire MPO board and INDOT

• Catherine gave an update on coordination, moving toward having the combined model outputs

for the IMPO and MCCOG models.

o Dean – there are preliminary/interim outputs that need further coordination in the near

future between the MPOs

• Tony – if there are any specific questions for our areas, Tony can take them to HQ

o Sean – our question is whether we need to run 2025 and 2035

▪ Tony – probably yes, but I will look into it

o Andy – can we look at 2019?

▪ Tony – everyone must test for 2020, but MPOs can add in any additional years

they want.

• Jay – where does I-65 south terminate?

o Catherine – in the IMPO’s model, I-65 stops at the southern Johnson County Line

Air Quality Conformity Determination Report€¦· This Air Quality Conformity Determination Report accompanies the Indianapolis MPO’s 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), - [PDF Document] (23)

Indianapolis Metropolitan Planning Organization ICG Meeting Agenda Agenda 08-27-2018 | Page 1

Meeting Agenda Interagency Consultation Group – Central Indiana Region | August 28, 2018 | 2pm

Conference Call | 605-472-5278 -> Access Code: 736210 #

Introductions .................................................................................................................................. 5 minutes

Anthony Maietta (EPA); Robert Dirks (FHWA); Susan Weber (FTA); Shawn Seals (IDEM); Katie

Robinson (Indianapolis Office of Sustainability); Matt Mosier (Indianapolis Office of Sustainability);

Stephanie Belch (INDOT); Jay Mitchell (INDOT); Katie England (INDOT); Ryan Wilhite (IndyGo); Jerry

Bridges (MCCOG); Bobby Wertman (MCCOG); Brandon Kendera (MCCOG); Ryan Phelps (MCCOG);

Dean Munn (Convergence Planning); Anna Gremling (Indianapolis MPO); Andy Swenson

(Indianapolis MPO); Catherine Kostyn (Indianapolis MPO); Steve Cunningham (Indianapolis MPO);

Jen Higginbotham (Indianapolis MPO); Laura Thayer (Columbus MPO)

Latest Planning Assumptions / Analysis Methodology ............................................................... 15 minutes

1. Via research into legal case outcomes and regulations currently in effect, we have concluded

that the MOVES Replacement Emissions Budget applies.

2. The Indianapolis MPO’s 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan meets air quality conformity

requirements for future years. (Detailed summary available upon request.) Since our previous

draft results:

o We updated our vehicle fleet mix to reflect the most current data from the Indiana

Bureau of Motor Vehicles.

o We created new ozone rate tables with MOVES 2014a using that same data.

o We updated our HPMS Adjustment Factor.

LRTP 2045 Amendment Air Quality Results Adjusted with Updated Madison County Emissions

Running + Non-Running Emissions MOVES Emissions Replacement Budget (2012)

Updated Vehicle Fleet Mix, Ozone Rate Tables, and HPMS Adjustment Factor

Year VOC Budget

(2020) VOC Forecast

NOx Budget (2020)

NOx Forecast

2020 25.47 25.20 69.00 47.17

2025 25.47 20.55 69.00 33.05

2035 25.47 11.50 69.00 20.94

2045 25.47 9.90 69.00 20.49

Air Quality Conformity Determination Report€¦· This Air Quality Conformity Determination Report accompanies the Indianapolis MPO’s 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), - [PDF Document] (24)

Indianapolis Metropolitan Planning Organization ICG Meeting Agenda Agenda 08-27-2018 | Page 2

Latest Planning Assumptions / Analysis Methodology (continued)

3. Do we need an official signed letter from USDOT acknowledging our conformity status prior to

amending the LRTP or TIP, or can we move forward with October amendments?

4. Next Steps: LRTP & TIP amendments, planned for

o 3 INDOT amendments (2 regionally significant1, 1 undetermined)

o 1 INDOT modification (exempt1)

o 1 IndyGo amendment (undetermined)

Project Exemption Status ............................................................................................................. 10 minutes

• SR 32 (Westfield) Reconstruction from Poplar Street to East Street (aerial)

• LRTP Amendment / TIP Amendment

• Des #: 1801731

• Improve traffic capacity with additional through lanes for the full length (0.5 miles) of the

project, reconstruct asphalt pavement, curb and gutter, pedestrian facilities, and storm


• 2 lanes before / 4 lanes after

• Principal Arterial

• Open to traffic 2024

• We are looking for guidance on regional significance

• Blue Line Route Amendment (project site)

• LRTP Amendment / TIP Amendment

• Des #: 1801413

• LRTP: Move route on west side from Holt to High School Road, to Airport (stops at InfoSys

and FedEx)

• TIP: Extend Final Route (approximately 1.25-1.5 miles) to take Washington St west to High

School Road to Airport (stops at InfoSys and FedEx)

• Possible model changes for dedicated lanes and left turn restrictions throughout route

• We are looking for guidance on regional significance

1 Already discussed at previous ICG meetings during 2017.

Air Quality Conformity Determination Report€¦· This Air Quality Conformity Determination Report accompanies the Indianapolis MPO’s 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), - [PDF Document] (25)

Indianapolis Metropolitan Planning Organization Interagency Consultation Group Meeting Summary August 28, 2018 | Page 1

Meeting Summary Interagency Consultation Group

Conference Call | August 28, 2018 | 2pm

Attended • Andy Swenson (Indianapolis MPO)

• Catherine Kostyn (Indianapolis MPO)

• Jen Higginbotham (Indianapolis MPO)

• Anna Gremling (Indianapolis MPO)

• Sean Northup (Indianapolis MPO)

• Robert Dirks (FHWA)

• Anthony Maietta (EPA)

• Jerry Bridges (MCCOG)

• Bobby Wertman (MCCOG)

• Ryan Phelps (MCCOG)

• Brandon Kendara (MCCOG)

• Laura Thayer (Columbus MPO)

• Dean Munn (Convergence Planning)

• Stephanie Belch (INDOT)

• Katie England (INDOT)

• Ryan Wilhite (IndyGo)

Invited / Did Not Attend • Joyce Newland (FHWA)

• Susan Weber (FTA)

• Kate Robinson (Indianapolis Office of


• Mike Terry (IndyGo)

• Vince Bernardin (RSG - MCCOG On-Call)

• Jay Mitchell (INDOT)

• Shawn Seals (IDEM)

• Janice Osadczuk (FHWA)

• Steve Cunningham (Indianapolis MPO)

• Matt Mosier (Indianapolis Office of Sustainability)

Latest Planning Assumptions / Methodology • Budget

o Tony, agree that we should use MOVES replacement budget

o Robert – FHWA defers to EPA on budget

• US DOT letter

o Katie would be more comfortable with MPO getting a letter

o Anna – take a dual track and do letter and amendments for October

▪ At least 10 projects are impacted from TIP / LRTP hold-up

o Tony – conduct approval via email chain – finish out with FHWA FTA letter

o Robert – just need one letter?

▪ Anna – yes

▪ Jerry – letter should address all 3 MPOs

• Check and see if Joyce Newland has an old letter

Air Quality Conformity Determination Report€¦· This Air Quality Conformity Determination Report accompanies the Indianapolis MPO’s 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), - [PDF Document] (26)

Indianapolis Metropolitan Planning Organization Interagency Consultation Group Meeting Summary August 28, 2018 | Page 2

Project Exemption Status • Project Description: US 36, Added Lanes, Westfield.

o 50/50 funding split with locals

o The Interagency Consultation Group determined this project to be non-exempt

• Project Description: Blue Line route amendment, IndyGo.

o The Interagency Consultation Group determined this project to be non-exempt

Air Quality Conformity Determination Report€¦· This Air Quality Conformity Determination Report accompanies the Indianapolis MPO’s 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), - [PDF Document] (27)

v. 2018-11-09 Indianapolis MPO | B1

Appendix B: Modeling Environment Overview


To forecast mobile air pollutant emissions in the Indianapolis metropolitan area, the Indianapolis MPO (IMPO) uses the EPA’s MOVES 2014a air quality emissions model and a travel demand model (TDM) equipped with a custom Air Quality Post-Processor module (AQPP).

The EPA MOVES 2014a model See

EPA’s Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES) is a state-of-the-science emission modeling system that estimates emissions for mobile sources at the national, county, and project level for criteria air pollutants, greenhouse gases, and air toxics. MOVES 2014b is the latest version of the MOVES model, but the EPA has specifically allowed for the use of MOVES 2014a in conformity analysis where a significant investment has already been made.

“Policy Guidance on the Use of MOVES2014 and Subsequent Minor Revisions for State Implementation Plan Development, Transportation Conformity, and other Purposes” is available at

Table B1 shows the general parameter inputs for MOVES 2014a, while Table B2 demonstrates the MOVES 2014a county data manager inputs, as agreed upon during interagency consultation in May and June of 2011 when the initial change to MOVES for use in Air Quality Conformity first occurred.

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v. 2018-11-09 Indianapolis MPO | B2

Table B1: 9-County Ozone Runs (MOVES Input Item) Screen Ozone

Description Description User Choice

Scale Domain/Scale County

Calculation Type Emission Rate

Time Spans

Time Aggregation Level Hour

Year 2015, 2020, 2025, 2035, 2045

Months July

Days Weekday

Hours Select All

Geographic Bounds Geographic Bounds Marion County*

Vehicles Vehicles All Gas and Diesel Combinations

Road Type Road Type Select All

Pollutants/ Processes Pollutants/ Processes VOC, NOx, and supporting

General Output

Database Name Indy Ozone

Units Select "Grams" and "Miles" and "Joules"

Activity Distance, Population

Output Emissions Detail On Road Select "Source Use Type" and "Road Type"

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v. 2018-11-09 Indianapolis MPO | B3

Table B2: County Data Manager Input Input

Source (Vehicle) Type Population sourceTypeYear

Local Registration for Source Types 11, 21, 31, and 32;

Estimated population using default MOVES mileage accumulation rates and local VMT for all other source types.

Future year vehicle populations based on population growth rates for source types 11, 21, 31, and 32. Employment growth used for all other source types.

Vehicle Type VMT (by 13 MOVES Vehicle Types)

HPMSVTypeYear Statewide default vehicle distributions across road types developed by INDOT using an analysis of permanent count station data from a statewide data set.

MonthVMTFraction Statewide default monthly fractions developed by INDOT using an analysis of permanent count station data from a statewide data set.

DayVMTFraction Statewide default daily fractions developed by INDOT using an analysis of permanent count station data from a statewide data set.

HourVMTFraction Statewide default hourly fractions developed by INDOT using an analysis of permanent count station data from a statewide data set.

Average Speed Distribution (% of VHT in each 5-mph speed bin)

avgSpeed Distribution

National defaults.

Road Type Distribution (VMT by 5 MOVES Road Types)

roadType Distribution

Calculated from local VMT data. Use travel demand model base year distributions for all years.

Age Distribution (Vehicle Population by Age of Vehicle)

sourceTypeAge Distribution

Local age distributions developed from vehicle registration data (updated in 2018) for source types 11, 21, 31, and 32. Default MOVES age distributions for all other source types.

Ramp Fraction RoadType Based on Indianapolis travel demand model.

Meteorology Data ZoneMonthHour MOBILE6 Summer Met Data Converted to MOVES format

Fuel (% of Market Share by Fuel Type)

FuelFormulation MOVES Defaults

FuelSupply County MOVES Defaults for Summer

I/M Program IMCoverage N/A

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v. 2018-11-09 Indianapolis MPO | B4

The IMPO Travel Demand Model (TDM)

The primary purpose of the IMPO TDM is the estimation of existing vehicle flow and the forecasting of that flow for future years. The IMPO travel demand model, or TDM, uses a modified 4-step approach to model transportation demand. The TDM is really a set of models that result in network link flow estimates. In the first two sub-models (Trip Generation and Destination Choice), the model uses demographic and socio-economic forecasts for each TAZ (traffic analysis zone), to estimate how much travel will occur in the region and where specific households are likely to travel. The model identifies which mode each household is likely to use using a nested-logit Mode Choice sub-model and finally uses a Trip Assignment sub-model to assign that travel to the most likely route each household would use to get to each destination.

Current planning assumptions used in modeling are described in the 2045 LRTP, especially chapters 3 and 4, which can be found online at


IMPO consultants tasked with updating the AQPP in 2011 coordinated with INDOT’s AQPP consultant team to assure that the underlying methodology for the integrated AQPP within the IMPO TDM is consistent with the AQPP that INDOT developed for other Indiana MPOs. The TDM AQPP module contains both the TDM pre- and post-processor and is run from the MPO model interface by checking the “Air Quality” option in the “Assignment” stage of the TDM’s flowchart user interface. The entire process takes approximately 20-30 minutes to run depending on the computer system’s specifications.

Model Interactions

The TDM pre-processor provides some inputs to MOVES, such as VMT and road type distribution. Once emission factors are generated from MOVES, the emission factors are reformatted within the TDM in order to streamline the reading of the factors within the GISDK script and to get them in the format needed to apply to the travel activity data. The TDM pre-processor prepares the travel activity data on the model links in order to apply these factors and then the TDM post-processor calculates and summarizes both the running and non-running emissions using the emission rate tables generated by MOVES 2014a, and updated in 2018 to reflect the most current available fleet mix data from the Indiana BMV. The fleet mix update, as well as the updated HPMS adjustment factor, was discussed with the ICG. More information on both the vehicle fleet mix and HPMS Adjustment factor is available after the summary of the AQPP module.

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v. 2018-11-09 Indianapolis MPO | B5

Figure B1: Overview of Emissions Calculation Process

Indianapolis MPO and the Madison County Council of Governments (MCCOG) Coordination

The TDM AQPP generates daily running emissions at the county level and at the Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) functional class level. The AQPP generates the non-running daily emissions at the regional level based on vehicle population data. The counties included within the Indianapolis MPO boundary are: Marion, Hamilton, Johnson, Hendricks, Hanco*ck, Shelby, Boone, Morgan, and Madison. The Madison County Council of Government (MCCOG) TDM generates daily running emissions for Madison County. The Indianapolis MPO calculates non-running emissions for Madison County using vehicle populations from INDOT and the same non-running emissions rates used for the other counties. As a result, the TDM air quality module does not output running emissions for Madison County, but does output non-running emissions for Madison County.


Prepare Model Links (TDM Pre-Processor)

Reformat Emission Factors

(within TDM)

Calculate and Summarize Emissions (TDM Post Processor)

Air Quality Conformity Determination Report€¦· This Air Quality Conformity Determination Report accompanies the Indianapolis MPO’s 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), - [PDF Document] (32)

v. 2018-11-09 Indianapolis MPO | B6

Air Quality Module Script Structure (Macros)

The air quality post-processing script was written in GISDK to make it compatible with the other components of the TransCAD model. The air quality module script is embedded in the macro titled “AQ” within the overall model stream script. It calls the following macros, which is followed by a flowchart (Figure B2) of the AQPP Module that illustrates how the AQPP interacts with the TDM.

• Set_HPMS: Sets the HPMS functional class code in the line layer of the model network based onspecified Facility Type and Area Type combinations on each link.

• ReadFiles: Reads the input files and stores the input data in arrays.• Calculate_NonRunning_Emissions: Calculates the daily non-running emissions based on

emission rates generated by MOVES and the vehicle population within the MPO modelboundary.

• Create_MOVES_RD_TYPE: Populates each network link with a MOVES road type code based onan HPMS functional class code equivalency table.

• CalculateIntrazonalVMT: Calculates intrazonal Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) based on intrazonaltravel distance and intrazonal trips. The intrazonal VMT includes all travel activity that beginand end within the same traffic analysis zone and it is calculated for each time period and forboth AB and BA directions.

• Calculate_hpms_adj_factor: Calculates adjustment factors based on the ratio of HPMS VMT tothe model VMT. The adjustment factors are calculated for each of the HPMS functional classcodes and for each of the nine counties. The current HPMS Adjustment Factor for is set to 0.865.

• Calculate_Speed_Bin: Sets the speed bins for each network link based on congested modelspeeds for different times of day. It uses the five mile per hour (mph) speed bin ranges definedin MOVES to determine the speed bins for the network links.

• Calculate_Running_Emissions: This macro calculates the daily running emissions by applying theemission rates generated by MOVES to the weighted VMT.

Air Quality Conformity Determination Report€¦· This Air Quality Conformity Determination Report accompanies the Indianapolis MPO’s 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), - [PDF Document] (33)

v. 2018-11-09 Indianapolis MPO | B7

Figure B2: Flow Diagram of GISDK Script for Air Quality Module

Air Quality ModuleRate per vehicle

(ratepervehicle_PM2.5.csvratepervehicle_Oz.csv Set HPMS: sets HPMS

Functional classes in the network

Read input files

Rate per profile(rateperprofile.csv)

Vehicle population(vehiclepopulation_5Country.csvvehiclepopulation_9Country.csv)

Rate per distance(rateperdistance_PM2.5.csv


VMT fraction by MOVES source/ vehicle types and MOVES roadtype (VMTbyvehicletype.csv)

VMT fraction by hour by MOVES source/vehicle types and MOVES

road type (Hour_fraction_default.csv)

VMT fraction by HPMS vehicle types, HPMS functional classes and by countries (Hour_fraction_*.csv)

Total HPMS VMT by HPMSfunctional classes and by countries


Calculate daily non-running emission

Summary: Reports emission

Calculate_Running Emissions:Calculates daily runningemission for 8 countries

by pollutant

Calculate_Speed_Bin:Determines speed bin for

each network links based on model speed

Create_MOVES_RD_TYPE:Populates MOVES road type

in link database onHPMS functional class

Calculate_hpms_adj_factor:Calculates HPMS adjustment

factor by country and byHPMS class

Calculate intrazonal VMT:Calculates intrazonal VMT by using intrazonal distance skimbased on congested travel time


Class_by_Country.csvEmission/mile for each network link

array HPMS_Vmt

array rateperdistance_PM

array rateperdistance_Oz

array MOVES_Frac

array HPMS_Frac

array Hourly_Frac

array ratepervehicle_PM

array ratepervehicle_Oz

array rateperprofile

array Vehicle_Pop

Input File Storage Array Process Output

Air Quality Conformity Determination Report€¦· This Air Quality Conformity Determination Report accompanies the Indianapolis MPO’s 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), - [PDF Document] (34)

v. 2018-11-09 Indianapolis MPO | B8

Setting the HPMS Functional Classification The assignment of HPMS Functional Class codes to each link in the network provides:

1. An equivalency attribute for MOVES road type codes, and2. The ability to calculate HPMS adjustment factors.

Table B3: HPMS Functional Class Codes Assigned Based on Area Type and Facility Type Combinations HPMS Functional Class Area Type Facility Type

1 3, 5 1, 4, 5, 11, 12

2 2, 3, 5 2, 3, 4, 5, 7

6 4, 5 3, 4, 5

9 4, 5 3

11 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13

12 2, 3, 4 2, 5, 12,13

14 2, 3, 4 2, 3, 4, 5, 7,13

16 1, 2, 3, 4 3, 4, 5, 12

Air Quality Conformity Determination Report€¦· This Air Quality Conformity Determination Report accompanies the Indianapolis MPO’s 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), - [PDF Document] (35)

v. 2018-11-09 Indianapolis MPO | B9

Reading Input Data The air quality module reads the input files and stores the input data in multidimensional arrays. Table B4 provides a description of the input data.

The air quality module sets the HPMS functional class code for each network link based on its area type and facility type combination

Table B4: Description of Input files and Array Variables for Ozone Input File Name

File Content Source Array Variable


Ozone Emission rate by pollutants, by process, by speed bin, by source type, by MOVES road type and by hours of day

MOVES rateperdistance8[hour][pollutant index1][process index2][sourceType index3][roadType index4][speed bin]


Ozone Emission rate by pollutant, by process, by source type and by hours of day

MOVES ratepervehicle8[hour][pollutant index1][process index2][sourceType index3]


Emission rate by pollutant, by process, by source type and by hours of day

MOVES rateperprofile8[hour][pollutant index1][sourceType index3]


Total number of vehicles by source type for AQ analysis year (2018)9 within nine counties (Ozone non-attainment area)

INDOT Vehicle_Pop[1][source type index3]


Fraction of VMT by source type on different MOVES road types

MOVES MOVES_Frac[road type index4][HPMS vehicle class index6][2nd digit of source type]


Hourly fraction of VMT by MOVES road types and source types

MOVES Hourly_Frac[source type index3][road type index4][hour]


Total VMT by HPMS functional class for each of nine counties

INDOT HPMS_Vmt[county index5][HPMS functional class index7]


Fraction of VMT by HPMS vehicle classes and HPMS functional classes

INDOT HPMS_Frac[county index5][HPMS functional class index7][HPMS vehicle class index6]

1 Pollutant index is the position of the pollutant ID in the array of pollutants, poll_seq = [3,87,110,116,117] 2 Process index is the position of process ID in the array of processes, proc_seq = [1,2,9,10,11,12,13,15,16,17,18,19,90] 3 Source type index is the position of source type ID in the array of MOVES source types, veh_seq =

[11,21,31,32,41,42,43,51,52,53,54,61,62] 4 Road type index is the position of MOVES road type ID in the array of MOVES road types, road_seq = [2,3,4,5] 5 County index is the position of county ID in the array, county = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] 6 HPMS vehicle class index is the position of HPMS vehicle class in the array of HPMS vehicle classes [10, 20, 30, 40, 50,60] 7 HPMS functional class index is the position of HPMS functional class in the array of HPMS functional classes 8 The array [rateperdistance], [ratepervehicle] and [rateperprofile] in embedded into the array of emission rate types,

Emis_Array = [rateperdistance, ratepervehicle, rateperprofile] 9 Vehicle Fleet Mix updated with 2018 data from Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles and used to generate full set of updated

rate tables [rateperdistance], [ratepervehicle] and [rateperprofile].

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v. 2018-11-09 Indianapolis MPO | B10

The following subsections provide further detail on each macro, or subroutine, of the AQPP.

Calculate Non-Running Emissions Non-running emissions are produced by vehicles when they are not in motion. The calculation process uses [ratepervehicle], [rateperprofile] and the vehicle population as input. It calculates the emission based on the following equations:

Daily non-running emissions by pollutant = emission from rate per vehicle by pollutant + emission from rate per profile by pollutant

emission from rate per vehicle by pollutant = ∑hour∑source∑process ratepervehicle* vehicle population

emission from rate per profile by pollutant = ∑hour∑source rateperprofile* vehicle population

In order to calculate Ozone emission which includes NOx and VOC, it uses the total vehicle population in all nine counties. The non-running emissions are stored in the array variable, NREmissions[pollutant index].

Create MOVES Road Type The MOVES road type is set based on the functional class. Below is the script that provides the criteria for assigning MOVES road type codes:

If HPMS = 11 or HPMS= 12 then MOVES_TYPE = 4 where MOVES_TYPE = 4 for urban restricted access

If HPMS = 1 or (HPMS= 2 and facility type =2) then MOVES_TYPE = 2 where MOVES_TYPE = 2 for rural restricted access

If HPMS > 12 then MOVES_TYPE = 5 where MOVES_TYPE = 5 for urban unrestricted access

If (HPMS >2 and HPMS <=9) or (HPMS = 2 and FACILTY_TYPE<>2) where MOVES_TYPE = 3 for rural unrestricted access

It was noticed in the model network that the roadways with an HPMS functional class code = 2 can be both restricted-access and unrestricted-access roadways. Therefore, the attribute “facility type” is used to differentiate between the roadways with restricted-access and the roadways with unrestricted-access. The air quality module sets the HPMS functional class code for each network link based on its area type and facility type combination.

Table B5: HPMS Functional Class to MOVES Road Type Equivalency Table MOVES Road

Types HPMS Functional

Class 1 Out of network 2 1, 2 3 2, 6, 9 4 11, 12 5 14, 16

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v. 2018-11-09 Indianapolis MPO | B11

Calculate Intrazonal VMT The air quality module calculates the model VMT by using assigned flow and the length of the network links. The model generates assigned flow table for 5 different time periods: AM, MD, PM, EV, and NT as defined in Table C6.

Table B6: Time period ranges Period Time

AM 6 am. to 9 am MD 9 pm. to 3 pm PM 3 pm to 6 pm EV 6 pm to 9 pm NT 9 pm to 6 am

The intrazonal VMT at each TAZ is calculated from the time of day trip tables and the intrazonal distance skim. The intrazonal distance skim is generated from the shortest path based on congested travel time. In order to get the intrazonal skim, the average distance to the three nearest neighboring zones were multiplied by a factor of 0.5. The intrazonal VMT at each TAZ is distributed to the centroid connectors based on their share of the assigned VMT. The intrazonal VMT on each link connector is calculated from the following equations:

AB/BA InrazonalVMT for centroid connector i= IntrazonalVMT at TAZ * share of assigned VMT at i

share of assigned VMT at i = (AB/BA assigned flow)/(sum of the assigned flow at each centroid connectors of the TAZ)

The calculated intrazonal VMT at each link are then added to the assigned VMT of that link. The daily VMT on each link is being calculated by adding the VMTs of three time of day periods.

Calculate HPMS Adjustment Factor The model VMT gets adjusted by the HPMS VMT. The HPMS VMTs are provided by INDOT. The HPMS VMTs are available by counties and by HPMS functional classes. The air quality module sets the HPMS adjustment factors for each of the network links by using the county and the HPMS functional class attribute of that link. The HPMS adjustment factor is 0.865 as discussed with the ICG on August 28, 2018. HPMS adjustment factor is calculated by using the following equation:

HPMS_ADJ_FACT for county c and HPMS functional class h = (HPMS VMT for c and h)/(sum of model VMT for c and h)

HPMS Adjustment Factor Update Links were matched between the 2016 MPO model network and the INDOT 2016 AADT GIS layer. VMT was computed for the INDOT links: (Length * AADT). The IMPO TDM overestimates VMT. VMT is available for the model links via the EMIS output file, this is the same VMT used in the AQPP analysis (see section: Calculate Running Emissions). This analysis covers 94.7% of all VMT on modeled road segments. This excludes centroid connectors. An HPMS adjustment factor of 0.865 is justified.

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Table B7: Links with Common Road Coverage Links with Common Road Coverage

INDOT Counts VMT 46,505,599 Modeled VMT 53,763,699 Ratio of Count/Model 0.865

Vehicle Fleet Mix Update In 2018, the IMPO was provided new vehicle fleet mix data from INDOT and this data was used to provide updated Ozone Rate tables. The fleet mix for Central Indiana has changed since 2015, the last time the vehicle fleet mix and rate tables were updated. This input data provides information on the age distribution of each MOVES vehicle type. Figures B3 - B4, and Table B8 - B9 provide comparisons of the new vehicle fleet mix, age distribution, updated projected source type population, and fuel AVT updates related to the new vehicle fleet mix.

Figure B3: Comparison of the Vehicle Fleet Mix between 2015 and 2018

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Figure B4: Comparison of the Vehicle Age Distribution between the 9-County Region and Statewide

Table B8: Updated 9-County Vehicle Source Type Population

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Fuel Type and Vehicle Technology During the vehicle fleet mix update, the fuel AVT was also updated from the same BMV data source and incorporated into the new MOVES 2014a rate tables.

Table B9: 9-County Fuel Type and Vehicle Technology

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Calculate Speed Bin The air quality module sets the speed for each network link based on their congested speeds. The congested speed for each link is calculated from the link length and the congested travel time. The congested travel time is generated by the highway assignment component of the model. The speed varies by time of day periods and by the direction of flow. Therefore, speed bin is determined for each time of day periods and for each of AB and BA direction. The speed bin for each link is being set by using the following criteria identified in Table B10.

Table B10: Speed Ranges Within Each Speed Bin avgSpeedBinID avgSpeedBin Description

1 speed < 2.5mph 2 2.5mph <= speed < 7.5mph 3 7.5mph <= speed < 12.5mph 4 12.5mph <= speed < 17.5mph 5 17.5mph <= speed <22.5mph 6 22.5mph <= speed < 27.5mph 7 27.5mph <= speed < 32.5mph 8 32.5mph <= speed < 37.5mph 9 37.5mph <= speed < 42.5mph

10 42.5mph <= speed < 47.5mph 11 47.5mph <= speed < 52.5mph 12 52.5mph <= speed < 57.5mph 13 57.5mph <= speed < 62.5mph 14 62.5mph <= speed < 67.5mph 15 67.5mph <= speed < 72.5mph 16 72.5mph <= speed

Calculate Running Emissions Running emissions are generated from moving vehicles. They are calculated using running emission rates per distance, travel data and the network attributes. The AQPP uses the following equation to calculate running emission for each of the network link:

Daily running emission by pollutant = ∑hour∑HPMS Veh Class (hourly adjusted vmt * ∑process rateperdistance) Where rate per distance depends on speed bins and MOVES road type

In order to facilitate the calculation process, the air quality module creates a database titled EMIS_daily.bin. Each record in this file can be identified by network link Ids. Table B11 describes the fields in the database EMIS_Daily.bin.

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Table B11: Field Descriptions of the Link Database (EMIS_Daily.bin) Fields Description LinkID TransCAD network link ID Dir Direction Length Length in miles

County County =1 is “Marion”, County =2 is “Hamilton”, County =3 is “Johnson”, County = 4 is “Hendricks”, County = 5 is “Hanco*ck”, County = 6 is “Shelby”, County = 7 is “Boone”, County = 8 is “Morgan”, County = 9 is “Madison”

HPMS HPMS functional class code FACILTY_TYPE Facility type code AREA_TYPE Area type code AB_AM_VMT AB VMT for AM=length * AB assigned flow for AM BA_AM_VMT BA VMT for AM=length * BA assigned flow for AM AB_AM_VHT AB VHT for AM= AB assigned flow for AM * AB time from AM assignment BA_AM_VHT BA VHT for AM= BA assigned flow for AM * BA time from AM assignment AB_AM_SPEED AB speed for AM = Length*60/AB time from AM assignment BA_AM_SPEED BA speed for AM = Length*60/BA time from AM assignment AB_PM_VMT AB VMT for PM=length * AB assigned flow for PM BA_PM_VMT BA VMT for PM=length * BA assigned flow for PM AB_PM_VHT AB VHT for PM= AB assigned flow for PM * AB time from PM assignment BA_PM_VHT BA VHT for PM= BA assigned flow for PM * BA time from PM assignment AB_PM_SPEED AB speed for PM = Length*60/AB time from PM assignment BA_PM_SPEED BA speed for PM = Length*60/BA time from PM assignment AB_OFFP_VMT AB VMT for OFFP=length * AB assigned flow for OFFP BA_OFFP_VMT BA VMT for OFFP=length * BA assigned flow for OFFP AB_OFFP_VHT AB VHT for OFFP= AB assigned flow for OFFP * AB time from OFFP assignment BA_OFFP_VHT BA VHT for OFFP= BA assigned flow for OFFP * BA time from OFFP assignment AB_OFFP_SPEED AB speed for OFFP = Length*60/AB time from OFFP assignment BA_OFFP_SPEED BA speed for OFFP = Length*60/BA time from OFFP assignment AB_DAILY_VMT ∑TOD=AM, MD PM, EV ,NT(AB_TOD_VMT + AB_TOD_Intra_VMT) BA_DAILY_VMT ∑TOD=AM, MD PM, EV ,NT(BA_TOD_VMT + BA_TOD_Intra_VMT) TOT_DAILY_VMT Total daily vmt = AB_DAILY_VMT+BA_DAILY_VMT HPMS_ADJ_FACT HPMS adjustment factor AB_DAILY_VMT_ADJ Daily VMT in AB direction adjusted by HPMS adjustment factor BA_DAILY_VMT_ADJ Daily VMT in BA direction adjusted by HPMS adjustment factor AB_DAILY_VHT Daily VHT in AB direction BA_DAILY_VHT Daily VHT in BA direction DAILY_NOx Daily NOx (pollutant ID = 3) DAILY_VOC Daily VOC (pollutant ID = 87) DAILY_PM_Exhaust Daily PM2.5 Exhaust (pollutant ID = 110) DAILY_PM_Brake_Wear Daily PM2.5 Brake Wear (pollutant ID = 116) DAILY_PM_Tire_Wear Daily PM2.5 Tire_Wear (pollutant ID = 117)

MOVES_TYPE MOVES road type = 2 for rural restricted, 3 for rural unrestricted, 4 for urban restricted and 5 for urban unrestricted

ANODE A node ID BNODE B node ID Centroid Centroid node ID for the centroid connector and null for other links

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Table B11 (cont.): Field Descriptions of the Link Database (EMIS_Daily.bin) Fields Description AB_AM_Intra_VMT Intrazonal VMT in AB direction for AM BA_AM_Intra_VMT Intrazonal VMT in BA direction for AM AB_PM_Intra_VMT Intrazonal VMT in AB direction for PM BA_PM_Intra_VMT Intrazonal VMT in BA direction for PM AB_OFFP_Intra_VMT Intrazonal VMT in AB direction for off-peak BA_OFFP_Intra_VMT Intrazonal VMT in BA direction for PM AM_ModelVMT AB_AM_VMT + BA_AM_VMT AM_ModelVMT_by_Centroid Total model VMT on centroid connector links for each centroid nodes at AM AB_AM_intravmt_factor AB_AM_VMT/AM_ModelVMT_by_Centroid BA_AM_intravmt_factor BA_AM_VMT/AM_ModelVMT_by_Centroid PM_ModelVMT AB_PM_VMT + BA_PM_VMT PM_ModelVMT_by_Centroid Total model VMT on centroid connector links for each centroid nodes at PM AB_PM_intravmt_factor AB_PM_VMT/PM_ModelVMT_by_Centroid BA_PM_intravmt_factor BA_PM_VMT/PM_ModelVMT_by_Centroid OFFP_ModelVMT AB_OFFP_VMT + BA_OFFP_VMT OFFP_ModelVMT_by_Centroid Total model VMT on centroid connector links for each centroid nodes at OFFP AB_OFFP_intravmt_factor AB_OFFP_VMT/OFFP_ModelVMT_by_Centroid BA_OFFP_intravmt_factor BA_OFFP_VMT/OFFP_ModelVMT_by_Centroid AB_AM_BIN Speed bin in AB direction for AM based on AM AB_speed BA_AM_BIN Speed bin in BA direction for AM based on AM BA_speed AB_PM_BIN Speed bin in AB direction for PM based on PM AB_speed BA_PM_BIN Speed bin in BA direction for PM based on PM BA_speed AB_OFFP_BIN Speed bin in AB direction for Off-peak based on Off-peak AB_speed BA_OFFP_BIN Speed bin in BA direction for Off-peak based on Off-peak BA_speed HPMS_VMT_FRAC_1 HPMS VMT fraction for HPMS vehicle type 10 HPMS_VMT_FRAC_2 HPMS VMT fraction for HPMS vehicle type 20 HPMS_VMT_FRAC_3 HPMS VMT fraction for HPMS vehicle type 30 HPMS_VMT_FRAC_4 HPMS VMT fraction for HPMS vehicle type 40 HPMS_VMT_FRAC_5 HPMS VMT fraction for HPMS vehicle type 50 HPMS_VMT_FRAC_6 HPMS VMT fraction for HPMS vehicle type 60

The running emission is calculated for each of the network links from rate per distance and the adjusted VMT. The rate per distance varies with hours of day, MOVES source type, MOVES road types, speed bins, emission processes and pollutants. The emission rate is calculated for each of the HPMS vehicle type categories. In order to do that, the program aggregates the rates by 13 MOVES source types to the rates by 6 HPMS vehicle classes be using a weighting factor. The factor is calculated from the array variable, MOVES_Frac, as described earlier in Table 2.2. This array stores the fraction of VMT by MOVES road type and MOVES source (vehicle) type. As a result, the weighting factor varies with MOVES road types and MOVES vehicle types. The factor is calculated by using the following equation:

The weighting factor = MOVES_Frac[road type index4][HPMS vehicle class index6][2nd digit of source type]/∑MOVES_Frac[road type index4][HPMS vehicle class index6]

For each link of the network, the air quality module looks up the emission rates from the array variable, rateperdistance, by using the attributes such as the speed bins and road types for each MOVES source

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v. 2018-11-09 Indianapolis MPO | B18

(vehicle) type, emission process, pollutant and hour of the day. The following flow chart (Figure B5) describes the process of calculating daily emissions by pollutant by HPMS vehicle classes.

The air quality module populates three new fields in the network’s line layer: Daily_NOx_per_mile, Daily_VOC_per_mile, and DAILY_PM25_per_mile. These fields show the running emissions per mile for each link.

Figure B5: Process for Calculating Daily Running Emissions

Loop: Emission process

Loop: MOVES RdType Index, 1 to 4

Loop: Speed Bins,1 to 16

Loop: Hours,1 to 24

If hour = 7,8,9 then use AMSpeed bin, if hours =

16,17,18 then use PM speed bins, otherwise use off-peak

Loop: source type in each HPMS veh class,

1 to w

Loop: Pollutant

Get the selection set fromthe table emis_daily.bin for MOVE road type and speed bin

Loop: HPMS vehindex 1 to 6

MOVES source type = HPMS veh index * 10 + second digit of source typeMOVES Total = sum of VMT frac from MOVES_frac for each HPMS veh typew = number of source types that belong toeach HPMSveh type

hourly VMT for each HPMS veh ype = daily adjusted VMT * weighted hourly vmt fraction * fraction of VMT by HPMS veh class

Calculate emission by pollutant:emission = emission + hourly VMT by HMPS veh*Weighted emission by pollutant

MOVES weight = VMTfraction for source type/MOVES Total

Weight emission by pollutant = weighted emission + rateperdistance * MOVES weight

Weighted hourly VMT fraction = weighted hourly VMT fraction + VMT frac from Hourly_frac for each HPMS veh type * MOVES weight

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Summary Macro The air quality module stores the emission summaries in two separate files:

1. Emission_by_HPMS_Functinal_Class_by_County.csv

2. Emission_by_County.csv

The first file reports the daily running emissions by HPMS functional class and County. The second file reports the daily running emissions by County. Both of the files report daily non-running emissions for the region. Following is an example of Emission_by_County.csv for 2020. As noted previously, the AQPP does not generate Running emissions for Madison County, this is added to the calculations for the final summation.

Post-Model Processing: Converting Emissions Output from Grams to Tons The MOVES 2014a based Air Quality Post Processor (AQPP) component of the Travel Demand Model provides output emissions in grams. The SIP Budget is presented in tons, thus making conversion necessary and the following formula is used for Ozone related pollutant emissions output:

Convert grams to tons: [emission] * 0.000001102

The above calculation is applied to all running and non-running emissions output to convert emissions output to tons. The converted emissions output values are summed to provide the final emissions output which is then compared with the appropriate budget.

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Appendix C: Air Quality Conformity Determination Report Public Comment

The Indianapolis MPO made this report available for public review and comment between September 20, 2018 and October 23, 2018. No comments were received. The Indianapolis MPO:

• issued an official public notice to the Indianapolis Star• included the public comment opportunity in the weekly teMPO e-newsletter• advertised the public review on Facebook and Twitter

The Madison County Council of Governments held a public hearing in Anderson, IN on October 22, 2018. No comments were received.

The Indianapolis Regional Transportation Council Policy Meeting held a public hearing in Indianapolis, IN on October 24, 2018. No comments were received.

Air Quality Conformity Determination Report€¦ · This Air Quality Conformity Determination Report accompanies the Indianapolis MPO’s 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), - [PDF Document] (2024)


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