Environmental Site Layout Planning - [PDF Document] (2024)

Environmental Site Layout Planning - [PDF Document] (1)

Environmental Site Layout Planning - [PDF Document] (2)

BREGarston, Watford WD2 7JR

Environmental site layout planning:solar access, microclimate and passive cooling in urban areas

P J Littlefair, M Santamouris, S Alvarez,

A Dupagne, D Hall, J Teller, J F Coronel,

N Papanikolaou

Environmental Site Layout Planning - [PDF Document] (3)

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© Copyright BRE 2000except illustrations as noted First published 2000

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This work has been partlyfunded by the UKDepartment of theEnvironment, Transportand the Regions (DETR).Any views expressed arenot necessarily those ofthe DETR.

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Environmental Site Layout Planning - [PDF Document] (4)

This book is the principal output of a project to develop guidance on sitelayout planning to improve solar access, passive cooling and microclimate.The project is jointly funded by the European Commission JOULEprogramme and national funding agencies including the UK Department ofthe Environment, Transport and the Regions. The European project iscoordinated by BRE and includes the University of Athens, LEMA(University of Liege) and AICIA (University of Seville).

The main objective of this publication, and indeed of the whole project, isto produce comprehensive design guidance on urban layout to ensure goodaccess to solar gain, daylighting and passive cooling. The aim is to enabledesigners to produce comfortable, energy-efficient buildings surrounded bypleasant outdoor spaces, within an urban context that minimizes energyconsumption and the effects of pollution.

This book is divided into six main chapters. Chapter 1 sets the scene,outlining the importance of each of the main environmental factors affectingsite layout. Chapters 2–6 then cover the urban design process, from theselection of a site for a new development down to the design and landscapingof individual buildings and the spaces around them.

Chapter 2 therefore begins by considering the environmental issuesaffecting site location. It will be particularly valuable for urban planners settingout environmental structure plans for their cities and towns. It will also be ofvalue to developers who have a range of different sites from which to choosethe location of a development. Chapter 3, on public open spaces, is alsoprincipally aimed at urban planners and designers of multi-buildingdevelopments. It covers a range of issues on the design of groups of buildingsand the external spaces they generate around them.

Chapter 4 focuses on the design of individual groups of buildings. It will beof particular interest to building designers and development control officers.A key issue, dealt with fully here, is how the new building affects theenvironmental quality of existing buildings nearby. Chapter 5 links in withthis, showing how built form can impact the quality of the building itself andits immediate surroundings.

Finally, Chapter 6 will be of particular interest to landscape designers. Itdeals with the selection and design of vegetation and hard landscaping tomodify microclimate in the spaces immediately surrounding buildings.

Europe covers a wide range of climate types and not all the techniquesdescribed in this book will be applicable to all of them. Section 1.13 will beespecially useful here. It describes the range of climate types in Europe andthe heating and cooling requirements in each, with a summary of layoutstrategies. The book refers to a range of prediction tools which can helpevaluate the environmental impacts of buildings and groups of buildings.These are described briefly in Appendices A and B and references are given.Finally, Appendix C contains a glossary of technical terms used.




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This guide was produced as part of the POLIS project coordinated by BREand sponsored by the European Commission’s JOULE programme. BRE’scontribution was also funded by the UK Department of Environment,Transport and the Regions.

We would like to thank the following people who contributed to theresearch work on which the guide is based:

Emma Dewey, Angela Spanton and Steven Walker (BRE), Aris Tsagrassoulis and Irene Koronaki (University of Athens), Francisco J Sanchez and Alejandro Quijano (University of Seville), andJames Desmecht and Sleiman Azar (University of Liege).

Eric Keeble (BRE) drafted part of an earlier report on which some of thisguide is based.

The following provided valuable assistance: the Environmental Department of Seville Town Hall, the Culture Section of the Junta de Andalucía, the Spanish National Meteorological Institute, and the residents of the Santa Cruz district of Seville who cooperated in the case study there.

Their help is gratefully acknowledged.



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Paul J Littlefair MA PhD CEng MCIBSE

Principal Scientist, BRE Centre for Environmental Engineering, BRE, Bucknalls Lane,Garston, Watford, Hertfordshire, WD2 7JR, UKEmail: [emailprotected]

Matheos Santamouris

Assistant Professor, Physics Department, University of Athens, 157484 Athens, GreeceEmail: [emailprotected]

Servando Alvarez

Profesor Titular de Universidad, Universidad de Sevilla, Escuela Superior de Ingenieros,Camino de los Descubrimientos s/n, E-41092, Sevilla, SpainEmail:[emailprotected]

Albert Dupagne

Professor, LEMA, University of Liege, chemin des Chevreuils 1, Bât. B52, B-4000 Liege, BelgiumEmail: [emailprotected]

David Hall BEng PhD CEng MRAeS CMet

Associate, BRE, Bucknalls Lane, Garston, Watford, Hertfordshire, WD2 7JR, UKEmail: [emailprotected]


About the authors

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Jacques Teller

Research Engineer, LEMA, University of Liege, chemin des Chevreuils 1, Bât. B52, B-4000 Liege, BelgiumEmail: [emailprotected]

Juan Francisco Coronel

Engineer, Universidad de Sevilla, Escuela Superior de Ingenieros, Camino de losDescubrimientos s/n, E-41092, Sevilla, SpainEmail:[emailprotected]

Nikolaos Papanikolaou

Formerly Physicist, University of Athens, 157484 Athens, Greece

vi About the authors

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1 Introduction 11.1 Definition of problem and energy issues 11.2 How to use this book 31.3 Urban climate 41.4 Light from the sky 61.5 Sunlight 81.6 Solar shading 91.7 Solar energy 111.8 Wind shelter 131.9 Ventilation — passive cooling 141.10 Urban air pollution 151.11 Comfort in outdoor spaces 171.12 Vegetation, heat sinks 191.13 Layout strategies 20

2 Site location 262.1 Urban development strategy 262.2 Temperature 272.3 Site slope 292.4 Wind shelter 312.5 Wind cooling: ventilation 332.6 Pollution sources 342.7 Heat sinks: sea, lakes and forests 372.8 Conclusions 42

3 Public open space 443.1 People and open spaces 443.2 Canyon effects 463.3 Road layout and orientation 503.4 Enclosure, views and landmarks 543.5 Sequences of spaces 563.6 Conclusions 60

4 Building layout 624.1 Spacing for daylighting 624.2 Spacing and orientation for sunlight as an amenity 664.3 Passive solar access 684.4 Sunlight in spaces between buildings 714.5 Mutual shading 73


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viii Contents

4.6 Wind shelter, ventilation and passive cooling 774.7 Pollution dispersal 794.8 Conclusions 81

5 Building form 835.1 Building shape and orientation 835.2 High density courtyards in heating-dominated climates 855.3 Courtyards: ventilation and cooling 905.4 Colonnades 955.5 Earth sheltering 1005.6 Location of passive cooling systems 1025.7 Solar dazzle 1055.8 Conclusions 106

6 Landscaping 1076.1 Vegetation and hard landscaping: wind shelter 1076.2 Vegetation and hard landscaping: solar shading and cooling 1126.3 Vegetation and hard landscaping: privacy 1146.4 Ponds and fountains 1176.5 Albedo 1196.6 Conclusions 122

7 Conclusions 124

Appendix A Calculation methods 127A1 Townscope 127A2 Manual tools for solar access 130A3 Building thermal simulation 133A4 Comfort calculations 135A5 Pollution prediction methods 138A6 CFD modelling 140A7 Passive cooling tools 142A8 Daylight computer modelling 143

Appendix B Experimental prediction methods 145B1 Wind tunnel tests 145B2 The use of models in sunlighting studies 147

Appendix C Glossary 148

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1.1 Definition of problem and energy issues

Cities are growing rapidly, and it is estimated that by 2000 over half theworld’s population will be living in urban areas, whereas 100 years ago only14% did so. Today’s cities are increasingly polluted and uncomfortable placesto be. Industrialization, the concentrated activities of city dwellers and therapid increase in motor traffic are the main contributors to increases in energyconsumption and air pollution, and deteriorating environment and climaticquality. Urban areas without a high climatic quality use much more energy forair conditioning in summer and for heating in winter and more electricity forlighting. The urban heat island effect can cause temperature differences of upto 5–15 °C between a European city centre and its surroundings, resulting inincreased demand for cooling energy (see section 1.3). In southern Europesales of air-conditioning equipment rose by around 25–30% during the period1985–1990[1.1.1]. Increased urban temperatures also exacerbate pollution byaccelerating the production of photochemical smog; US data[1.1.2] suggest thata 10% increase in the number of polluted days may occur for each 3 °C rise intemperature.

Consequently, new developments are often planned as ‘climate rejecting’-sealed, air-conditioned, deep plan, with tinted glass to cut out solar gain anddaylight. Such developments may then further worsen the local microclimate;air conditioning results in extra thermal emissions to the surroundings,reflective glass (Figure 1.1.1) reflects solar heat and glare black out, and large,bulky buildings create hostile local wind effects and overshadowneighbouring buildings which depend on daylight. The result is a viciouscircle of worsening exterior environment and spiralling energy costs.

There is another way, however, which aims to modulate the externalclimate and maximize the use of renewable energies. This strategy involvesplanning the layout of buildings to allow adequate access to solar heat gainand daylighting, and in warmer climates to promote passive cooling. Goodurban layout design will also provide an attractive exterior environment,pleasantly sunlit and sheltered from the wind in colder latitudes, cool andshaded in hotter climates in summer, with breezes to disperse pollutants.

CEC programmes like ‘Project Monitor’[1.1.3] and the European PassiveSolar Handbook[1.1.4] have demonstrated the benefits of solar design inreducing energy dependence on fossil fuels and providing a benign localclimate within developments. The challenge is now to adapt and widen thesetechnologies so that they can be used within dense urban sites. Solar buildingdesign needs to come to terms with this issue, making the most of obstructedurban sites rather than using up scarce open land.

The potential benefits are immense. Of principal importance are theEurope-wide energy benefits following uptake of the climate-sensitive design.In northern Europe, passive solar gain and daylighting reduce the need forheating and lighting energy (Figure 1.1.2). UK studies of passive solar


1 Introduction

Figure 1.1.1 Tinted glass reflects solarheat and glare

Figure 1.1.2 Passive solar housing

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housing[1.1.5] suggest that improved site layout can save 5% or more indomestic energy consumption. In non-domestic buildings, the exploitation ofdaylight can lead to savings of 40% or more in lighting energy use[1.1.6]. Insouthern Europe, passive cooling becomes vitally important. Air-conditionedbuildings typically consume 50% more energy than naturally ventilatedbuildings, and in southern Europe their maximum cooling demand coincideswith times of peak general electricity consumption, resulting in utilitieshaving to build extra power stations and increase the cost of electricity.

There are also significant potential environmental benefits (apart fromreduction in carbon dioxide emissions), although these are less quantifiable infinancial terms. They arise from the improved local climate in outdoor spaces,resulting in health benefits as well as extra amenity. This in turn can lead tosavings in transport, as inner cities become more attractive places to live in aswell as work.

This Guide is the result of three year’s research work on the POLIS project,sponsored jointly by the European Commission’s JOULE researchprogramme and by national funding agencies including the UK Departmentof the Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR). It forms part of afour-volume set of outputs. Two are design tools, a computer softwarepackage (Figure 1.1.3) and a set of manual aids, to assist designers and urbanplanners in exploring the possibilities of passive renewal of urban districts indifferent European contexts and climates. They are described in AppendicesA1 and A2, respectively. The final volume describes case studies on makingthe most of renewable energy in selected real urban areas (Figure 1.1.4).

2 Environmental site layout planning

Figure 1.1.3 TOWNSCOPE output from study of the solar shading at the EXPO ‘98 Lisboasite. © University of Liege

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References to section 1.1[1.1.1] Santamouris M & Wouters P. Energy and indoor climate in Europe: past and

present. Proceedings 1st European Conference on Energy Performance and IndoorEnvironment, Lyon, 1996.

[1.1.2] Akbari H, Davis S, Dorsano S, Huang J & Winett S. Cooling our communities: aguidebook on tree planting and light colored surfacing. Washington, Office of Policy Analysis,Climate Change Division, US Environmental Protection Agency, January 1992.

[1.1.3] University College Dublin for CEC. Project Monitor: case studies in passive solararchitecture. University College, 1989.

[1.1.4] Goulding J R, Lewis J O & Steemers T C. Energy in architecture. London,Batsford, 1992.

[1.1.5] NBA Tectonics. A study of passive solar housing estate layout. Report S 1126,Harwell, Energy Technology Support Unit, NBA Tectonics, 1988.

[1.1.6] Crisp V H C, Littlefair P J, Copper I & McKennan G. Daylighting as a passivesolar energy option: an assessment of its potential in non-domestic buildings. BRE ReportBR 129. Garston, CRC, 1988.

1.2 How to use this book

This book is divided into six main chapters. Chapter 1 sets the scene, outliningthe importance of each of the main environmental factors affecting site layout.Chapters 2–6 then cover the urban design process, from the selection of a sitefor a new development to the design and landscaping of individual buildingsand the spaces around them.

Chapter 2 begins by considering the environmental issues affecting sitelocation. It will be particularly valuable for urban planners setting outenvironmental structure plans for their cities and towns. It will also be of valueto developers who have a range of different sites from which to choose thelocation of a development. Chapter 3, on public open space, is also principallyaimed at urban planners and designers of multi-building developments. Itcovers a range of issues concerned with the design of groups of buildings andthe external spaces they generate around them.

Chapter 4 focuses on the design of individual groups of buildings. It will beof particular interest to building designers and development control officers.A key issue, dealt with fully here, is how the new building affects theenvironmental quality of existing buildings nearby. Chapter 5 links in withthis, showing how built form can impact the quality of the building itself andits immediate surroundings.

Figure 1.1.4 The EXPO ‘92 case study site, Seville, Spain. © University of Seville

1 Introduction 3

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Finally, Chapter 6 will be of particular interest to landscape designers. Itdeals with the selection and design of vegetation and hard landscaping tomodify microclimate in the spaces immediately surrounding buildings.

Europe covers a wide range of climate types and not all the techniquesdescribed in this book will be applicable to all of them. Throughout the book,the symbols (left) show which climate types the advice is aimed at.

Section 1.13 (at the end of this chapter) will be especially useful here. Itdescribes the range of climate types in Europe and the heating and coolingrequirements in each, with a summary of layout strategies. Designers withoutdetailed local knowledge of an area may find it helpful to start with thischapter.

The book refers to a range of prediction tools which can help evaluate theenvironmental impacts of buildings and groups of buildings. These aredescribed briefly in Appendices A and B and full references are given. Finally,Appendix C contains a glossary of technical terms used.

1.3 Urban climate

The city creates its own climate. Air temperatures in densely built urban areasare higher than the temperatures of the surrounding rural country. Thisphenomenon known as ‘heat island’, is due to many factors:● the geometry of city streets means long wave radiation is exchanged

between buildings rather than lost to the sky, and short wave radiation ismore likely to be absorbed,

● heat stored in the fabric of the city,● anthropogenic heat released from combustion of fuels and from people and

animals,● long wave radiation is trapped in the polluted and warmer urban

atmosphere (the urban greenhouse),● less evaporative cooling by vegetation,● less wind cooling within streets.

In colder climates the heat island effect can be beneficial, reducing heatingdemands. Towns like Trondheim have created artificial ‘heat islands’ bycovering over streets. But in warmer climates the heat island effect cansignificantly worsen outdoor comfort and the energy consumption ofbuildings.

The intensity of the heat island can be up to 10 °C or more. The bigger thecity, the more intense the effect (Figure 1.3.1)[1.3.1]. The expected heat islandintensity for a city of one million inhabitants is close to 8 and 12 °C in Europeand the US, respectively. Higher values for the American cities arise from thetaller buildings and higher densities in the city centres.

4 Environmental site layout planning

Warm (cooling-dominated) climates

Cool (heating-dominated) climates

Mixed climate (bothheating and coolingrequired)

Figure 1.3.1 Maximum difference in urban and rural temperatures for US and Europeancities. Data from Oke[1.3.1]


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The results from our monitoring in Athens agree with these temperaturedifferences. Figure 1.3.2 shows the spatial temperature distribution in thecentral Athens area at noon on 1 August 1996. The central Athens area isabout 7–8 °C warmer than the surrounding area, while at Ippokratous street,with its high traffic density, the temperature difference is close to 12–13 °C.An important finding was that the biggest temperature differences betweenthe city and its surroundings occurred on the hottest days.

Worryingly, it appears that the heat island effect is getting worse.Analysis[1.3.2] of average and maximum annual temperatures in cities in theUSA and Asia shows a steady increase over the years (Table 1.3.1).

The rise in temperature in cities results in much higher cooling loads. Table1.3.2 compares cooling degree days for urban and rural stations[1.3.3]. Coolingdegree days can be almost doubled in some city centres. This has atremendous impact on the energy consumption of buildings for cooling. Thehigher temperatures also result in lower efficiency of cooling plant.

However, results from the POLIS project have shown that urban designcan have a significant impact on urban climate. By appropriate urban design itis possible to limit or even reverse the heat island effect. In the Athens studies,the national park, located at the centre of the city, had much lowertemperature differences compared with the suburbs, while low temperaturedifferences were also recorded in a main pedestrian street.

Results from monitoring of the Santa Cruz district in Seville (Figure 1.3.3)were even more startling. During the day the average air temperature was

1 Introduction 5

Table 1.3.1 Measured temperaturetrends in selected cities. Data from Akbari et al[1.3.2]

City Trend Type of(°C temperature/decade) data

Los Angeles 0.7 HighsLos Angeles 0.4 MeansSan Francisco 0.1 MeansOakland 0.2 MeansSan Jose 0.2 MeansSan Diego 0.4 MeansSacramento 0.2 MeansWashington 0.3 MeansBaltimore 0.2 MeansFort Lauderdale 0.1 MeansShanghai 0.07 MeansShanghai 0.1 MinimaTokyo 0.3 Means

Table 1.3.2 Increase of the cooling degree (°C) days due to urbanization and heat island effects. Averages for selected locations for the period 1941–1970. Data from Taha[1.3.3]

Location Urban Airport Difference(%)

Los Angeles 368 191 92Washington DC 440 361 21St Louis 510 459 11New York 333 268 24Baltimore 464 344 35Seattle 111 72 54Detroit 416 366 14Chicago 463 372 24Denver 416 350 19

Figure 1.3.2 Temperature distribution around the central Athens area at 12:00,1st August 1996. © University of Athens

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some 4–8 °C lower than at the reference station at the airport. This is an areawith traditional architecture and narrow pedestrian streets.

Further details on the impact of urban layout on temperature are containedin sections 2.2 and 2.7. The following sections describe techniques to reduceor reverse the effects of urban climate: 4.5 (mutual shading), 5.3 (courtyarddesign), 6.2 (shading by vegetation), 6.4 (ponds and fountains) and 6.5(albedo).

References to section 1.3[1.3.1] Oke T R. Overview of interactions between settlements and their environments. WMOexperts meeting on Urban and building climatology. WCP-37. World Meteorological Organization(WMO), Geneva, 1982.[1.3.2] Akbari H, Davis S, Dorsano S, Huang J & Winett S. Cooling our communities: aguidebook on tree planting and light colored surfacing. Washington, Office of Policy Analysis,Climate Change Division, US Environmental Protection Agency. January 1992.[1.3.3] Taha H. Urban climates and heat islands: albedo, evapotranspiration, andanthropogenic heat. Energy and Buildings 1997: 25: 99–103.

1.4 Light from the sky

In a wide range of building types, access to natural light is vital. Peoplegenerally prefer to work by daylight[1.4.1] and to have their homes lit bydaylight. Daylight enhances the appearance of a space, providing good diffusemodelling without harsh shadows. The changeability of daylight gives aninterior variety and interest. Natural light has excellent colour rendering anddoes not buzz or flicker. A daylit building gives contact with the outside worldeither directly through a view out, or indirectly as the changing moods ofdaylight reflect the seasons, time of day and weather conditions.

Daylight also represents an energy source. It helps reduce the need forelectric lighting, particularly in dwellings where natural light alone is oftensufficient throughout the day. In commercial and industrial buildings too,there is often enough daylight provided suitable control of electric lighting isavailable to exploit it[1.4.2, 1.4.3]. It is estimated[1.4.4] that the active use ofdaylight in this way could save 4–8 million tonnes of coal equivalent each yearthroughout the EU.

Daylight provision depends on the building design: windows, internalreflectances and the type of glass. But the external environment is alsoimportant. Large obstructions outside reduce the amount of daylight entering

6 Environmental site layout planning

Figure 1.3.3 The Santa Cruz district of Seville. © University of Seville

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a window. Consider a room with a wide continuous obstruction outside, like aterrace of houses or apartments (Figure 1.4.1). Under cloudy conditions theamount of light entering the window is proportional to θ[1.4.5], the angle ofvisible sky measured in a vertical plane looking out through the centre of thewindow. So a 45° obstruction could halve the daylight available, comparedwith an unobstructed window.

Outside obstructions can also affect the distribution of light in a room.Areas very near the window may still get a view of the sky above theobstruction. But further in, no direct sky light can be received. Areas whichhave no direct view of the sky tend to look gloomy compared with areas nearthe window[1.4.6].

Loss of daylight due to obstructions is a particularly important issue inexisting buildings. Large new developments close by can make adjoiningproperties gloomy and unattractive. With an existing building there is little orno opportunity to make design changes to counteract the effect of loss of light,so the extra obstruction can result in serious loss of amenity. Sensitive designof new buildings should try to minimize the impact on nearby existingproperties.

In this Guide, section 4.1 explains how to manage the spacing and height ofbuildings to ensure enough daylight reaches windows, both in the newdevelopment itself and in existing buildings. Appendices A1, A2 and A8describe calculation techniques for daylighting.

References to section 1.4[1.4.1] Cakir A E. An investigation on state-of-the-art and future prospects of lighting

technology in German office environments. Berlin, Ergonomics Institute for Social andOccupations Sciences Research, 1991.

[1.4.2] Building Research Establishment. Lighting controls and daylight use. BRE Digest272. Garston, CRC, 1983.

[1.4.3] Slater A I, Bordass W T & Heasman T A. People and lighting controls.BRE Information Paper IP6/96. Garston, CRC, 1996.

[1.4.4] Crisp V H C, Littlefair P J, Cooper I & McKennan G. Daylighting as a passivesolar energy option: an assessment of its potential in non-domestic buildings. BRE ReportBR 129. Garston, CRC, 1988.

[1.4.5] Lynes J A. A sequence for daylighting design. Lighting Research & Technology1979: 11(2): 102–106.

[1.4.6] Littlefair P J. Site layout planning for daylight and sunlight: a guide to good practice.BRE Report BR 209. Garston, CRC, 1991.

1 Introduction 7

Figure 1.4.1 Daylight received is proportional to θ, the angle of visible sky

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1.5 Sunlight

Sunlight has an important amenity value. Surveys of householders inSwitzerland[1.5.1], The Netherlands[1.5.2] and the UK[1.5.3] revealed that over75% wanted plenty of sun in their homes, with less than 5% wanting little sun.Sunlight is also valued in the workplace. In a survey of UK office workers[1.5.4],86% wanted some sunshine in the office all year round.

The sun is seen as providing light and warmth, and also having a health-giving effect. It gives a high intensity light which helps maintain the body’srhythms, promoting alertness. It aids the synthesis of vitamin D in the bodyand can kill germs.

Sunlight is also valued out-of-doors. In cooler climates it makes outdooractivities like sitting out and children’s play more thermally comfortable[1.5.5].In winter it can melt frost, ice and snow, and dry out the ground, reducingmoss and slime. Even in southern Europe sunlight is valued throughout theyear for activities like sunbathing, swimming and drying clothes. Sunlightencourages plant growth, and enhances the appearance of outdoor spaces.

Site layout is the most important factor affecting the duration of sunlight inbuildings and open spaces. Because of the changing path of the sun (Figure1.5.1) orientation of windows and open spaces is critical (sections 4.2, 5.1).

8 Environmental site layout planning

Figure 1.5.1 Sunpath diagrams for (a) latitude 36° N and (b) latitude 60° N



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Overshadowing by other buildings is also very important. Inappropriatelydesigned groups of buildings can give rise to unappealing outdoor spaces, indeep shade almost all the year (Figure 1.5.2). Section 4.4 explains the pitfalls,and how to ensure good access to sunlight in open spaces where it is required.

Overshadowing also affects buildings. It is a particular issue where newdevelopment shades existing homes nearby. Since householders valuesunlight they will resent losing it. Section 4.2 gives guidance; section 4.5supplements this with a real case study of the negative impact of a newbuilding on adjoining properties.

Sunlight is not always an unmitigated blessing, particularly in warmerclimates. With sunlight there should also be some form of solar control. Thisis discussed in the following section.

Sunlight calculations can be complex. Appendices A1 and A2 outline toolsfor computing solar access. B2 describes measurement in models.

References to section 1.5[1.5.1] Grandjean E & Gilgen A. Environmental factors in urban planning. London, Taylor &

Francis, 1976.[1.5.2] Bitter C & van Lerland J F A A. Appreciation of sunlight in the home. Proceedings

CIE Conf Sunlight in Buildings, Newcastle, 1965. Rotterdam, Bouwcentrum International.pp 27–38. 1967.

[1.5.3] Neeman E, Craddock J & Hopkinson R G. Sunlight requirements in buildings:1 Social survey. Building and Environment 1976: 11: 217–238.

[1.5.4] Markus T A. The significance of sunshine and view for office workers. ProceedingsCIE Conference on Sunlight in Buildings, Newcastle, 1965. Rotterdam, BouwcentrumInternational. pp 59-93. 1967.

1.6 Solar shading

Solar shading is valuable for reducing the heat entering buildings andtherefore improving comfort and reducing cooling costs. On a clear day insummer an unshaded window can admit 3 kilowatt hours per square metre ofglass; this is equivalent to leaving a single bar electric fire running for threehours. Overheating is likely to be more of a problem if:● the windows face the southern half of the sky,● the building has high internal heat gains,● the building needs to be kept cooler than normal.

Solar shading is also important for protecting outdoor spaces. Ideally theshading of the building itself should be integrated architecturally with theshading of the spaces around it. Reflective glass will reduce the solar gainentering the building but at the cost of worse conditions outside.

1 Introduction 9

Figure 1.5.2 This play area in London is incontinuous shadow for 10 months of theyear. It is dark and underused

Figure 1.6.1 At Demoulin’s house, Liege, Belgium, an overhang provides shade to thesouth-facing windows. An extension to the side of the terrace provides shading from thesummer sun. © University of Liege

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Sometimes buildings themselves can provide shading of the spacessurrounding them (section 4.5). Special building forms involving overhangs(Figure 1.6.1) and covered walkways can increase shaded areas, and trap poolsof cool air. Alternatively, vegetation can provide the shade (section 6.2).Vegetation also helps cool a space by transpiration and evaporation ofmoisture from the leaves.

In intermediate climates sunlight may be welcome at some times of theyear but not others. Some form of variation of the degree of shading providedis desirable. This can either be a passive control, for example:● overhangs, blocking summer sun, letting through low angle winter sun,● colonnades (section 5.4) providing a shaded semi-outdoor space in

summer, a sunny space in winter (Figure 1.6.2),● deciduous trees, shedding their leaves in winter to let through more

sunlight (section 6.2). Alternatively, shade control could be modified by people’s behaviour.

Examples are:● moveable screens and shutters (Figures 1.6.3, 1.6.4),● patterns of sun and shade, so people can choose whether to sit in the sun,● alternative circulation routes, one in sun, the other in shade.

References to section 1.6[1.6.1] Brown R D & Gillespie T J. Microclimatic landscape design. New York, Wiley,



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Figure 1.6.2 Early cave dwellings could be oriented to allow the sun in winter (a) but exclude it in summer (b)[1.6.1].The colonnade (c) provides a similar function

10 Environmental site layout planning



Figure 1.6.4 Shutters and balconies in Seville, SpainFigure 1.6.3 Moveable shading of acourtyard in Seville. © University of Seville


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1.7 Solar energy

Solar energy in its various forms is potentially the most important renewableenergy source in Europe. The following can all make important contributions.● Passive solar (Figure 1.7.1), where the form, fabric and systems of a building

are designed and arranged to capture and use solar energy. UK studies[1.7.1]

have shown passive solar can reduce house heating energy consumption by11%.

● Active solar thermal (Figure 1.7.2), using solar collectors with fans and pumpsto provide space heating.

● Photovoltaic systems (Figure 1.7.3)[1.7.2] with solar cells to convert sunlightinto electricity.

● Daylight (section 1.4).● Passive cooling (section 1.9).

For passive solar buildings site layout is of particular importance(Figures 1.7.4 and 1.7.5). Because thermal solar collectors are often roof-mounted, they are in general less susceptible to overshadowing, althoughorientation is still an important issue. Low-level collectors, such as those usedfor swimming pools, can however be vulnerable to overshadowing.

Photovoltaic panels, too, are often mounted high on a building. However,there is a trend towards using these as wall cladding[1.7.2], with some low-levelphotovoltaic cells. Where overshadowing occurs it can have a serious impacton the output of photovoltaic arrays. Even if only one of the cells in an array isshaded, an electrical mismatch can occur and the whole array loses poweroutput. Annual energy losses due to shading averaging 20% have beenmeasured in building integrated photovoltaic arrays in Germany[1.7.3].

Section 4.3 deals with issues of site layout for solar access and also givesguidance on the important issue of overshadowing of existing buildings whichhave solar collectors, either passive or active. Section 5.1 includes additionalmaterial on orientation. Section 2.3 gives information on the effects of siteslope. Appendices A1–A3 describe tools to calculate the impact of site layouton passive solar buildings.

1 Introduction 11

Figure 1.7.1 Passive solar housing atGiffard Park, Milton Keynes

Figure 1.7.2 Two types of solar collector at Demoulin’s house, Liege, Belgium: passivecollection using an attached greenhouse (conservatory) and active collection with liquid-filled solar panels (top of roof). © University of Liege

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12 Environmental site layout planning

Figure 1.7.4 Sunpath diagram for latitude 55°, showing impact of obstructions

Figure 1.7.3 Photovoltaic cladding at theNorthumbria Building, Newcastle-upon-Tyne

Solar azimuth (degrees)


r alti





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References to section 1.7[1.7.1] NBA Tectonics. A study of passive solar housing estate layout. Report S-1126.

Harwell, ETSU, 1988.[1.7.2] Sick F & Erge T. Photovoltaics in buildings. London, James and James, 1996.[1.7.3] Kovach A & Schmid J. Determination of energy output losses due to shading of

energy-integrated photovoltaic arrays using a ray tracing technique. Solar Energy 1996: 57(2):117–124.

1.8 Wind shelter

In northern Europe one of the main aims of building design is to mitigate thecold, wind and wet of the relatively long cool season. Site layout (section 4.6),built form (section 5.1), external materials and landscape design (section 6.1)can all help create a sheltered environment. For maximum effect the variouselements need to be well integrated into the overall design.

Reduction of wind speed by wind control should improve the microclimatearound buildings. This can be direct, in terms of reduced mechanical andthermal effects on buildings and on people, and indirect, by avoiding thedissipation of external heat gains by mixing with colder air. Wind controlimplies the choice of built forms least likely to disturb wind-flow patterns nearthe ground, and the use of wind-sheltering design elements such as courtyardforms, windbreak walls and fences and shelterbelts.

Key wind protection strategies[1.8.1] involve:1 protecting space and buildings from important wind directions

(eg dominant winds, cold winds),2 preventing buildings and landscape features from generating unacceptable

wind turbulence,3 protecting space and buildings from driving rain and snow,4 protecting space and buildings from cold air ‘drainage’ at night,while retaining enough air movement to disperse pollutants.

Providing wind shelter offers a range of benefits, including reduced space-heating energy costs[1.8.2, 1.8.3] and better comfort and usefulness of the spacesaround buildings[1.8.4, 1.8.5]. A variety of processes are involved as follows.● Increased air temperature: if the external air surrounding buildings remains

warmer the internal/external temperature difference will be smaller,reducing heat loss by both conduction and ventilation/infiltration. Someinfluence on air temperature may be possible by deliberately ‘storing’ solarheat in external thermal mass, and by wind control to limit the mixing ofcold and warm air.

1 Introduction 13

Figure 1.7.5 A site layout design study by NBA Tectonics for ETSU. The conventional layout of detached houses (left) would need8900 kWh/year for space heating, 8500 kWh/year with passive solar features. The passive solar site layout (right), redesigned by StillmanEastwick-Field, would require only 7900 kWh/year, a saving of over 10%

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● Increased surface temperatures: if the external surfaces of buildings arewarmed by direct or reflected solar radiation, or by long-wave radiationemitted by other warmed external surfaces, the internal/external surfacetemperature difference will be smaller, reducing the amount of heat lost byconduction.

● Reduced air change rate: wind shelter such as trees or windbreaks can reducehigh rates of pressure-difference-driven infiltration of external air into thebuilding (most significant for older buildings, less so for modern buildingswith good draughtproofing).

● Increased surface resistance: wind shelter can increase surface resistancethrough reduced air movement and mixing (important for poorly insulatedareas such as glazing).

● Reduced moisture effects on thermal performance of envelope: wind control canreduce the wetting of the building fabric (which would otherwise increaseits thermal transmittance) by wind-driven rain[1.8.6]. Reduced air movementwill also reduce the rate of evaporative heat loss from damp materials, sothese two factors interact.

References to section 1.8[1.8.1] BRE. Climate and site development. BRE Digest 350, Parts 1–3. Garston, CRC,

1990.[1.8.2] Huang Y T, Akbari H, Taha H. The wind-shielding and shading effects of trees on

residential heating and cooling requirements. ASHRAE Transactions AT-90-24-3. pp 1403-1411.1992.

[1.8.3] O’Farrell F, Lyons G, Lynskey G. Energy conservation on exposed domestic sites.Final report of contract EEA-05-054-EIR(H). Brussels, CEC, 1987.

[1.8.4] Arens E, Bosselmann P. Wind, sun and temperature-predicting the thermal comfortof people in outdoor spaces. Building and Environment 1989: 24(4): 315–320.

[1.8.5] Yannas S. Solar energy and housing design. London, ArchitecturalAssociation/ETSU, 1994.

[1.8.6] Penman J. Energy saving through landscape planning. Volume 2: The thermalperformance of rain-wetted walls. Croydon, PSA, 1988.

1.9 Ventilation — passive cooling

In Europe, the use of air-conditioning equipment is increasing significantly; insouthern Europe the market is now close to 1.7 billion Euros per year. InGreece, for example, sales of packaged air-conditioning units jumped fromaround 2000 in 1986 to over 100 000 in 1988. Significant growth rates are alsoregistered in northern Europe.

The extensive use of air conditioning together with relatively low energyprices have contributed to a high increase in energy consumption of buildingsin southern Europe. The impact of air conditioning on peak electricitydemand is a serious problem for almost all southern European countries,except France. Because of peak electricity loads, the utilities have had to buildextra plants to satisfy demand, increasing the average cost of electricity.

Alternative passive-cooling techniques[1.9.1] are based on improved thermalprotection of the building envelope and the dissipation of the building’sthermal load to a lower temperature sink. These have proved to be veryeffective and have reached a level of architectural and industrial acceptance.Compared with air conditioning, passive cooling can give important energy,environmental, financial and operational benefits.

Site layout has an important impact on the effectiveness of passive-coolingsystems in a number of ways as follows.● Shading of buildings provides solar protection (sections 4.5, 6.2).● Site layout affects the flow of wind through the city, in some cases

increasing natural ventilation (section 4.6).● Conversely, in very warm climates buildings can be arranged to trap poorly

ventilated pools of cool outdoor air which act as heat sinks in the daytime(sections 4.6, 5.3).

14 Environmental site layout planning

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● Some layouts can promote the dispersal of pollutants, improving theviability of natural ventilation (section 4.7).

● Earth sheltering provides additional thermal mass reducing temperatureswings of the building (section 5.5).

● Important temperature and wind-flow differences can occur over the samebuilding facade (sections 3.2, 5.3). Openings for passive cooling can bearranged to take advantage of this (section 5.6).

● Heat sinks like vegetation (section 6.2), lakes and fountains and sprays(section 6.4) can lower outdoor air temperature, making passive coolingmore effective.

Reference to section 1.9[1.9.1] Santamouris M & Asimakopoulos D (eds). Passive cooling of buildings. London,

James & James, 1996.

1.10 Urban air pollution

Urban areas are often the major producers of man-made pollutants, with thehighest levels of ambient pollution. This affects human health and mortalityrates[1.10.1], damages and modifies flora, fauna and water courses, and causesexcessive erosion and defacing (usually by blackening) of buildings[1.10.2].Since most of the world’s people live in cities, urban air is the dominantcontributor to human exposure to pollution.

The problems of urban pollution are not new. Brimblecombe[1.10.3] notesthe blackening of buildings by urban pollution in ancient Rome; and evidenceof increased levels of sinusitis in Romano-British and subsequent skulls in theLondon area and complaints about odour, blackening and fumes fromindustrial processes and fires for domestic heating in London since earlymedieval times[1.10.4]. From the 17th century onwards, growingindustrialization increased both the sizes of urban areas and the scale of theirpolluting emissions. This continued largely unabated until the end of the 19thcentury (Figure 1.10.1) when significant levels of pollution control began. Thepresent century, especially its second half, has seen increasing regulation ofpolluting emissions on local, national and global scales. One of the important

1 Introduction 15

Figure 1.10.1 A view of the Potteries (Stoke-on-Trent) UK in about 1910. Many urbanareas still look like this. Because the smoke in the multitude of discharges makes themclearly visible, their dispersion and merging to form the polluting background over largerscales is apparent. The same behaviour occurs in more highly regulated environments, theonly difference is that the mix of pollutants has changed, the smoke has gone and thedispersion process is no longer visible.

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triggers for air pollution control in the UK was the major smog episode inLondon in 1952, during which it was estimated that about 4000 prematuredeaths occurred in a single week.

Elsom[1.10.1] quotes estimates that, worldwide, about 1.6 billion city dwellersare exposed to small particles or SO2 in excess of the World HealthOrganization (WHO) guidelines, and that premature deaths due to these twopollutants probably exceed 750 000 per year. Despite increasing levels ofpollution control in the more developed countries, their urban pollutionproblems have tended to change in character rather than diminish entirely.Smoke and SO2, the major pollutants from coal and heavy oil burningprocesses, have diminished, only to be replaced by nitrogen oxides, ozone,photochemical smog and fine particles as matters of major concern. Traffic iscommonly identified as the major contributor to pollution in urban areas, butthe more intensive use of energy and the greater consumption of goods andservices also contribute.

Urban pollution levels also depend on meteorological and topographicalfactors. Since pollutants are usually removed by being carried away anddiluted by the wind, these factors can be critical. The highest pollution levelsare usually associated with light winds, stable atmospheric stratification andthe blocking of large-scale air movements by topographic features. MexicoCity, Los Angeles and Athens are well-known examples of urban areas withhigh pollution levels resulting from a combination of these factors. High levelsof solar radiation also contribute to the formation of photochemical smog, sourban areas in sunny climates are more prone to these problems.

Urban pollution control is thus of great current concern and seems likely toremain so. Until now control has been by the regulation of pollutingdischarges in various ways. Regulation may include:● operational limits on processes discharging pollutants or the fuels used (eg

the sulphur content of oil and coal),● the use of abatement to control polluting discharges (for example, the use

of electrostatic precipitators to remove small particles from industrialdischarges or of exhaust catalysts in motor vehicles),

● the requirement of minimum discharge stack heights to control localpollution problems,

● limits to discharges according to meteorological conditions.

In the more developed countries, including the European Community, thereare now very high levels of regulation and control of polluting discharges.However, in many parts of the world there are negligible controls and thissituation is unlikely to change quickly.

This approach to urban pollution control is essentially reactive, respondingto pollution problems as they arise with direct controls. However, it can be acostly approach as abatement plant now represents a significant fraction ofthe capital and operating costs of many polluting processes. One contributoryapproach that has received only limited attention is that of urban design tominimize air pollution problems on both macro and micro scales. This might,for example, be by siting static pollution sources or major roads to minimizeimpacts within the urban area (section 2.6), by the layout of urban areas totake advantage of specific meteorological factors (section 2.6), or by thelayout of buildings to encourage rapid ventilation of near-ground sources(section 4.7).

There have been examples of pollution control by zoning. In medievaltimes it was common for producers of black smoke to be sited outside the citywalls. New towns designed in the UK have included zoning of industrial areas,but the effects on urban air pollution could not have been readily predicted. Itis now common for modelling studies to predict the polluting effects of majorchanges in fuel usage or new road developments.

The advantages of using small-scale urban design to encourage the rapidventilation of pollutants have received little attention. High building densities

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and particular styles of building layout can significantly reduce rates ofpollutant dispersion near the ground. For example, courtyards and enclosedspaces, which are amongst the most common architectural forms, can storelocally generated pollutants (section 4.7).

References[1.10.1] Elsom D. Smog alert — managing urban air quality. London, Earthscan

Publications, 1996.[1.10.2] DOE. The effect of acid deposition on buildings and building materials. Building

Effects Review Group, UK Department of the Environment. London, The Stationery Office, 1989.[1.10.3] Brimblecombe P. The big smoke. London, Methuen, 1988.[1.10.4] Evelyn J. Fumifugium, or the inconvenience of the aer and smoke of London

dissipated. 1661. Reprinted by the National Society for Clean Air, Brighton, UK.

1.11 Comfort in outdoor spaces

The duration and intensity of the use of outdoor spaces is closely linked tohow comfortable they are. It is possible to control the climate of outdoorspaces, but compared with the air-conditioning of buildings there are bigdifferences as follows.● The number of variables to be manipulated. Outside, wind and rain can be

important.● The relative influence of each variable. For example, direct sun on people is

generally much more important out-of-doors since it may not penetrate farinside a building. Indoors, air temperature has more influence.

● How far each variable can be manipulated. For example, it is more difficult toachieve still conditions out-of-doors on a windy day. Indoors, thetemperatures of surrounding surfaces are likely to be relatively stable,whereas outdoors they can vary a lot if the surfaces are sunlit.

● The comfort level required. Out-of-doors, people can be comfortable in awider range of conditions because they can usually move about more easilyand carry out a different range of activities.

Figure 1.11.1 shows the major heat flows over the human body. H is the direct(HD) diffuse (Hd) and reflected (Hr) solar radiation absorbed by the subject;ΔR represents the long wave radiation exchange with surrounding surfaces;C is the convection with the air and E represents evaporation.

1 Introduction 17

Figure 1.11.1 Heat flows over the human body in an outdoor space

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If the net heat flow between a person and their exterior surroundings ispositive, they have to compensate and balance it by the cooling effect ofsweating. Table 1.11.1 shows the resulting values of the relative energy gainsfor a human subject in a typical unshaded situation on a hot summer hour.

Thus to improve the level of comfort on a hot day means reducing theunfavourable heat gains, eliminating them whenever possible, or even, forconvection and long wave exchange, changing them into favourable heatlosses. Conversely, on a cold day it is best to increase heat gains and reduceheat losses.

The criteria for designing a thermally comfortable urban site are thereforecomplex and sometimes contradictory. They include solar control in summer,but also solar gains in winter, wind protection in winter but generally windaccess in summer (section 4.6).

Strategies to provide thermal comfort in an outdoor urban environment ona hot summer day can be divided into three groups:● control of direct and diffuse solar radiation,● reduction of the radiant temperature,● reduction of the air temperature.

Narrow streets (section 4.5) and courtyards provide extra shade as they stopthe access of direct solar radiation at ground level for most of the day,especially in orientations NE–SW or NW–SE (section 3.3). This blocking ofsolar radiation also produces low temperatures on the surfaces surroundingthe pedestrian, reducing the infrared radiation. However, narrow streets canlead to high pollution levels due to the poor ventilation at the bottom of thestreet canyon (section 4.7), high noise levels where there is traffic and a veryhot environment when air-conditioning systems release waste heat onto thestreet.

Wider streets can become efficient in terms of summertime thermalcomfort if they include awnings or other shading devices which protect theoccupied spaces from solar radiation. An advantage of wide streets from thethermal point of view is that they can include streetscape elements (such asstreet furniture, seating, vegetation, trees, shelters, canopies, structures andwater features) to promote shading and good comfort conditions.

Avenues of trees (section 6.2) are appreciated by pedestrians and allow theuse of wide and sunny streets in urban planning with good summer comfortfor pedestrians. In cities where rain protection is important, trees can bereplaced by colonnades (section 5.4).

In cold climates, thermal comfort is highly influenced by wind flows. Theform (section 5.1) and layout (section 4.6) of buildings, particularly tall

18 Environmental site layout planning

Table 1.11.1 The thermal balance in figuresComponent Contribution to External

heat gains controllability(%)

Heat gains Net heat 24 Not controllableof a person generation

Total radiation 55 Controllable(direct+ diffuse+reflected)Long-wave 14 Controllable. Likelyinterchange to be negative on

cooler daysConvection 7 Controllable. Likely

to be negative on cooler days

Total gains 100%

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buildings, can have a big impact on air flow and therefore the comfort ofpedestrians. Vegetation and windbreaks (section 6.1) can also help. Sunlight inthe spaces between buildings (section 4.4) will aid thermal comfort here.

1.12 Vegetation, heat sinks

Trees, green spaces and areas of water can significantly cool the builtenvironment and save energy. Their impact depends on their size andlocation.1 Large-scale = surrounding land, or large areas within a city such as forests,

urban parks, sea, lakes or rivers 2 Medium-scale (at the urban layout level) = planting strategies and the

distribution of green, non-built and built up areas3 Small-scale = local features such as trees, green areas or fountains at street

level and in adjacent or enclosed open areas of a building

For groups 1 and 2, the major effects in vegetation are due toevapotranspiration of plants and trees that regulate their foliage temperature.Water also maintains a low level of temperature due to evaporation and tothermal inertia. In both cases, a reduction of the air temperature can beachieved. Lower air temperatures result in a decrease of the heat gains to thebuilding and an increase of the efficiency (COP) of air-conditioning systems.

Numerical studies to simulate the effect of additional vegetation on urbantemperatures have been performed by various researchers. Huang et al[1.12.1]

report from computer predictions that increasing the tree cover by 25% inSacramento and Phoenix, USA, would decrease air temperatures at 2:00 pmin July by 6–10 °F (3–6 °C). Taha[1.12.2] reports simulation results for Davis,California, using the URBMET PBL model. He found that the vegetationcanopy produced daytime temperature reductions and night-time increasescompared with non-vegetated areas nearby. The temperature reduction iscaused by evaporative cooling and shading of the ground, whereas thetemperature increase at night is the result of the reduced sky factor within thecanopy. Results of the simulations show that a vegetative cover of 30% couldproduce a noon-time oasis effect (temperature reduction) of up to 6 °C infavourable conditions, and a night-time heat island of 2 °C.

Other numerical simulations reported by Gao[1.12.3] show that green areasdecrease maximum and average temperature by 2 °C, while vegetation candecrease maximum air temperatures in streets by 2 °C. Givoni[1.12.4]

recommends spacing trees and public parks throughout the urban area ratherthan concentrating them in a few spots. Honjo & Takakura[1.12.5], usingnumerical simulations of the cooling effects of green areas on theirsurrounding areas, have also suggested that smaller green areas spaced atintervals are preferable for effective cooling of surrounding areas.

For group 3, apart from the evapotranspiration, other major qualitativeeffects are:● shading effects due to trees: mitigation of the solar heat gain,● reduction of surface temperatures: decreasing convective and conductive

heat loads,● reduction of short-wave and long-wave radiation from soil to environment

or to building by ground cover plants or water films,● windbreak effect or insulation effect: wind speed and infiltration mitigation

in winter.

Shading from trees can significantly decrease energy for cooling. Parker[1.12.6]

reports that trees and shrubs planted next to a South Florida residentialbuilding can reduce summer air-conditioning costs by 40%. Reductions insummer power demand of 59% during morning and 58% in afternoon werealso measured. According to Heisler[1.12.7], shading from trees of a smallmobile home can reduce air conditioning by up to 75%. Akbari et al[1.12.8]

1 Introduction 19

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monitored peak power and cooling energy savings from shade trees in twohouses in Sacramento, USA. They found that shade trees at the twomonitored houses yielded seasonal cooling energy savings of 30%,corresponding to average daily savings of 3.6 and 4.8 kWh/day. Peak demandsavings for the same houses were 0.6 and 0.8 kW, (about 27% savings in onehouse and 42% in the other).

Akbari et al[1.12.9] also carried out computer simulations to study thecombined effect of shading and evapotranspiration of vegetation on theenergy use of typical one-story buildings in various US cities. By adding onetree per house, the cooling energy savings range from 12 to 24%, while addingthree trees per house can reduce the cooling load by 17–57%. According tothis study, the direct effects of shading account for only 10–35% of the totalcooling energy savings. The remaining savings result from temperatureslowered by evapotranspiration.

Experimental results carried out during the POLIS project reveal asignificant decrease of the air temperature (3–5 °C) in courtyards with tall anddense trees compared with those without vegetation.

In a complementary context, trees also help mitigate the greenhouse effect,filter pollutants, mask noise, prevent erosion and have a calmingpsychological effect.

References to section 1.12[1.12.1] Huang Y J, Akbari H, Taha H G & Rosenfeld A H. The potential of vegetation in

reducing summer cooling loads in residential buildings. LBL Report 21291. Berkeley, California,Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, 1986.

[1.12.2] Taha H. Site specific heat island simulations: model development and applicationto microclimate conditions. LBL Report 26105. Berkeley, California, Lawrence BerkeleyLaboratory, 1988.

[1.12.3] Gao W. Thermal effects of open space with a green area on urban environment.Part 1: a theoretical analysis and its application. Journal of Architecture, Planning andEnvironmental Engineering (AIJ) 1993: (488) .

[1.12.4] Givoni B. Climate considerations in building and urban design. New York, VanNostrand Reinhold, 1998.

[1.12.5] Honjo T & Takakura T. Simulation of thermal effects of urban green areas ontheir surrounding areas. Energy and Buildings 1990/1991: 15–16: 443–446.

[1.12.6] Parker J H. Landscaping to reduce the energy used in cooling buildings. Journalof Forestry 1983: 81(2): 82–83.

[1.12.7] Heisler G M. Energy savings with trees. Journal of Arboriculture 1986: 12(5):113–124.

[1.12.8] Akbari H, Kurn D M, Bretz S E & Hanfold J W. Peak power and cooling energysavings of shade trees. Energy and Buildings 1997: 25: 139–148.

[1.12.9] Akbari H, Davis S, Dorsano S, Huang J & Winett S. Cooling our communities— a guidebook on tree planting and light colored surfacing. Washington, Office of PolicyAnalysis, Climate Change Division, US Environmental Protection Agency, January 1992.

1.13 Layout strategies

This book aims to provide guidance on site layout for improvedenvironmental conditions both within and around buildings. Clearly therequirements will vary according to local climate. In the rest of the book theguidance is grouped according to its suitability for different climate types. Theicons (left) are used.

Where possible, detailed data on the local climate should be obtained at theoutset. The key parameters are as follows.

(a) TemperatureTemperature is important for passive solar design and also for the design ofoutdoor spaces. In northern Europe winter temperatures affect the heatingrequirement. Although the lowest temperatures occur in the early morning,solar gain contributes most around mid-day. It follows, then, that the placeswhere solar gain can make an important contribution will be those where the

20 Environmental site layout planning

Warm (cooling-dominated) climates

Cool (heating-dominated) climates

Mixed climate (bothheating and coolingrequired)

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temperature just after mid-day is below the threshold for heating, eg 16 °C, fora significant part of the year.

In the south, the summer temperatures and high solar radiation cause theneed for shade. Passive cooling techniques like shading can make their biggestimpact around the middle of the day. So the temperature during the day couldbe the critical parameter here too. Where this exceeds 24 °C for a significantpart of the year, buildings would need extra cooling which passive measurescould avoid. External conditions can be uncomfortable too and shade andother passive cooling measures will be welcome.

Figure 1.13.1 shows areas of Europe where passive solar heating andshading are likely to be of value. The brown contour shows areas where theaverage temperature in the early afternoon is 16 °C or less for three months ofthe year. North of this line passive solar gain in winter is likely to be of benefit.The blue contour shows areas where the average summer temperature in theearly afternoon exceeds 24 °C for three months of the year.

The contours divide Europe into three zones:1 A heating-dominated zone with cool winters and mild summers, north of

both contours. Here the following site layout strategies are likely to beparticularly useful:● use of passive solar gain (sections 2.3, 3.3, 4.3, 5.1),● sunlight as an amenity both indoors (section 4.2) and outdoors

(section 4.4),● wind shelter (sections 2.4, 4.6, 6.1),● daylighting (section 4.1).

2 A cooling-dominated zone with mild winters and warm or hot summers,south of both contours. This includes the Algarve, southern Spain, most ofthe Mediterranean islands and the very south of Italy and Greece. Here thedominant strategies are:● lower heat island effects by siting (sections 2.2, 3.2),● use ventilation for cooling and encourage winds in open sites (sections

1 Introduction 21




Figure 1.13.1 Map of Europe showing contours of temperature in the early afternoon

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2.5, 3.2, 4.6, 5.6),● use narrow streets and courtyards for deeply shaded areas (sections 4.5,

5.3),● use vegetation as heat sink and to provide extra shading (sections 2.7,

6.2),● water features: lakes, ponds and sprays for cooling (sections 2.7, 6.4),● high surface albedo to prevent heat absorption (section 6.5).

3 An intermediate zone with cool winters and warm or hot summers,between the two contours. This covers most of Portugal and Italy, centralSpain, southern France, northern Greece and the Balkan states. Here,passive solar heating is welcome in winter but shade and cooling is neededin summer. Specialized site layout techniques are needed to cope with bothrequirements simultaneously:● use vegetation for winter wind shelter (section 6.1) and summer shade

and cooling (section 6.2),● deciduous trees for summer shade (section 6.2),● colonnades for shade in summer and shelter in winter (section 5.4),● overhangs and other forms to shade buildings in summer (section 5.6),● daylighting through shaded side windows or north-facing apertures

(section 4.1),● high surface albedo for summer cooling and light reflection all year

(section 6.5).

(b) Wind speedsAlthough not as important as temperature, wind speed has a considerableeffect on site layout strategy. In the north, windy locations need more shelter.In the south breezes can provide cooling, and the need for mutual shading isless important. The effect of wind speed is therefore to make the site appearmore northerly as far as site layout strategy is concerned. In cold areas withlittle wind, the best strategy is to open up the site layout for maximum sun(sections 4.3, 4.4). Where winds are stronger, the provision of shelter (sections4.6, 6.1) becomes much more important. Wind speeds therefore need to betreated as an independent variable. Figure 1.13.2 shows average wind speedsin Europe. However, wind exposure also depends considerably on the preciseposition of the site (in a valley, on the crest of a hill, etc.). Section 2.2 givesguidance.

(c) Building type and heating and cooling needsThe need for heating and cooling inside a building depends on its purpose.This in turn determines:● the range of internal temperatures required,● the internal heat gains,● weight of construction and hence thermal heat storage,● typical plan depths: deep plan buildings usually need less heating and more


Figures 1.13.3–1.13.6 illustrate this for two common building types: residentialand offices. For housing, the heating load over the whole year always exceedsthe cooling load, even in the far south of Europe. Much of this heating loadwill occur in the early morning and therefore cannot be provided by solar heatgain. For offices the reverse is true. Even in northern France, the coolingrequirements over the year exceed the heating requirements. These resultsshould also be typical of other medium–large non-domestic buildings likesupermarkets and light industrial factories.

Site layout issues can still be important for these non-domestic buildingtypes. Key strategies are:● use of natural ventilation, perhaps as part of a mixed mode cooling strategy

(sections 2.5, 3.2, 4.6, 5.6),● management of pollutant levels to aid ventilation (sections 2.6, 4.7),

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● other passive cooling strategies (section 5.6) including overhangs andevaporative cooling strategies,

● daylighting (section 4.1) coupled with appropriate control of electriclighting inside the building to reduce heat gains,

● heat sinks like vegetation (sections 2.7, 6.2) and water features (sections 2.7,6.4, 6.5),

● managing visual impact of a building (sections 3.5, 5.8).

1 Introduction 23

Figure 1.13.2 Average wind speeds in Europe

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24 Environmental site layout planning

Figure 1.13.3 Residential building heating requirements. © University of Seville

Figure 1.13.4 Residential building cooling requirements. © University of Seville



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1 Introduction 25

Figure 1.13.5 Office building heating requirements. © University of Seville

Figure 1.13.6 Office building cooling requirements. © University of Seville



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The climate of a particular site will often differ in several respects from the‘area average’ indicated by maps or tables. Ideally, microclimate and passivesolar considerations should be a factor in selecting sites for many types ofbuilding. However, with the restricted availability of development land inmany parts of Europe, this is not always possible. Nevertheless, there may besituations where a choice of sites is possible. In any case, a knowledge of themicroclimatic character of the site is valuable because it can help designersand urban planners to develop a strategy to improve the site microclimate,and to decide to what extent solar gains can be exploited.

2.1 Urban development strategy

Strategy: Balance accessibility and energy demands

Urban development patterns are a primary factor in sustainable energypolicies. In traditional compact cities, for instance, private building energyconsumptions are usually smaller because of the thermal benefits of sharingparty walls. However, changes in transport patterns mean that compact citiesneed no longer be the norm. Long home to work distances are no longer amajor impediment for people with cars or easy access to public transport.Thus, several new types of urban pattern have emerged. They are illustratedin Figure 2.1.1[2.1.1]. These six models are based on data collected in easterncentral England, and are examples of major tendencies that can be observedelsewhere.

Real cities are a mix between these theoretical models. Nevertheless, theyprovide a simple typology for urban developments. Some of these patternsresult from stringent development control (patterns 0, 1 and 3). Others arealmost spontaneous (patterns 2, 4 and 5). Each has its own advantages andconstraints, in terms of domestic building energy consumptions, travel costs,accessibility and congestion, individual access to private home ownership andother issues.

The existing pattern (pattern 0) appears to be convenient under present oilconservation and domestic building policies. Yet this could be dramaticallymodified if energy costs rose substantially.

Reduction of transport fuel consumptionsPattern 1, in which all new developments are directed into the existing city,appears to be the most appropriate for major fuel savings: reduced trip length,improved accessibility, an estimated 18% reduction in the total passenger-kilometres travelled. Pattern 5 gives similar, but slightly inferior fuel savings.

Reduction of domestic building energy consumptionsPattern 1 is again the most appropriate, partly due to reduction of privatespace, closely followed by patterns 3 and 5.


2 Site location

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Obviously, the user benefits of these policies are far from equivalent. Thesecosts should be measured by weighting accessibility and the cost of workingand living within a place. Central locations are usually more accessible, butalso more expensive, due to land development limitations. Dispersed patternsare more difficult to access, but are less expensive.

Considering these factors, pattern 3 would provide energy benefits at twicethe cost of pattern 1, and pattern 5 at half the price of pattern 1. Consequently,from a sustainability point of view, pattern 5 (dispersed villages) wouldprobably be the most promising solution.

New developments in transport and energy supply (electric cars, districtheating systems, etc.) could however change the relative benefits of each citytype. Development of major light railways along main axes would obviouslybenefit the third scenario. And active solar devices would lessen differencesbetween concentrated and dispersed configurations since they are not easilyachievable in very dense areas like pattern 1 (44.5 persons/hectare).

Urban development strategy also affects pollution levels. This is discussedin section 2.6 below.

Reference to section 2.1[2.1.1] Rickaby P & Steadman P. Towards a spatial energy model: a theoretical

comparison of accessibility and energy-use in regional settlement patterns. Final report. Centrefor Configurational studies, The Open University, Milton Keynes, 1985.

2.2 Temperature

Strategy: choose or modify site to enhance heat island effect (in cool climates) or reduce it(in warm climates)

Urban and suburban sites will experience different climates. Towns and citiescan show marked increases in temperature (the ‘heat island’ effect) both inwinter and, especially, in summer. Studies on the intensity of the heat islandhave been performed for a number of European cities. Lyall[2.2.1] mentionsthat the heat island in London at night in June–July 1976 increasedtemperatures by around 2.5 °C on average. This is not far below a daily upperdecile limit of 3.1 °C found by Chandler[2.2.2] for London in 1951–1960.Eliasson[2.2.3] reports data on the heat island intensity in Goteborg, Sweden.Urban–rural temperature comparisons show a well-developed urban heatisland increasing temperatures by up to 3.5 °C in winter and even 6 °C insummer. During summer nights the heat island intensity was nearly alwaysgreater than 0.5 °C and on 40% of the night hours it was greater than 1 °C. InMalmo, Sweden, during winter and spring, a mean heat island temperatureincrease close to 7 °C has been found (Barring et al[2.2.4]). Limited data on theheat island intensity in Essen, Germany, are reported by Swaid &Hoffman[2.2.5] for September 1986. The observed temperature increase wasbetween 3 and 4 °C for both day and night. A maximum horizontaltemperature gradient between Paris and its suburbs close to 14 °C has beenrecorded[2.2.6].

In cool climates, the heat island effect is generally beneficial. It can reducebuilding heating costs and improve thermal comfort in outdoor spaces. Theprimary concern is to mitigate the cold, wind and wet of the relatively longcool season. It is better, then, to enhance at a local level, as far as practicable,the heat island effect. Site layout, built form, external materials and landscapedesign are all elements that can help to create a sheltered environment,exploiting favourable climatic influences and protecting against unfavourableones. For maximum effect the various elements need to be well integratedinto the overall design. In site selection, the following factors will help:● site integrated into built-up area,● site well sheltered from prevailing winter winds (section 2.4), ● site with good solar exposure: eg a south-facing slope (section 2.3) or with

2 Site location 27

Figure 2.1.1 Six theoretical regionalsettlement patterns. One as existing(pattern 0) and five variants: concentrationof new developments into the central city(pattern 1), along the main road system(pattern 2), into satellite towns (pattern 3),along secondary roads (pattern 4) and intoexisting villages (pattern 5). © University of Liege

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low obstructions to the south,● site neither on an exposed hill top or at the base of a valley where mist can

form and cold air collect.

In warm climates, the reverse strategy is needed. Urban design should aim toreduce the heat island effect if possible. Once again, site layout and position,built form, external materials and landscape design are all important. In thePOLIS research project, 20 temperature and humidity stations were installedin the Athens region from June 1996. The number of stations had beenextended to 30 by June 1997. High temperature differences between the urbanand reference stations were recorded during summer 1996, up to 18 °C duringthe day and, in particular, between a station suffering from high traffic densityand the reference station. It was found that the higher the temperature in theurban station, the higher the temperature difference. This is mainly due toextra heat from traffic and other sources in the city centre.

During the day temperature differences can vary widely (0–18 °C) with theurban layout, traffic load, anthropogenic heat and the overall energy balanceof each particular area. A mean temperature difference is close to 7–8 °C. Thenational park, located at the very centre of Athens has much lowertemperature differences with the suburbs, while the lowest temperaturedifferences are recorded in a main pedestrian street. In general the city centrehas much higher temperatures during the day time than the surrounding area.This becomes clearer when the spatial distribution of the temperature isplotted. Figure 2.2.1 visualizes the spatial temperature distribution at thecentral Athens area at noon on the 1st August 1996. As shown, the centralAthens area is about 7–8 °C warmer than the surrounding area, while at thehigh traffic station of Ippokratous the temperature difference is close to12–13 °C.

The following site factors will therefore help mitigate the heat island effect:● location close to major heat sinks like the sea and lakes, forests and parks

(section 2.7), preferably downwind of these,● areas of low traffic density like pedestrian streets,● shading from summer sun by trees or buildings,● access to prevailing winds (section 2.5),● using materials with low heat capacity,● use of highly reflective surfaces to increase the albedo (section 6.5).

The two most cost-effective methods to reduce the heat island effect are byincreasing the amount of vegetation in the cities and using light-colouredfacades instead of dark building materials. Vegetation can reduce the heatisland by directly shading individual buildings and by evapotranspiration. The

28 Environmental site layout planning

Figure 2.2.1 Temperature distribution around the central Athens area at 12:00 of the1st August 1996. © University of Athens

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2 Site location 29

albedo of the city surfaces determines the amount of solar radiation absorbedor reflected which is the main reason for the high surface temperaturesobserved in the urban environment. The implementation of these techniquescan be applied in a whole urban area or in individual locations like pedestrianstreets.

References to section 2.2[2.2.1] Lyall I T. The London heat-island in June–July 1976. Weather 1977: 32(8):

296–302.[2.2.2] Chandler T J. City growth and urban climates. Weather 1964: 19: 170–171.[2.2.3] Eliasson I. Urban nocturnal temperatures, street geometry and land use.

Atmospheric Environment 1996: 30(3): 379–392.[2.2.4] Barring L, Mattsson J O & Lindqvist S. Canyon geometry, street temperatures

and urban heat island in Malmo, Sweden. Journal of Climatology 1985: 5: 433–444.[2.2.5] Swaid H & Hoffman M E. Prediction of urban air temperature variations using the

analytical CTTC model. Energy and Buildings 1990b: 14: 313–324.[2.2.6] Escourrou G. Climate and pollution in Paris. Energy and Buildings 1990/1991:

15–16: 673–676.

2.3 Site slope

Strategy: Consider effects of site slope on solar access, temperature and daylight

Solar accessSite slope[2.3.1] and surrounding mountains may reduce the daylight, sunlightand solar heat gain (Figure 2.3.1) buildings can receive. For slopes of allorientations, daylight will be lost to windows facing up the slope (Figure2.3.2). Rows of buildings need to be spaced further apart to achieve the sameamount of mutual obstruction. Figure 2.3.3 shows the extra spacing (seeFigure 2.3.2) required for different site slopes and latitudes, to meet thedaylight access recommendations in section 4.1. On steep slopes, considerhaving the main window walls facing down the slope. In warmer climates,earth sheltering (section 5.5) is a possible strategy, with buildings beingrecessed into the hillside.

For access to sunlight, particularly for passive solar gain, a south-facingslope is best. Buildings can be closer together and still achieve the same solaraccess, and the ground is warmer because it faces the sun for most of the year.Conversely, a north-facing slope may result in a loss of sunlight, particularly athigh latitudes. To achieve the same solar access, buildings need to be spacedfurther apart. Figure 2.3.4 quantifies this. It is based on the recommendationsfor solar access in section 4.3. The spacings are based on achieving sun at mid-day on January 21 north of 50° N, and on December 21 south of 46.5° N.Figure 2.3.4 assumes south-facing buildings, and that the site slope ismeasured in a north–south vertical section. An east- or west-facing slope willresult in loss of sun at particular times of day but will have little impact on the

Figure 2.3.1 The slope of the site has asignificant effect on overshading

Figure 2.3.2 To achieve the same obstruction angles and hence daylight access, greaterspacing is required on sloping sites

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Figure 2.3.3 Spacing:height ratios for rows of houses (Figure 2.3.2) to achieve good access to daylight (section 4.1)

Figure 2.3.4 Spacing:height ratios for rows of houses, to achieve good access to winter solar heat gain (section 4.3)

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sun around noon which in winter forms the major contributor to passive solarheating.

Where a north-facing sloping site must be chosen, it may be possible toimprove solar access by using sloping glazing and having main living roomson an upper floor (Figure 2.3.5)[2.3.2]. Alternatively, if the required buildingspacings are impractical it may be best to abandon a passive solar approachand instead concentrate on highly insulated buildings and to seek ways toimprove site microclimate. This could involve opening out spaces to theavailable sun (section 4.4), and providing wind shelter (section 4.6), withenough daylight for amenity purposes (section 4.1).

Even if the site is level, solar access can be lost if it is surrounded bymountains (Figure 2.3.6). This can be quantified by treating the mountains likeany other obstruction and comparing angles in sections 4.1 and 4.3. If the siteitself is level, the nearby mountains do not affect the required spacing ofbuildings to achieve access to daylight and solar gain.

Air flowsThe movement of air up or down a slope, even a modest one, can beimportant, especially for sites at or near the bottom. This effect is due tobuoyancy: air warmed by the ground on a calm, sunny day will rise up a slope(anabatic flow), while air cooled by the ground on a calm, clear night will driftdown it (katabatic flow). Typical speeds for such flows are from 1 to 2 m/s,depending on the extent and steepness of the slope. Much stronger flows canoccur in mountainous regions. Katabatic flows are more important for sitedevelopment: they render hollows and valley floors colder than locationspart-way up the sides and, especially, increase the severity and persistence offrosts where cold air is trapped. It is important to recognize where such flowsare likely, to avoid creating cold air traps at unsuitable points in the layout ofbuildings or landscape features.

The most favourable location in a valley is often referred to as the ‘thermalbelt’, lying just above the level to which pools of cold air build up, but belowthe point at which the chilling effects of the wind become dominant[2.3.3].

References to section 2.3[2.3.1] Simpson B J & Purdy M T. Housing on sloping sites: a design guide. London,

Construction Press, 1984.[2.3.2] Yannas S. Solar energy and housing design (Volumes 1 and 2). London,

Architectural Association, 1994.[2.3.3] Brown G Z. Sun, wind and light architectural design strategies. New York, Wiley,


2.4 Wind shelter

Strategy: Identify site exposure to cold winter winds

The wind regime in and around cities can be defined in two layers. The ‘urbanair canopy’, is extended from the ground surface up to the building height, hb,while the ‘urban air dome’ is extended above the roof tops, to about 2–3 timesthe building height. Above this level, the wind is not affected by the details ofthe surface, only its drag force.

Wind speeds in the two layers are quite different. The urban air canopy hasits own wind-flow field which depends on the wind-flow field above but alsoon local effects such as topography, building geometry and dimensions, streetpatterns, traffic and other local features, like the presence of trees.

Generally, significantly larger average wind speeds exist in the urban airdome. The urban edge, or areas close to large open spaces or lakes or the seawill also experience more severe winds. Air flows in the urban air domedepend on the aerodynamic roughness length z0. Typical values of z0 aregiven by Oke[2.4.1], Table 2.4.1.

2 Site location 31

Figure 2.3.5 Maison Herzet, Belgium, issited on a north-facing slope. To improvesolar access living areas are at first-floorlevel, and the conservatory has high levelcurved glazing

Figure 2.3.6 This passive solar school inModane, France, is surrounded bymountains. It experiences some loss ofwinter sun for this reason.

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The CEC Wind Atlas[2.4.2] gives a methodology for estimating site windconditions quantitatively. It is particularly helpful for assessing the impacts ofthe stronger winds that are typical of winter. Basic data are given for a largenumber of regions in Europe. In the atlas calculation method, these are thencorrected for terrain roughness. Both wind speed spectra and wind directionare given.

The greater wind exposure of upland sites, eg hill-tops and moorland, isusually evident on all but the calmest days. Even if the altitude is insufficient toresult in markedly reduced air temperatures, the greater frequency of dayswhen winds are stronger affects both external comfort and energy use inbuildings. Severe wind exposure will often be revealed in the form of trees andhedges (Figure 2.4.1).

The crests of hills and ridges can present particular problems due to theway wind flows over them. The wind velocity:height profile is compressed,compared with that above level ground, and strong winds can occur very nearground level. For example, around the crest of a 1 in 3 hill, gust speeds only afew metres above the ground will be about one-third greater than those at aheight of 10 m above a level situation upwind of the hill (Figure 2.4.2). Becauseof this, attempts to establish natural shelter, such as trees, may have limitedsuccess. The exposure of an upland site will depend on the adjoining terrain indifferent directions. For example, sites facing prevailing winds will generallybe more exposed than those sloping away from them; a site on an isolated hillwill tend to be more exposed than on a hill within a group. In summary,although exposed hilltop sites may receive unrivalled solar radiation, they willbe very difficult to shelter from the wind.

In exposed urban edge sites, shelterbelts and windbreaks can provideconsiderable improvements in site microclimate. Section 6.1 gives full details.Building spacing (section 4.6) and form (section 5.1, 5.5) are also important.

References to section 2.4[2.4.1] Oke T R. Boundary layer climates. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1987.[2.4.2] Troen I & Peterson E L. CEC European wind atlas. Roskilde, Denmark, Ris National

Laboratory, 1989.

32 Environmental site layout planning

Table 2.4.1 Typical roughness length, z0, of urbanized terrain.Data from Oke[2.4.1]

Terrain z0


Scattered settlement (farms, 0.2–0.6villages, trees, hedges)

SuburbanLow density residences 0.4–1.2

and gardensHigh density 0.8–1.8UrbanHigh density < 5-storey row 1.5–2.5

and block buildingsHigh density plus 2.5–10

multi-storey blocks Figure 2.4.1 Tree shape revealing wind exposure

Figure 2.4.2 Typical velocity profiles atcrest of steep hill: (a) steep slope,(b) shallow slope



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2 Site location 33

2.5 Wind cooling: ventilation

Strategy: Consider site access to natural ventilation, and factors affecting it like noiseand pollution

Natural ventilation can provide fresh air for building occupants, to maintainacceptable air quality levels and also to provide cooling. Natural ventilationprocesses are caused by naturally produced pressure differences acrossopenings due to the wind or temperature differences. The flow of air throughlarge openings such as windows and doors in naturally ventilated buildings ismainly due to the effect of the wind. Thermal forces attributed to temperaturedifferences also play a significant role, especially when ambient wind speedsare low.

Various methods, both simplified and detailed, have been proposed tocalculate the effects of the building location on the effectiveness of naturalventilation. The methods, in general, propose techniques to find the reductionof either the wind speed or the air-flow rate due to the relative location of thebuilding and the characteristics of nearby buildings.

A simplified but quite comprehensive method has been developed by theFlorida Solar Energy Center[2.5.1, 2.5.2]. The method proposes a TerrainCorrection Factor (TCF) to multiply the design air change rate, to take intoaccount the reduction of wind speed because of the building location. Theproposed values are given in Table 2.5.1 for 24-hour and night ventilationstrategies.

The same method proposes a reduction coefficient to take into account theeffect of nearby buildings. The coefficient is based on the wall height of theupwind building, h, as well as on the gap between the building and theadjacent upwind building, g. Values of the Neighbourhood Correction Factor(NCF) are given in Table 2.5.2. as a function of the ratio g/h.

The final air-flow rate can then be calculated as the product of the designair-flow rate multiplied by the NCF and the TCF.

A number of other methods have been developed based on measurementsin urban environments. These either propose a correction factor to decreasethe wind speed in urban canyons or give analytical expressions to calculatethe wind speed as a function of the wind and canyon characteristics. Acomprehensive review of these methods is given in section 4.6.

Natural ventilation is an appropriate technique for almost all types ofenvironment. However, special attention should be given to urban andindustrial environments where outdoor pollution may be a serious constraint.Section 2.6 below gives details. In very dirty or polluted locations sealedwindows and mechanical ventilation with filtration or air-conditioning maybe necessary. Alternatively, it may be possible to admit natural ventilationfrom a less polluted side of the building.

Similar problems can occur in very noisy environments, with a conflictbetween acoustic protection and ventilation. An open window gives very littlesound insulation. Trickle vents tend to reduce the performance of a double-

Table 2.5.2 Neighbourhood CorrectionFactor (NCF)

Ratio NCFg/h

0 0.001 0.412 0.633 0.774 0.855 0.936 1.00

Table 2.5.1 Terrain Correction Factor (TCF)Terrain type TCF, TCF,

24-hour Night-onlyventilation ventilation

Oceanfront or > 3 miles water in front 1.30 0.98Airports, or flatlands with isolated, 1.00 0.75well-separated buildingsRural 0.85 0.64Suburban or Industrial 0.67 0.50Centre of large city 0.47 0.35

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glazed unit to that of a single-glazed window. It may be possible to admitventilation air from a quieter side of the building, if there is one, or to siteacoustically sensitive tasks on the quieter side. In extreme cases mechanicalventilation, through specially designed vents, may be necessary.

References to section 2.5[2.5.1] Chandra S, Fairey P W & Houston M M. Cooling with ventilation. Report SERI SP-

273-2966, DE 86010701. Solar Energy Research Institute, Golden, Colorado, 1986.[2.5.2] Chandra S, Fairey P W & Houston M M. A handbook for designing ventilated

buildings. Final Report FSEC-CR-93-83. Florida Solar Energy Centre, Cape Canaveral, Florida,1983.

2.6 Pollution sources

Pollution sources in urban areas are not fundamentally different from thoseelsewhere, there are more of them in a small area. The most important effectsof pollution are:● adverse health effects,● erosion or blackening of buildings,● nuisance,● damage to flora or fauna.

A single pollution source may contribute to one or more of these effects.Health effects are of greatest concern due to both the high levels of exposurein urban areas and to the relatively high numbers of people exposed (seesection 1.10). Erosion and blackening of buildings is a long-running aestheticproblem and very important for historic structures of architectural orarchaeological importance. The most common causes of nuisance are dustand odour. Damage to flora and fauna is common in urban areas.

Subdivided by type of discharge, the most important source groupings are:● road traffic,● combustion plant (eg heating systems, power generation and waste

incineration),● discharges from industrial processes,● accidental discharges from industrial processes and other sources, ● building ventilation exhaust discharges.

Vehicle emissions are probably the major local pollution source in urbanareas[2.6.1, 2.6.2]. However, other sources are often the principal component ofthe overall pollution level. Of the pollutant discharges from different sources,most are usually only known approximately. This applies especially to odours,which are difficult to quantify. Pollution sources in cities are released atdifferent heights. Discharges from road traffic are mostly (but not always) atthe ground, while those from combustion and process discharges are usuallyabove the local building heights. In the latter cases there is often a regulatoryrequirement for minimum discharge stack heights to ensure that pollutionlevels at the ground from these sources are within acceptable levels.Accidental and ventilation exhaust discharges are at heights and positionsthat are largely arbitrary.

Subdividing pollution sources by types of pollutant is more complex as anenormous range of pollutants are discharged to the atmosphere. The mostimportant are usually the subject of monitoring and their emissions are oftencontrolled. The most important groups of pollutants are given in the box,left[2.6.3].

Pollutants discharged into the air are carried away as a slender plume bywhatever wind may be blowing. The plume spreads and dilutes withincreasing distance. This process is known as dispersion. The contaminantconcentration in plumes is roughly inversely proportional to both thewindspeed and to the square of the distance.

34 Environmental site layout planning

Important groups of pollutants

● Acid gases. Mainly sulfur and nitrogenoxides from combustion processes, butthere are contributions from othersources, eg hydrogen chloride andhydrogen fluoride from incineration.

● Small, inhalable, particles (includingsoot).

● Metals, especially heavy metals,mercury, cadmium, and lead. Mainlyproduced by incineration and industrialprocesses. A major source of lead isvehicle emissions, though this isdiminishing rapidly within Europe withlead-free fuel.

● Volatile organic compounds (VOCs).There is an enormous variety of these,discharged directly (eg from paintspraying or vehicle fuel evaporation) andalso as products of combustion, fromindustrial processes and other sources.

● Dioxins and other toxic andcarcinogenic organic compoundsfrom combustion and industrialprocesses.

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In urban areas, the dispersing plumes from the multitude of sources mergetogether at longer distances to form the ‘background’ pollution. Sources closeby will contribute high contaminant concentrations, but there will probablybe few of them. Exposure levels critically depend on the local meteorology,not only the windspeed and direction, but also the degree of stratification(stability) of the atmosphere, and the effects of topography. Dispersion fromsources near the ground is also affected strongly by surface obstacles, usuallybuildings. They can both increase or slow down dispersion and modifywindspeeds near the ground (which in turn affects plume concentrations). Avariety of surface features affect this, the proportion of the surface occupied bybuildings, their heights and widths, layout patterns and variability in shape(see section 4.7).

Sources at different distances will give different exposure patterns asfollows.● The far-field regime, beyond about 1 km distance, where the plume cross-

section is large compared with individual buildings and structures.● The intermediate-field regime, in which the plume cross-section is large

enough to encompass a few buildings or structures. This typically coversdistances from a few hundred metres up to about a kilometre.

● The near-field regime, in which the plume cross-section is small comparedwith buildings and other obstacles. This extends typically from very shortranges up to distances of a few hundred metres.

The far-field regimeWhen a dispersing plume has reached a size where its cross-section is largecompared with the surface obstacles, only the overall atmospheric turbulencecontrols the rate of dispersion. Figure 2.6.1 shows a sketch of this dispersionregime. At these large scales, the details of the surface obstacles areunimportant, it is only their overall effect that matters.

Manins et al’s recent review of Australian work in this area[2.6.4] remarksthat ‘urban form does matter’ in its effects on air pollution. They describestudies of real and hypothetical large-scale urban layouts and the effects ofthese on the levels and distributions of air pollutants from various sources.Figure 2.6.2 shows a diagram of the inputs required for this type of study.Figure 2.6.3 shows diagrams of six styles of urban area investigated in this way,with different population densities and patterns of land use. The types aredescribed broadly as given in the box, left.

The study showed that urban form had significant effects on pollutionlevels and patterns of distribution, though none was superior for all pollutants.Business-as-usual gave, overall, a continuing deterioration. The compact city wasgood for fuel usage and energy saving (reducing CO2 emissions) but exposureto pollutants increased. Thus, this option would require higher levels ofemission control. The other city designs all offered reduced exposure topollutants in various ways, but little change in fuel usage and CO2 emissions.Thus, the balance between urban form and pollution is complex but can besubject to change by deliberate design.

The intermediate-field regimeHere, a dispersing plume cross-section is large enough to spread across anumber of buildings. It corresponds typically to source distances between afew hundred metres and one kilometre. Figure 2.6.4 shows a sketch of thisregime. Dispersion depends on the area density (the proportion of the surfacearea occupied by obstacles), the mean building heights and widths and theirvariability in a given area. The layout of surface structures and the winddirection over them is also important as some patterns can greatly alter therates of lateral and vertical dispersion. For example, for releases near theground, plumes within urban areas mix rapidly vertically to the height of thebuildings and beyond and laterally to the widths of the buildings.

Categories of urban layout[2.6.4]

Business-as- Extrapolation of currentusual patterns into the future

Compact city Increased population density of inner suburbs

Edge city Increased population and density of an inner groupof suburbs

Corridor city A focus of growth along linear radial corridorssupported by improvedpublic transport and infrastructure

Fringe city Additional growth,predominantly at the outer boundaries

Ultra city Additional growth in secondary cities within 100 km, linked by high-speed transport

Figure 2.6.1 The far-field regime

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Figure 2.6.2 Inputs for urban layout study: (a) landuse–transport–emissions model,(b) prognostic meteorological and airshed models









Figure 2.6.3 Types of urban area:(a) business-as-usual, (b) compact city,(c) edge city, (d) corridor city, (e) fringe city,(f) ultra city

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The near-field regimeThis regime covers plume dispersion over short distances, up to perhaps a fewhundred metres. Here the width of a plume will be of the order of tens ofmetres or less (at distances of 10–20 m the plume width may only be a fewmetres). Thus, a locally discharged contaminant plume can only affect alimited region at one time, there will be either no exposure or a relatively highconcentration when the plume impacts on a particular site. It is quite commonfor there to be very high levels of fluctuation in concentration at a singleposition, over time-scales of seconds. However, there is also a capacity forincreased mixing to occur downwind of buildings, over areas of the order ofthe cross-section of the buildings. Concentrations are reduced but exposure ismore likely to occur. Figure 2.6.5 shows sketches of these types of dispersionbehaviour.

From a local point of view there may be no way to avoid large pollutingsources at long distances, which pervade the whole urban area. However,there are greater possibilities for avoiding and controlling local sources so thattheir effects can be diminished by planning and regulation. There is apotential for further minimizing the effects of local pollution sources by thechoice of urban layout and design (section 4.7), especially if this is done withregard to the local weather patterns.

References to section 2.6[2.6.1] QUARG (Quality of Urban Air Review Group). Urban air quality in the United

Kingdom. UK Department of the Environment. London, The Stationery Office, 1993.[2.6.2] QUARG (Quality of Urban Air Review Group). Diesel vehicle emissions and urban

air quality. UK Department of the Environment. London, The Stationery Office, 1993.[2.6.3] Salway A G, Eggleston H S, Goodwind J W L & Murrels T P. UK emissions of air

pollutants, 1970–1995. National Emissions Inventory: National Environmental TechnologyCentre Report AEAT-1746/Issue 1. Culham, UK, AEA Technology, 1997.

[2.6.4] Manins P C, Cope M E, Hurley P J, Newton P W, Smith N C & Marquez L O.The impact of urban development on air quality and energy use. Paper presented at 14thInternational Clean Air and Environment Conference, 18–22 October 1998, Melbourne,Australia.

2.7 Heat sinks: sea, lakes and forests

Thermal performance of water bodiesCompared with most land surfaces a water body exhibits very little change insurface temperature during the day. Water is different because (i) solarradiation can be transmitted deep within it and then absorbed, (ii) heat canalso pass deep within the water by convection and mixing, (iii) water losesheat by evaporation. So although water absorbs a lot of heat because of its lowalbedo (section 6.5), it is such a good heat sink that the heat transfer to itssurroundings is small. By day, sensible heat flux is small because most of theenergy is stored or evaporated off; at night it is small because the long-waveradiative cooling is largely offset by heat stored deep in the water. Little heatflows to and from the air by convection so atmospheric warming and coolingrates are relatively small over water bodies. In contrast, the convective heatflows and rates of temperature change over land are large and vary a lot duringthe day.

Figure 2.6.4 The intermediate-fieldregime

Figure 2.6.5 The near-field regime


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Land and sea (lake) breezesLand and water surfaces therefore have different thermal responses, and thisis the driving force behind the land and sea (lake) breeze circulation systemencountered near ocean or lake shorelines. By day, the land is warmer and airabove it rises. This is replaced by air from the relatively cool sea (the seabreeze). At night the air flow is reversed; air rises over the warm water and isreplaced by air from the relatively cool land (land breeze) (Figure 2.7.1).Thermal breeze systems of this type develop most quickly in anticyclonicsummer weather with light winds and high solar radiation. These conditionsproduce the greatest differences between sea and land. Increased cloud orstronger winds modify or swamp these local winds.

Daytime sea breezes (Figure 2.7.2) are more powerful than the land breezeat night. During the day the sun warms the land up quickly giving largetemperature differences. Commonly, the sea breeze blows at 2–5 m s-1,extends inland as far as 100 km, and affects the air flow up to a height of1–2 km. The horizontal extent of the breeze may allow it to be deflected bythe rotation of the earth so that by late afternoon the inflow can end up beingalmost parallel with the coast. On the other hand, the land breeze is usuallyabout 1–2 m s-1 in strength and smaller in both horizontal and vertical extent.

During the sea breeze cool moist air from the sea reaches the land where itrises. This can often cause cumulus clouds to form on the landward side,further cooling the coastline compared with areas further inland.

Ponds and riversThe influence of a pond or a river on the air of the surrounding built-up area isa surface cooling process that depends on three things:● length of the mass of water in the direction of the prevailing winds,● air velocity,● situation of the area downwind where the cooling effect is examined.

Several authors have investigated this subject. Ishii et al[2.7.1] performedexperimental research on the thermal effect of a pond on the surrounding

Figure 2.7.2 Daytime sea breezes

Figure 2.7.1 Night-time land breezes

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built-up area. Two surveys were conducted and compared, when water filledthe pond and after the pond was drained. The area surrounding the pond waskept cooler when the pond was filled with water. The greatest differencefound on the day when the pond was full, was about 3 °C in the earlyafternoon. The air temperature distribution demonstrated the cool islandeffect of the pond.

Murakawa et al[2.7.2] measured the temperature distribution near a river andstudied the influence on the air temperature of the surrounding areas. Itappeared that the influence of the river on the microclimate varied with thewidth of river and road and the building density in the surrounding area. Theyalso analysed the effects of wind velocity on the drop in air temperature. Theair temperature difference between the river and the city area was about3–5 °C on a fine day. The analysed wind velocity was about 1–5 m/s.

Katayama et al[2.7.3] examined the cooling effects of a river and a sea breezeon the thermal environment in a built-up area in summer. The measurementswere made along the river and an avenue which went in the direction of thesea–land breeze. The air temperature was lower above the river than abovethe avenue. The air temperature difference increased almost in proportion tothe surface temperature difference. The river was found to be a useful openspace to introduce the sea breeze into an urban area.

In the POLIS project, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) numericalanalysis was performed with results very close to those of the literaturementioned. The results were presented as the relative temperature drops(actual temperature drop/maximum temperature drop) at and after the massof water as a function of the air velocity and the length of mass of water (in thewind direction). The results were applied to different situations such as theinfluence of the Tagus river (14 km of cooling length) on the EXPO ’98 groundin Lisbon (600 m in the wind direction). Figure 2.7.3 shows the results for a

2 Site location 39

Figure 2.7.3 Calculated temperature variation with distance from the River Tagus, Lisbon. © University of Seville

10 m.T∞


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40 Environmental site layout planning

wind velocity of 1 m/s. There is a temperature drop of about 6 °C in the first100 m due to the presence of the river. From this point, there is a progressiveheating of the air so that, at the edge of the site, its temperature is roughly thesame as without the cooling effect of the mass of water.

For smaller areas of water, however, there is less impact on the surroundingair temperature. Figure 2.7.4 shows the influence of a lake on the temperatureof air flowing over it at 1 m/s. The lake is assumed to be 20 °C cooler than itssurroundings. However, even a 100 m lake only has a 1 °C temperature impacton the air leaving it. This result is for a lake in a large open area. In an enclosedstreet or courtyard, a pond will have a larger impact, particularly if it replaceslow albedo hard surfaces which would heat up in the sun.

Forests and urban parksForests or other green areas tend to be cooler and produce a cooling effectdownwind. Plants absorb radiation and cool the air throughevapotranspiration. They also slow down-air-flow, trapping the coolerair[2.7.4]. By day, there is a temperature maximum at the top of the leaf canopywith heavier cool air forming a stable layer beneath. Experimental results[2.7.4]

indicate that inside the canopy and downwind, the daytime drop intemperature can reach 6 °C, especially in clear weather. Further, wind speedwas reduced by around 2 m/s in mild conditions and by as much as 6.7 m/sduring cyclonic weather when open-field wind speed was in the region of8 m/s.

There is poor agreement on the effect of the green area on its builtsurroundings. Some authors[2.7.5] state that the effect of urban parks extendsonly a short distance into the surrounding urban area. They view parksprimarily as providing a pleasant climate for people actually visiting them orliving very near by. However, some experiments[2.7.6] prove that thetemperatures of the air leaving an orchard remained low for a distance fivetimes the height of the trees. POLIS experiments by Santamouris et al inAthens reveal that the cooling influence of the National Garden extends wellbeyond the immediate area. Consistent results have been obtained in similarfield measurements such as that conducted in West Berlin[2.7.7].

POLIS CFD simulations treated a forest as a porous medium with a heatsink. The results downwind are characterized by a dimensionless variable thatis the efficiency of the cooling effect:

where:T1 = incoming air temperature,TF = forest temperature,T = temperature at a point.

Figure 2.7.4 Variation of temperature with distance d from lakes of various widths. © University of Seville

ε =T1 – TT1 – TF

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Graphs showing the influence of the forest length and the forest porosity havebeen obtained. It has been demonstrated that the efficiency decreasesexponentially with the distance from the downwind edge of the forest. Thetables above show the cooling efficiency and an example of the correspondingdownwind temperatures (assuming an inlet temperature of 30 °C and a foresttemperature 10 °C below it).

For both tables two forest lengths of 50 m and 100 m, respectively, havebeen considered. There is a small increase in efficiency with increasing forestlength. As the temperature dropped sharply within the first few metres insidethe canopy, we can conclude that a large forest or vegetation stand is notnecessary.

The characteristic distance where the cooling effect could still be detected,can be estimated by extrapolating the obtained results, and assuming that theeffect is not worthwhile when efficiency is equal to either 0.5 (or 0.3). Thus,for an orange orchard, 50 m in length, an external wind velocity of 10 m/s, 5 mheight, we obtain a characteristic distance of 70 m (160 m). This characteristicdistance is 14 times (32 times) the height of the trees, which means that it isnot necessary to place the trees very close to buildings in order to benefit fromtheir microclimates.

However, an increasing density of forest produces a larger pressure drop atthe downwind edge. Then the behaviour is very different because of arecirculating vortex (see Figure 2.7.5). Cooling efficiency drops sharplydownwind of the forest, and the vertical temperature profile is different.

Finally, external wind velocity has some influence: the simulations showedthat efficiency increases with the velocity, but this influence is only importantat low-flow velocities.

References to section 2.7[2.7.1] Ishii A, Iwamoto S, Katayama T, Hayashi T, Shiotsuki Y, Kitayama H,

Thutsumi J & Nishida M. A comparison of field surveys on the thermal environment in urbanareas surrounding a large pond: when filled and when drained. Energy and Buildings 1990/1991:15–16: 965–971.

[2.7.2] Murakawa S, Sekine T, Narita K, Nishina D. Study of the effects of a river on thethermal environment in an urban area. Energy and Buildings 1990/1991: 15–16: 993–1001.

[2.7.3] Katayama T, Hayashi T, Shiotsuki Y, Kitayana H, Ishii A, Nishida M,Tsutsumi J, Oguro M. Cooling effects of a river and sea breeze on the thermal environment in abuilt-up area. Energy and Buildings 1990/1991: 15–16: 973–978.

[2.7.4] Oke T R. Boundary layer climates. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1987. [2.7.5] Givoni B. Climate considerations in building and urban design. New York,

Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1998. [2.7.5] Taha H, Akbari H & Rosenfeld A. Heat island and oasis effect of vegetative

canopies. Micro-meteorological field measurements. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 1991:44: 123–129.

[2.7.6] Horbert M & Kircheorg A. Climatic and hygienic aspects in the planning of innercity open spaces: Berliner Grosser Tiergarten. Energy and Buildings 1982: 5(1): 11–22.

Table 2.7.1 Influence of forest length on cooling efficiency Forest length Distance from the downwind edge, x (m)(m) 10 30 50 100 150

50 0.83 0.64 0.55 0.42 0.36100 0.86 0.70 0.60 0.46 0.39

Table 2.7.2 Influence of forest length on downwind temperature (°C)Forest length Distance from the downwind edge, x (m)(m) 10 30 50 100 150

50 21.7 23.6 24.5 25.8 26.4100 21.4 23.0 24.0 25.4 26.1

T1 = 30 °C, TF = 20 °C

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2.8 Conclusions

Even within the space of a few kilometres, the climate of different sites canvary considerably. Where there is a choice of site or where different activitiestake place in different areas the following should be borne in mind.

Cool and intermediate climates● City centre sites are warmer than rural or suburban sites (section 2.2).● Sites should be well-sheltered from prevailing winter winds (section 2.4).

Hilltop and coastal sites tend to be most exposed.● A south-facing slope will be warmer and give better solar access

(section 2.3).● For best solar access, the site should not be heavily obstructed to the south

(sections 4.2, 4.3, 4.4).

42 Environmental site layout planning

Figure 2.7.5 Stream function: low and high density forest. © University of Seville

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Warm climates● Sites near heat sinks like the sea, lakes and forests will be cooler

(section 2.7).● Natural ventilation will be easier if the site can catch prevailing

summertime winds (section 2.5).● Sites with low traffic density will be cooler.

As well as the thermal aspects of site position there are a range of other factorswhich need to be borne in mind as follows.● Choose a site away from major pollution sources (section 2.6).● Activities likely to cause air pollution should be sited away from areas

where dispersion could be poor.● Natural ventilation will be more difficult to achieve in noisy or polluted sites

(section 2.5).● On a city-wide level, energy savings from better microclimate and solar

access on greenfield sites can be outweighed by increased transport use.Environmental planning needs to take into account the layout of urbandevelopment (section 2.1) as well as the provision of public transport.

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In cities, open spaces are often heavily used and so the design of open spaceshas a big impact on the comfort of city dwellers. The layout of the space canaffect thermal comfort and exposure to pollution through its effects ontemperature and air flows. There are also important psychological issues likefeelings of security, enclosure and views. Since an open space is largelydefined by the buildings surrounding it, this chapter may be of interest todesigners of individual buildings as well as to those planning majordevelopments with their own open spaces.

3.1 People and open spaces

Strategy: Facilitate natural surveillance, personal control and visibility through openspace design and equipment

It is widely acknowledged that urban design can have significant effects onpeople’s perceptions (for example, thermal comfort) and behaviour. Energy-related concerns form only one aspect of the general quality of open spaces.There are a number of other factors, sometimes conflicting, that should beconsidered alongside them. Personal safety is a very important issue in openspace design for people, and therefore deserves special care.

Though personal insecurity concerns may seem subjective, they are neitherentirely irrational nor totally unpredictable. In environments where fear andvictimization are high, features of the exterior environment can eitheraggravate or lessen the problem, from both the objective and subjective pointof views.

In such situations, people naturally tend to scan their environment insearch of danger signals. Consequently physical deterioration, or lack of anypublic investment in the open space, act as physical cues for fear of crime.Some morphological characteristics of urban open spaces can also play thisrole.

Design: prospect, refuge and escapeProspect, refuge and escape are three exterior site features that can influenceour perception of a place’s safety.

ProspectThis can be measured by the view length distribution in all directions from aspecific viewing point. A low prospect will reduce the possible control of agiven area by potential victims. As such it is often considered as a cue forinsecurity. When designing an open space, one should consider the ‘socialdistances’ in Table 3.1.1. For instance, medieval squares had averagedimensions of 57 × 140 metres.


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Refuge This parameter defines how easy it is for a potential attacker to hide in or nextto the open space. It is also an insecurity cue. Refuge can include hidingplaces, dark spots, trees and shrubs, parked cars and building enclosures[3.1.1].

EscapeFinally, the individual’s feeling of safety is influenced by the degree to which aspace affords an opportunity for escape: either an exit route from a potentialthreat, or by reaching someone else who could respond in case of an attack.Escape places (shops, bars) are safe areas where a potential victim could findpossible refuge in case of fear of aggression. If a space offers no escape (interms of escape routes or escape places) the person can feel unsafe.

The combination of prospect, refuge and escape can help show howdifferent exterior design features affect perceptions of safety. They have beencorrelated to both objective and subjective security through on-site socialsurveys by Nasar & Fisher[3.1.1]. These authors checked and validated theirmethod on the site around the Wexner Center, a museum complex for visualarts at Ohio State University. Areas labeled A and B correspond to two zonessurveyed by Nasar & Fisher. Area A (Figure 3.1.1) is considered as lowprospect and high refuge; area B (Figure 3.1.2) is considered as high prospectand low refuge.

Prospect considerations may clash with energy-related concerns,especially in southern latitudes. Trade-offs between security and energyconcerns are sometimes difficult to resolve.

Equipment: public lighting designThe lack of public lighting at night can be another physical cue for personalinsecurity. Users of the space should encounter consistent, well-lit, cleanspaces, enhancing their feeling of safety. The purpose of the lighting must beproperly identified. If the lighting is to enhance the security of an area[3.1.3, 3.1.4]

it should be sufficient to support the principles of natural surveillance.In pedestrian areas, the main objective should be to allow people to identify

the intentions of a passer-by and react appropriately. A semi-cylindricalilluminance of 0.8 lux computed at 1.5 metres above ground allowsidentification of another person’s intentions at 4 metres distance. The semi-cylindrical computation method is given in Figure 3.1.3.

Nevertheless, the application of lighting should not necessarily tend touniformity. Optimizing ground illumination is often not the best way toconsider security concerns. Overlighting some strategic areas, like buildingentrances, parking lots and underground passages can be very efficient whenit clearly responds to peoples’ subjective concerns. A detailed survey of anarea should be carried out before any major changes to the public lighting.This should include the likely night-time occupancy, natural pedestrianroutes, dark areas, local landmarks, strategic areas, and high crime areas.

Table 3.1.1 Common social distancesDistance(m)

0–0.5 Smell and thermal radiation perception0.5–1.25 Maximum distance for touching2.1–3.6 Conversation distance

9 Maximum individual contact distance12 Maximum distance to perceive facial expressions24 Maximum distance for recognizing a face

135 Maximum distance for seeing any human movement1200 Maximum distance for seeing a human silhouette4000 Horizon distance for a person whose eye is 1.65 m above ground

Figure 3.1.1 TOWNSCOPE’s orthogonalprojections and sky opening calculations ofarea A. It has highly enclosed spaces (itssky opening is 37%) with cross pathshidden by high planters and vegetation oneither side. To pass through, pedestrianswould have to turn into one of these blindalleyways. They would lack prospect intopotential areas of refuge for an offender

Figure 3.1.2 TOWNSCOPE’s orthogonalprojection in site B shows a high-prospectarea which offers a wide panoramic view(the sky opening is 81%). The area on theleft of the orthogonal projection ismoderate in refuge. Offenders can hide inthe vegetation, but passers-by can moveaway from the vegetation to reduce refuge.The central open area is low in refuge

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The design should then specify these public lighting parameters: ● colour, ● orientation, ● intensity, ● design, ● type and position of light sources, and ● the definition of the lighted area.

Lighting provides night-time landmarks that may or may not coincide withday-time ones.

References to section 3.1[3.1.1] Nasar J L, Fisher B, Grannis M. Proximate physical cues to fear of crime.

Landscape and urban planning 1993: 26: 161–178.[3.1.2] Appleton J. The experience of place. London, Wiley, 1975.[3.1.3] Painter K. Value for money: street lighting and crime reduction. Lighting Journal

1998: 63(6): 24–27.[3.1.4] Hargroves R, Hugill J R & Thomas S R. Security, surveillance and lighting.

Proceedings CIBSE National Lighting Conference, Bath, 1996. pp 209–216. London, CIBSE,1996.

3.2 Canyon effects

Strategy: use street design to limit heat build-up and promote ventilation

Tall buildings lining a street turn it into an ‘urban canyon’ with its ownmicroclimate. According to Oke[3.2.1], the air space above a city can be dividedinto the ‘urban air canopy’, and the boundary layer over the city space called‘the urban air dome’. The urban air canopy is the space bounded by the citybuildings up to their roofs. This layer includes local microclimates generatedby the various building configurations. The specific climatic conditions at anypoint within the canopy depend on the immediate surroundings and inparticular the geometry, materials and their properties. The upper boundaryof the urban canopy varies from one spot to another because of the variableheights of the buildings and the wind speed.

The air dome layer is defined by Oke[3.2.2], as ‘that portion of the planetaryboundary layer whose characteristics are affected by the presence of an urbanarea at its lower boundary’, and is more hom*ogeneous in its properties overthe urban area.

The temperature distribution in the urban canopy layer is highly affectedby the city’s radiation balance. Solar radiation incident on the urban surfaces isabsorbed and then transformed to sensible heat. Most of the solar radiationstrikes roofs, and the vertical walls of the buildings, and only a relatively smallfraction may reach the ground level.

Walls, roofs and the ground emit long-wave radiation to the sky. Theintensity of the emitted radiation depends on the view factor of the surface tothe sky. Under urban conditions most of the sky dome viewed by walls andsurfaces may be blocked by other buildings, and in these cases the long-waveradiation exchange does not result in significant losses.

The net balance between solar gain and heat loss by emitted long-waveradiation determines the thermal balance of urban areas. Because the radiantheat loss is slower in urban areas, the net balance is more positive than in thesurrounding rural areas and thus higher temperatures are obtained. Acomprehensive description of the urban canyon thermal regime is given byMills[3.2.3]. Canyons can be modelled by dividing them into zones andcalculating the heat flows between each one.

Air flow is an important issue in city streets as ventilation may be muchlower than in open space. Further information on this issue is given insection 4.6.

Figure 3.1.3 Semi-cylindrical illuminancecalculation methodE (semi-cylindrical)

= [I/(πd2)] * (1 + cosα) *sinß

where:I = source intensity in candela,d = distance (m) between a source and

the target,α = the angle projected on a horizontal

plane between the direction of the observer and that of the incident light ray.



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Canyon layout and temperature increaseAs one cause of the heat island effect is the restricted view of the sky fromground and buildings, its magnitude will depend on street geometry. Park[3.2.4]

discusses the relationship between population and sky view factor for thedifferent regions, characterized by different heights of buildings and differentcanyon widths.

Oke[3.2.5] has proposed an analytical expression to correlate the maximumheat island intensity during clean and calm nights with the geometry of the‘urban canyon’, as expressed by the relationship between the height of thebuildings, H, and the distance between them, W:

DTmax = 7.45 + 3.97 ln (H/W)

It is valid for H > W.Various studies have investigated the relationship between the canyon

layout and especially the sky-view factor with the heat island intensity as wellas with surface temperatures. Yamash*ta et al[3.2.6] report a clear correlation ofurban air temperature and sky view factor for some Japanese cities. Barring etal[3.2.7] studied the relationship between the street surface temperature and thesky-view factor in Malmo, Sweden. They report a strong correlation betweenthe surface temperature pattern and the street geometry; the highest sky-viewfactors gave the lowest surface temperatures. Higher surface temperatures arerecorded in low sky-view factor canyons outside the city as well. However, aclear correlation between the urban temperature and the sky-view factor hasnot been found. This clearly indicates that the standard level air temperatureof the streets is governed by more complex and regional factors than theirsurface temperature, even if the local canyon geometry is of importance.

Similar results were found in Athens in measurements for the POLISresearch project. There was a clear variation in surface temperature betweenurban sites of different layout. Similar results have been reported byEliasson[3.2.8, 3.2.9] for the city of Goteborg in Sweden. It is found that duringthe winter period, the surface temperature was highly influenced by the citystructure. In a similar study, Arnfield[3.2.10], reported a surface temperaturedifference of 4 °C between urban sites of different density (H/W ratio of 0.5and 2.0, respectively). Both studies show clearly that important variations insurface temperature exist between urban sites of different geometry. On theother hand, there is a relatively weak connection between geometry and airtemperature. This is because the air temperature also depends on wind flowswithin the canyon.

Air flows in a street canyonUrban canyons are characterized by three main parameters (see Figure 3.2.2): H = the mean height of the buildings in the canyon, W = the canyon width, and L = the canyon length.

Three geometrical measures can help describe the air flows. These are:● the aspect ratio H/W, ● the ratio L/H, and ● the building density j = Ar/AL where Ar is the roof area on plan of the

average building and AL is the ‘lot’ area or unit ground area occupied byeach building.

The flow-over arrays of buildings has been the subject of many studies. Whenthe predominant direction of the airflow is approximately normal (say ± 30°)to the long axis of the street canyon, three types of air-flow regimes areobserved as a function of the building (L/H), and canyon (H/W),geometry[3.2.11] (see Figure 3.2.2).

When the buildings are well apart (H/W > 0.05), their flow-fields do not

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48 Environmental site layout planning

interact. At closer spacings (Figure 3.2.1a), the wakes are disturbed and theflow regime is known as ‘isolated roughness flow’. When the height andspacing of the array combine to disturb the eddies at the back of the firstbuilding and the front of the second, the regime changes to wake interferenceflow (Figure 3.2.1b). This has secondary flows in the canyon space where thedownward flow of the wind, after it has passed over the first building, isreinforced by deflection down the windward face of the next buildingdownstream. At even greater H/W and building density, a stable circulatoryvortex is established in the canyon and transition to a ‘skimming’ flow regimeoccurs where the bulk of the flow does not enter the canyon (Figure 3.2.1c).However, this skimming flow is easily broken up by variations in the heightsof buildings.

The transitions between these three regimes occur at critical combinationsof H/W and L/W. Oke[3.2.12], has proposed threshold lines dividing flow intothree regimes as functions of the building (L/H) and canyon (H/W)geometry. The proposed threshold lines are given in Figure 3.2.2.

(b) (c)


Figure 3.2.1 The flow regime associated with air flow over building arrays of increasingH/W: (a) isolated roughness flow, (b) wake interference flow, (c) skimming flow.Reproduced from Oke[3.2.12]



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 80










Isolated roughness flow

Wake interference




Figure 3.2.2 Threshold lines dividing flow into three regimes as functions of the building(L/H) and canyon (H/W), geometry. Reproduced from Oke[3.2.12]

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The flow regime inside a canyon has been measured in many experiments.Comparison of the wind components measured in the canyon with the windsabove the roof has shown that[3.2.13]:● a vortex in the canyon appears to exist at all finite windspeeds across the

canyon,● the transverse vortex speed (u2+w2)0.5 across the canyon is proportional to

the transverse wind component above the roof and is independent of thecomponent of the wind along the canyon, v. Here, u is the cross-canyonwind velocity, v is the velocity along the canyon and w is the verticalvelocity in the canyon.

Air-flow measurements reported in ref.[3.2.13] have also shown that a vortex iscreated in the street canyon for flows perpendicular to the canyon down to10–20° to the axis parallel to the canyon. Under these conditions, there isenough cross-canyon flow to drive the vortex. Also, the along-canyon flowcomponent, v, roughly followed the equation v = Vcosθ, where V is theoverall wind speed over the buildings and θ is the angle between the windflow and the canyon axis.

It was also found that the vortex was rarely static with time. It wouldrepeatedly form, accelerate and suddenly collapse due to variations in localwind speed and direction and to interactions with other local canyon flows.

Design parametersIt is very difficult to offer specific guidance on planning canyons in the urbanenvironment. However, in order to promote air flow inside the canyon, theheight-to-width ratio should be lower than unity[3.2.1]. To enhance air flowand natural ventilation of urban buildings the following procedure isappropriate.● Calculate the mean air speed inside the canyon based on the wind-speed

data collected by the nearest meteorological station. The calculationmethods given in other sections of this book may be applied. However, as arule of thumb the wind speed inside the canyon can be expected to be anorder of magnitude lower than the undisturbed external wind speed.

● Using a network air-flow calculation model like AIOLOS orBREEZE[3.2.14], evaluate the natural ventilation potential of the initialdesign.

● Optimize the size of the openings in order to achieve the design air changesper hour.

References to section 3.2[3.2.1] Oke T R. Boundary layer climates. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1987.[3.2.2] Oke T R. The distance between canopy and boundary layer urban heat island.

Atmosphere 1976: 14(4): 268–277.[3.2.3] Mills G M. Simulation of the energy budget of an urban canyon. 1 Model structure

and sensitivity test. Atmospheric Environment 1993: 27B(2): 157–170.[3.2.4] Park H S. City size and urban heat island intensity for Japanese and Korean cities.

Geographical Review of Japan (Sep. A) 1987: 60: 238-250.[3.2.5] Oke T R. Canyon geometry and the nocturnal urban heat island: comparison of scale

model and field observations. Journal of Climatology 1981: 1: 237–254.[3.2.6] Yamash*ta S, Sekine K, Shoda M, Yamash*ta K & Hara Y. On the relationships

between heat island and sky view factor in the cities of Tama River Basin, Japan. AtmosphericEnvironment 1986: 20(4): 681–686.

[3.2.7] Barring L, Mattsson J O & Lindqvist S. Canyon geometry, street temperaturesand urban heat island in Malmo, Sweden. Journal of Climatology 1985: 5: 433–444.

[3.2.8] Eliasson I. Urban geometry, surface temperature and air temperature. Energy andBuildings 1990/1991: 15–16: 141–145.

[3.2.9] Eliasson I. Urban nocturnal temperatures, street geometry and land use.Atmospheric Environment 1996: 30(3): 379–392.

[3.2.10] Arnfield A J. Canyon geometry, the urban fabric and nocturnal cooling: asimulation approach. Physical Geography 1990: 11: 209–239.

[3.2.11] Oke T R. Overview of interactions between settlements and their environments.World Meteorological Organization (WMO) experts meeting on Urban and building climatology.

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50 Environmental site layout planningReport WCP-37. Geneva, WMO, 1982.

[3.2.12] Oke T R. Street design and urban canopy layer climate. Energy and Buildings1988: 11: 103-113.

[3.2.13] Geomet. Kfz: Schadstoffbelastungen in Strassen-schluchten. Final Report. Berlin,Geomet, 1985.

[3.2.14] BRE. BREEZE software package for estimating ventilation rates. BRE packageAP55. CRC, Garston.

3.3 Road layout and orientation

Strategy: consider solar access, pollution dispersion and shade for pedestrians whenplanning road layout.

Road layout can have a significant impact on the environmental and energyperformance of a site.● Passive solar housing needs to face as near to due south as possible

(Figure 3.3.1). ● In dense urban layouts some road layouts can help disperse localized

pollutants, like traffic fumes.● In hot summers in cities some road layouts can provide more shade for


Road layout for passive solar designIn passive solar layouts the main facades of the buildings should face within30° of due south (section 4.3). In housing estates the easiest way to achievethis is to have east–west roads. Then the main solar facade can either face the

Figure 3.3.1 At Willow Park, Chorley, UK, careful road layout design means all the passivesolar homes can have a south orientation

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road (south-entry houses), or away from it (north-entry houses)(Figure 3.3.2)[3.3.1].

If roads have to run north-south there are various techniques to give thehouses a southerly orientation (Figure 3.3.3)[3.3.2]:● spacing out larger detached houses one plot deep along the road,● placing higher density housing around short culs-de-sac leading off the

north-south roads,● innovative house designs, including the use of roof-space solar collectors.

On diagonal roads (NW–SE or NE–SW) solar access can be improved byplacing houses at an angle to the road (Figure 3.3.4)[3.3.3]. North and southentry types will be required on different sides of the road.

Road layout to disperse pollutantsPollutants are most easily dispersed if the road is aligned at around 30° to thedominant wind. Polluting discharges released in streets aligned with the windtend to be kept within the width of the street at first, limiting their dispersion.Streets at right angles to the wind flow also have poor dispersion unless theyare wide compared with the height of buildings. Section 4.6 gives furtherdetails.

Sun penetration into urban streetsIn hot climates in summer, thermal comfort in outdoor areas is improved ifshade is provided. To avoid sunlight penetrating to the ground, one approachis to have very tall, narrow streets. Street orientation is also important.Sunlight penetration was calculated for four possible street orientations inRome (42° N) and Athens (38° N), for a long street, of height to width (H/W)ratio 2. Table 3.3.1 gives the percentage of annual sunlight hours for which thesun could penetrate to ground level at some point on the street. For timeswhen the sun is shining this is the probability that it will reach the base of thestreet canyon. The sunshine hours are divided into the summer(22 March–21 September) and winter months (22 September–21 March).They were calculated using the BRE sunlight availability indicators producedfor the POLIS project (see Appendix A2).

The results show that east-west streets are to be avoided in hot climates.They have significantly higher annual sunshine penetration than the otherstreet orientations, and all of this occurs in the six summer months. In mid-summer the sun can reach the north side of the street for nearly all the hottestpart of the day. The only exception to this is if the street is very narrow indeedcompared with its height. For Athens H/W would need to be at least 4, forRome an H/W of 3.5 would be best to avoid sun penetration.

North-south streets have the least sun penetration, and around a third of itoccurs in the six winter months when it will be more welcome. The sunlight isconcentrated around the middle of the day, and at other times of day thewhole of the street will be in shade. Over the six summer months, sunlightpenetration is less than half that for an east-west street.

This lower sun penetration arises at the cost of sunlight on the buildingfaces. The same amount of sun enters the top of each canyon. With the E–Wstreet more reaches the ground, with the N–S street more reaches the building

Figure 3.3.2 Housing along an east-westroad. South-entry houses have the entry onthe south, and the living room on the south(facing to road). North-entry houses havethe entrance on the north but the livingroom on the south (facing away from theroad)

Table 3.3.1 Probable annual sunlight hours (%) for which sun can reach the groundin long linear streets

Canyon Rome Athensorientation

E–W 41 (41 summer 0 winter) 46 (46 summer 0 winter)NE–SW 29 (22 summer 7 winter) 31 (24 summer 7 winter)SE–NW 31 (24 summer 7 winter) 31 (23 summer 8 winter)N–S 27 (18 summer 9 winter) 30 (20 summer 10 winter)

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faces. However, the sun for the N–S street is more likely to strike the east- andwest-facing buildings at an oblique angle, resulting in less solar gain. Differentsolar-shading strategies will need to be adopted; overhangs will work less welland vertical fins and deep reveals will be better. Shading the upper storeys ofthe buildings could be a problem.

People have to move about the city somehow, and if all the streets runnorth-south then they have little opportunity to get from east to west or viceversa. If we consider the typical grid pattern of streets running at right anglesto each other, a NE–SW/SE–NW grid (Figure 3.3.5) has significantly less sunpenetration than an E–W/N–S grid. Adding the summer sun penetrationstogether gives a sunlight score of 46 for Rome and 47 for Athens, comparedwith 59 for Rome and 66 for Athens with the E–W/N–S grid.

References to section 3.3[3.3.1] NBA Tectonics. A study of passive solar housing estate layout. Report S1126.

Harwell, UK, Energy Technology Support Unit. 1988.[3.3.2] Department of the Environment. Passive solar estate layout. General Information

Report 27. Garston, UK, BRECSU, 1997.[3.3.3] University College Dublin. Smakkebo. Project Monitor, Issue 25. Dublin, University

College for CEC. 1988.

52 Environmental site layout planning

Figure 3.3.3 A passive solar layout showing good solar orientation of houses

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Figure 3.3.4 At Smakkebo, Snekkersten, Denmark, the solar houses are placed at anangle to the road for optimum orientation


Los VenerablesSquare

Dona ElviraSquare





W ETemperature monitor

Humidity monitor

Figure 3.3.5 In the Santa Cruz area of Seville a NE–SW/SE–NW grid is the predominantstreet orientation. This, coupled with the reduced street width, results in low sunpenetration. © University of Seville

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3.4 Enclosure, views and landmarks

Strategy: Provide a clear definition of public open spaces through combinations ofenclosure, views and landmarks.

Public open spaces are the core of urban cultural, social and economic life.They therefore deserve careful attention in urban design. Yet the shapes ofopen spaces would not be clear without an indication of their limits, whetherreal or virtual. The two main entities of urban environments are thus: ● urban open spaces (streets, squares, etc), and ● built volumes (dwellings, monuments, urban furniture, etc).

In traditional urban environments, these entities were totally interdependent.Any change in the external shape of buildings directly modifies the geometryof urban open spaces. On the other hand, precise limits to urban open spacescould not be defined without some constraints applied to the built elements.There are therefore two kinds of space: dominant and residual urban openspace (Figure 3.4.1 and 3.4.2).

Spatial enclosure: floor, walls and roofTraditional open spaces were often considered as ‘urban rooms’ whose

walls are formed by buildings surrounding them. In these spaces the ceiling isleft open, but it is very clearly defined by a ‘ceiling line’, which consists of theupper visual limit of the surrounding buildings (maybe rooftops or cornices)(Figure 3.4.3).

The enclosure of a city square focuses our attention on the space as anentity in itself, though it is connected to its urban surrounding. On an avenue,the enclosure may exist only on two sides, but it must be enough to hold ourattention as a channel of space (Figure 3.4.4). When enclosure concentrateson the internal landscaping of open spaces, the design should also considervisual connections between spaces which are also important.

The enclosure of an open space can be characterized by a confinementlevel. Confinement describes the feeling of a visitor to a public space, betweenthe extremes of claustrophobia and agoraphobia. This sensation depends onmany factors of which some are purely subjective. To a first approximation,

Figure 3.4.1 The square-shaped Place des Vosges (France) is dominant. The Figureillustrates how much the surrounding buildings and the cluster itself have been heavilyconstrained by the central open space, square-shaped geometry. © University of Liege

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3 Public open space 55

however, the sensation of confinement at any point depends on the open-space sky opening calculated for this point.

For instance the sky opening (SO) of three typical open spaces is given inTable 3.4.1.

The sky opening can also be computed in a systematic way, on a grid, tovisualize sky-opening variations. TOWNSCOPE’s sky-opening maps(Appendix A1) can show the general organization of an open space and howconnected it is with adjacent spaces (Figure 3.4.5).

Figure 3.4.2 The irregular shape of Piazzadella cisterna e del duomo inSan Gimignano (Italy) is a residual openspace delineated by surrounding buildingsincluding the church. © University of Liege

Figure 3.4.3 TOWNSCOPE’s projection ofthe ceiling line of the Place des Vosges inParis is entirely enclosed by surroundingbuildings. The space is therefore verycoherent. © University of Liege

Figure 3.4.4 Place Stanislas in Nancy (France) is an example of an avenue where anenclosure is clearly delineated on the two long sides by trees and buildings, and punctuatedwith triumphal arches and the Stanislas statue. © University of Liege

Table 3.4.1 TOWNSCOPE’s computations of the sky opening of three typical spacesName Average Mean Sky

dimensions height opening(m) (m) (%)

Lucca 75 × 50 14 66Arras Grand Place 190 × 100 10 88Vosges 140 × 140 20 76

Figure 3.4.5 Illustration of a situation where the iso-sky-opening lines tend to merge twodisconnected spaces (a square and an important parking area) because each space is notsufficiently enclosed by itself. © University of Liege

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ViewsBy contrast with enclosure, views tend to create connections betweenadjacent and/or remote spaces. They are usually composed of a view channeland a view termination (Figure 3.4.6).● View channel. Its purpose is to guide the observer’s attention in a very

specific direction. The channel could be a straight street, an alignment oftrees, or even a bridge.

● View termination. Its purpose is to close the view on a specific focus whichcan be a monument or urban furniture (fountain, urban art, etc.).

By contrast with some suburban areas, mainly designed for car drivers, urbanopen-space networks should offer pedestrians attractive visual stimulationand useful cues for orientation and location.

Sixte-Quint’s urban design for Rome is one of the pre-eminent examples ofsuch spatial organization, where each square has been connected to othersthrough the use of obelisks. Currently, views are used to improve theorganization of urban spaces and perception of the city as a whole. LaDefense in Paris was designed to comply with the historical major axis ofParis. It contains both short- and long-distance views (Figure 3.4.7).

LandmarksTwo main types of construction can be considered here: ● the traditional pattern, with regular units sharing a common typology and

individualized by added decorations, and ● exceptional buildings (monumental architecture), either public or private,

emerging from this urban pattern through their dimensions, their geometryor their position.

The first type gives the general reference ceiling line of the urban roomdescribed above, the second gives variability. Both contribute to the visualimpression of the urban open space.

Landmarks are points of reference which most people experience fromoutside. By definition they are different from their surroundings, with someaspect that is unique or memorable in the context (Figure 3.4.8).

3.5 Sequences of spaces

Strategy: Urban design should consider how people move through the city

The way people perceive spaces is a dynamic activity. Even a static observerreceives a myriad of instantaneous physiological perceptions which combineto give an overall impression of space. When combined with the observer’smovement, this phenomenon becomes very complex.

Figure 3.4.6 TOWNSCOPE’s upside-downstereographic projection of a city square inLiège (Belgium) shows combinations of aview channel and a view termination in theupper-right corner of the Figure.© University of Liege

Figure 3.4.7 The French Baroque Place de la Concorde in Paris is a combination of long-and short-distance views. View channels and terminations include: the Champs-Elysées andArc-de-Triomphe, the bridge and Parliament, the Tuilerie wall and the Louvre, the greatbuildings and the church of La Madeleine. © University of Liege

Figure 3.4.8 Landmarks become moreeasily identifiable if they have a clear form,if they contrast with their background, or ifthere is some prominence of spatiallocation

Champs Elyses



Tour Eiffel


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Despite the growing importance of space occupied by cars in cities,pedestrian movement still deserves careful attention. Not only for its socialand cultural value, but also because environmental conditions liketemperature, air movement and ground surfaces become much moreimportant.

The major characteristics of pedestrian movementSpeed and distance Pedestrian speeds of movement are very low, around 1.3 m/s for adults. Thedesign of road crossings usually assumes that 17% of pedestrians have a speedbelow 1 m/s. Nevertheless, pedestrian travel is preferable to other options fordistances between 0 and 2 km. Bicycles are considered as competitive fordistances up to 5 km. These two ‘soft’ modes of travel are therefore crucialsince the average distance of all outdoor travel in a day is roughly 6 km.

Visual environmentPedestrian travel allows optimal visual attention. The binocular visual field ofa pedestrian is roughly 230° laterally and 150° vertically. This field is furtherincreased by movement of the eyes and head. Consequently, pedestrians caneasily observe their whole visible environment. By contrast, peripheral visionsignificantly disturbs the central vision when travelling at higher speeds. Cardrivers have to concentrate on a smaller part of their visual field to foresee anypossible difficulties.

VulnerabilityPedestrians are highly vulnerable to physical accidents. As well as injuriescaused by road accidents, the ground surface can be a major impediment forthe disabled, elderly people and children. It therefore deserves carefulattention.

Erratic pedestrian movementPedestrian movement is characterized by very frequent changes in direction,stops and reversing direction. Pedestrians usually tend to take the shortestroute to their immediate goal, in spite of any impediment (legal or physical)that tends to force them to take a longer one. This is the reason why roadcrossings should not be located at more than 100 metre spacing. The roaddesign should respect as much as possible ‘natural movements’ within itsspace. The same applies to time delays imposed by the layout of paths whichshould be reduced to a minimum.

Sequences of spacesThe attraction of pedestrian travel will largely depend on how varied andinteresting the urban open space is. Sequential analysis is a way of definingvariations in an observer’s landscape as they move around. This type oftechnique is used in film making. For the urban designer, it gives a valuableframework to improve the visual richness of dynamic perception of an openspace.

The basic idea behind this technique is to split up the continuous change oflandscape caused by movement into several sequences. The reason for this isto avoid monotony, to give a sense of scale to the environment, to help peoplework out where they are, and to give a sense of movement when walkingalong a path.

Sequences: visual plan definitionEach sequence is characterized by a visual plan. This should be easy toidentify, even though the components of the plan will vary with time andposition within the sequence.

A plan should include stable relations between the following five factorsdespite small-scale variations within them:

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● symmetry/asymmetry,● lateral definition (objects of interest to one or both sides)/central definition

(objects of interest straight ahead),● frontal closure/open perspective,● curved/narrowing/straight,● aligned/zigzagging facades (folding screen)[3.5.1].

Sequence articulationThere are several ways of linking each sequence to the next one, to give thedesired effect (Figures 3.5.1–3.5.3).

Visual connectionsDirect links between totally separate sequences can be established throughthe use of landmarks (section 3.4). These landmarks help people work outwhere they are and which places they will reach next. Of course, landmarksmay not be visible throughout the different sequences of movement.

Car driving and visual informationMotor car speeds are much higher than those of pedestrians, so trafficinformation usually tends to be much larger and concentrated on single focuspoints.

Concentrations of advertising hoardings and road signs can have significanteffects on a driver’s dynamic perception. The sequential design of streetsshould therefore consider how information is provided to drivers to make it asclear as possible.

Figure 3.5.1 Connection of a funnel-shaped street with a space provides a gradual articulation between these two spaces. © University of Liege

Figure 3.5.2 Articulation through a quick modification of one of the five plan areas and articulation through turning within a short distancemaximize the surprise effect. © University of Liege

Articulation 1





Articulation 2

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Point saturation (Figure 3.5.4) This happens when there are a great number of visual signs in the same placecompeting with each other. This often happens at decision points, where thedrivers have to stop at road junctions or decrease their speed to choose whichdirection to go. Such information saturation mixes commercial and roadinformation blindly. The two types of information compete for the driver’sattention in a way that is very harmful to the overall clarity of the visualenvironment.

Longitudinal saturation (Figure 3.5.5) Consists of the sustained presence of information all along a route. Eventhough the hoardings are quite distant from each other, their size, their greatdistance at which they can be seen, and the speed of the driver can lead to theaccumulation in a very short space of time of a great number of visual stimuli.

3 Public open space 59

Figure 3.5.3 Key-hole, narrow openingsand changes of direction maximize theattraction of the next sequence withoutrevealing it. © University of Liege

Figure 3.5.4 Point visual information saturation at a crossroads in Liege, Belgium. © University of Liege

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On the top of Figure 3.5.5 is the map of the urban space. The representationshows the following elements of the landscape: the road network, the buildingareas, the vegetation, the locations of the advertising hoardings, thecommercial frontages and traffic signs.

At the centre of the Figure, three curves show the number of visualmessages perceived at a given point on the route. The first applies to the roadsigns, the second to the hoardings and commercial frontages and the third isthe combination of the two.

The lower part of the Figure shows, for each sign, the point from which it isseen, up to its own site. The bold lines represent the large hoardings (greenlines) and the traffic lights and directional signs (blue lines).

This graphical representation shows, at each point on the route, thequantity and ‘quality’ of visual messages seen by the driver. It enables possibleareas of visual information concentration to be located and identified on themap. It also shows longitudinal phenomena such as the origin and clusteringof visual stimuli.

Reference to section 3.5[3.5.1] Greater London Council. An introduction to housing layout. London, Architectural

Press, 1978.

3.6 Conclusions

Open spaces form the major component of the urban environment and alsoaffect the performance of the buildings which border them. They can becomfortable or uncomfortable places depending on their detailed design.

In cool and intermediate climates, open spaces should generally be:● wide enough to allow adequate solar access (see sections 4.1–4.4),● oriented to allow any solar buildings to receive solar gain; E–W roads give

the most straightforward solar designs, but there are alternative techniques(section 3.3).

In warmer climates the emphasis will be more on providing cool, shady, well-ventilated spaces.● Ventilation, and the heat trapped in a street, depend on the height to width

ratio, H/W. For low H/W (< 0.3) there is good ventilation but littleshading. As H/W increases, air flows become more turbulent. At H/W = 1there is good ventilation with a vortex of air in the street. At street level thisflows opposite to the wind direction. Finally, for large H/W there is verypoor ventilation. A pool of stagnant air is created which can be cool insummer but can also trap pollutants.

● N–S streets will be less exposed to the sun than E–W streets. Where thereis a grid of streets, NW–SE and NE–SW have lower solar exposure thanother orientations (section 3.3).

In all climates, open spaces with pollution sources (like traffic) need to bewide enough to allow pollutants to disperse (section 3.3, see section 4.7). Ingeneral, spaces of this type need to be at least as wide as they are high.

The design of open spaces also needs to address the visual andpsychological needs of the people using them. People need to feel secure; sospaces should not have hiding places for potential attackers or blind alleyswhere people feel trapped. Good night-time lighting should be provided(section 3.1).

People also need to be able to find their way about. Landmarks aidorientation, and specific views show direction and add interest. Thesequences of spaces people experience need to be considered (section 3.5),with appropriate visual cues to act as signposts. Care is also needed to avoid amass of conflicting information competing for the visual attention of peopletravelling by car (section 3.5).

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3 Public open space 61


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In urban areas building layout is the most important factor affecting thedaylight, sunlight and solar heat gain reaching a building. It also affectssunlight in open spaces, ventilation, wind shelter and the dispersal ofpollutants. When planning a new development, its impact on existingbuildings nearby should be considered.

4.1 Spacing for daylighting

Strategy: Control the spacing and height of obstructions to allow good access to daylightfor new and existing buildings

New developmentGood daylight design starts at the site layout stage. If obstructing buildings arelarge or close by, adequate daylighting will be difficult to achieve. Thedistribution of light in the room will be affected as well as the total amountreceived.

At the site layout stage in design, window positions will often be undecided.A reference line 2 metres above ground level on each main face of the building(the likely level of the top half of windows) may be used. As a first check, drawa section in a plane perpendicular to each main face (Figure 4.1.1). If none ofthe obstructing buildings subtends an angle h to the horizontal (measuredfrom the 2 metre reference line) greater than the critical values in Table 4.1.1,then there will still be the potential for good daylighting in the building.

If an obstructing building is taller than this, good daylighting may still bepossible if it is narrow enough to allow adequate daylight around its sides. Thevertical sky component[4.1.1] shows how much skylight falls on a vertical wallor window. It is the ratio of the direct sky illuminance on the vertical wall at areference point, to the simultaneous horizontal illuminance under anunobstructed sky. The standard CIE Overcast Sky is used and the ratio is

4 Building layout

Figure 4.1.1 The angular height of obstructions should not exceed the critical value h

2 m

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usually expressed as a percentage. The maximum value is almost 40% for acompletely unobstructed vertical wall. The vertical sky component on awindow can be related to the average daylight factor in a room[4.1.2, 4.1.3].Vertical sky components may be calculated using the skylight indicator(Appendix A2) or TOWNSCOPE (Appendix A1).

Table 4.1.1 gives critical vertical sky components which should be equalledor exceeded on the outside reference line if a building is to have gooddaylighting. Where the vertical sky component changes rapidly along afacade it is worthwhile, if possible, to site windows where most daylight isavailable. This situation often occurs at the internal corners of courtyards orL-shaped blocks. If windows are close to these corners they will result in poorlevels of daylight as well as potential lack of privacy (Figure 4.1.2).

Obstructions can also affect the daylighting distribution in a building. Areaswhich cannot see the sky, since they receive no direct daylight, usually lookdark and gloomy compared with the rest of the room, however bright it isoutside. The no sky line[4.1.1] (Figure 4.1.3) divides points on the working planewhich can and cannot see the sky. (In houses the working plane is assumed tobe horizontal and 0.85 metres high; in offices 0.7 m high; in special interiorslike hospital wards and infant school classrooms a different height may beappropriate). Supplementary electric lighting will be needed if a significantpart of the working plane lies beyond the no sky line[4.1.2].

The guidance throughout this section needs to be interpreted flexibly sincedaylight is only one aspect of urban layout design. In a historic city centre, forexample, it may be impossible to achieve the required building spacings.Where there is restricted space available in a layout, interior daylighting maybe improved in a number of ways as follows.● Increase window sizes, especially raising the window head height

(Figure 4.1.4). ● Improve external surface reflectances with light-coloured building

4 Building layout 63

Table 4.1.1 Spacing angles for light from the skyLatitude Critical obstruction Critical vertical sky(degrees) angle (degrees) component (%)

up to 40 40 1840–45 35 2145–50 30 2450–55 25 2755–60 22 2960+ 20 30

Figure 4.1.2 Rooms looking out from theinternal corners of courtyards can often begloomy and lack privacy

Figure 4.1.3 The no sky line in a side-lit room

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materials and paving slabs on the ground. However, maintenance of suchsurfaces should be planned in order to stop them discolouring. And oftenthe benefits may not be as great as envisaged, partly because of ageing ofmaterials and partly because the obstruction itself may not receive muchlight.

● Reduce building depth (window wall to window wall).

Existing buildingsSafeguarding of the daylight to buildings adjoining a new development is veryimportant. A badly planned development may make adjoining propertiesgloomy and unattractive. Some countries may have laws or planningregulations governing obstruction to existing buildings. These are not dealtwith here but they need to be taken into account when designing newdevelopments.

To find out whether an existing building still receives enough skylight, firstdraw a section in a plane perpendicular to each affected main window wall ofthe existing building (Figure 4.1.5). Measure the angle to the horizontalsubtended by the new development at the level of the centre of the lowestwindow. If this angle is less than the critical value in Table 4.1.1 for the wholeof the development, then it is unlikely to have a big impact on the daylightenjoyed by the existing building. If, for any part of the new development, thisangle is more than the critical value, a more detailed check is needed.

Any reduction in the total amount of skylight can be calculated by findingthe vertical sky component at the centre of the outside of each main window.(For a floor-to-ceiling French window or patio door, a point 2 m aboveground on the centre line of the window may be used). If this vertical skycomponent is greater than the value in Table 4.1.1 then enough skylightshould still reach the existing window. If the vertical sky component, with thenew development in place, is both less than this value and less than 0.8 timesits former value, then people in the existing building will notice the loss ofskylight. The area lit by the window is likely to appear more gloomy, andelectric lighting will be needed more of the time.

The impact on the daylighting distribution in the existing building can befound by plotting the no sky line (see above) in each of the main rooms. If,following construction of a new development, the area of the room which canreceive direct skylight is reduced to less than 0.8 times its former value thenthe occupants will notice; more of the room will appear poorly lit. This is alsotrue if the no sky line encroaches on key areas like kitchen sinks and worktops.

For domestic extensions to the front or rear of a house, a quick method canbe used to check the diffuse skylight impact on the house next door. It applieswhere the nearest side of the extension is perpendicular to the window(Figure 4.1.6); but not for windows which directly face the extension, or forbuildings opposite. On the elevation of the window wall, draw diagonallydown at an angle of 45° away from the near top corner of the extension. On

64 Environmental site layout planning

Figure 4.1.4 In Georgian streets(Cambridge, UK) the small spacing toheight ratio is compensated for by tallwindows. Note how window head heightincreases for rooms on the lower floorswhich are more heavily obstructed

Figure 4.1.5 A new obstruction to an existing building

h °

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the plan draw diagonally back at an angle of 45° from the end of the extensiontowards the window wall. If the centre of the window next door lies on theextension side of both these 45° lines (Figure 4.1.7), the extension maysignificantly reduce the skylight received by the window. (For a floor-to-ceiling window, use a point 2 metres above the ground on the centre-line ofthe window).

Like most rules of thumb, this one needs to be interpreted flexibly. Forexample, if the extension has a much larger building behind it then thedaylight from that direction may be blocked anyway. If the extension has apitched roof then the top of the extension can be taken as the height of its roofhalfway along the slope. Special care needs to be taken in cases where anextension already exists on the other side of the window, to avoid a ‘tunneleffect’ (Figure 4.1.8); it is then best to plot the no sky line in the obstructedroom (see above).

As with the other guidelines in this section, the 45° approach deals withdiffuse skylight only. Extra checks will need to be made for sunlight whichmay be blocked (section 4.2). Obstruction of light from the sky is just one ofthe ways in which a new development can affect existing buildings nearby.

Adjoining development landIt is possible to reduce the environmental quality of adjoining developmentland by building too close to the boundary. A well-designed building willstand a reasonable distance back from the boundaries so as to enable futurenearby developments to enjoy a similar access to daylight. It will also thenkeep its own natural light when the adjoining land is developed.

4 Building layout 65

Figure 4.1.6 To assess the impact of the new extension, the 45° approach can be usedfor window A but not for windows B and C which directly face it

Figure 4.1.7 Application of the 45°approach to a domestic extension. If thecentre of the window lies within the darkshaded area, a significant loss of light ispossible

Figure 4.1.8 A ‘tunnel effect’ can occur if a window is obstructed by extensions on bothsides




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This is important when a main window wall, either of the current newdevelopment or of any probable future development on the adjoining site, willface over the boundary. The simplest way to ensure good access to skylightfor a future development is to decide on the likely location of its window wall.This will often be the same distance from the boundary as the developmenton the other side. Then use the guidance for new developments above tocheck these future windows would receive enough light. Reference [4.1.1] givesmore detailed guidance. A proposed building or group of buildings can alsoreduce the sunlighting of an adjoining site. If this is likely to be a problem, agood way to assess it is to draw the shadows cast by the new buildings atdifferent times of year. Section 4.3 gives details.

References to section 4.1[4.1.1] Littlefair P J. Site layout planning for daylight and sunlight: a guide to good practice.

Building Research Establishment Report. Garston, CRC, 1991.[4.1.2] British Standards Institution. BS 8206:– Lighting for buildings. Part 2: Code of

practice for daylighting. London, BSI, 1992.[4.1.3] McNicholl A & Lewis J O (eds). Daylighting in buildings. Dublin, University College

for CEC, 1994.

4.2 Spacing and orientation for sunlight as an amenity

Strategy: Ensure access to sunlight for buildings where it is required, by orienting keyspaces to the southern half of the sky and restricting obstructions

As section 1.5 shows, sunlight is highly valued as an amenity. In housing, themain requirement for sunlight is in living rooms, where it is valued at any timeof day but especially in the afternoon. Sunlight is also required inconservatories. It is less important in bedrooms and in kitchens, where peopleprefer it in the morning rather than the afternoon[4.2.1]. Sunlight is also valuedin non-domestic buildings. Generally the further north in Europe the morepositive people are towards sunlight. However in southern Europe sunlightindoors is still welcome in the cooler months.

In the winter heating season solar heat gain can be valuable, reducing theneed for space heating. Good design can make the most of this. This aspect ofsunlight provision is dealt with in section 4.3; here, we concentrate on theamenity aspects of sunlight.

Site layout is the most important factor affecting the duration of sunlight inbuildings. It can be divided into two main issues: orientation andovershadowing.

OrientationA south-facing window will usually receive most sunlight while a north-facingone will only receive it on a handful of occasions (early morning and lateevening in summer). East- and west-facing windows will receive sunlight onlyat certain times of the day. A dwelling with no main window wall within 90° ofdue south is likely to be perceived as insufficiently sunlit. This can beimportant in flats; ideally each individual dwelling should have at least onemain living room with a reasonable amount of sunlight. In both flats andhouses it is sensible to match internal room layout with window wallorientation. Where possible, living rooms should face south or west, andkitchens towards the north or east.

Overshadowing Sunlight in a new development can be considerably improved if the buildingsare designed to overshadow each other as little as possible. Access to sunlightcan be improved[4.2.2] by:● if possible, choosing a site on a south-facing slope rather than a north-

facing one (section 2.3),

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● having taller buildings to the north of the site with low-rise buildings to thesouth, but care must be taken not to overshadow a neighbouring property,

● similarly, having low density housing (semi-detached and detached) at thesouthern end of a site, with terraced housing to the north,

● placing terraces by east–west roads so that one window wall faces nearlysouth; semi-detached and detached houses can be located on north–southroads (section 3.3),

● opening out courtyards to the southern half of the sky,● having garages to the north of houses,● where window walls face predominantly east or west, avoiding

obstructions to the south such as protruding extensions or other buildings, ● having low pitched roofs on housing.

Figure 4.2.1 illustrates some of these techniques.It is recommended that, for rooms where the occupants require sunlight (at

least one main living room per house):● North of 50° N, the centre of a window should receive at least 25% of

annual probable sunlight hours spread over at least 6 months of the year.Here ‘probable sunlight hours’ means the total number of hours in the yearthat the sun is expected to shine on unobstructed ground, allowing foraverage levels of cloudiness for the location in question. The sunlightavailability indicator (see Appendix A2) can be used to calculate hours ofsunlight received.

● Between 42° and 50° N, the centre of the window should receive at least2 hours of possible sunlight on 19 February, and preferably earlier in theyear. The sunpath indicator (see Appendix A2), TOWNSCOPE programor other sunpath diagrams can be used to check this. The 19 February dateis not vital: this is only a rough guideline. When comparing borderline casesconsider sunlight received at other times of year as well.

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Figure 4.2.1 Good and bad examples of layout design for sunlight

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In designing a new development care should be taken to safeguard the accessto sunlight to existing buildings nearby. Particularly in northern Europe,people are likely to notice a loss of sunlight to their homes and if it is extensiveit will usually be resented. Reference 4.2.3 gives more detail here.

References to section 4.2[4.2.1] Bitter C & van Ierland J F A A. Appreciation of sunlight in the home. Proceedings

CIE Conference on Sunlight in Buildings, Newcastle, 1965. pp 27–38. Rotterdam, BouwcentrumInternational, 1967.

[4.2.2 ]NBA Tectonics. A study of passive solar housing estate layout. Report S 1126.Harwell, Energy Technology Support Unit, 1988.

[4.2.3] Littlefair P J. Site layout planning for daylight and sunlight: a guide to good practice.Building Research Establishment Report. Garston, CRC, 1991.

4.3 Passive solar access

Strategy: Where buildings rely on solar heat gain, orient near to due south and ensurethe southern part of the sky has only small obstructions

In northern Europe, passive solar homes can have a heating energyconsumption 1000 kWh per year lower than conventional housing — a 10%saving on the heating bill[4.3.1]. However these benefits depend on site layout.They may be halved if the site layout fails to optimize orientation and reduceovershadowing. Passive solar design is valuable for non-domestic buildings aswell as for housing.

The advice in this section is also relevant to active systems like solar panels.However any overshadowing checks (see below) will need to be done at solarpanel level.

When is passive solar design worthwhile?● A climate with cold or cool winters where heating is required.● A level or south-facing sloping site. On a sloping site which faces north it

will be harder to reap the full benefits of passive solar design.● Reasonable density of development. At high densities (above 40 dwellings

per hectare) some houses may be seriously obstructed or have a poororientation. Similarly, on a small site it may be impossible to achieve thebest orientation for window walls or to avoid overshadowing by nearbybuildings.

● Good natural ventilation in summer to avoid overheating in passive solarbuildings; on a noisy or polluted site this may be hard to obtain.

None of these factors need necessarily rule out passive solar design. But theymay make it harder to achieve substantial energy savings. It may be best toconcentrate on providing daylight and sunlight as an amenity (sections 4.1and 4.2), and introduce other energy measures such as improved insulation.

Passive solar site layout design can be divided into the two key issues:orientation and overshadowing.

OrientationTo make the most of solar gain the main solar-collecting facade should facewithin 30° of due south[4.3.2]. Orientations further east or west than this willreceive less solar gain, particularly in winter when it is of most use. In non-domestic buildings a more easterly orientation may help provide solar heat inthe morning, and avoid afternoon overheating in summer.

These orientation requirements influence site layout. Where possible, mainroads should run east–west, with north–south link roads (see section 3.3)(Figure 4.3.1). A mixture of house types can help overcome the repetitiveappearance of houses on an estate all facing the same way, as can carefuldesign of the spaces between buildings (Figure 4.3.2).

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Overshadowing Overshadowing by other buildings can spoil a passive solar design. This isbecause a solar-collecting facade needs access to low-angle sun in winter. Inthe worst case, with large obstructions to the south, a glazed area may be inshadow all winter but receive much unwanted solar heat gain in summer.

Building techniques can reduce overshading (Figure 4.3.3). Tree locationsare also important; deciduous species are best because they are leafless whensolar gains are most valuable, while providing some shade in summer.

To reap the full benefits of passive solar design, maximize winter solar gainas far as other site layout constraints allow. The most important area to keeplightly obstructed is within 45° of due south of a solar-collecting facade. Thisis the part of the sky from which most solar radiation comes in the wintermonths. To check solar access from this zone, draw a north–south section(not necessarily perpendicular to the facade). The altitude of any obstructions

4 Building layout 69

Figure 4.3.1 A case study by BTP Architects for Lovell Homes[4.3.4]. In the conventionallayout (top) only six of the houses have good solar orientation. Realigning the roads enablestwo-thirds of the homes to face within 30° of due south and only four face due east or west

Figure 4.3.2 In Pennyland, Milton Keynes,UK, planting between buildings gives theestate an informal appearance

Conventional layout

Passive solar layout

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in it should not exceed the critical angle h (Figure 4.3.4) when measured fromthe centre of the solar-collecting glazing. Values of h are given in Table 4.3.1, interms of site latitude. So at a site in London (51.5° N) then the maximumobstruction angle h would be 70 – 51.5 = 18.5°. These values will give sunlightat noon on January 21–November 21 north of 50° N, and sun at noon all yearround south of 46.5° N. To achieve three hours of possible sun all year roundrequires an obstruction angle of 65° minus latitude (in London, this would be13.5°)[4.3.3, 4.3.4].

This amount of open space in front of glazed areas may not always befeasible, particularly in the far north of Europe. And if an obstruction takes uponly part of the 45° angular zone either side of due south, enough solar gainmay still be available from other directions. To check this, use the solar gainindicator (Appendix A2) or TOWNSCOPE (Appendix A1).

A passive solar building also needs enough diffuse daylight (section 4.1).Special care should be taken to ensure good daylighting to the north side ofthe building as often minimal window areas are chosen on thermal grounds.

Where a proposed development of any type is near to an existing passivesolar building, it is good practice to try to minimize loss of solar gain to thepassive solar building. And when designing a passive solar building the

70 Environmental site layout planning

Table 4.3.1 Limiting obstruction angles h to ensure reasonable winter solar access

Latitude Value of h(° N) (°)

50+ 70 — latitude46.5–50 20< 46.5 66.5 — latitude

Figure 4.3.3 Avoiding overshading problems

Figure 4.3.4 For solar access, the area of sky between south east and south westbecomes important. Obstructions in this zone should not exceed the critical angle h. Forlatitudes above 50°, h is 70° — latitude; for latitudes below 46.5°, h is 66.5° — latitude;for intermediate latitudes h is 20°

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possibility of future developments blocking solar access should be anticipated.The building(s) should stand well back from the southern boundary of the siteunless no future development is to take place there. It is unreasonable to buildvery close to a southern boundary and expect future development to standwell back from it.

In a new solar estate, guard against the possibility of neighbours blockingeach other’s solar radiation by erecting large extensions and outbuildings.Legal agreements can protect solar access for each property. They need anunambiguous numerical criterion to assess the loss of solar gain. One possibleprocedure[4.3.5] might be:● use the angular zone criterion outlined above (obstruction angle at centre

of solar façade should be less than critical angle h within zone between SEand SW, Figure 4.3.4),

● if the above criterion is not met with the new building in place thencalculate the heating season solar gain with and without the new buildingusing a solar gain indicator (Appendix A2) or TOWNSCOPE (AppendixA1). If the solar gain is more than 0.9 times its former value then thereduction is small.

This technique is flexible but there are dangers, particularly in accepting whatcould be the first of a series of small losses to the available solar gain. Thiscould happen where successive extensions are planned to the same building.Here the total impact on solar gain due to all the extensions needs to becalculated and compared with the guidance above.

References to section 4.3[4.3.1] NBA Tectonics. A study of passive solar housing estate layout. Report S 1126.

Harwell, Energy Technology Support Unit, 1988.[4.3.2] Goulding J R, Lewis J O & Steemers T C. Energy in architecture. London,

Batsford, 1992.[4.3.3] Littlefair P J. Site layout planning for daylight and sunlight: a guide to good practice.

Building Research Establishment Report. Garston, CRC, 1991.[4.3.4] Department of the Environment. Passive solar estate layout. General Information

Report 27. Garston, BRECSU, 1997.

4.4 Sunlight in spaces between buildings

Strategy: Ensure outdoor spaces like parks and gardens receive enough sunlight in coolclimates

As section 1.5 showed, sunlight in the spaces between buildings has animportant impact on the overall appearance and ambience of a development.Sunlight is particularly valuable in:● gardens,● parks and playing fields,● children’s playgrounds,● outdoor swimming pools and paddling pools,● sitting out areas such as those between non-domestic buildings and in

public squares, ● focal points for views such as a group of monuments or fountains.

Requirements for sunlight will vary according to climate (see section 1.13). Inthe far north of Europe sunlight out of doors is almost always welcome.Further south, shade becomes more and more welcome, particularly insummer. For maximum amenity, both sunlit and shaded areas should beprovided, for example:● seating both shaded by trees and open to the sun,● alternative circulation routes, one in sun, one in shade,● use of deciduous trees to provide shade in summer, sun in winter,

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● overhangs and colonnades open to low-angle winter sun but not high-angle summer sun,

● the use of specific parts of a site can be planned with sunlight in mind. Thiscould include reserving the sunniest parts of the site for gardens and sittingout, while using the shadier areas for car parking (in summer, shade is oftenvalued in car parks) (Figure 4.4.1).

Where extra sunlight is needed, use some of the techniques described in theprevious two sections. This could include siting low rise, low density housingto the south, with taller, higher density housing to the north of a site; and byopening out courtyards to the southern half of the sky. Special care needs tobe taken in the design of courtyards in northern latitudes as often they canturn out to be sunless and unappealing (section 5.2).

With certain forms of layout it is difficult to achieve good sunlight provisionoutside[4.4.1]. Surprisingly, passive solar layouts can cause problems, as thebuildings themselves receive most of the available sun. If a long face of abuilding faces within 10° of due north then there will be an area adjoining thebuilding face which is permanently in shade at the equinox (and hence allwinter). Areas of this sort can also occur if buildings form an enclosed orpartly enclosed space which is blocked off from the southern half of the sky.Figure 4.4.2 illustrates some typical examples. It is usually possible to redesignthe layout so as to minimize these areas, either by reorienting buildings or byopening up gaps to the south in courtyards.

Reference to section 4.4[4.4.1] Littlefair P J. Site layout planning for daylight and sunlight: a guide to good practice.

Building Research Establishment Report. Garston, CRC, 1991.

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Figure 4.4.1 Shaded areas are ideal forcar parking

Figure 4.4.2 Examples of problem layouts where poor sunlighting on the ground canoccur. The shaded areas will receive no sun at all for six months of the year

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4.5 Mutual shading

Strategy: In cities in cool climates, check the overshadowing caused by large newdevelopments by comparing with current levels of obstruction. In hot climates, mutualshading can be used deliberately, to keep building faces and the spaces between themcool.

As the previous sections have shown, proper geometrical design of openspaces in between buildings is very important. Mutual shading betweenbuildings may determine if an outdoor space will be pleasant or undesirableduring the different times of the day or throughout the year. It is alsoimportant to be able to locate windows and solar elements in an optimal waywith regard to insolation. Moreover, shading of windows in summer in hotclimates, is one of the most important ways to achieve good indoor climaticconditions with minimal energy consumption[4.5.1].

Overshadowing in city centres: a case studyThe previous sections have emphasized the need for good sunlighting anddaylighting in buildings and the spaces between them. Yet mutual shading isan unavoidable characteristic of dense urban areas. Although numericalguidelines are given above, these should be interpreted flexibly since naturallighting is only one of many factors in site layout design. In specialcirc*mstances the developer or planning authority may wish to use differenttarget values. For example, in a historic city centre a higher degree ofobstruction may be unavoidable if new developments are to match the heightand proportions of existing buildings. Here, requirements for daylight andsunlight have to be evaluated carefully for each particular case. One possiblestrategy is to use comparisons with relevant local references, to define whatlevel of overshading is common within the particular urban area underconsideration. Simulation software, like TOWNSCOPE, can be used for suchan analysis.

This approach has been followed for the Pierreuse redevelopment projectin Liege (Figure 4.5.1). This project consisted of a major administrativebuilding, located in front of an existing row of houses, remains of the city’smediaeval pattern. This street presently benefits from an exceptionalsituation, due to substantial demolitions that occurred during the 1970s: it isopen on its south-west side, which provides a lot of sun to theneighbourhood.

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Figure 4.5.1 Axonometric of Pierreuse project in Liege. © University of Liege

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From the solar point of view, the losses caused by the redevelopment areobvious[4.5.2]. Figures 4.5.2 and 4.5.3 show the decrease of the direct solarradiation reaching the facades. The value of this decrease is from 5% to 10%yearly mean value. At most, the loss of solar radiation can reach 25%.

Nevertheless, the levels reached with the new building in place are allfavourable compared with common situations in the city of Liege(Figure 4.5.4). This was assessed using equivalent simulations for similar urbanpatterns in Liege. By agreement with the Liege municipal urban planningdepartment, two spaces were used as references: a mediaeval square and anexisting street. Mutual shading on these reference spaces is very similar to thatobtained in the existing buildings, after re-development.

Mutual shading in hot climatesMutual shading between surfaces is crucial for the thermal behaviour of anopen space and for the internal spaces next to it. The two main factors formutual shading are confinement and orientation. Figure 4.5.5 shows theshadow evolution for different solar times (15th of July) in a narrow NW–SEoriented street. Most of the time the shadowed areas are bigger than thesunny ones.

Figure 4.5.6 shows the daily evolution (15th of July) of the direct solarradiation impinging over one south-west surface. There are three curves inthe graph. The first gives the value without shading (open land), the secondone is for a surface shadowed by the opposite wall of a big avenue, and thethird one is shadowed by the opposite wall of a narrow street placed in theSanta Cruz neighbourhood of Seville. For the Santa Cruz configuration thereception of solar radiation is much lower.

To visualize the influence of street orientation over the solar heat received,an appropriate measure is daily solar direct radiation (kW·h/m2·day).Figure 4.5.7 shows the angular values used for the different orientations of theground and the wall of a typical street. For a vertical wall without shading thedaily solar direct radiation varies considerably with orientation. Figure 4.5.8shows these values for a vertical wall without shading, the big avenue and thenarrow street in Santa Cruz. The minimum values are reached when the wallis facing north, but the maximum reductions of direct solar radiation due tothe shading are when the wall is facing west or east.

References to section 4.5[4.5.1] Shaviv E & Capeluto Y G. The relative importance of various geometrical design

parameters in hot-humid climate. Atlanta, ASHRAE Transactions, V AN-92-1, 1992.[4.5.2] LEMA — Laboratoire d’Etudes Methodologiques Architecturales. Etude

d’ensoleillement direct du quartier Pierreuse, Liege. Liege, University of Liege, 1992.

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Figure 4.5.2 Direct solar radiation for the existing situation. © University of Liege

Figure 4.5.3 Direct solar radiation for the proposed situation. © University of Liege

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Figure 4.5.4 Stereographical projectionof place du Marche (Liege, Belgium). © University of Liege

Figure 4.5.6 Daily variation of direct solar radiation over the right wall of one streetoriented in the Santa Cruz main orientation for the 15th of July (solar time). © University of Seville

Figure 4.5.7 Angular values for thedifferent street orientations© University of Seville

Figure 4.5.8 Daily solar direct radiation over the vertical wall of one street as a function ofthe street orientation for the 15th of July (solar time). © University of Seville


/m2 .

day Without shading

Big avenueSanta Cruz

Orientation (°)

Figure 4.5.5 Shadow evolution of Pimienta Street, Santa Cruz, Seville, for the 15th of July(solar time). © University of Seville

7:00 11:009:00

14:00 15:00 17:00

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4.6 Wind shelter, ventilation and passive cooling

Strategy: Lay out buildings to provide good access to ventilation while maintainingcomfortable conditions for pedestrians

Air flows in the urban environment affect:● ventilation and passive cooling of buildings,● outdoor comfort, particularly in cold climates,● pollution dispersal (see next section).

The layout of buildings can have an important impact on these air flows.

Ventilation and passive coolingPrevious chapters (sections 2.5, 3.2) have discussed the decreased potentialfor natural ventilation because of the reduced wind speeds in urban areas.Section 2.5 included a method to calculate the reduction in air flow because ofthe building’s location and the characteristics of the neighbouring area.

As was mentioned in section 3.2, the air-flow velocity in a street canyon isstrongly related to its aspect ratio and the wind velocity above the canyon. Forgood ventilation the wind velocity above the canyon should be high andnearly parallel to the canyon axis and the aspect ratio should be low. Theworst case is when the wind above the canyon is weak and perpendicular tothe canyon axis and the aspect ratio is high. In that case a vortex is formed andthe air exchange at the bottom of the canyon is very poor.

Experiments in 10 deep canyons during the summer of 1997 in Athens andsimulations using the AIOLOS natural ventilation simulation code gave thefollowing conclusions. ● When the ambient wind speed is considerably higher than the wind speed

inside the canyon and dominates buoyancy effects, the natural ventilationpotential in single and cross-ventilation configurations is seriouslydecreased inside the canyon. In practice, this happens when the ambientwind speed is higher than 4 m/sec. For single-side ventilationconfigurations the air flow is reduced up to five times, while in cross-ventilation configurations the flow is sometimes reduced up to 10 times.

● When the ambient wind speed is lower than 3–4 m/sec, gravitationalforces dominate the air-flow processes. In this case, the difference in windspeed inside and outside the canyon, does not play an important role,especially in single-sided configurations.

● The calculated reduction of the air flow inside the canyon is mainly afunction of the corresponding wind direction. When the ambient flow isalmost perpendicular to the canyon axis, the flow inside the canyon isnearly vertical and parallel to the window, the pressure coefficients andhence ventilation rate inside a building are much lower than would becalculated from ambient wind conditions. When the ambient flow isparallel to the canyon axis, a similar flow is observed inside the canyon, andthe pressure coefficients are almost similar.

To show the reduction in the wind speed in streets and the correspondingreduction of the potential for natural ventilation, measurements of air flowhave been made in urban canyons in Athens. The first set of experiments wasperformed at the urban canyon of Ippokratous Street, between 5th and 18thDecember 1996. The canyon is of S–N orientation, its width is close to 10 mwhile the mean height of the buildings is close to 20 m. During theexperiments, the temperature distribution inside the canyon was measured atvarious heights. At the same time the wind speed was measured at twospecific points and in particular 10 metres above the canyon and inside thecanyon at about 10 metres from the ground surface. A cup anemometer wasused to measure the undisturbed wind speed and direction. Inside the canyona three axis anemometer was used. Measurements were taken every second.

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The decrease in the wind speed inside the canyon compared with theundisturbed wind speed above it is especially important for ventilationpurposes. Figure 4.6.1 shows a plot of the wind speed over and inside thecanyon. For the period of comparison, the mean wind speed over the canyonwas close to 0.9 m/sec, and the corresponding mean wind speed inside thecanyon was close to 0.2 m/sec.

Analysis of the ratio of the wind speed inside and outside the canyonshowed that the wind velocity ratio tends to be higher for lower wind speeds.This is mainly due to the fact that the wind speed inside the canyon wasalmost never higher than 1 m/sec. Thus, the higher the undisturbed windspeed, the higher the wind speed difference.

Comfort and wind shelterAir flows in cities also affect outdoor comfort, particularly in cool climates inwinter. Reduction of wind speed by wind control should improve themicroclimate around the buildings.

The spacing of buildings has a considerable impact on site microclimate.Closely spaced buildings will shield each other, and the intervening spaces,from the wind. However, the spaces between the buildings, as well as thebuildings themselves, will be less well sunlit.

Different sources give different guidance on spacing for wind protection.The BRE Housing design handbook[4.6.1] recommends a spacing 1.5–2.5 timesthe overall building height, Robinette[4.6.2] only 1.5–2 times height. This is toolow for the spacing between passive south facades and buildings opposite ifgood winter solar gain is to be obtained, although reasonable daylightingcould be achieved with a ratio of 2. However, spacings of this order could beused between the end-flank walls of passive buildings. The BREhandbook[4.6.1] warns against small gaps (up to 3 metres) between buildings,which can act as wind funnels. If buildings are close together there may beproblems achieving good cross-ventilation in summer[4.6.3].

The European Passive Solar Handbook[4.6.4] quotes UK studies which indicatethat for a spacing to height ratio of about 3 the pressure difference across abuilding is roughly halved compared with an isolated building. It suggestsspacing to height ratios in the region 2.5 to 3.5. For most of Europe this wouldgive reasonable daylighting and adequate winter sunlight. For low-risehousing a spacing to height ratio of 3.5 corresponds to an obstruction angle ofjust over 13° at ground floor window height. Brown[4.6.5] suggests that the areaof reduced wind velocity on the leeward side of a building group extends to atleast 3 to 4 times the building height. Evans[4.6.3] gives a table of the extent of‘wind shadow’ from buildings. Depending on the width and shape of thebuilding, this wind shadow can extend for 2–20 times the height of thebuilding.

These studies assume that the wind is perpendicular to a main face of thebuilding. Where the wind flow is parallel to rows of buildings the spaces inbetween the buildings will be much less well protected. For this reason longparallel rows of buildings should be avoided[4.6.1, 4.6.6]. For good windprotection in cool climates where straight streets are unavoidable, limit thelength of flat facades to about 25 metres, or introduce steps and staggers.

Site tall buildings with care[4.6.7], as they can cause vortex flows[4.6.8]

between the tall building and its small neighbours (Figure 4.6.2). For reducedsite wind sensitivity building heights should be as uniform as possible[4.6.1, 4.6.6].The effects of tall buildings can be evaluated using wind tunnel studies.

Avoid funnel-like gaps between buildings. Larger gaps (3–5 metres orgreater) will aid solar access and avoid vulnerable passages where the windrushes through. Alternatively such vulnerable areas can be avoided byoverlapping the ends of blocks that meet at an angle: this may cause solaraccess problems near the internal corner (section 4.4).

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Figure 4.6.1 Wind velocity inside thecanyon (red), and above the canyon(yellow). © University of Athens

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References to section 4.6[4.6.1] BRE. Housing design handbook. Building Research Establishment Report (BR 253).

Garston, CRC, 1993.[4.6.2] Robinette G O (ed). Energy efficient site design. New York, Van Nostrand, 1983.[4.6.3] Evans M. Housing, climate and comfort. London, Architectural Press, 1980.[4.6.4] Goulding J R, Lewis J O & Steemers T C (eds). Energy in architecture. The

European passive solar handbook. London, Batsford for CEC, 1992.[4.6.5] Brown G Z. Sun, wind and light architectural design strategies. New York, Wiley,

1985.[4.6.6] BRE. Climate and site development. Digest 350 (Parts 1–3). Garston, CRC, 1990.[4.6.7] BRE. Wind environment around tall buildings. Digest 392. Garston, CRC, 1994.[4.6.8] Penwarden A D & Wise A F E. Wind environment around buildings. Garston, BRE,


4.7 Pollution dispersal

Strategy: use the detailed layout of buildings to ensure that pollutants can be dispersedfrom local sources

The advantages of using small-scale urban design to encourage the rapidventilation of pollutants have received little attention, even though urbanform can significantly affect rates of pollutant dispersion near the ground. Thearea that can be influenced in this way is the urban canopy, ie the region up to2–3 times the heights of the buildings where most urban pollutants aredischarged (the main exception to this is large industrial discharges from tallstacks).

This effect is most important for pollution sources at short distances up toabout 1 km, the ‘near field’ and ‘intermediate field’ described in section 2.6.Urban form at small scales does not greatly affect the dispersion of pollutionsources from greater distances, the ‘far field’ concentrations described insection 2.6. Pollution sources from far away are generally well dispersedthrough the urban canopy and thus have quite small gradients ofconcentration which are not greatly altered by the details of the urban layout.Local sources of pollution provide an additional contribution to this slowlychanging ‘far field’ concentration. Because of their proximity, pollutantconcentrations from local sources within the urban canopy can be high andvary markedly in both time and space due to the unsteady local airflows,which are strongly affected by the buildings and surface topography. Thisbehaviour is described in more detail by Hall et al[4.6.1].

These local pollution sources should be ventilated through the urbancanopy as quickly as possible to minimize their locally high concentrations.Some features of the urban layout affect both rates of dispersion near theground and the local windspeeds within the urban canopy (to which pollutantconcentrations are inversely proportional). These are described below.

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Figure 4.6.2 Vortex flows around a tall building

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Area density Area density is the proportion of the surface occupied by buildings and otherobstructions. For area densities below 5–10%, the urban array is so sparse as tohave no collective qualities and it is the effect of individual buildings whichgoverns local windspeeds and dispersion patterns. Beyond 5–10% (a smallproportion of covered surface), the collective characteristics of the buildingsand other surface obstacles, rather than those of individual structures withinit, affect windspeeds and rates of dispersion within the urban canopy.

Area density itself, beyond values of 5–10%, has only limited effects on therates of dispersion of pollutants until quite high values of 80–90% are reached.However, windspeed within the urban canopy is markedly reduced as areadensity increases, up to about 80–90%, so that pollutant concentrationsincrease within the canopy for this reason. At the higher area densities, thebuildings are so closely packed that they effectively produce a new, elevated,ground surface at roof height and most of the windflow is displaced upwardsover the buildings. Windspeeds in this region then increase again andpollutant concentrations are reduced in the upper part of the urban canopy.

However, close to the ground between closely packed buildingswindspeeds remain low. Pollutant concentrations can remain persistentlyhigh due to these low windspeeds and the slow rate at which pollutants arecarried above roof level where higher windspeeds and more rapid dispersionoccur. This is an alternative description of the behaviour of what arecommonly described as ‘street canyons’, which are considered in section 3.2.‘Street canyons’ are the deep spaces between buildings when the area densityis high. They are not isolated, but a network of linked narrow spaces betweenthe buildings, through which contaminants pass while dispersing relativelyslowly and then ventilate through the tops of the ‘canyons’.

Building heights and widths Building heights and widths across the wind in the urban array directly affectboth the spread of pollutants and local windspeeds. In general there is rapiddispersion of pollutants across the widths and heights of isolated buildings, sothat the greater these are the greater the dispersion and the lower theconcentration. This applies to building widths up to about eight times theirheight, beyond which there is only a limited further increase in the lateraldispersion. The way buildings are formed into groups, as rows and squares forexample, affects this directly as it is the shape of their collective envelopes thatgoverns aerodynamic effects.

Windspeeds within the urban canopy are markedly affected by buildingheights but less by their widths. Windspeeds near the ground generallyreduce rapidly with increasing heights of building, so that pollutantconcentrations are increased for this reason, while decreasing due toincreased dispersion. Building width has its greatest effect on windspeeds atarea densities around 20%. At higher area densities higher levels of shelteringoccur and windspeeds near the ground are reduced as noted above. Also, thedepth of the urban canopy is most affected by building heights as it is typically2–3 building heights in extent. Overall, accounting for both rates of dispersionand windspeed, the greatest reduction in pollutant concentrations near theground occurs when buildings are relatively wide and low, with low tomoderate area densities.

Variation in building heights and widthsSome urban areas have buildings of relatively uniform height, while othersshow large variations. This difference has been regarded as important whenarea densities are high (greater than 20%) as large variations in building heightencourage the penetration of higher windspeeds down to the ground. Despitethis, a large variation in building height seems to have little effect on theoverall dispersion of pollutants. However, it does have a significant effect onmean windspeed. Averaged over an area, windspeeds near the ground are

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reduced as height variability increases. However, this is accompanied by agreater local variation in windspeeds at the ground, so that there will be moreregions with locally higher and lower windspeeds that the average. This isbecause the penetration of higher speed winds down to the ground (fromabove) in one place has to be accompanied by the displacement of lowerspeed winds upwards from another.

Alignment of buildings and the effects of wind directionBuildings in urban areas may be laid out in orderly arrays with clearly definedlong streets or in more random patterns with few clear passages of any length.The aerodynamic appearance of an urban area depends on the winddirection: an urban layout with clear streets running through it will appearblocked to the wind in some directions while open in others. Pollutingdischarges released in streets aligned or at acute angles to the wind tend to berestrained within the width of the street at first, limiting their dispersion.Discharges may also be carried along the lengths of the streets rather than inthe wind direction, so that where the wind is skewed across the street patternthere can be lateral displacement of dispersing plumes across the winddirection.

If buildings are relatively wide, dispersion is increased when the wind isskewed at an acute angle to the long sides, reaching a maximum for angles of30–45°. Vortices are generated which trail downwind and increasewindspeeds and ventilation rates near the ground. There has been occasionalcomment on the advantages of aligning the streets of urban areas with themost frequently occurring wind directions in order to improve ventilation ofpollutants at the ground. In fact, skew angles of about 30° to the wind shouldbe more effective.

Courtyards and enclosed spaces are dealt with in section 5.3.

Urban ventilation and the retention of microclimatesThe rest of this guide has presented ways to use urban layout to improve localclimate. To maintain local cooling or heating, local ventilation rates need to beminimized. This is, of course, the opposite of increasing local ventilation ratesto reduce pollutant concentrations. The principles discussed here forencouraging local ventilation can be used in reverse to aid the retention ofmicroclimates. However, pollution levels from local sources can be increasedas a result. A balance is required between the two opposing needs.

Reference to section 4.7[4.7.1] Hall D J, Spanton A M, Kukadia V, Walker S. Exposure of buildings to pollutants

in urban areas — a review of the contributions from different sources. Atmospheric Environment1999 (in press).

4.8 Conclusions

Building layout has a big impact on daylight (section 4.1), sunlight (sections4.2–4.5) and ventilation (sections 4.6–4.7) of buildings and the spaces aroundthem.

In cool and intermediate climates, the best environmental strategy isusually to have buildings spaced far enough apart for good daylighting(section 4.1). This involves spacing-to-height ratios of 1.5–3 depending onlatitude. Where sunlight is required, window walls should be oriented to thesouth (section 4.2). Where buildings are designed to make the most of solarheat gain, extra spacing will be required (typical spacing-to-height ratios of atleast 3 and more at higher latitudes), with solar facades facing within 30° ofdue south.

This approach should give adequate ventilation for the dispersion ofpollutants. The main conflict is with provision of wind shelter on cold days.Effective wind shelter can be obtained with spacing to height ratios of 2.5–3.5

4 Building layout 81

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which allows good daylighting, and solar gain in most of northern Europe(section 4.6). Detailed layout design (sections 5.1 and 6.1) can reduce theremaining wind exposure. In windy areas in the far north it may be best toconcentrate on providing wind shelter and have daylit, superinsulatedbuildings rather than relying on passive solar design.

Another conflict can arise in city centres where the required spacings arenot practicable (section 4.5). Here, passive solar techniques may be limited tothe upper storeys and to roof space collectors. The loss of daylight can bepartly compensated by raising window head heights, higher externalreflectances and reduced building depths (section 4.1).

In northern Europe particular care is needed to safeguard daylight andsunlight to existing buildings near a new development. Sections 4.1 and 4.2explain how to do this.

In the hotter parts of southern Europe a mixed approach to building layoutis suggested. Outdoor spaces with pollution sources such as roads need to beadequately ventilated. This requires spacing to height ratios of at least 1,which should enable enough daylight to reach the upper storeys of buildings.Where there is likely to be a lot of pollution, wider streets are recommended(section 4.7). Shade for pedestrians can be provided by trees or colonnades(section 5.4).

Where there are no local pollution sources within an outdoor space, analternative approach is to deliberately engineer a cooler local climate in it,involving the following techniques. ● Restricting ventilation of the space: this will happen if the width of the space is

less than its height.● Shading the interior of the space: unless the space is very narrow (less than a

third its height) this is not always possible using building layout alone.Other forms of shading like fabric awnings, trees (section 6.3), or overhangsare needed. These will also reduce ventilation further.

● Introducing heat sinks like fountains and ponds (section 6.4) and vegetation(section 6.3).

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This chapter develops two concepts in built form design. First, buildings needto harmonize with their surroundings climatically as well as visually. Forexample, tall slabs clad in reflective glass can cause turbulent gusts of wind atground level, as well as unwanted solar glare and reflected heat. Secondly,some building forms can themselves generate a beneficial site microclimate:courtyards, colonnades and earth sheltering can all give outdoor areasprotection from the extremes of the weather.

5.1 Building shape and orientation

Strategy: For best access to passive solar gain, buildings should face south. Choosebuilding forms which do not cause adverse wind effects

As section 4.3 makes clear, there is considerable benefit from a southerlyorientation for solar-collecting building facades[5.1.1]. A south-facing surfacereceives most solar radiation during the heating season, and is easier to shadein summer when excessive heat gain is unwanted. This requirement has anumber of microclimate implications. In much of Europe, the prevailingwinds tend to come from a south westerly direction[5.1.1]. To reduce airinfiltration and heat loss to a building it is recommended[5.1.2, 5.1.3] that the longfaces of the building be oriented parallel to the prevailing wind. Where theprevailing wind is westerly this is ideal because a south-facing main facadewill be optimal for both solar access and wind resistance. Where theprevailing winter wind is south west there is more of a conflict because USstudies[5.1.3] indicate that maximum air infiltration tends to occur when thewind is at 45° to the building faces. This conflict could be resolved by makingthe building construction more airtight and by planting shelter belts to thewest of south-facing buildings; this may also help improve the environment inthe spaces between the buildings.

Any building will itself tend to alter the microclimate in its immediatevicinity. For a passive solar building with a long south facade, there will be asunny, pleasant area immediately to the south. However, outside its northface the building will shade the ground for nearly all of the day, producing acooler and potentially less pleasant outdoor space (section 4.4). Its size can bereduced by sloping the building back to reduce the height of the north facade,and by avoiding sizeable projections from the north side of the building whichcan create chilly spaces in between them and the main face of the building(Figure 5.1.1). The main garden area should be situated to the south of thebuilding if possible.

The overall proportions and detailed shape of a building can have animpact on the surrounding site microclimate as well as on the solar access tothe surrounding buildings. In particular, large, inappropriately designedbuildings may significantly worsen local wind conditions[5.1.4].


5 Building form

Figure 5.1.1 A projection from the northside of a building can give rise to an area ofdeep shade

This areapermanentlyshaded


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There are various ways[5.1.2] to reduce the wind sensitivity of buildings andtheir surroundings (Figure 5.1.2). These are briefly considered below.● Avoid large flank walls facing the dominant wind; orientate long axis

parallel to the dominant wind.● Avoid flat-roofed buildings and large cubical forms; choose stepped or

pyramid-shaped forms; use pitched rather than flat roofs. Although pitchedroofs are better for wind deflection they may reduce solar access toadjoining buildings. The ‘spacing angle’ approach in section 4.3 can be usedas a check here. Pyramid-shaped buildings tend to result in very good solaraccess and daylighting to the upper floors; however, this may becomeexcessive and overheating could result. Meanwhile the lower floors will beless well daylit. If the glazing is sloping there may be problems with solardazzle reflected from the glass (section 5.7). However, solar access tonearby buildings can be maintained if the pyramid is correctly placed andproportioned.

● Avoid buildings pierced at ground level. This has no significant passivesolar implications.

● Use a podium to limit downdraughts at ground level. Where tall buildingsare inevitable this is a sensible strategy; the tower part of the building willhave good solar access, and the podium area can be lit by rooflights ifrequired.

● Roughen building faces[5.1.2, 5.1.5] to provide resistance to the wind. Thiscould include introducing steps and staggers into facades or features likeexternal light shelves[5.1.6] which add ‘roughness’ to a building facade,decreasing its wind sensitivity as well as having a potential passive solarbenefit.

84 Environmental site layout planning

Figure 5.1.2 Reducing the wind sensitivity of buildings

Choose form and arrangement of building to avoid downdraughts and shelter external spaces, for example:

Avoid large flank walls facing dominant wind

Avoid long, parallel rowsof smooth-faced buildings

Choose stepped or pyramid-shaped forms;use pitched rather than flat roofs

Avoid flat-roofed buildings and large cubical forms

Avoid buildings pierced at groundlevel Use podium to limit downdraught

at ground level

Avoid funnel-like gaps between buildings

Orientate long axis parallel to dominant wind

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The overall proportions of the building are important for both passive solarenergy and microclimate. Generally speaking tall buildings have the best solaraccess. For example, if a large amount of commercial accommodation has tobe provided on a site, its overall access to daylight and sunlight is greater if it isarranged in a number of tall shallow-plan buildings rather than as low-risedeep-plan buildings. However, tall buildings cause the greatest windproblems. These can be reduced, though not totally overcome, using themeasures described above. In practice, other design considerations tend toinfluence decisions about building height more than passive solar energy ormicroclimate considerations do.

One particular building form which provides good wind shelter is thecourtyard. This is dealt with in the next two sections.

References to section 5.1[5.1.1] Goulding J R, Lewis J O & Steemers T C. Energy in architecture. London,

Batsford, 1992.[5.1.2] BRE. Climate and site development. Digest 350: Parts 1–3. Garston, CRC, 1990.[5.1.3] Robinette G O (ed). Energy efficient site design. New York, Van Nostrand, 1983.[5.1.4] Westerberg U & Glaumann M. Design criteria for solar access and wind shelter in

the outdoor environment. Energy and Buildings 1990/1991: 15(3/4): 425–431.[5.1.5] Yannas S. Solar energy and housing design (Volumes 1 and 2). London,

Architectural Association, 1994.[5.1.6] Littlefair P J. Designing with innovative daylighting. Garston, CRC, 1996.

5.2 High density courtyards in heating-dominated climates

Strategy: Renewal of buildings around a courtyard requires changes to the design andlayout of buildings. The aim is to find compromises between access, natural lighting,sunlight and privacy

In many cities in Europe, an urban block can contain up to four distinctconcentric rings (Figure 5.2.1).

Zone 1: Setback A zone between the buildings and the street imposed by the rules of townplanning in force.

Zone 2: Built ring The main buildings, facing streets and other public open spaces, form a builtring, which is mostly continuous in the urban environment.

Zone 3: Private gardens and courtyardsThe size of this zone depends on the size of the cluster and the buildingdensity (this zone is thus smaller in urban areas). It contains extensions to themain buildings.

Zone 4: Interior of a cluster of buildingsLarger blocks can contain an additional zone which can contain parks,garages, small warehouses, etc. It can be private, semi-private or public.

Together, zones 3 and 4 form the cluster’s core or courtyard area. In denselypacked urban centres these cores can contain extensions to the built ring, oreven additional built rows (sometimes up to three or four). The remainingopen spaces were often devoted to internal circulation within the cluster.Over the years, therefore courtyards and private gardens have changed frombeing vast and mostly private, to confined and semi-public (Figure 5.2.2).Such an evolution is not without its problems given contemporaryrequirements for privacy, solar access, and personal and fire safety.

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Solution A: renewal of the core of an existing urban clusterIn a few cases clearing urban clusters is a possible solution to this problem.This involves removing underused and decaying buildings from the interior ofthe cluster. Besides the obvious benefits of improved solar access and privacyin the surrounding buildings, the cluster’s core can then be reallocated toother functions as follows.

86 Environmental site layout planning

Zone 4

Zone 3

Zone 2

Zone 1

Figure 5.2.1 The four distinct concentric zones. © University of Liege

Figure 5.2.2 Urban evolution 1883–1912–1938–1950: Sainte Marguerite in Liege.© University of Liege

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● Public area: a park or garden for the whole community● Semi-public area: provision of a leisure area for the inhabitants or users of the

buildings on the block● Private area: the whole cluster’s core is occupied by private gardens

Clearing urban clusters, however, brings with it a series of problems: who willmanage and finance the works? how to acquire the buildings? and where torehouse the people? The impact of such an operation on existing socialnetworks can be very damaging.

Solution B: the new open clusterChristian de Portzamparc has proposed opening out city blocks (Figure 5.2.3)by having:● only 60–65% of the street frontage occupied by buildings (40% of the block

being open space),● opposite a building, an open space,● always a free angle in the cluster,● changes in the heights of buildings at the corners of the block,● a limit to the physical built length, but not to the visual length of

public–private spaces,● because the blocks are open, only narrow streets (10–15 m) are needed.

The goal is thus to open the interior of the block to the light and for it to belinked to the street. Sunlight can also reach the street because of thediscontinuity of the frontages. The interiors of the clusters can contain sunlitgardens, with a range of nearby and distant views.

This strategy mostly applies to new buildings on vacant urban land areas. Itdoes not address the social problems of rehabilitating existing city blocks.

5 Building form 87

Open corner

Opening in street frontage

Changes in buildingheights at corners

Long visual axis of space

Open space opposite building

Figure 5.2.3 Illustrations of the rules of the open cluster

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Solution C: the adapted responseAn alternative approach for existing urban blocks is a ‘soft’ solution, whichconsiders both the physical environment and the social network. Thisinvolves making minimal, but effective changes in the local urban layout.

Solar radiation accessCourtyards, completely enclosed on all four sides, will have less than idealnatural lighting. Rooms lit by windows near the corners of the courtyard mayappear gloomy and heavily obstructed. For all but the widest courtyardssunlight will, at most, reach only a quarter of the courtyard in winter(Figure 5.2.4).

Such problems can be overcome in a number of ways[5.2.1] as follows.● Redefining the site layout planning of buildings

Example:Including gaps between buildings, especially on the south side of thecourtyard, will improve access to sunlight and daylight. If the gaps are nottoo large the space will still appear reasonably enclosed.

● Changing the window designA number of different issues have to be addressed: daylighting, visualcomfort, overheating risks, building standards and of course energyconsumption both for heating and artificial lighting.Example:Smaller spacings could be compensated for by increasing window size,especially window head height, and decreasing room depth.

● Reorganizing the whole housing layoutExample:In some circ*mstances the need for daylight at ground-floor level may notbe great, for example where shops occupy the ground floor.

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Figure 5.2.4 Solar radiation (direct, diffuse, reflected) in the courtyard (ground floor). © University of Liege

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Privacy (see also section 6.3)Overlooking, from other buildings or from the courtyard, can be a majorproblem in buildings of this type. The way in which privacy is achieved willhave a major impact on the natural lighting of a layout.

In general, the use of remoteness (by arranging for enough distancebetween buildings) is impossible; Figure 5.2.5 shows the lengths of view for apoint near a building in a typical North European courtyard. Another way ofachieving privacy is by design. But in a high density courtyard, high walls orprojecting wings cannot be constructed.

There is no practicable way to achieve complete privacy in courtyards, andeach high density courtyard differs. Nevertheless, the following strategiesmay be helpful.● Modifying the site layout planning of buildings

Examples:The choice of building occupation and the subdivision of the grounds of a development so that as few families as possible share a common entry.Placing of amenities — recreation, parking, planting — within the areas defined for the use of particular inhabitants.

● Organizing the whole housing layoutExample:The choice of building types and their positioning so as to develop close physical associations between the interior areas of buildings and the adjacent outdoor spaces.

AccessibilityBuildings in dense urban clusters can have multiple access levels from thepublic space outside. The outer ring of buildings is directly connected to thestreet; this then gives access to some other areas which may themselves formthe access routes to areas further within, and so on.

It is important to know how building occupants reach each part of thecluster, what is its level of privacy, how many people have access there, andwhat is its status (passage, private garden, etc). An access graph (Figure 5.2.6),which has a tree-like form, can show the sequences required to reach eacharea. Often there may be several different ways to reach the same place.

In rehabilitation, the most critical situations occur when these accessgraphs show status conflicts: when there is no simple connection between ahouse and its private garden, or when a semi-public passage affords directviews into private rooms. In these cases, the traditional balance betweenpublic rooms (the living room and hall) directed towards the public openspace and private rooms facing the private cluster’s core, cannot always berealized. Access routes through the cluster may need to be modified.

Reference to section 5.2[5.2.1] Littlefair P J. Site layout planning for daylight and sunlight. Building Research

Establishment Report, Garston, 1991.

5 Building form 89

Figure 5.2.5 View length and sky openingin a typical North European courtyard.© University of Liege

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5.3 Courtyards: ventilation and cooling

Strategy: In warm climates deep enclosed courtyards can provide a cool area next to thebuilding, especially if they are shaded by trees or awnings, or have water features

Courtyards maximize the thermal interaction between the building and theoutdoor environment, introducing the outdoors into the building’s core. It iscommonly assumed that this helps maintain cool indoor temperatures.However, the actual climatic effects of a courtyard depend greatly on itsdetailed design.

Characteristics of the thermal performance of a courtyardAir flow The air temperature in a courtyard is a result of the surface temperature of allits elements (ground, surrounding walls, fountains and pools in the courtyard,etc) and mixing with the outside ambient air.

The fact that a courtyard is confined means it can have its own thermalenvironment. The air temperature in the courtyard can be markedly differentfrom that of the outside air, since the mixing action between both is impededby the surrounding walls.

This depends mainly on the aspect ratio of the courtyard (depth/width)and the wind speed and direction. Other issues involved are the location(whether the building is isolated or not) and the surface temperatures in thecourtyard.

Wind-driven flowWe can define a dimensionless temperature within the courtyard which is:

90 Environmental site layout planning

Exterior (street)

Levels of accessibility



1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12




15 14

Perimeter access segments


8 76



Segment at level 1

Segmentat level 2








10 11



3 4


Segmentat level 3


Figure 5.2.6 Access graph for a hypothetical access pattern. © University of Liege

θ =ρCp (T – Tref)UrefW



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where:ρ = air density (kg/m3)Cp = air specific heat (J/kg K)T = temperature in the courtyard (K)Tref = external or reference temperature (K)Uref = reference wind velocity (m/s)W = courtyard width (m)G = heat flow released in the courtyard (W)

A low θ shows the courtyard is good at dissipating the energy generatedinside it. θ depends on the rate of external air entrance, and the pattern of airflow in the courtyard. A vortex or swirl of air can form which can encourageair movement in the volume.

Figure 5.3.1 shows a representation of the courtyard, simulated with CFDtools. The main parameters are height and width of the courtyard, sinceaspect ratio (height/width) is an important characteristic to classify all of thecases. With different aspect ratios, outdoor air access and indoor airrecirculation will vary.

For low aspect ratios, ie wide courtyards, a great deal of outdoor airentrance takes place. Figure 5.3.2 shows streamlines for this case, which showa very effective access to outdoor air. The geometry of this situation meansthe air does not recirculate very much. This behaviour is valid for aspect ratiosH/W < 0.3.

When courtyards get narrower, outdoor air access becomes less efficient.Figure 5.3.3 shows a drop in the outdoor air mass flux getting into theenclosure. By contrast recirculation is now very important, with theappearance of a swirl or vortex which efficiently mixes the air in the wholeinternal volume. Therefore, heat dissipation is better for medium aspectratios, 0.3 < H/W < 1, since mixing efficiency has a powerful effect in spite ofthe reduced incoming outdoor air.

For high aspect ratio courtyards, H/W > 1, both the recirculation and theoutdoor air entrance drop dramatically. This fact can be appreciated fromFigure 5.3.4. It can be seen that the swirl, which appeared in the centre ofmedium-sized courtyards, has moved up, and is now confined to the top ofthe volume. In addition, outdoor air does not get inside the courtyard becauseof the large aspect ratio. Both effects reduce the heat dissipation, raising thetemperature within the courtyard if there are heat sources inside it.

Figure 5.3.5 shows the dimensionless temperature θ as a function of theaspect ratio. For low aspect ratios (H/W < 0.3), narrowing the courtyardtends to increase the temperature inside the volume, as a result of a drop in the

5 Building form 91

Figure 5.3.1 Courtyard representation© University of Seville

Figure 5.3.2 Streamlines for low aspectratio courtyards. © University of Seville

H/W < 0.3

0.3 < H/W > 1

Figure 5.3.3 Streamlines for mediumaspect ratio courtyards. © University ofSeville

Figure 5.3.4 Streamlines for high aspectratio courtyards. © University of Seville

Figure 5.3.5 Dimensionless temperature on the ground as a function of the aspect ratio H/W. © University of Seville

H/W > 1

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outdoor air getting into the enclosure. When aspect ratio increases(0.3 < H/W < 1), dimensionless temperature gets reduced as a result of arecirculation growth, caused by the vortex within the courtyard. Thoughoutdoor air entrance drops as well, the global effect is a temperaturereduction. Finally, for large values of aspect ratio (H/W < 1) outdoorincoming air is further reduced, with little air movement deep in thecourtyard. There is a temperature increase for large aspect ratios, mainlyproduced by inefficient ventilation.

All the above analysis assumes heat is generated in the courtyard. If thereare no heat sources, then cool air can be trapped in a deep courtyard. If thecourtyard air temperature is lower than that of the outside air, this situation isthermally stable. No buoyancy effects cause additional mixing of the air.

Thermally driven flowAt night, the air in the courtyard is usually much warmer than the outdoor air.Since the walls and the ground of the courtyard have been receiving solarradiation throughout the entire day, their temperature increases and enclosedair gets warm. The walls and floor of the courtyard have relatively poorexchange of radiation to the cold night sky, so they stay warm for most of thenight. Wind tends to stop at night, and this creates natural convectionsituations where flows are thermally driven.

In these cases, cold air from outdoors gets into the volume by the centre ofthe enclosure. This cold air descends until it reaches the bottom of thecourtyard, then changes its direction by moving upwards. Thus, a naturalconvection pattern appears, with cold air going down by the centre line andwarm air ascending close to the walls. This behaviour is similar for any aspectratio, with an identical flow pattern but a different temperature. Thetemperature goes up for larger aspect ratios, as a result of less effective heatremoval which is more important for the bottom of the courtyard.

ShadingThe walls of a courtyard shade themselves in hours with low solar altitudes,which improves the solar control of glazing and reduces external surfacetemperatures. To stay cool around the middle of the day, the courtyard mustincorporate additional elements such as trees or canvas awnings. This is thebasis of the Spanish ‘patio’. The trees and awnings not only help control solargain into the building, but also shade the site, which reduces the surfacetemperatures. A pergola with climbing vines can provide this shade early inthe life of the courtyard. Later, tall trees with a wide canopy, rising above theroof, can provide the shade. It is desirable that the shading vegetation createsa semi-barrier between the courtyard air space and the ambient air abovewhich reduces air exchange on windy days.

Trees not only promote cooling during daytime, but also preventoverheating during late evening and at night. The upper part of the tree’s leafcanopy loses heat to the sky by transpiration[5.3.1]. The leaves cool the airaround them, which becomes heavier and sinks into the courtyard.Figure 5.3.6 shows average values of the temperature at the urban referencestation and in a courtyard with dense and tall trees (Figure 5.3.7). The valuesare averages over the months from July to September.

If a canvas awning is used, it should be retractable; closed during daytimeand open at night to help night radiative cooling of the space and make thecourtyard more comfortable. Provided that the site is shaded, the colour of thepaved areas has little effect on its surface temperature.

Water featuresAn effective reduction of the air temperature in a courtyard can be achievedwith the use of water features. These have a reduced temperature duringdaytime due to the high thermal capacity of the water. However, little heat istransferred from the air into plain horizontal water. Better conditions are

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obtained if water runs down a slope or, better, if the ponds include fountainsor sprays with fine droplets (section 6.5).

Hall et al[5.3.2] have investigated the dispersion of pollutants in courtyards.As the above analysis has shown, they are generally quite poorly ventilatedspaces even down to quite shallow forms of height to width of 0.2. Figure 5.3.8shows results from small-scale wind tunnel measurements of concentrationsat the base of courtyards of varying depth, set in thick-walled building forms(see the inset diagram). The contaminant discharges are from within thecourtyard. The scale of concentration on the left side of the graph is adimensionless concentration, K, of the form,

5 Building form 93

Figure 5.3.6 Average temperatures inside a courtyard with tall trees (solid line) and at areference, unshaded site (squares). © University of Seville

Figure 5.3.7 Courtyard with trees

Figure 5.3.8 Contaminant concentrations at the base of courtyards of varying depth, fromdischarges within the courtyard

Wind direction




A, (Hmax/W)



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where:C = contaminant concentration,U = external windspeed, L = physical scale of the courtyard (in the present case its width), and Q = rate of discharge of the contaminant.

K automatically accounts for the effects of windspeed, physical scale and thedischarge rate of the contaminant on its concentrations. The values of K varyconsiderably depending on the depth of the courtyard, but are generally veryhigh. The value of K on the outside downwind wall of the courtyard block(where the discharged contaminant is eventually entrained) is about 1, whileinside the courtyard values of K are much higher, of around 100 or more.Thus, contaminant concentrations are much higher inside these enclosedspaces than outside and this helps to keep high concentrations of pollutantswithin the urban canopy.

The ventilation of courtyards is markedly affected by other factors besidestheir relative depth. Their shape, the presence of openings and of groundclutter, wind direction and aerodynamic effects due to the surroundingbuildings are also important. Figure 5.3.9 shows the effect of ground clutter,both porous (trees and bushes) and solid (small buildings and urbanfurniture), which is to increase internal contaminant concentrations. Theeffects of openings in the walls of courtyards are more complex. Figure 5.3.10shows the effects of ground level tunnels and of open corners on contaminantlevels, which can be both higher and lower than with a closed courtyard,depending on the wind direction.

Heating and cooling within courtyards can also modify ventilation rates.Contaminant levels are increased in stable stratification (from ground surfacecooling) and decreased in unstable stratification (from ground surfaceheating). However stratification is very sensitive to windspeed and is rapidlydestroyed in stronger winds. Stable stratification is sometimes generated bythe evaporation of water as a part of local climate modification techniques.

94 Environmental site layout planning

Figure 5.3.9 Effects of ground clutter on contaminant concentrations in courtyards, fromdischarges within the courtyard

Gas samplingpoint



Occupational density %

27 mm

50 mm



Plan view of surfaceobstructions in courtyardfor 35% Ad

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In summary, in hot climates a well-designed courtyard improves solarcontrol, reduces heat transfer through the walls and glazing and can be usedto provide natural ventilation cooling taking advantage of the cool air of thecourtyards. As an unfavourable effect, there can be a loss of cross-ventilationpotential for the rooms on the leeward side of the courtyard, compared with abuilding where inlet and outlet openings direct the airflow across the wholebuilding. Polluting discharges within the courtyard need to be minimized.

References to section 5.3[5.3.1] Givoni B. Urban design in different climates. WMO/TD No. 346. Geneva, World

Meteorological Organization. 1989.[5.3.2] Hall D J, Walker S & Spanton A M. Dispersion from courtyards and other enclosed

spaces. Atmospheric Environment 1999: 33: 1187–1203.

5.4 Colonnades

Strategy: use colonnades as circulation to provide adaptive solar shading and rainprotection

Colonnades are probably one of the oldest urban built forms, known and usedby Mediterranean civilizations in antiquity. They serve a number of purposes,both climatic and visual; they provide natural solar shading in summer, snowand rain protection in winter, and relative visual screening throughout theyear. This multi-purpose nature probably accounts for their widespread use allaround Europe, despite important cultural and climatic differences. However,it makes their design quite complex because of the number of constraints,sometimes conflicting, to be considered.

5 Building form 95

Figure 5.3.10 Effects of openings on contaminant concentrations in courtyards, fromdischarges within the courtyard

Wind direction

Wind direction



Courtyard with‘tunnel’

Courtyard withopen corner

Wind direction, °

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Colonnades and urban patternThere are three main ways colonnades relate to the urban fabric.

1 The colonnade is shared between public open space and private buildingsIn this case, the colonnade acts as a buffer between public and private areas.Both the private buildings and public open space will constrain the design. Aunified design may be especially difficult to achieve when the colonnade linksseveral buildings, and must fit in with each of them. Royal palaces and modernshopping centres can be good examples of this kind of development.(Figures 5.4.1, 5.4.2)

Local planning guidelines or regulations can help in this process. Forinstance, in Arras, France, colonnade design was fixed through a 1692ordinance. This bylaw required the colonnade design of refurbished houses toconform to a single locally defined type. The uniformity of the whole isusually less than if a single designer is responsible, but the visual richness mayprove to be more attractive.

2 The colonnade belongs to the private building itselfColonnades may also be used as a means of solar control in private courtyards.In southern latitudes (Islamic architecture, Italy and Spain), the centralcourtyard, around which the whole of the house is grouped, is often bordered

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Figure 5.4.1 Colonnade and fountain in the Alcazar palace, Seville

Figure 5.4.2 Colonnade at Trinity College, Cambridge

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by a colonnade. In this case the relation between open space and building isless of a problem since it is under the sole control of a single designer.

3 The colonnade belongs to the public open spaceFinally, the colonnade may also be considered as an element by itself in apublic space. St Peter’s Square in Rome is one of the most outstandingexamples of this kind of layout, where the colonnade is completely detachedfrom buildings and mainly forms a visual boundary between the central spaceand peripheral areas.

Colonnades and solar controlAlthough the geometry of a colonnade seems simple, there are a number ofparameters (Figure 5.4.3) which determine its impact on solar radiation:

The depth of the colonnade (variation of the solar radiation along distanceaxis)Obviously, the deeper the colonnade, the less direct solar energy will reachthe ground. However, the rate of solar radiation decrease is much faster inJune than in December or even March, because of the higher solar altitude inJune. Thus, at certain areas within the colonnade the solar radiation can begreater in March than in June. This is therefore a valuable technique forintermediate latitudes because excessive summer radiation is blocked andprofitable spring and autumn radiation maintained. Consider a colonnaderunning alongside a south-facing wall (Figure 5.4.4). For the latitude ofBrussels (50° N), the optimal distance from the edge of the colonnade wouldbe between 0.6 and 1.4 times its height (assuming it had a width/height ratioof 1).

For diffuse radiation (Figure 5.4.5), the colonnade’s impact increasesgradually with its depth. By contrast with direct radiation, the building itselfhas a very important impact on open space diffuse radiation (50% loss at thelimit between colonnades and open space). Diffuse radiation is reduced by75% at 0.4 times and by 90% at 1.2 to 1.4 times the height of the colonnade.

OrientationWhen the colonnade is next to an east-facing wall (Figure 5.4.6), the solarreduction is more regular over the year, given the lower altitudes when thesun is opposite: the direct radiation in June never drops below its value inMarch or December. Also, the building has an important impact on directsolar radiation in front of the colonnade: at the divide between colonnade andopen space, the building blocks the sun for half of the day.

The impact of orientation on diffuse radiation is much more limitedbecause it comes from the whole of the sky.

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Figure 5.4.3 Geometry of colonnade. © University of Liege

Cross section Front view

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Height of the building (adjoining the colonnade)The overall building height has no impact on solar radiation within thecolonnade adjoining it. It can reduce the radiation which would have beenreceived without the colonnade, but not enough to negate the value of thecolonnade for solar shading.

LatitudeAt low latitudes the benefits of colonnades are greater because of the highersolar altitudes. For the latitude of Seville (37° N), the distance from the edge atwhich direct radiation is almost completely blocked in June is 0.4 times the

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Figure 5.4.5 Diffuse radiation on a horizontal surface under colonnades of different depths. © University of Liege

Figure 5.4.4 Average daily direct radiation on a horizontal surface under south-facing colonnades of different depths (latitude of Brussels). © University of Liege

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height of the colonnade. This is for a colonnade adjacent to a south-facingwall (Figure 5.4.7). March radiation is blocked at 0.8 times the height,December radiation at 1.6 times. Thus, the optimal distance from thecolonnade edge would probably be between 0.8 and 1.6 times the colonnadeheight if both spring and summer radiation are to be controlled.

Width/height ratio of the colonnadeThe distance from the edge of the colonnade at which good solar shading isprovided depends largely on its height. The width/height ratio of thecolonnade has little impact on this dimension. However a wider colonnadewill have a larger area with good solar protection.

5 Building form 99

Figure 5.4.6 Average daily direct radiation on a horizontal surface under east-facing colonnades of different depths (latitude of Brussels). © University of Liege

Figure 5.4.7 Average daily direct radiation on a horizontal surface under south facing colonnades of different depths (latitude of Sevilla). © University of Liege

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5.5 Earth sheltering

Strategy: use earth sheltered forms to reduce temperature swings and reduce thebuilding’s impact on its local environment

During the summer the ground has a lower temperature than ambient. Thus,the excess heat of a building can be dissipated to it, providing passive coolingof the spaces. The opposite heat flow can occur during the winter period asground may be warmer than the ambient air and thus may supply heat to thebuilding or contribute to decrease its thermal losses.

Heat can be dissipated to the ground either by direct contact or by meansof earth-to-air heat exchangers. In the first configuration a high part of thebuilding envelope is in contact with the ground. In the second, air is cooled bycirculating through underground pipes that play the role of earth-to-air heatexchangers.

An estimation of earth-sheltering potential requires a full knowledge of thesoil characteristics. The main parameters influencing the thermal behaviourof the soil are thermal conductivity and heat capacity. It should be noted thatmost minerals have a similar density and specific heat. The thermalconductivity, k, and heat capacity, ρc , can be combined to give thermaldiffusivity, a, defined as the ratio of the thermal conductivity to the heatcapacity:

a = k/ρc

The thermal diffusivity influences the temperature variation of the soil as dothe average annual temperature of the soil, Tm, and the amplitude of surfacetemperature variation, As. According to Labs[5.5.1], for a hom*ogeneous soilhaving a constant thermal diffusivity a, the ground temperature at any depth zand time t (expressed in days), is given by the following expression:

T(z,t) = Tm – As exp[–z (π/(365a)0.5] cos[(2π/365)(t–to–z/2 (365/(πa)0.5)]

where: t = time elapsed from the beginning of the calendar year (days), to = phase constant in days and corresponds to that day of the year

presenting the lowest average ground surface temperature (Figure 5.5.1).

100 Environmental site layout planning

Ground temperature (°C)

10 15-10 -5 0 5 20 25 30








th (

m) Sod ground cover is present

ksoil = 1.7 W/m°C

Solid lines indicate computer predictions

Symbols indicate measured values


Figure 5.5.1 Ground temperature variation as a function of depth

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Underground buildings give good thermal behaviour during the summerperiod. By being in contact with the ground, their indoor environment isprotected from the extreme variation of the outdoor conditions, whileconductive heat losses are increased and the thermal inertia of the buildingincreases.

Labs[5.5.1] has classified earth-sheltered buildings in various categories(Figure 5.5.2). Two main categories, ‘berm’ and ‘subgrade’ buildings havebeen defined. Then for each category, four types are found: ● Windowless chamber, ● Atrium or courtyard, ● Elevational: wall exposed, and ● Penetrational: wall openings.

Carmody et al[5.5.2] have summarized the main advantages and disadvantagesof earth-sheltered buildings which are given in the box, left.

Various examples of buried or semi-buried buildings can be found[5.5.3]. Onthe island of Santorini, in the Aegean sea in Greece, there are many semi-buried dwellings built during various historical periods.

Figure 5.5.3 shows an earth-sheltered experimental house in MiltonKeynes, UK. Another interesting example is the Llavaneres semi-buriedhouse, located close to Barcelona, on the Costa Brava in Spain (Figure 5.5.4).This house is built near the top of a sloping site, the slope descending towardsthe south. This gives the advantage of contact with the ground at the northfacade, thus increasing the heat losses during summer and giving the buildingan important thermal inertia.

References to section 5.5[5.5.1] Labs K. Earth coupling. In: Cook J (ed) Passive cooling. Cambridge, Massachusetts,

MIT Press, 1989. [5.5.2] Carmody J C, Meixel G D, Labs K B & Shen LS. Earth contact buildings:

applications, thermal analysis and energy benefits. In: Boer K W & Duffie J (eds) Advances in solarenergy. Vol 2. New York, Plenum Press, 1985.

[5.5.3] Santamouris M & Asimakopoulos D (eds). Passive cooling of buildings. London,James & James Science Publishers, 1996.

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Advantages of earth-shelteredbuildings. Carmody et al[5.5.2]

Visual impact — aesthetics Since these buildings are below ground leveland their envelope is covered by earth, theyare better integrated into the landscape,compared with common buildings.Preservation of surface open spacesThe roof of an underground building can beused as a garden or other type of openspace.Environmental benefitsAs well as the reduced visual impact of thebuildings and the low disruption of thelandscape, there are various benefits likethe absorption of carbon dioxide by theplanted roofs, reduced energy consumption,etc.Noise and vibration controlThe heavy mass of the buildings absorbsambient noise and vibration. MaintenanceEarth-buried buildings require, in general,less maintenance than normal surfacebuildings since the major part of theirenvelope is sheltered and therefore notdegraded by the weather.Other benefitsFire protection, protection againstearthquakes, suitability for civil defence,protection against storms and tornadoesand higher security against outsideintrusions.

Major limitations of earth-contactbuildings. Carmody et al[5.5.2]

Structural and economic limitationsEarth-contact buildings require moreexpensive structures since the roofs mustbear the great weight of the soil.Daylight aspectsEarth-contact buildings may experiencepoor daylight conditions.Slow thermal responseSlow response due to the high thermalinertia of the ground is one of the majoradvantages of these buildings. Thisadvantage might become a disadvantage incases where energy conservation strategiessuch as night thermostat setback would beapplied.Condensation — Indoor air qualityCondensation might occur on the internalsurfaces of the building, if their temperaturedrops below the dew point temperature.Low infiltration and ventilation rates maycreate major air quality problems.



1 Chamber: windowless

2 Atrium or courtyard

3 Elevational: wall exposed

4 Penetrational: wall openings

Figure 5.5.2 Classification of earth-contact buildings according to Labs[5.5.1]

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5.6 Location of passive cooling systems

Strategy: Passive cooling includes ventilation, solar control and evaporative andradiative cooling. However, such systems have to be planned and located with care

A reduction in summertime temperatures in buildings can be achieved by:● reducing solar and heat gains: shading devices, insulation, appropriate color

and materials, and decrease of internal gains, eg using lighting controls,● use of the building’s heat capacity to modulate heat gains,● dissipating excess heat from the building to an environmental sink of lower

temperature. This could be via convection to the ambient air, evaporativecooling of water, radiation to the sky and conduction to the ground.

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Figure 5.5.3 Earth-sheltered house in Milton Keynes, UK

Figure 5.5.4 Roof of the Llavaneres building integrated with the surrounding landscape.© University of Athens

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Reducing heat gainsAppropriate location of the solar control devices in a building is of vitalimportance[5.6.1]. Shading devices should stop the direct solar radiationreaching the window surface during the summer period but may allow somesolar penetration during the winter months. At the same time they will ideallyprovide a clear view to the outdoor environment and permit sufficientdaylight to enter. External shading devices are more efficient than internalones as they do not allow solar radiation to enter the building. Shading of theexternal opaque walls of the building may reduce the incident solar radiationbut also decrease the infrared radiation emitted by the walls especially duringthe night. Solar control to protect the building roof during the daytime andremoved during the night period, may significantly improve indoor comfortespecially in poorly insulated buildings.

Insulation of the external envelope reduces conductive heat gains duringthe summer period and reduces losses during the winter months. The locationof the insulation determines the thermal mass of the building available forheat store and dissipation. Insulation on the inside of the fabric reduces thebuilding’s potential to soak up the excess heat and may cause importantoverheating problems. On the contrary, positioning the insulation on theexternal facade of the building maximizes the potential for heat dissipationand can decrease the building’s peak temperature.

The colour and the nature of the external materials in the building envelopeplay an important role in the thermal balance of walls and roofs. Light coloursassociated with low solar absorptivity and high albedo decrease the absorbedsolar radiation, while high emissivity coefficients increase losses throughinfrared radiation to the sky. The impact of the optical characteristics ofexternal materials on the external surface temperature is very high. Surfacetemperature differences of up to 15 °C can occur between similar walls havingdifferent external finishes.

The direct impact of high external temperatures on indoor air may be low ifthe building is sufficiently insulated. However, high external surfacetemperatures increase considerably the air temperature close to the building.This air then enters the building through its openings and causes an increaseof the indoor temperature.

Heat storageAppropriate location of the thermal mass of the building may significantlyhelp to reduce indoor temperature and improve thermal comfort. When thebuilding is night ventilated, coupling of the building’s thermal mass with thecirculating air is especially important. The amount and location of thebuilding’s mass can be optimized using dynamic simulation techniques.

Rejecting excess heatNatural ventilation of buildings and especially night ventilation is one of themore efficient passive cooling techniques. Air flow rates through the buildingdepend on the relative position and the area of the openings, as well as thewind pressure and any temperature differences between the indoor andoutdoor environment. To optimize the air flow through the buildingopenings, windows have to be placed in facades in such a way that themaximum pressure difference is achieved. At the same time, the maximumpossible area of the building should be ventilated and short circuits of air andhigh indoor speeds should be avoided. Optimization of the building openingsas well as appropriate positioning may be achieved by using naturalventilation prediction tools like AIOLOS[5.6.2]. The distribution of the airspeed inside the building may be calculated by using computational fluiddynamic models (CFD) provided that the boundary conditions are welldefined and known.

The use of evaporative systems may significantly reduce indoortemperature. Vegetation around the building can, through evapotranspiration,

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decrease considerably the ambient temperature and thus improve thebuilding’s thermal balance. Trees planted nearby can also provide shading todecrease ambient and surface temperature; however, they may decrease thenet radiative losses of the walls. Hybrid evaporative systems integrated in theroof of the buildings have been proposed in the last few years. A completereview of these systems is given in ref.[5.6.3]. These systems reduce thetemperature of the roof through evaporation and thus decrease indoortemperature and improve indoor comfort. The specific contribution of roofhybrid evaporative systems is directly related to the degree of insulation of thebuilding, and less insulated buildings may benefit more from such systems.

The direct use of the ground to improve the indoor building environmenthas been discussed in section 5.5. The use of indirect systems like earth-to-airheat exchangers coupled to the buildings may be a very efficient way todissipate the excess building heat to the ground. Earth-to-air heat exchangersare plastic, metallic or concrete pipes buried at a depths between 1.5 m and4 m below the building or below the surrounding space. Air is circulatedthrough them and because of the low ground temperature it exits with muchlower temperature and then is circulated in the building. Indoor or fresh airmay be circulated through the pipes. Care should be taken to avoid smell andindoor air quality problems. Sizing of the earth-to-air heat exchangers is acomplex procedure, but simpler methods have been developed and arepresented with some very successful examples in ref.[5.6.4].

The use of the sky as a sink to dissipate the excess heat of the building canbe interesting especially in locations of low radiative potential. Unfortunately,urban environments generally have higher pollution levels that decrease theradiative cooling potential of surfaces. Hybrid radiative cooling techniquesbased on the use of metallic radiators have been extensively studied duringthe last few years. These radiators have high emissivity coefficients and mayor may not be covered by a polyethylene film to decrease convection from thecool surface to the ambient air. The temperature of the surface of the radiatorsis below the ambient temperature because of its negative thermal balance. Airis circulated through the radiators during the night time, where it is cooledfrom the low temperature surface of the radiator. The cooled air may becirculated directly inside the building or may be used to decrease thetemperature of a storage medium like water or concrete.

The cooling potential of hybrid radiative systems has been studied forvarious European locations and presented in ref.[5.6.5]. In cities, the coolingpotential rarely exceeds 60–70 W/m2. Much higher values have beenmeasured in rural and arid areas. Methodologies to design and predict theperformance of hybrid radiative systems are also presented in ref.[5.6.5].However, it should be pointed out that these techniques are more of researchinterest.

References to section 5.6[5.6.1] Littlefair P J. Solar shading of buildings. Garston, CRC, 1999.[5.6.2] Allard F, Alvarez S, Dascalaki E, Guarracino G, Maldonado E,

Santamouris M, Sciuto S & Vandaele L (eds). Handbook of natural ventilation of buildings.London, James & James Science Publishers, 1997.

[5.6.3] Argiriou A. Evaporative cooling. In: Santamouris M & Asimakopoulos D N (eds).Passive cooling of buildings. London, James & James Science Publishers, 1995.

[5.6.4] Argiriou A. Ground cooling. In: Santamouris M & Asimakopoulos D N (eds). Passivecooling of buildings. London, James & James Science Publishers, 1995.

[5.6.5] Argiriou A. Radiative cooling. In: Santamouris M & Asimakopoulos D N (eds).Passive cooling of buildings. London, James & James Science Publishers, 1995.

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5.7 Solar dazzle

Strategy: Avoid unwanted glare reflected from shiny building surfaces

Glare or dazzle can occur when sunlight is reflected from a glazed facade(Figure 5.7.1). This can affect road users outside and the occupants ofadjoining buildings. The problem can occur either when there are large areasof reflective tinted glass or metal cladding on the facade, or when there areareas of glass which slope back at up to 35° from the vertical so that highaltitude sunlight can be reflected along the ground (Figures 5.7.2, 5.7.3). Thussolar dazzle is only a long-term problem for some heavily glazed (or mirrorclad) non-domestic buildings. A glazed facade also needs to face within 90° ofdue south for significant amounts of sunlight to be reflected.

If it is likely that a building may cause solar dazzle the exact scale of theproblem should be evaluated. This is done by identifying key locations such asroad junctions and windows of nearby buildings, and working out the numberof hours of the year that sunlight can be reflected to these points. Ref.[5.7.1]

gives full details. At the design stage solar dazzle can be remedied by reducing areas of

glazing, substituting clear or absorbing glass for reflective glass, reorientingthe building, or replacing areas of tilted glass by either vertical or nearlyhorizontal glazing. Alternatively, some form of opaque screening may beacceptable, although this usually needs to be larger than the glazing area.

Reference to section 5.7[5.7.1] Littlefair P J. Solar dazzle reflected from sloping glazed facades. BRE Information

Paper IP3/87. Garston, CRC, 1987.

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Figure 5.7.1 Solar dazzle reflected from asloping facade (Aylesbury, UK)

Figure 5.7.2 With a vertical facade, solar reflection is usually only a problem if the sun ishigh in the sky

Figure 5.7.3 A sloping facade can reflect high-angle summer sun along the ground

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5.8 Conclusions

Environmentally sensitive building design needs to consider the interactionbetween the built form and the spaces surrounding it. In cool to intermediateclimates the emphasis is on forms which avoid adverse effects on theirsurroundings, eg:● overbearing visual impact, ● wind effects on the ground, especially where there are tall buildings

(section 5.1),● areas in permanent shade (section 4.4) [eg courtyards should be opened

out if possible to catch sunlight and daylight (section 5.2)],● glare or dazzle from reflective building faces (section 5.7).

The linking of appropriate built forms can form part of an urban renewalstrategy (section 5.2).

In warmer climates the strategy is the creative use of built forms to generateclimatically comfortable areas bordering the building. These can include:● shaded courtyards (section 5.3),● colonnades (section 5.4),● earth-sheltered structures (section 5.5),● self-shading buildings (section 5.6),● buildings with radiative or evaporative cooling (section 5.6).

Such areas can be used as semi-outdoor ‘rooms’ in summer as well asproviding a cool buffer zone around the building.

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Landscaping can have a big impact on the overall climatic quality of a site, andthe performance of buildings within it. Plants can provide wind shelter, shadeand evaporative cooling on hot days. Water features can give additionalcooling, while use of high reflectance materials can reduce heat absorption.

6.1 Vegetation and hard landscaping: wind shelter

Strategy: Provide shelterbelts and windbreaks to reduce site wind exposure

Trees, bushes, walls, fences and ground profiling (eg mounds and banks) canall contribute to wind shelter, in addition to their value in providing summershade (section 6.2). For maximum benefit, landscape elements need to bedesigned in conjunction with the arrangement of buildings, following many ofthe same principles, eg avoiding channelling or funnelling of ground-levelwinds. Vegetation, being permeable to the wind, is less inclined to generatedowndraughts than buildings, solid fences or earth banks; tall trees, suitablyplaced, can therefore offer substantial wind protection.

Uses of vegetation divide into:● major shelter belts to protect the edges of built-up areas, or placed at

regular intervals within large developments,● smaller-scale planting of trees and bushes to give local protection to

buildings or open spaces, and to enhance ground roughness generally.

Shelterbelt designThe use of major shelter belts to protect building developments are rare atpresent, although they have a long history in agriculture and forestry. Whenfully grown they have the potential to provide wind protection over the entireheight of low-rise buildings. However, their effectiveness in early years ismore limited, since even quick-growing tree species take up to 10 years beforegiving useful protection. Their establishment therefore calls for a long-termlandscape planning strategy which extends to the development andmaintenance of the plants over the lifetime of the buildings. The belt may bedesigned to grow in several successive stages, with quicker-growing speciesoffering early wind protection and acting as ‘nursery’ stock to protect slower-growing trees that will form the eventual belt. As the trees grow taller, infillingat their base with bushes becomes important; this prevents gaps that wouldchannel the wind at low level.

Artificial windbreaks can be used to create ‘instant’ shelter, either as apermanent solution or as an expedient until plants grow sufficiently tobecome effective. Solid walls, banking and close fences can reduce meanwindspeeds locally, but they are inclined to increase the unsteady, turbulent,component of the wind, which produces more gusts. Permeable walls orfences (Figure 6.1.1) tend to be more effective as they reduce meanwindspeeds without increasing gusts. This mimics the behaviour of planted


6 Landscaping

Figure 6.1.1 Permeable walling aswindbreak and decorative screen

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shelter, which also should not be too dense if a large protected area isrequired. The optimum permeability for wind shelter is generally about40–50%[6.1.1]. If the design enables permeability to be varied, it should decreasefrom top to bottom, ie the windbreak should be more solid at the base, moreopen at the top. This is likely to be best for wind control in the ‘human’ zone,0–2 m; agricultural windbreaks often have a gap at the base, to avoid possiblefrost damage to plants if cold air is trapped. The windward depth ofwindbreaks is also important as a belt of trees or several fences carefullyspaced can be more effective than a single fence or a narrow band of trees.The heights of trees or multiple fences can be built up towards the shelteredarea to provide a greater overall reduction in windspeed.

A porous barrier will obviously allow some daylight and solar radiationthrough as well as being permeable to air. However, the visual (and radiant)porosity is usually less than the air porosity. According to Fry[6.1.2] an airporosity of 50% corresponds to a visual porosity of 30%. Table 6.1.1, takenfrom ref.[6.1.3], gives the solar radiation transmission factors of a range ofdeciduous trees, both in full leaf and with bare branches. Figure 6.1.2 gives thefoliation periods (in England) for these trees. Further data on treetransparency are given by Wilkinson et al[6.1.4].

The height of the shelterbelt or windbreak is a compromise between bothwind shelter and solar access. Finbow[6.1.5] quotes a recommendation thatwind protection is effective for a height up to half the height of the shelterbelt.Thus for a two storey house a shelterbelt 10 metres high would provideshelter up to the eaves, and a 15 metre high shelterbelt would provide shelterto the ridge. However other authors (refs[6.1.6-6.1.7]) suggest that a shelterbeltreduces wind flow both up to, and even beyond, its own height (Figure 6.1.3).This would mean that only a 5 metre high belt would be needed to protect atwo storey house to the eaves. Shelterbelt depth along the wind can also beused as a substitute for height as a deeper shelterbelt generates reductions inwindspeed at greater heights.

The distance of the shelterbelt from the building or external space itprotects is also very important. The greatest protection[6.1.1] occurs at adistance 2 H from the belt, where H is the shelterbelt height; for mediumporosity shelter, Finbow[6.1.5] quotes a distance of 4 H (Figure 6.1.4) with goodprotection between 2 H and 6 H. Where there is a system of parallel

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Table 6.1.1 Transparencies of tree crowns to solar radiation. Reproduced fromBRE Digest 350[6.1.3]

Transparency(% radiation passing)

Botanical name Common name Full leaf Bare branch

Acer pseudoplatanus Sycamore 25 65Acer saccharinum Silver maple 15 65Aesculus hippocastanum Horse chestnut 10 60Betula pendula European birch 20 60fa*gus sylvatica European beech 10 80*Fraxinus exelsior European ash 15 55Gleditsia Locust 30 80Quercus roba English oak 20 70Tilia cordata Lime 10 60Ulmus Elm 15 65

* The beech tends to retain dead leaves for much of the winter, reaching bare branch condition only briefly before new leaf growth inthe spring.


These data apply to individual tree crowns; multi-row belts or blocks let virtually no radiation through when in leaf, and very little whenin ‘bare-branch’ condition.

Most of the data are based on measurement of light, but may be used for solar radiation generally.

The values are averages from a range of sources, which show large differences for some of the values. They must therefore betreated with caution, noting that in any case there will be considerable divergence in the transparencies of individual trees, especiallyin summer.

Figure 6.1.2 Range of foliation periods ofcommon tree species. Reproduced fromBRE Digest 350[6.1.3]

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shelterbelts, Bache & MacAskill[6.1.1] recommend a spacing between 10 H and30 H.

For a passive solar building facing due south, with planted shelter to thesouth and west, good access to winter sunlight will be maintained if theshelter is at least 4 H distant in up to 55 °N, and 5 H distant up to 60 °N (seesection 4.3). Here H is the height of the shelterbelt as before. These distancesshould achieve adequate shelter according to the guidance above. However,further north there may be problems achieving adequate shelter with wintersolar access. For reasonable daylighting, for example to the north of passivesolar buildings, a shelter distance of 2 H or more is suitable.

For most of Europe it therefore appears possible to combine the demandsof solar access and wind shelter. However in practice it may not be so easy todo this. There may not be enough space available between the building andthe proposed shelter. The shelterbelt may be sheltering not one building butmany, for example in a housing estate. For these reasons it may be necessaryto have a building nearer to the shelterbelt or windbreak. A spacing of 2 H,while losing winter solar gain, will offer adequate daylighting (section 4.1) andprotection from tree root growth[6.1.8]. Buildings further from the shelterbeltcan have the full range of passive solar features.

In a housing estate in an exposed area, a reasonable approach is to rely on asizeable shelterbelt to protect the dwellings on the edge. Houses furtherwithin the estate can be sheltered by other homes and by smaller scaleplanting. Figure 6.1.5 shows what such an estate might look like on plan.Buildings are staggered, and roads are curved and tree-lined.

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Figure 6.1.3 Basic flow characteristics of a shelter belt. Reproduced from WMO[6.1.6]

Figure 6.1.4 Wind speed reduction near shelterbelts with different densities. Reproducedfrom Oke[6.1.9]

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SnowIn northern climates, and at high altitudes in lower latitudes, a significantamount of precipitation may fall as snow. Snow, compared with rain:● has greater bulk (10 cm depth of fallen snow is equivalent to about 1 cm

depth of rain),● falls more slowly, which allows it to be carried readily by the wind and to

deposit preferentially into uneven drifts (Figure 6.1.6),● tends to remain in bulk where it falls (rather than to flow away as rainfall

does),● produces low friction surfaces, ● has high albedo.

110 Environmental site layout planning

Figure 6.1.5 Multi-scale shelter. A scheme of 326 dwellings with macro-scale shelter around the site, meso-scale subdivision within it andat micro-scale clumps of trees to reduce wind speed through surface roughness. Reproduced from Dodd et al[6.1.10]

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Because of these differences from rainfall, snowfall in urban areas producesspecific problems which must be dealt with as a matter of course in areascommonly subject to it. Where snowfall is uncommon and not planned for, itcan cause severe local difficulties for short periods. Izumi et al[6.1.11] quote thecase of Washington, USA, which received 60 cm of snowfall in a blizzard in1996 (its first since 1922) which effectively closed down US governmentactivities there for one week.

The high surface albedo and low conductivity of snow minimize absorptionof solar radiation, usually resulting in slow melting so that snow can linger forlong periods and successive snowfalls can then accumulate. The accumulatedbulk of snowfall on buildings generates high roof loadings and encourageswater penetration. Falling snow from sloping roofs can also be a hazard topedestrians. Snowfall on the ground blocks roads and pedestrian pathwaysand partial surface melting generates hazardous slippery surfaces. Theaerodynamic disturbances around buildings and other surface obstacles inurban areas markedly modify snow deposition patterns and it is common forboth substantial snow drifts and areas quite clear of snow to appear aroundbuildings. The nature of snow flakes, usually fragile agglomerates of finecrystalline ice particles, also allows ready penetration of snow crystals orfractured crystal particles through fine cracks and cavities in buildings andother enclosures in ways analogous to (but often more severe than) that ofdriving rain.

These important practical consequences of snowfall have led to asubstantial base of scientific investigation[6.1.11–6.1.13] and the development ofpractical techniques for dealing with snow in urban areas. The loading ofbuilding roofs and control of snow falling from sloping roofs (‘mini-avalanches’) have been considered of sufficient importance to generatespecific codes of practice. UK practice has recently been reviewed byCurrie[6.1.14] and new European Codes for snow loading are presently inpreparation[6.1.15]. The control of snow drifting in urban areas is also a matterof importance and it is possible to do this within limits by the judicious design

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Figure 6.1.6 Snow on roofs and deposition patterns around buildings and fences.Reproduced from Izumi[6.1.11]

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and positioning of snow fences, buildings and landscaping. The generalprinciples of application of snow fences and building layout are analogous tothe problems of wind shelter and landscaping described above. Regions ofwind shelter encourage even snow deposition and the use of porous fencesespecially can encourage preferential deposition around the fence.

References to section 6.1[6.1.1] Bache D H & MacAskill I A. Vegetation in civil and landscape engineering. London,

Granada, 1984.[6.1.2] Fry M. Potential savings in building heating requirements through the use of

shelterbelts. University of Exeter briefing paper for Department of the Environment (UK), 1991.[6.1.3] BRE. Climate and site development. Digest 350: Parts 1–3. Garston, CRC, 1990.[6.1.4] Wilkinson D M, Yates D, McKennan G T. Light attenuation characteristics of

seven common British trees. RR/89/3. Manchester (UK), Manchester Polytechnic, 1989.[6.1.5] Finbow M. Energy saving through landscape planning. Volume 3: The contribution of

shelter planning. Croydon, PSA, 1988.[6.1.6] World Meteorological Organization. Meteorological aspects of the utilization of

wind as an energy source. Technical Note 175. Geneva, WMO, 1981.[6.1.7] Goulding J R, Lewis J O & Steemers T C (eds). Energy in architecture. The

European passive solar handbook. London, Batsford for CEC, 1992.[6.1.8] BRE. The influence of trees on house foundations in clay soils. Digest 298. Garston,

CRC, 1985[6.1.9] Oke T R. Boundary layer climates. London, Methuen, 1987.[6.1.10] Dodd J S, Gerry G K & Harvey G. Energy saving through landscape planning.

Volume 1: The background. Croydon, PSA, 1988.[6.1.11] Izumi M, Nakamura T, Sack R L (eds). Snow engineering: recent advances.

Rotterdam, Balkema, 1997.[6.1.12] Sack R L (ed). Proceedings 1st International Conference on Snow Engineering,

Santa Barbara, California, July 1988. US Army Corps of Engineers, CRREL Special Report 89-6.Hanover (New Hampshire, USA), Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, 1998.

[6.1.13] Sack R L (ed). Proceedings 2nd International Conference on Snow Engineering,Santa Barbara, California, June 1992. CRREL Special Report 92-27. Hanover (New Hampshire,USA), Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, 1992).

[6.1.14] Currie D M. Handbook of imposed roof loads: a commentary on British StandardBS 6399 ‘Loading for Buildings’: Part 3. Building Research Establishment Report (BR247). CRC,Garston, 1994.

[6.1.15] Del Corso R et al. New European Code for Snow Loads: background document.Proceedings of Department of Structural Engineering, University of Pisa, No 264. 1995.

6.2 Vegetation and hard landscaping: solar shading and coolingStrategy: Use planting to provide shade and cooling

Energy balance‘Green’ areas, covered by plants, have different thermal properties comparedwith built-up and hard-surfaced unplanted areas. The main differences arelisted below.● Plants have lower heat capacity and thermal conductivity than building

materials and hard surfaces.● Solar radiation is mostly absorbed in the leaves, so that the reflected

radiation is very small (low albedo).● Rainwater is absorbed in the soil. Water is later evaporated from the soil

and mainly from the leaves. The evaporation rate is much higher in greenareas than in unplanted, hard covered areas.

● Plants reduce the wind speed and its fluctuations near the ground.

As a result, the micro-climate within and near to green areas differs fromunplanted, built-up areas. The main differences are in the temperature, windvelocity and turbulence, air and radiant temperatures, humidity, and aircleanliness.

The leaves of plants absorb most of the solar radiation which strikes them.

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They transform a very small part of the radiant energy by photosynthesis intochemical energy, and in this way reduce the rate of heating of the urban spaceslightly. But quantitatively, the plant’s efficiency in transforming energy is verysmall (1–2%) and therefore this effect can be practically discounted.

On the other hand, evaporation of water from the leaves(evapotranspiration) causes significant cooling of the leaves and the air incontact with them, and at the same time increases the humidity of the air.How important and desirable this is depends on the prevailing humidity andtemperature conditions.

Effect of vegetation on wind patternsDifferent types of vegetation and planting patterns can produce wind catchersand wind screens. In general terms the following applies.● Grassy areas give maximum ventilation conditions.● Bushes impede the wind flow near the ground surface and some way above

it.● Trees, especially high trees with large canopies, significantly reduce wind

speed in the area of the group of trees and downwind.● A single tree with high trunk and wide canopy can concentrate the wind

near the ground, thus increasing the wind speed.● A large tree placed beside a window on the windward side of a building can

improve the indoor ventilation.

Wind channelling for ventilation cooling does not just affect a single building.Usually, on typically sized residential sites, effective wind channellingplantings would have to be located in neighbouring gardens.

Solar control of buildings by landscapingVegetation is a natural solar control device with significant potential forimproving the thermal performance of a building. The leaves of treesintercept solar radiation before it strikes the building, do not produceundesirable reflection of this radiation because of their dark colour (highabsorptivity) and are always at a controlled temperature as they dissipate theheat absorbed by evapotranspiration.

The compromise[6.2.1] between landscaping to allow useful winter solarheat gains and landscaping to block undesirable summer solar heat gains isnot too difficult to achieve. Essentially, all the useful winter gains reach thebuilding through a zone that extends about 45° to the east and west from thesouthern corners of the building. In summer, solar heat gain will come from amuch wider range of directions. Leaving the zone to the south relativelyunobstructed can allow the majority of the useful winter heat to reach thebuilding but summer heat gain can still be reduced by extensive planting inother areas. Alternatively, the use of deciduous planting can restrict summerheat gain without too much reduction in winter.

The west and east sides of a building are the most important concern forshading during summer. In a warm climate, the temperature of a west-facingexterior wall surface could be reduced by as much as 22 °C by protecting thewall with vines planted on a trellis.

Although shading of opaque surfaces is beneficial, glazing areas are the firstpriority for shading by landscaping. Solar gains of more than 600 W/m2 arecommon through glazing areas; solar gains through an opaque insulated wallare an order of magnitude lower.

Deciduous plants offer a further benefit with their natural co-ordination ofleaf growth with shading requirements. Plants are generally much moreclosely co-ordinated with building heating and cooling needs than sun angles.Although the sun’s position is identical in September and March, cooling isoften required in September and heating is required in March. Deciduousplants provide a very effective dynamic response because they shed andregrow their leaves in co-ordination with air temperature.

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References to section 6.2[6.2.1] Abrams D W. Low-energy cooling. New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1986. [6.2.2] Alessandro S, Barbera G. & Silvestrini G. State of the art of the research

concerning the energy interaction between the vegetation and the built environment. Palermo(Italy), CNR-IEREN, 1987.

6.3 Vegetation and hard landscaping: privacy

Strategy: Use site layout to ensure privacy for buildings and open spaces where it isrequired

In the city, privacy is a major concern. People like to have privacy inside theirhomes, and ideally in a private external space like a rear garden or courtyard.Privacy requirements can vary with culture. In commercial buildings, too,privacy can be important, especially if confidential information is being dealtwith.

Various types of privacy can be identified:● visual privacy, so others cannot see in,● aural privacy, eg avoiding overhearing of conversations,● electromagnetic privacy, against computer hacking, telephone bugging,

etc,● privacy against unwanted ingress, eg strangers wandering into the home or


In the design of the external environment, visual privacy and privacy againstunwanted visitors are most important. Aural privacy is best dealt with by goodsound insulation of buildings, although the design of the external environmentplays a part.

Various design techniques help promote privacy:● distance,● external screening,● screening of windows,● use of private or semi-private spaces,● visual cues to deter intruders.

Privacy distancesIn some countries privacy distances have been a traditional method. TheScottish Building Regulations for example[6.3.1] used to contain a requirementfor a spacing of up to 60 feet (18 m) between windows that face each other.Other design guides[6.3.2] suggest greater distances up to 35 metres or more(Figure 6.3.1). These can act as a major constraint on layout design.

Distance helps promote visual privacy but does not guarantee it. An earlystudy[6.3.3] suggests complete visual privacy indoors is only achieved atdistances of 90 metres or more. For outdoor activities like sunbathing therequired distances will be even greater. However, if a building is a long wayfrom public areas the view is more likely to be screened by trees. Distance isalso likely to give a feeling of privacy and it enhances aural privacysignificantly. The effects on unwanted ingress are less clear. It may be harderfor an intruder to reach the building without being seen, but also harder tosupervise the far side of a garden.

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living room

privacy by remoteness:an eye to eye distance of 35m has been recommended

privacy by design: using screening above eye level

Figure 6.3.1 Privacy distance

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External screeningTrees, hedges, fences and walls can all provide screening and enhance privacy.However they can also block daylight, sunlight and solar gain (Figure 6.3.2).Various factors, including height and porosity, affect the privacy achieved.

HeightFor visual privacy, screens need to be above standing eye height. But higherscreens will block more sunlight and daylight with little extra privacy benefit.

PorosityCompletely opaque barriers (Figure 6.3.3) give the best privacy but blockmost light and solar gain. Porous fences and hedges give a degree of privacywhich is enhanced if:● the holes are neither too large, nor very small and regular[6.3.4],● people outside cannot go right up to the barrier to peer through,● the barrier is light coloured, superimposing a bright distracting pattern on

the view in[6.3.5],● the barrier has depth, restricting viewing angles into the property.

For shielding of gardens in cooler climates, deciduous hedges and shrubs maybe an acceptable compromise. They let through solar gain in winter, butprovide effective shielding in summer when most outdoor activities takeplace. External screening of any type, even suspended chains between posts,will restrict casual access.

Screening on windowsWhere external protection cannot provide visual privacy, windows may needto be screened in some way.● Diffusing glass lets through light but ruins view out.● Reflective glass (Figure 6.3.4) or light-coloured net curtains allow a view,

but are ineffective at night[6.3.5].● Narrow windows with deep reveals restrict viewing into property.● Adjustable curtains or shutters allow the occupants to control the degree of


Private or semi-private outdoor spacesA feature of some traditional Mediterranean housing is a private courtyard(section 5.3) onto which the main windows look (Figure 6.3.5). Only tiny,barred or shuttered windows may face the street[6.3.6].

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Figure 6.3.2 At Pennyland, Milton Keynes, UK, raised planting provides privacy but causessome winter overshadowing

Figure 6.3.3 A hedge can be effectivelyopaque

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Visual cues to deter intrudersPrivate and semi-private spaces can be delineated using visual cues[6.3.7]:● gates (Figure 6.3.6),● archways (Figure 6.3.7),● walls, ● thresholds — changes in paving, ● enclosed view.

References to section 6.3[6.3.1] Scottish Development Department. Building Standards (Scotland) Regulations

1963. Explanatory Memorandum 11: Daylighting and space about houses. London, HMSO,1964. Quoted in: Brierly ES. Exploratory study of the sunlight, daylight, visual privacy and viewfactors that affect the design of low rise high density housing. Glasgow, University of Glasgow,1970.

[6.3.2] Essex County Council. A design guide for residential areas. Chelmsford, EssexCounty Council, 1973.

[6.3.3] Manthore W. Machinery of sprawl. Architectural Review 1956: 120: 409–422.Quoted in: Finighan W R. Privacy in suburbia: a study of four Melbourne areas. Melbourne, CSIRO,1979.

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Figure 6.3.4 Reflective glass restricts view in

Figure 6.3.5 A private courtyard in Seville,Spain. © University of Seville

Figure 6.3.6 The gate, the change ofpaving, the enclosed view and the sign alldeter entry to this garden in Innsbruck,Austria

Figure 6.3.7 Archway in Delft, Holland. The pathway sign, and the view through to the nextarchway, help pedestrians overcome their natural reluctance to enter.

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[6.3.4] Hill A R & Markus T A. Some factors influencing vision through meshes.Proceedings of the Royal Society A 1969: 312: 13–29.

[6.3.5] Treado S J & Bean J W. Optical performance of commercial windows. NISTIR4711. Gaithersburg (Maryland, USA), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST),1992.

[6.3.6] Bindal M. Privacy requirements and its effect on housing design. InternationalJournal of Housing Science and its Application 1982: 6(4): 301–312.

[6.3.7] Greater London Council. An introduction to housing layout. London, ArchitecturalPress, 1978.

6.4 Ponds and fountains

Strategy: Use water features to cool enclosed outdoor spaces

Ponds and fountains can be effective air-conditioning systems in open spacesbecause of their ability to keep water temperatures lower than air temperatureand their low reflectivity. Ponds have a reflectivity of approximately 3% attimes of maximum solar radiation, and therefore reflect little solar radiationtowards occupied zones. They absorb a lot of solar radiation: up to 80%depending on the depth of pond. All this solar radiation does not howeverproduce a significant increase of water temperature because of the pond’sthermal inertia and evaporation at its surface. The water pond inertia isdirectly proportional to water mass and therefore to its depth. Withincreasing water pond inertia, the water temperature decreases. The dailyrange of water temperature (difference between maximum and minimum) isreduced and there is a phase shift between air and water temperatures.

When the pond is in shadow, the incoming solar radiation is reduced, witha reduction in water temperature. This temperature reduction increases withincreased shading of the pond.

As water evaporates from a drop its temperature decreases. Evaporation isproportional to the air-water contact surface area, so incorporating fountainsand sprayers (drops with a diameter of the order of several mm) or nozzles(drops of the order of 1 mm or less), produces a large decrease in watertemperature. The smaller drops are, the greater the air–water contact surfaceis, increasing evaporation. With a constant flow rate, the contact surfaceproduced by a nozzle is 100 times greater than from a sprayer.

Energy flows of water dropletsA single water drop moving through still air experiences the followingprocesses.● Heat flows from the air to the drop (if the air is hotter than the drop).● Water evaporates from the drop to the surrounding air. The hotter the drop

is, the more water will be evaporated.● The drop slows down as it moves through the air.

The first two processes affect the temperature of the drop in different ways.Inward heat transfer will warm it up but evaporation will cool it down. As aresult of these two opposite tendencies, an equilibrium drop temperature isreached (the wet bulb temperature of the air). Once the drop has reached thewet bulb temperature, the extra energy needed to evaporate more water hasto come from the surrounding air. This means the surrounding air is cooled,unless the air becomes saturated after which no more evaporation takes place.

So there are two different periods in the evaporation of a single water dropin air:● the drop temperature is changing from its initial temperature to its

equilibrium temperature (the air wet bulb temperature),● the drop reaches equilibrium temperature and its radius decreases with


The relative length of each period within the airborne life of the drop depends

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mainly on the initial drop size and so this will be the most important designvariable for cooling by fountains and sprays.

Cooling by water drops can be achieved by two different ways.● Water drops directly cool the air of the space being conditioned. Total

evaporation of the water droplets is preferred so that their air-coolingcapacity is maximized while preventing people from getting wet.

● Indirect cooling of the air by using cool water as an intermediate medium.In this case, water drops cool the water in a pond and the aim is to obtainthe maximum reduction of the temperature of the drops with the minimumwater loss.

In short, water pond temperature depends on the existence of sprays, theirnumber and kind, when they operate, if the pond is shaded, and pond depth.

A large set of experiments[6.4.1] were performed in a pond (Figure 6.4.1),30 cm depth, in the EXPO ’92 grounds. Figure 6.4.2 shows water pondtemperature and air temperature in a nearby meteorological station over fourconsecutive days. The sprayer system worked during the first two days. Therewere typical ranges of 17 °C in air temperature but only 3 °C in watertemperature with sprayers working and 6 °C on the other days. When the sunis shining, the water temperature is always less than the air temperature. Ondays with the sprayer system working, the water temperature is less than24 °C whilst the maximum air temperature is almost 40 °C.

For the same days, the surface temperatures of sun-facing pavements at thesame area were typically above 50 °C during central hours[6.4.2].

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Figure 6.4.1 Pond with fountains at EXPO ’92 site in Seville. © University of Seville

Figure 6.4.2 Variation in pond temperature with air temperature. © University of Seville

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The EXPO site also contained large ‘cooling towers’ (Figures 6.4.3, 6.4.4).Water droplets are released inside the tower, cooling the air throughevaporation. The cold air sinks out of the base of the tower, cooling thesurrounding open space.

References to section 6.4[6.4.1] Alvarez S et al. Climatic control of outdoor spaces. The EXPO ‘92 Project (in

Spanish). Seville (Spain), University of Seville, 1994.[6.4.2] Guerra J et al. Design guidelines for the climatic conditioning of open areas (in

Spanish). Seville (Spain), University of Seville, 1994.

6.5 Albedo

Strategy: Use light-coloured materials to reduce the absorption of solar heat and keep thesite cool

The optical characteristics of materials used in city environments have a veryimportant impact on the urban energy balance. Two key parameters are thealbedo to solar radiation, and emissivity of long-wave radiation.

The albedo of a surface is defined as the reflected solar radiation divided bythe incident solar radiation. This is integrated over all directions andwavelengths. High albedo materials (Figure 6.5.1) reduce the amount of solarradiation absorbed through building envelopes and urban structures and keeptheir surfaces cooler. Materials with high emissivities are good emitters oflong-wave energy and readily release the energy that has been absorbed asshort-wave radiation. Lower surface temperatures contribute to a decrease in

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Figure 6.4.3 Cooling towers on the EXPO site, Seville

Figure 6.4.4 Looking up inside the tower

Figure 6.5.1 High albedo surfaces in a Greek island village

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the temperature of the ambient air as the heat convected from a cooler surfaceis lower. Such temperature reductions can have significant impacts on coolingenergy consumption in urban areas, a fact of particular importance in hotclimate cities.

In summer, the surface temperature, heat storage and its subsequentemission to the atmosphere are significantly greater for asphalt than forconcrete and bare soil. At most, asphalt pavement can emit an additional150 W/m2 in infrared radiation and 200 W/m2 in overall heat flow comparedwith a bare soil surface. The rate of infrared absorption by the loweratmosphere over an asphalt pavement is up to 60 W/m2 greater than thatover the soil surface or concrete pavement. Other research studies have foundan influence of road construction on road surface temperature. A test roadwith a bed of blast furnace slag had a night-time temperature up to 1.5 °Chigher than another road based on gravel.

Table 6.5.1 gives the albedo of various typical urban materials and areas,while Table 6.5.2 gives the emissivity as well as the reflectivity albedo forselected materials.

Taha[6.5.1] has compiled data for snow-free urban albedos for several citiesand where possible has given the difference between the urban and ruralalbedo (Table 6.5.3).

An increase in the surface albedo has a direct impact on the energy balanceof a building. Large-scale changes in urban albedo may have importantindirect effects on the city scale. Numerous studies have been performed toevaluate direct effects from albedo change. Using computer simulations andactual measurements, Bretz et al[6.5.2] report that the increase in the roofalbedo of a house in Sacramento, USA, from 0.2 to 0.78 reduced the coolingenergy consumption by 78%. Parker & Barkaszi[6.5.3] have measured theimpact of reflective roof coatings on air-conditioning energy use in occupiedbuildings by whitening the roofs in mid summer. For similar weatherconditions, measured air-conditioning electrical savings in the buildingsaveraged 19%, ranging from a low of 2% to a high of 43%, with a slightly largerreduction in consumption at peak times of day.

Simpson & McPherson[6.5.4] used scale model residences in Arizona toshow that white roofs (~ 0.75 albedo) were up to 20 °C cooler than grey(~ 0.30 albedo) or silver (~ 0.50 albedo), and up to 30 °C cooler than brown(~ 0.10 albedo) roofs. However, measurements also showed that simplyincreasing the albedo of a building surface may not be effective in reducing its

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Table 6.5.1 Albedo of typical urban materials and areas

Surface Albedo

StreetsAsphalt (fresh 0.05, 0.05–0.2

aged 0.2)WallsConcrete 0.10–0.35Brick/stone 0.20–0.40Whitewashed stone 0.80White marble chips 0.55Light colored brick 0.30–0.50Red brick 0.20–0.30Dark brick and slate 0.20Limestone 0.30–0.45RoofsSmooth-surface asphalt 0.07

(weathered)Asphalt 0.10–0.15Tar and gravel 0.08–0.18Tile 0.10–0.35Slate 0.10Thatch 0.15–0.20Corrugated iron 0.10–0.16Highly reflective roof 0.6–0.7

after weatheringPaintsWhite, whitewash 0.50–0.90Red, brown, green 0.20–0.35Black 0.02–0.15Urban areasRange 0.10–0.27Average 0.15OtherLight-coloured sand 0.40–0.60Dry grass 0.30Average soil 0.30Dry sand 0.20–0.30Deciduous plants 0.20–0.30Deciduous forests 0.15–0.20Cultivated soil 0.20Wet sand 0.10–0.20Coniferous forests 0.10–0.15Wood (oak) 0.10Dark cultivated soils 0.07–0.10Artificial turf 0.05–0.10Grass and leaf mulch 0.05

Table 6.5.2 Albedo and emissivity for selected surfacesMaterial Albedo Emissivity

Concrete 0.3 0.94Red brick 0.3 0.90Building brick — 0.45Concrete tiles — 0.63Wood (freshly planed) 0.4 0.90White paper 0.75 0.95Tar paper 0.05 0.93White plaster 0.93 0.91Bright galvanized iron 0.35 0.13Bright aluminum foil 0.85 0.04White pigment 0.85 0.96Grey pigment 0.03 0.87Green pigment 0.73 0.95White paint on aluminium 0.80 0.91Black paint on aluminium 0.04 0.88Aluminium paint 0.80 0.27–0.67Gravel 0.72 0.28Sand 0.24 0.76

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temperature and heat gain if emissivity is reduced simultaneously. Reductionsin total and peak air-conditioning load of approximately 5% were measuredfor otherwise identical white compared with grey and silver: roofed scalemodel buildings with roof insulation. When ceiling insulation was removed,air-conditioning reductions were much larger for white compared with brownroofs, averaging about 28% and 18.5% for total and peak loads, respectively.

Measurements of the indirect energy savings from large-scale changes inurban albedo are almost impossible. However, using computer simulationsthe possible change of urban climate conditions can be evaluated. Taha etal[6.5.5], using one-dimensional meteorological simulations, have shown thatlocalized afternoon air temperatures on summer days can be lowered by asmuch as 4 °C by changing the surface albedo from 0.25 to 0.40 in a typicalmid-latitude warm climate. Taha[6.5.6] using three-dimensional mesoscalesimulations of the effects of large-scale albedo increases in Los Angeles hasshown that an average decrease of 2 °C and up to 4 °C may be possible byincreasing the albedo by 0.13 in urbanized areas. Further studies by Akbari etal[6.5.7] have shown that a temperature decrease of this magnitude couldreduce electricity load from air-conditioning by 10%. Recent measurements inWhite Sands, New Mexico, have indicated a similar relationship betweennaturally occurring albedo variations and measured ambient air temperatures.

Taha et al[6.5.1] have analysed the atmospheric impacts of regional scalechanges in building properties, paved surface characteristics and theirmicroclimates and they discuss the possible meteorological and ozone air-quality impacts of increases in surface albedo and urban trees in California’sSouth Coast Air Basin. By using photochemical simulations it is found thatimplementing high albedo materials would have the net effect of reducingozone concentrations. Over the whole population, excessive exposure toozone above local standards would be decreased by up to 12% during peakafternoon hours.

The above results are valid for southern climates with important coolingproblems. For heating-dominated northern climates the situation is less clear.The radiation reflected from the ground or from external obstructions forms asmall but significant part of the solar heat gain to a vertical or sloping passivecollector. For example, consider an unobstructed south-facing window,surrounded by asphalt pavement (solar reflectance = 0.07). Reflection off thepavement increases the solar radiation entering the window by roughly 4%.This contribution goes up to 18% if the window is surrounded by concrete(reflectance = 0.30), and 20% if it is surrounded by grass (reflectance = 0.33).The daylight entering the window will also increase, although visiblereflectances are not necessarily the same as radiant reflectances. Goulding etal[6.5.8] and Iqbal[6.5.9] tabulate solar reflectance of ground and building

6 Landscaping 121

Table 6.5.3 Selected urban albedo valuesUrban area Albedo Difference in albedo


Los Angeles, CA (city core) 0.20 0.09Madison, WI (urban) 0.15–0.18 0.02St Louis, MI (urban) 0.12–0.14 —St Louis, MI (center) 0.19–0.16 0.03Hartford, CT (urban) 0.09–0.14 —Adelaide, AUS (commercial) 0.27 (mean) 0.09Hamilton, Ontario 0.12–0.13 —Munich, West Germany 0.16 (mean) –0.08Vancouver, BC 0.13–0.15 —Tokyo 0.10 (mean) –0.02Ibadan, Nigeria 0.12 (mean) 0.03Lagos, Nigeria 0.45 0.25

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materials; Hopkinson et al[6.5.10] and Robbins[6.5.11] do the same for daylightreflectances. Table 6.5.4, selected from these sources, gives typical values.

The radiation and light reflected by external obstructions depends on thesize, position and orientation of the obstruction as well as its reflectance. Inlightwells and enclosed courtyards the externally reflected component isparticularly important and light-coloured surfaces are desirable.

In cold climates there may be an advantage in having dark surfaces like soilor asphalt to store and release solar warmth. However, these surfaces can getuncomfortably hot in summer. Vegetation, which stays cool due toevaporation and transpiration, can act as a buffer, reducing maximum surfacetemperatures.

In practice, surface types and colours may already be fixed for aesthetic orpractical reasons. Where there is a choice, it seems best to opt for light colourson surfaces which face a passive solar facade, and darker finishes on the wallareas of the facade itself, with plenty of planting to moderate extreme surfacetemperatures and provide roughness to restrict wind flow.

References to section 6.5[6.5.1] Taha H, Douglas S & Haney J. Mesoscale meteorological and air quality impacts

of increased urban albedo and vegetation. Energy and Buildings 1997: 25: 169–177.[6.5.2] Bretz S, Akbari H, Rosenfeld A & Taha H. Implementation of solar reflective

surfaces: materials and utility programs. LBL Report – 32467, University of California, 1992.[6.5.3] Parker D S & Barkaszi S F. Roof solar reflectance and cooling energy use: field

research results from Florida. Energy and Buildings 1997: 25: 105–115.[6.5.4] Simpson J R & McPherson E G. The effects of roof albedo modification on

cooling loads of scale model residences in Tucson, Arizona. Energy and Buildings 1997: 25:127–137.

[6.5.5] Taha H, Akbari H & Rosenfeld A. Residential cooling and the urban heat heatisland: the effects of albedo. Building and Environment 1988: 23: 271.

[6.5.6] Taha H. Meteorological and photochemical simulations of the south coast airbasin. In: Taha H (ed) Analysis of energy efficiency of air quality in the south coast air basin —Phase II. Report No. LBL-35728. Berkeley (CA, USA), Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. Ch. 6,pp 161–218, 1994.

[6.5.7] Akbari H, Rosenfeld A & Taha H. Recent developments in heat island studies:technical and policy. Proceedings Workshop on Saving Energy and Reducing AtmosphericPollution by Controlling Summer Heat Islands, Berkeley (CA), 23–24 February 1989. pp 14–20.

[6.5.8] Goulding J R, Lewis J O, Steemers T C (eds). Energy in architecture. TheEuropean passive solar handbook. London, Batsford for CEC, 1992.

[6.5.9] Iqbal M. An introduction to solar radiation. London, Academic Press, 1983.[6.5.10] Hopkinson R G, Petherbridge P & Longmore J. Daylighting. Heinemann,

London, 1966.[6.5.11] Robbins C L. Daylighting design and analysis. New York, Van Nostrand, 1986.

6.6 Conclusions

As well as providing an attractive, pleasant site, landscaping can also benefitsite climate and help provide privacy. In cool to intermediate climatesvegetation and hard landscaping provide wind shelter. This can range fromsmall-scale bushes to provide surface roughness, to full-sized shelterbelts.Porous obstacles like tree belts and permeable fences give the largestsheltered areas, to a distance up to six times the obstruction height.

In warm and intermediate climates appropriate landscaping can keep a sitecool on hot days. Techniques include:● use of plants, particularly deciduous trees, to provide shading,● large areas of vegetation to lower temperatures nearby,● ponds to keep relatively small, enclosed areas cool,● fountains and sprays to cool the air: a very fine spray provides good cooling

without wetting site users,● highly reflective materials, particularly on walls and roofs exposed to the


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Table 6.5.4 Reflectances of externalsurface materials

ReflectanceVisible Solar

Grass 0.06 0.26–0.33Asphalt 0.07 0.07pavementSoil 0.07 0.05–0.25Red clay brick 0.15 0.23Concrete 0.20–0.30 0.30Snow, fresh 0.80 0.87

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Privacy is particularly important in cities. In densely populated areas it maynot be possible to achieve privacy distances. Instead privacy can be obtainedby:● external screening with walls and fences,● internal screening using curtains,● private or semi-private outdoor spaces like courtyards,● visual cues like gates or changes in level to deter intruders.

6 Landscaping 123

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The advice in this guide is intended for a wide range of audiences. Theseinclude:● local authorities developing environmental plans for their cities and towns,● designers and their clients aiming to emphasize the ‘green’ nature of their

buildings,● consultants in environmental design,● individual building owners threatened with overshadowing by a new

development,● landscape architects wanting to improve the environmental quality of sites,● policy makers setting out guidance for future urban design,● manufacturers and suppliers of building coating materials.

The potential applications are broad and include the design of the following.● Any major building development within a city centre. These are certain to

have an environmental impact on their surroundings.● New estates of housing or commercial buildings.● Parkland and outdoor leisure facilities, where an improved microclimate

can significantly increase amenity.● Pollution sources in or near urban areas.● Buildings, and in particular groups of buildings, which rely on solar energy.

The case studies and the monitoring work from the project have shown thaturban layout does have a big impact on the environment generally. As anexample, the Santa Cruz district of Seville has traditional architecture withnarrow streets and small squares, with high mass walls, mainly white incolour, and solar protection with trees and water fountains. On very hot daysthe Santa Cruz district is up to 6–8 °C cooler than the airport at Seville; anapparent reversal of the heat island effect. This shows that it is possible toachieve significant improvements in outdoor thermal comfort usingtraditional urban layout techniques.

The loss of daylight, sunlight and solar gain due to obstructions is animportant feature of the city. Tall buildings and other obstructions close bycan affect the distribution of daylight in a building as well as reducing the totalamount received. Sunlight too is blocked, particularly winter sunlight. Thishas important implications for the viability of passive solar buildings.

This book includes Europe-wide guidance on site layout for daylight,sunlight and solar gain. The general approach incorporates simple obstructionangle techniques to determine if there is likely to be a problem, coupled withmore complicated calculation methods where neighbouring obstructions areunusually tall or close. The guidance also deals with the complex butimportant question of overshadowing of existing buildings by a newdevelopment.

In southern Europe, shade can be welcome. A study of the EXPO ’98Exhibition in Lisbon evaluated the impact of canopies on the solar protection


7 Conclusions

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of a walkway. In the design of a solar protection covering the followingconclusions were reached.● The amount and location of shadow produced depends on the shape, size,

height and position of the covering.● The quality of the shadow (solar radiation blocked) depends on the type of

material used.● The temperature reached by the shade depends on the type of covering,

and its shape and colour.

In cities there can be localized concentrations of pollutants caused byindividual sources of pollution like roads, industrial plant and air-conditioningequipment. Site layout can have an important impact on the dispersion ofthese pollutants. Some layout types, for example narrow streets at right anglesto the prevailing wind, can have poor ventilation characteristics, trappingpollutants within them. Sometimes simple modifications to the layout,creating openings or varying the heights of buildings, can promote dispersion.Alternatively, the location of pollution sources can be changed to improve thelocal environment.

The heat island effect means that city centres can be considerably warmerthan their surroundings. This can cause significant problems in warmclimates. To investigate the effect, automatic meteorological stationsmeasuring temperature and humidity were installed in the major Athens area.The heat island intensity in Athens is close to 15 °C, and causes a veryimportant increase in the cooling load of buildings. Simulations show thatbecause of the temperature increase in the city centre the cooling load of areference office building increases by up to 80% compared with the samebuilding located in suburban areas. At the same time, the peak electricity loadfor cooling purposes is found to increase by about 120%. The highertemperatures decrease the efficiency of air-conditioning equipment by about25%.

Tall buildings lining a street turn it into an ‘urban canyon’ with its ownmicroclimate. This can further enhance the heat island effect and reduce thedispersal of pollutants. Monitoring of canyons in Athens has shown howmodifying street geometry, and the presence or absence of traffic influencetemperatures and air flow.

Urban heat sinks such as forests, urban parks, sea, lakes or rivers areimportant. Vegetation and water cool the air. The amount of cooling dependson:● upwind air conditions: temperature, humidity and velocity,● characteristics of the urban heat sink: surface temperature and humidity,

roughness, exchange area,● length of the urban heat sink (measured in the wind direction).

This cooler area provides a reduction in the air temperature that depends onthe position (distance and height) downwind. Using boundary layer theorythe University of Seville has developed a way of expressing the effect of forestsand lakes on the air temperature of an urban environment. In open areas theimpact of a lake on the surrounding area is small unless the lake is very large.Smaller ponds can have more impact in enclosed spaces, though, especially ifcoupled with fountains or sprays.

CFD modelling and measurement of courtyards, backed by wind tunneltests, have shown that the ventilation characteristics of courtyards depend onthe height-to-width ratio, H/W. At high H/W there can be very poorventilation during the day. This can be an advantage in hot climates as cool aircan be trapped in the courtyard. Water features or vegetative shading canreduce the temperature further. However it is important to keep sources ofpollution out of the courtyard.

Until now a key issue has been the lack of suitable design tools to enabledesigners and planners to assess the impact of new developments on the

7 Conclusions 125

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urban environment. TOWNSCOPE II, developed by the University of Liege,is an integrated computer software package to support environmentally awareurban design. It combines a user-friendly graphical interface with powerfulanalysis tools. Thermal comfort, critical wind discomfort risk and the visualqualities of urban open spaces can be assessed very quickly usingTOWNSCOPE. The software can also rank alternative design proposals withits multi-criterion decision module.

It includes fast and easy-to-use simulation tools for a range ofenvironmental parameters:● the thermal comfort of open spaces,● the solar obstruction at a point,● daylight to building facades,● wind pattern analysis to identify critical wind situations within the urban

layout ,● a morphological analysis package to predict the visual quality of urban open


BRE has produced a simple manual tool that designers can use to evaluatesolar access and daylight in obstructed urban areas. The full design toolincluding indicators for locations throughout Europe, and explanatory text, isavailable[7.1].

Reference[7.1] Littlefair P J & Aizlewood M E. Calculating access to skylight, sunlight and solar

radiation on obstructed sites in Europe. BRE Report BR 379. Garston, CRC, 1999.

126 Environmental site layout planning

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Appendix A1. TOWNSCOPE

TOWNSCOPE II is an integrated computer software package to supporturban design decision-making within the perspective of a responsiveenvironment. The software was designed to make it easier to apply therecommendations of this design guide to real-world situations. It combines auser-friendly graphical interface with powerful analysis tools (Figure A1.1).

Thermal comfort, critical wind discomfort risk and the perceptual qualitiesof urban open spaces can be assessed very quickly using TOWNSCOPE. Inaddition, the software provides an integrated multi-criterion decision moduleto rank various alternative design proposals.


Appendix A. Calculation methods

Figure A1.1 The TOWNSCOPE interface. © University of Liege

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Specific functions were developed to facilitate the data acquisition andhandling:● data importation and exportation facilities for exchange with commercial

software (DXF format);● a user-friendly graphical interface for 3D information encoding and

manipulation;● triangulation algorithms for easy modelling of ground and other irregular

surfaces;● user-defined entities to tailor the urban database structure to the

requirements of the project and its surroundings;● a spatial and alphanumeric query interface.

Solar radiation and thermal comfortTOWNSCOPE II integrates fast and easy-to-use simulation tools for solarradiation and thermal comfort predictions.● A project’s overall impact on the thermal comfort of open spaces can be

estimated rapidly by the software. These numerical methods were appliedto the design of the EXPO ’98 Lisbon exhibition site to determine the bestgeometry for future solar shading. The lower the shading is placed, thebetter it obstructs the sun, but there is also more long-wave radiation fromtheir material to the human body. The optimal geometry had thus tobalance these conflicting effects (Figure A1.2).

● Visual tools within the software can be used to represent the solarobstruction at a point in a comprehensive way. For instance, stereographicprojections were used to visualize the solar obstruction caused by theshading devices described above on a major pedestrian walkway of theEXPO ’98 site (Figure A1.3).

Wind patternsTOWNSCOPE II incorporates a multimedia interface, based on experimentalresults from laboratory tests, for wind pattern analysis. It helps the designersto identify critical wind situations (Venturi effect, WISE effect, bar effect)within the urban pattern. Additional information about any discomfort risksthat may be predicted are included within an on-line tutorial.

Urban morphology TOWNSCOPE includes a morphological analysis package to predict thevisual quality of urban open spaces. It is based on spherical projections tointegrate the full 3D visual environment of an observer. A number ofindicators and/or qualitative instruments were developed to do this. Theyinclude equal area projections, sky opening factor, view length indicator, andequidistant and cylindrical projections of an outdoor space.

Figure A1.4 is a stereographic representation (view from the sky) of thePiazza del Parlemento in Rome. It was used to analyse: ● the visual connections (landmarks, views) between one outdoor space and

its neighbours, ● the relationship between the ground and the vertical faces of the square

(axiality, enclosure, discontinuities).

System requirements and software availabilityOperating system: Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 95Processor: Pentium 200, Pentium Pro 233 or greater recommendedDisk space: 15MB minimumMemory requirements: 32MB RAM minimum, 64MB recommendedDisplay requirements: resolution 800 x 600 or greater color palette 64K colors(16bits) minimum

The software and its user manual is available as a CD-ROM from LEMA -ULg for the price of 100 Euros which mainly covers the electronic handling

128 Environmental site layout planning

Figure A1.2 View of the EXPO ’98 sitemodelled using TOWNSCOPE. © University of Liege

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Appendix A. Calculation methods 129

Figure A1.3 Solar obstruction caused by shading. © University of Liege

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and shipping costs. No additional technical support or debugging is includedwithin this offer.

The software can be ordered by surface- or electronic- mail at the followingaddress:

Albert DupagneLEMA — University of Liege15, avenue des Tilleuls, D14000 LiegeBelgiumFax: 32 4 366 94 99E-mail: [emailprotected]

Appendix A2. Manual tools for solar access

This appendix describes manual tools (‘indicators’) to predict daylight,sunlight and heating season solar gain in obstructed situations[A2.1, A2.2]. Theycan be used to assess the solar potential of new sites, and also to evaluateovershadowing of an existing building following a new development nearby.Even complex sets of obstructions can be modelled: the method is not limitedto long parallel obstructions.

The indicators comprise the following.

The skylight indicator (Figure A2.1)This is to find the vertical sky component (in %) on the outside of a windowwall. This is the ratio of the direct sky illuminance falling on the vertical wall ata reference point, to the simultaneous horizontal illuminance under anunobstructed sky (section 4.1). The maximum value is almost 40% for acompletely unobstructed vertical wall. The skylight indicator has 80 crossesmarked on it. Each of these corresponds to 0.5% vertical sky component.

The sunlight availability indicators (Figure A2.2) These are to find the probable sunlight hours received by a window wall or atany other point in a building layout. ‘Probable sunlight hours’ means the totalnumber of hours per year the sun would shine on unobstructed ground givenaverage amounts of cloud. UK Standards[A2.3] recommend that interiorswhere the occupants expect sunlight should receive at least a quarter ofannual probable sunlight hours, including in the winter between

130 Environmental site layout planning

Figure A1.4 Stereographic representation(view from the sky) of the Piazza delParlemento in Rome. © University of Liege

Figure A2.1 The skylight indicator

Distance/height above reference point Distance/height above reference point

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21 September and 21 March at least 5% of annual probable sunlight hours.Each spot on the indicator represents 1% of annual probable sunlight hours.

The sunpath indicators (Figure A2.3) These are to find the times of day and year for which sunlight is available on awindow wall or point in a layout. The bold curved lines which run across theindicator are sunpaths for the 21st of each month. Each sunpath is dividedinto hours by the thinner straight solid hour lines which radiate outwards.These are labelled with solar time.

The solar gain indicators (Figure A2.4) These are to find the incident solar radiation on a vertical window wall duringthe heating season (October–April). The wall should face within 30° of duesouth. Each spot on the indicator represents 1% of heating season solar gain.

Indicators have been developed for a wide range of latitudes coveringnearly all the EC (Table A2.1). The skylight indicator is independent oflatitude and may be used anywhere.

The skylight and solar gain indicators are semi-circular; the sunlightavailability and sunpath indicators are shaped like a circle with a segmentremoved. In each case the centre of the circular arc corresponds to thereference point at which the calculation is carried out. Radial distances fromthis point correspond to the ratio of the distance of the obstruction on plandivided by its height above the reference point. So if the reference point was2 metres above ground, and the ground was flat, this height would be theobstruction height above ground, minus two metres. The indicators are alldrawn to the same scale so that it is easy to calculate a number of differentquantities at the same time. Note, however, that Figures A2.1–A2.4 are notreproduced to scale and cannot be used directly.

Directions on the indicator from the central point correspond to directionson the site plan. The skylight indicator is used with its straight base parallel tothe window wall. The sunlight availability, sunpath, and solar gain indicators,however, are always used with the south point of the indicator pointing in the

Appendix A. Calculation methods 131

Table A2.1 Reference locations for indicators

Latitude Reference°N location

60 Bergen56 Edinburgh53.5 Manchester51 London48 Weihenstephan45 Lyon42 Rome38 Athens

Figure A2.2 Sunlight availability indicator for London showing site plan drawn to thecorrect scale on it (Note: Figure has been reduced)

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132 Environmental site layout planning

Figure A2.3 Sunpath indicator for Edinburgh

Figure A2.4 Solar gain indicator for Edinburgh

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south direction on plan, whatever the orientation of the window wall. The indicators are not intended to be laid over standard scale site plans

because the distance scale on the indicator is unlikely to correspond to thescale of the plan. To plot a layout on the indicator a transparent directionfinder may be used[A2.1, A2.2]. This looks similar to the skylight indicator.Alternatively a plan may be specially drawn on tracing paper or acetate to theexact scale of the indicator. This depends on the height of the obstruction h(metres) above the reference point for the calculation. The plan should bedrawn to a scale of 1:100h. Figure A2.5 shows a typical site layout; Figure A2.2shows it plotted to the right scale and laid over the sunlight availabilityindicator. The small obstruction at a different height is drawn to a differentscale distance.

The plan or direction finder is then laid over the relevant indicator. If across or spot or sunpath arc lies nearer to the centre of the indicator than anyobstruction in that direction (as marked on the direction finder or special siteplan) then it is unobstructed and counts towards the total. If it lies beyond theobstruction then it will be obstructed and does not count. In Figure A2.5, thetotal sunlight availability at O is 48% of annual probable hours, 16% of thesebeing in the winter months (spots beyond the equinox line).

These indicators form a relatively quick manual method to assess theimpact of obstructions on daylight, sunlight and solar gain in a layout. Theobstructions need special plotting but the same plot can be used with all foursets of indicators. Indicators have been developed for a wide range of latitudescovering nearly all the EC.

References to Appendix A2[A2.1] Littlefair P J & Aizlewood M E. Calculating access to sunlight and daylight in

obstructed sites in Europe. BRE Report BR 379. Garston, CRC, 1999.[A2.2] Littlefair P J. Site layout planning for daylight, and sunlight: a guide to good

practice. BRE Report BR 209. Garston, CRC, 1991.[A2.3] British Standards Institution. BS 8206: Lighting for buildings. Part 2: Code of

practice for daylighting. London, BSI, 1992.

Appendix A3. Building thermal simulation

Thermal simulation toolsBuilding thermal simulation tools study various aspects of performance:● temperatures in the different zones of a building,● air movement between the different indoor zones and infiltration from


Appendix A. Calculation methods 133

Figure A2.5 Site plan of an example situation

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● air quality, humidity and pollutant levels inside the building,● performance, design and energy consumption of the heating, air-

conditioning and ventilation systems in the buildings.

Generally, the thermal simulation covers all aspects related to the humancomfort inside the building. Historically, thermal simulation tools haveevolved in parallel with the computer science tools available. Current thermalsimulation tools can be divided into four different generations[A3.1].

1st GenerationVery simple software based on analytic calculations with a lot of simplifyingassumptions. These codes did not include hourly simulations. Their mainobjective was the design and sizing of HVAC systems. A typical example ofthis kind of development is the use of the global heat transfer steady statecoefficient for the whole building.

2nd GenerationDuring the 1970s, at the time of the energy crisis, new codes appeared. Theseincluded hourly simulation, but using very simple methods for thecalculations of the different constructive elements. They were very limited inthe amount of memory that could be used, and in calculation speed.

3rd GenerationDuring the 1980s, and due to improvement in computers, the thermalsimulation could be treated as a classic field problem, where all the variablesdepend on space and time. Thermal phenomena can be treated usingnumerical methods that are very memory and speed consuming.

4th GenerationNow, in the 1990s, Object Oriented Programming (OOP)[A3.2] and visualdesign systems (CAD systems) improve the flexibility and complexity ofthermal simulation tools.

Problems with predicting the impact of site layout on building performanceIt is widely recognized that the outdoor environment near a building maymodify the thermal performance of the indoor spaces of the building. Oneway to simulate this is to include these nearby spaces in the thermalsimulation. All the spaces and elements (outdoor or indoor) which arethermally linked to each other must be simulated.

There are many examples where the difference between internal andexternal spaces is not well defined, for example urban canyons, squares,courtyards and other buffer zones.

To simulate the thermal performance of outdoor spaces at the same level asindoor zones, current tools assume that the thermal phenomena present inexternal zones are the same as those in internal zones, and that they can betreated at the same level of accuracy. However, the behaviour of some heattransfer phenomena in outdoor spaces is completely different from thebehaviour in indoor zones.

The main differences are given in the three sections which follow.

Absorption of solar radiationIndoors, direct and diffuse solar radiation largely penetrates through perfectlydefined semitransparent elements, such as windows and doors, so the totalamount of solar radiation coming into the zone can be easily calculated. Foroutdoor zones the primary incidence of direct solar radiation and theconsequent multi-reflection process is a very complex three-dimensionalproblem.

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Long-wave radiant exchangeThe different surfaces present in the indoor environment of a buildingcommonly have low temperature differences, so the long-wave radiantexchange between them is small. Outdoor surfaces may exchange heat withvery hot surfaces (high impact of solar radiation) and with the sky. Thisdifference means long-wave radiant exchange is not negligible for externalsurfaces.

Air movementFor external open spaces the air movements are more complicated than forindoor zones, due to the more complicated three-dimensional configurationsand also air entering through large gaps between buildings. More complicatedmethods must be used to simulate the air movement, for example CFD codes(Appendix A6) or wind tunnel experiments (Appendix B1). There are alsoproblems related to the heat island or the oasis effect.

References to Appendix A3[A3.1] Rodriguez E A. Sistematizacion de Acoplamientos Termicos y Termoaeraulicos en

la Simulacion de Edificios. Tesis doctoral, Escuela Superior de Ingenieros Industriales,Universidad de Sevilla. 1990.

[A3.2] Rumbauch J, Blaha M, Premerlani W, Eddy F & Lorensen W. Object-orientedmodeling and design. Englewood Cliffs (New Jersey, USA), Prentice Hall, 1991.

Appendix A4. Comfort calculations

Thermal balance of the human bodyThe thermal balance equation for the human body is:

Esw = M(1 – η) + (R + C) – Cres – Eres – Edif

where: M (1 – η) = net metabolic heat production, R = heat transmitted to the body through radiation,C = heat transmitted to the body through convection,Cres = sensible heat due to respiration,Eres = latent heat due to respiration, Edif = heat diffused out through the skin.

The regulatory sweating term (Esw) closes the thermal balance and gives ameasure of the requirement for the person to adapt to their surroundings andin consequence the level of comfort.

The right-hand term of the equation can be calculated using differentassumptions and correlations. The expressions used to quantify the differentterms assume steady-state conditions and derive from widely acceptedmodels. The exception is the effect of solar radiation which is calculated fromthe incident values using a simultaneous balance over clothing and skinconsidering their short-wave radiant properties.

Use of the equationsEvaluation of a specific actionThe thermal balance of the human body can be used to analyse the variationoccurring in a situation when action is taken to improve climatic conditions.As an example, Figure A4.1 shows the values for the reference situation andthose obtained following the inclusion of a covering of vegetation overheadwith zero transmissivity and whose surface temperature is equal to theambient temperature.

This analysis provides information about the degree of conditioning stillrequired to obtain a given level of comfort, and the relative order in whichactions to improve comfort should be taken.

Appendix A. Calculation methods 135

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Comparative performance of componentsThis is usually done using the concept of sensation temperature and, moreprecisely, increase in sensation temperature. The sensation temperature isanalogous to the effective temperature and can be defined as the temperatureof an environment (air and surfaces) at 50% relative humidity, no solarradiation and still air that results in the same total sweating rate as in the actualenvironment.

Changes in the sensation temperature are usually derived by comparisonwith a reference situation. The reason for using the increase rather thanabsolute values is to keep the analysis independent of other factors in thebalance, which are not affected by the components under study. Calculationsof the increase in sensation temperature help decide which of a number ofdesign solutions is the most effective at improving comfort.

The example below compares various types of shading with differenttransmissivities and different surface temperatures. The base case chosen wasa covering with zero transmissivity and no overheating (surface temperature= ambient temperature). Figure A4.2 shows the results for 8 shading types.

Design (isocomfort graphs)In order to achieve the required comfort conditions in a given zone, there area number of possible ways to alter the heat flows. However, in practice, due toprior design decisions or functional or aesthetic constraints, the number ofvariables which can be manipulated is at most 3. If this is the case, it is possibleto construct an isocomfort graph of the area under study which contains allthe possible combinations of the variables which can be manipulated andwhich lead to the same level of comfort. This enables a decision regarding thebest option.

Figure A4.3 shows a specific case of an isocomfort graph for a sweating rateof 60 g/h obtained for a rotunda with outdoor design conditions. Thevariables which appear are the surface temperature of the covering (X-axis),the temperature of the air (Y-axis) and the velocity of the air (variableparameter).

It may be seen, for example, that for zero air velocity, the same sensation ofcomfort is obtained with the values given in Table A4.1.

Or that, for a given temperature of the covering (say, 34 °C), thecombinations given in Table A4.2 are equivalent.

It is apparent that irrigation of the covering is essential (in its absence thetemperature of the covering would exceed 45 °C) and that there are greatbenefits from movement of the air, however slight.

136 Environmental site layout planning

Figure A4.1 Comparison between heat flows with and without vegetation cover.© University of Seville

Table A4.1 Temperatures of air and covering that give the same sensation temperature (with no wind)

Air Coveringtemperature temperature(°C) (°C)

30 2726 3520 44

Table A4.2 Air temperatures and velocities that give the same sensation temperature (covering at 34 °C)

Air Airtemperature velocity(°C) (m/s)

26 030 0,532.5 1

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Appendix A. Calculation methods 137


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Appendix A5. Pollution prediction methods

Predicting the levels of pollutants in urban areas is important as these areasusually have the highest density of pollution sources and therefore pollutantconcentration. Prediction may be for regulatory purposes, for example to findif concentrations of particular pollutants are (or are likely to be) exceeded andif so over what areas and times. Alternatively, there may be a planning needfor predicting the effects of long-term changes in polluting discharges, of theeffects of new discharges (from industrial sources or from combustion plant,for example) or of the effects of new buildings or changed road layouts.

The more common pollutants (sulphur and nitrogen oxides, particles,carbon monoxide, etc) are often monitored in urban areas. There is arequirement that this should be done in EC countries in order to assesswhether the various regulatory limits for different pollutants are beingexceeded. In the UK, for example, there are 85 monitoring sites operating inthe national network, the majority of which are in urban areas, and the datafrom these is available on the internet. These data can be used to find typicalpollution levels in urban areas, the probable long-term trends and the shorterterm (down to about an hour) variation in levels that can be expected due tochanges in pollutant discharge patterns and to the weather pattern or diurnalchanges. However, it is usually much more difficult to use monitoring data toassess the contribution of specific pollution sources or the more detailedspatial patterns of pollution levels. Also it is of limited use in predicting theeffects of changes of the sort noted above.

To satisfy these needs for predicting pollution levels, dispersion modellingis used. It is the only practical way in which the pollutant concentrations at agiven site can be attributed to particular sources. A major feature of urbanpollution modelling is the wide range of problems that have to be addressed.They may vary from very short-term exposure problems over distances of afew tens of metres or less, to the effects of multiple source discharges reactingchemically in the atmosphere over distances of tens of kilometres. Thedisparity between this wide variety of modelling needs cannot be met withany single model, or type of model. Thus a range of approaches to predictingurban pollution has to be considered. The main concern here is with theshorter ranges, up to a few kilometres distance.

Unfortunately, few of the commonly available models are well tuned tourban problems. As outlined in section 2.6, model requirements have beendivided into three regimes, depending on the size of the dispersing plumecross-section compared with the sizes of buildings and obstructions withinthe urban canopy.

138 Environmental site layout planning








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35 40 45 50302520

Covering temperature (°C)

Esw = 60

v = 1.1 m/s

v = 0.8 m/s

v = 0.5 m/sv = 0.2 m/s

Figure A4.3 Isocomfort graph. © University of Seville

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The far field regimeThis regime is, in principle, well provided with suitable models. Apart fromconventional models in current use, the recent meeting at Mol, Belgium[A5.1]

reviewed many of the more recent developments. The main point of concern with models for urban areas in this regime is to

ensure that they deal adequately with the surface roughness and its effects ondispersion. This is not difficult to do in principle, but in practice many of thecurrent models, especially the older or simpler types, do not handle the effectsof surface roughness (due to buildings, other surface obstacles andtopography) very well. Both the vertical and lateral rates of dispersion aremodifed by the surface roughness, an increase in which increases the rate ofdispersion. The most commonly used long-range dispersion model, theUSEPA ISC model in fact only allows for two types of surface: ‘rural’ and‘urban’. The UK standard model for many years, the NRPB model[A5.2],corrects the rate of vertical dispersion for any surface roughness but not therate of lateral dispersion, which is fixed. More recent models, such as theUKADMS model and the US AERMOD model, provide a full correction forsurface roughness effects on dispersion.

The intermediate field regimeSince dispersion in this regime appears to generate Gaussian plumes, thedispersion of contaminants in this regime could be predicted using aconventional Gaussian model, but with dispersion rates and windspeedsmodified to account for the other effects of the surface roughness. Mostconventional Gaussian models, of the types noted above, contain proceduresfor dealing with the effects of buildings and other structures. However, theseuse quite simple models which do not account for many of the known effectsof arrays of buildings over large areas, which is the condition of theintermediate regime.

Until recently, published experimental data (from field experiments andfrom small-scale wind tunnel experiments) on the more complex dispersioncharacteristics of arrays of buildings and other obstructions has been toolimited to improve much on these models. However, this situation is changingas more data is presently appearing and a number of experimentalprogrammes are under way. Within the next few years the requiredmodifications to dispersion rates will be available in forms which can be usedin conventional Gaussian dispersion models.

The near field regimeDispersion in this regime gives rise to individualistic, highly variableconcentration fields which are difficult to model with a high degree ofaccuracy (section 2.6). This is especially so if rapid short-term fluctuations inconcentrations are of interest, as they are with odours or the consequences ofaccidents, where there may be a discharge of toxic contaminants at highconcentration over short periods. There are three major options forpredicting dispersion patterns. These are listed below.

The use of simple ‘rules of thumb’These give ball-park estimates of likely upper and lower levels ofconcentration that may occur. Chapter 12 of the ASHRAE handbook[A5.3] is agood example of this approach.

Detailed investigation using small-scale wind tunnel models These are very effective at investigating this type of dispersion problem andmost of the experimental data on which computer models are based comesfrom this source. They can reproduce both the mean and fluctuatingconcentrations in dispersion at short ranges. Wind tunnel models arediscussed in more detail in Appendix B1.

Appendix A. Calculation methods 139

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Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) (section A6) There is a growing use of these computer tools and many commercial modelsare available. However, dispersion is one of the most difficult features of a fluidflow to model numerically. One of the main difficulties lies in the turbulencemodels presently used and their poor ability at handling the large eddies inthe flow. These are critical to predicting dispersion. Another practicaldifficulty is the large number of grid points needed to define an urban areawith more than a few buildings, which greatly increases computational times.

The use of field experimentsThese are quite rare due to the difficulty and expense involved. It is also oftendifficult to interpret the data due to the high variability in the experimentalconditions that is usually experienced. They are, however, invaluable as abasis for testing all other types of model.

References to Appendix A5[A5.1] Proceedings of Workshop on Operational Short Range Atmospheric Dispersion

Models for Environmental Impact Assessment in Europe, Mol, Belgium, 21–24 November 1994.International Journal of Environment and Pollution 1995: 5(4–6).

[A5.2] Clark R H. A model for short and medium range dispersion of radionuclidesreleased to the atmosphere. National Radiological Protection Board Report No. R91.Oxfordshire, NRPB, 1979.

[A5.3] American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers.Handbook of fundamentals. Atlanta, ASHRAE, 1997.

Appendix A6. CFD modelling

Wind is one of the main climatic factors influencing the urban environmentand that of the buildings within it. The flow of wind around buildings can beuncomfortable and hazardous for pedestrians, and also influences energy use,ventilation, rain penetration, air pollution and noise.

Wind tunnel studies (Appendix B1) can be used to analyse the impact ofwind, minimizing the negative effects and enhancing the positive influences ofairflow around the built environment. These studies provide valuableinformation concerning the escape of smoke from fires inside the building,concentration of pollutants around building complexes, behaviour of exhaustfumes and surface pressure distributions.

Numerical modelling, based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD)techniques, allows detailed analysis of building airflow and hence temperatureand pressure distribution, and contaminant concentration. These are obtainedby solving equations for mass, momentum, thermal energy and chemicalspecies, together with a model that best describes the turbulencecharacteristics of the flow. The results of the simulation then may be used foranalysing the wind environment around the buildings and related issues suchas identifying uncomfortable and hazardous areas for pedestrians, airflow ratethrough openings on a building (ie for natural ventilation design), etc.

The main advantage of CFD over the physical wind tunnel is that there isno need to reduce the scale, thus eliminating uncertainties in scaling factorsand errors in representing complex geometrical features. A further benefit ofCFD is the visual representation for analysis and appreciation of otherwiseinvisible circ*mstances. However, in common with physical wind tunnelmodelling, care must be taken to identify how appropriate the model is for agiven problem, the accuracy of boundary conditions (ie wind profile, groundfriction, nearby buildings and obstructions), and last but not least the expertiseof the modeller. The main parameters that may limit the application of CFDare outlined below.

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Geometrical aspects of buildingsArchitectural features of buildings could create a complex flow domain. Thismay make dividing up the area into a grid, for numerical solution, a realchallenge. For this reason some compromises may be necessary depending onthe scale of geometrical complexity in practice. Further, due to the large flowdomains and the existence of small, but important features, the number ofcomputational grid nodes may become enormously large in someapplications. For example, openings on the building may need to berepresented for airflow rate calculations. It is therefore important to representthese features accurately, but this requires local mesh refinement and a largenumber of grid cells. When these features are represented only roughly, thereliability of simulated airflow rates is questionable.

Boundary conditionsThe time-dependence of external conditions means that the domainboundary conditions may vary with time. Since CFD models requireextensive iterative solution on very small timescales, often some compromiseshave to be made on the scale of transient interaction. Indeed boundaryconditions are often assumed to be steady-state, based on analytical orexperimental results, except when CFD is used to predict the dispersion timeof gases or smoke.

TurbulenceThe airflow around buildings is usually complex turbulent flow. There iscurrently no universal turbulent model available that can reflect the behaviourof the full range of complex turbulent flows observed around buildings. Thishas been reflected in a number of comparative studies of turbulence modelsfor predicting wind conditions on and around a building. The aim has been toimprove the accuracy with which CFD models approximate the actualoutdoor conditions in the vicinity of a building.

Murakami et al[A6.1] have studied the airflow around a building throughCFD simulations using four different well-known turbulence models in orderto assess their accuracy. The relative performance of the turbulence modelswas examined by comparing numerical simulation results with those derivedfrom a wind tunnel experiment. Selvam[A6.2] has studied the application oftwo-layer methods for the evaluation of wind effects on a cubic building andcompared predictions with experimental results from a wind tunnelexperiment. Zhou[A6.3] reports that a better approximation of the convectionterm reports in an improvement of the accuracy of numerical simulationpredictions when the k–e turbulence model is used. In all of the above studies,the building is regarded as a cubic closed box standing as an obstacle in thefree stream flowpath of the wind. Therefore, the pressure distribution at thesurface of an opening in a natural ventilation configuration has not beenstudied.

User expertiseFinally, CFD modelling of the built environment is complex, time-consumingand usually requires considerable resources and expertise to obtainmeaningful results. There are many factors that can influence the predictedresults from CFD, and the knowledge and expertise of the user play asignificant part in the accuracy of the predicted results. Indeed, different usersmay produce different results even from the same CFD software. In any case,for complex building airflow problems the resources of skilful CFD modellersand researchers are necessary, working together with architects, buildingservices and environmental designers.

References to Appendix A6[A6.1] Murakami S, Mochida A, Ooka R, Kato S & Iizuka S. Numerical prediction of

flow around a building with various turbulence models: comparison of k–e EVM, ASM, DSM andLES with wind tunnel tests. ASHRAE Transactions 1996: 96: 741–753.

Appendix A. Calculation methods 141

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[A6.2] Selvam P R. Numerical simulation of flow and pressure around a building. ASHRAETransactions 1996: 96: 765–772.

[A6.3] Zhou Y & Stathopoulos T. Application of two-layer methods for the evaluation ofwind effects on a cubic building. ASHRAE Transactions 1996: 96: 754–764.

Appendix A7. Passive cooling tools

Tools to evaluate the impact of passive cooling of buildings can be classified intwo main categories as follows.● Those estimating the performance of specific passive cooling systems and

techniques like solar control, natural ventilation, evaporative coolers, etc.This type of tool can help optimize the design of these systems or the waythat passive cooling techniques operate in practice. A number of toolspermitting calculation of specific passive cooling techniques have beendeveloped through the PASCOOL research program of the EuropeanCommission and are available[A7.1].

● Those estimating the global performance of the building when passivecooling systems or techniques are used. These tools can evaluate thecontribution of passive techniques[A7.2–A7.4].

There are many tools to evaluate the performance of shading devices. Most ofthem consider shading of the beam solar radiation and neglect diffuse andreflected radiation. Some of the tools provide a graphical interface to view theobjects as well as the shadows. More accurate tools are available and areusually integrated with existing detailed building simulation tools.

Models to evaluate natural ventilation phenomena are classified in threemain categories: ● empirical models, ● network models, and ● computational fluid dynamic (CFD) models.

Empirical models provide analytical formulae to calculate the airflow ratethrough single-zone buildings. These models are based on experimental dataand are accurate within the limits of the experiments used to develop thecode. Network models are based on the mass balance equation and are themost widely used algorithms for natural ventilation calculations. The modelsare quite accurate and do not require input data, which are in any case difficultto measure or predict. These models can calculate the airflow through anopening or in a zone, but do not permit evaluation of the air-speeddistribution in the building. Finally, the CFD modelling approach, discussedin the previous section, can be applied to a wide range of airflow and relatedphenomena. However, it requires appropriate boundary conditions, extensivecomputer resources and user expertise.

There are relatively few models for calculating the performance of heatdissipation techniques. Some of these tools have been grouped together andare available through the SAVE program of the European Commission[A7.5].Ground cooling models simulate the performance of earth-to-air heatexchangers and thus can help design these systems and select the necessaryparameters like depth, length, diameter, air speed, etc. Similar tools areavailable to evaluate the performance of direct, indirect and two-stageevaporative coolers. Finally, various tools to evaluate the performance ofradiative coolers coupled with water, rock bed storage or direct use of thecooled air have been developed and are available through the SAVE andALTENER programs of the European Commission.

References to Appendix A7[A7.1] European Commission. PASCOOL: Final reports and CD of computerized tools.

Research Program of the European Commission, Directorate General for Science, Research andDevelopment. Santamouris M (Co-ordinator). 1995.

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[A7.2] AIOLOS: A computerized tool to evaluate natural ventilation and passive cooling inbuildings. London, James and James Science Publishers. 1998

[A7.3] SUMMER: A computer tool to calculate the performance of passively cooledbuildings. University of Athens, ALTENER Program, European Commission, Directorate Generalfor Energy. 1996.

[A7.4] LESO. LESOCOOL. Developed by LESO, Ecole Polytechnique Federal de Lausanne,Switzerland. 1997.

[A7.5] European Commission. Final report of the SAVE program: Creation of aneducational structure to provide information on the use of passive cooling systems andtechniques for buildings. European Commission, Directorate General for Energy. Santamouris M(Co-ordinator). 1996.

Appendix A8. Daylight computer modelling

Many computer programs are now available which will carry out daylightingcalculations, and surveys have been carried out which list theirfeatures[A8.1–A8.3]. Programs can often be quick to use and helpful; but themodelling of the external environment is a weakness in most currentlyavailable programs, which tend to concentrate on what happens to thedaylight indoors.

The simplest programs assume a horizontal obstruction outdoors, parallelto the window wall. This is only suitable for the most straightforward sitelayouts. Other programs allow more complex obstructions to be entered, butthey may contain other simplifications. Often the obstruction is itself assumedto be unobstructed; or the ground reflected light is unaffected by obstructions.This can result in daylight levels being overestimated in tight urban sites.Sometimes obstruction reflectance, or ground reflectance, cannot be varied;and it is often impossible to model sloping obstructions like pitched roofs.

More complex programs are available which can do this. They divide eachexternal obstruction and internal room surface, into a number of elements.Reflections between each element, and every other element which canreceive light from it, are then modelled, often on the basis that each surface isperfectly diffusing. Although potentially accurate, this can be time-consumingif the program models potential reflections between all the surfaces, even thetiny amounts of light which reach an external surface from an internal one.

Passport-Light is an example of this more complex type of program. It usesa ray tracing procedure: rays are emitted from each measurement point usinga Monte Carlo random process. Each ray is followed as it is reflected fromsurface to surface, until the ray hits the hemisphere which describes the sky.Some rays are absorbed in this process. An additional function is thecalculation of daylight coefficients. This can save computation time becauseonce the file of daylight coefficients exists the calculations can be repeated fordifferent skies without the time-consuming calculation of inter-reflections.

Direct light from the sky often forms the major contribution to daylight,and some programs are surprisingly poor at modelling it. Sometimes only astandard overcast sky can be chosen, and sunny conditions cannot bemodelled. Some programs divide the sky into relatively large finite elements.Significant errors can occur if an obstruction covers only part of one of theseelements. The best programs subdivide the sky very finely and can allow forirregular obstructions.

In conclusion, if considering computer modelling it is important to find out:● what obstructions the program can model,● how easy it is to input the obstructions,● if it models obstruction reflectance explicitly or if it makes simplifying

assumptions about how much light the obstruction and ground receive, ● if complex external obstructions require a lot of extra computer memory or

result in long run times,● how direct light is modelled and if there are errors for irregular

obstructions,● whether sunlight and non-overcast skies can be modelled.

Appendix A. Calculation methods 143

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References to Appendix A8[A8.1] Baker N, Fanchiotti A & Steemers K. Daylighting in architecture. London, James

and James, 1993.[A8.2] IESNA. 1994 IESNA software survey. Lighting Design & Application 1994: 24(7):

24–32.[A8.3] Engelsholm K O. FRI-test af lysteknisk edb (in Danish). Lys 1994: 2/94: 86–107.

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Appendix B1. Wind tunnel tests

Wind tunnel testing of small-scale models remains a favoured technique forinvestigating local wind effects on individual buildings or groups of buildings.It is used for investigating:● wind loading on structures, ● local wind patterns for ventilation, thermal comfort and wind exposure

studies,● the dispersion of contaminants.

The technique is very versatile and usually allows a large number of variablesto be investigated quickly and easily. Water channels and water tunnels arealso used for these purposes, the general principles of use remain the samedespite the different working fluid.

Wind tunnel testing is of greatest use at short ranges, its practical upperlimit of application being over distances of about 10 km. There is almost nolower limit of range. Within these distances it is a versatile technique andprovides reliable data, both visual and numeric, which have been subject tointercomparison between facilities and effective validation studies over manydecades. The basic technique is that, firstly, the windflow approaching the siteis simulated at the required scale (typically around 1/200 to 1/500). If a modelof the building of interest and its surroundings, or of the site or areas ofinterest, are placed in the airflow then the wind patterns in the area, bothmean and unsteady, are correctly reproduced. From this, the scaled loads onany structures, variations in windspeed and the spreading and dispersion ofcontaminants around the model will follow identical behaviour to the full-scale buildings.

Wind loadings on structures can be measured directly on a model as forces,or the distribution of wind pressure on the structure’s surfaces can bemeasured and both the overall loading and its distribution over the surfacedetermined. This can be done for both the steady and the unsteady loads onthe structure. In the latter case the effects of oscillatory loading and both theaerodynamic and structural damping can be assessed.

Wind pressures on the surfaces of buildings are also important in assessingventilation behaviour, both for the infiltration of external air and for designedventilation whether forced or natural. For ventilation purposes they aredetermined in the same way as with building loading.

Wind effects around buildings are an important feature of architecturaldesign since they directly affect human thermal comfort and irritation due tointermittent exposure to locally strong winds. External wind-flow patternscan be visualized by smoke, or by dye in water tunnels. Also, both the meanand unsteady components of the windspeed can be measured directly atplaces of interest. In addition, the wind-flow patterns on the surface can beboth visualized and measured directly.


Appendix B. Experimental prediction methods

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The dispersion of contaminants on a small scale can be both highly variableand unsteady, but can be simulated readily in small-scale wind tunnel models.Normally the contaminant of interest is replaced by a tracer gas whoseconcentration is measured around the site at places of interest. The use ofappropriate scaling laws then allows equivalent concentrations of the full-scale contaminant to be calculated. It is also readily possible to visualize thedispersion of contaminants using smoke. Wind tunnel dispersionexperiments are used to investigate a great variety of air pollution problems,including the effects of buildings on local pollution discharges, determiningthe correct height of chimney stacks, the effects of hills and other topographyon longer range dispersion, and accident scenarios involving fire plumes orthe accidental escape of toxic or flammable gases.

Bibliography for Appendix B1

The references below contain descriptions of wind tunnel studies carried outfor a variety of purposes and show the sort of results that can be obtained.

Rae W H & Pope A. Low speed wind tunnel testing. New York, Wiley. 1984.Cook N J. The designer’s guide to wind loading of building structures. Parts 1. London,

Butterworths. 1985.Cook N J. The designer’s guide to wind loading of building structures. Part 2. London,

Butterworths. 1990. Cermak J E et al. Wind climate in cities. Proceedings NATO Advanced Study Institute,

Waldbronn, Germany. Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic. 1995.Hall D J (ed). Proceedings 5th International Wind and Water Tunnel Dispersion Modelling

Workshop, 30 Oct–1 Nov 1991, Warren Spring Laboratory, UK. Atmospheric Environment 1994:28(11).

ASO. Proceedings 6th International Wind and Water Tunnel Dispersion Modelling Workshop,25–27th August 1993, Japan. Atmospheric Environment 1996: 30(16).

146 Environmental site layout planning

Figure B1.1 Model in a wind tunnel

Figure B1.2 Smoke photograph of adispersing plume over a building

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Appendix B2. The use of models in sunlighting studies

To assess the access to sunlight of a particular site, one option is to make ascale model of it[B2.1]. The sunlighting of the site can then be assessed witheither a lamp or the real sun.

Using a lamp to represent the sun means the study can be carried out underany sky condition or even after dark, and it is possible to move the ‘sun’relatively easily to simulate different times of day and year. Althoughspecialist heliodons are available[B2.2–B2.4], any small, powerful lamp canrepresent the sun (a theatre spotlight is ideal). By moving the lamp up anddown and rotating the model (Figure B2.1) it is possible to generate differentsun positions[B2.5–B2.6]. A small sundial[B2.7–B2.8], mounted on the model, willindicate when the right time of day and year has been reached.

The main disadvantage of an artificial sun is that its rays are not parallel. Ifthe ‘sun’ is too close to the model, it may apparently be a different time of dayand year in different areas of the site. For best results the lamp should be at adistance of at least five times the model dimensions.

If the real sun is used, the model must be tilted and rotated to representdifferent times of day and year (a sundial fixed to the model, is essentialhere[B2.5–B2.9]). This limits the size of the model (Figure B2.2) and everythingon the model must be securely fixed.

The model itself should include all the different obstructing buildings,including those adjoining the site. If photographs are used to record shadowpatterns, each one should be carefully documented. This can be on a labelplaced inside the model so it appears on the photograph.

References to Appendix B2[B2.1] Littlefair P J. Measuring daylight. BRE Information Paper IP23/93. Garston, CRC,

1993.[B2.2] Hopkinson R G, Petherbridge P & Longmore J. Daylighting. London,

Heinemann, 1966.[B2.3] Van Santen C & Hansen A J. Simuleren van daglicht (simulation of daylight). Delft,

Faculteit der Bouwkunde, Technische Universiteit Delft, 1991.[B2.4] Tregenza P R. Daylight measurement in models: new type of equipment. Lighting

Research & Technology 1989: 21(4): 193–194.[B2.5] Baker N, Fanchiotti A & Steemers K. Daylighting in architecture. London, James

and James, 1993.[B2.6] Bell J & Burt W. Designing buildings for daylight. Garston, CRC, 1995.[B2.7] Lynes J A. Natural lighting: use of models. Architect’s Journal 1968: 148(43):

963–968.[B2.8] Moore F. Concepts and practice of architectural daylighting. New York, Van

Nostrand Reinhold, 1985.[B2.9] Schiler M (ed). Simulating daylight with architectural models. Los Angeles,

DNNA/University Southern California, 1991.

3 Public open space 147

Figure B2.1 Using a spotlight to representthe sun

Figure B2.2 Using the real sun. This very large model had to be tilted and rotated using adumper truck

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AbsorptivityThe fraction of incoming solar radiation absorbed by a surface (usually usedfor solar radiation).

AlbedoRatio of radiation reflected from a surface to the incoming radiation onto thatsurface.

Aspect ratio Height-to-width ratio in urban configurations (streets, courtyards, etc).

Average daylight factor Ratio of total daylight flux incident on the working plane to the area of theworking plane, expressed as a percentage of the outdoor illuminance on ahorizontal plane due to an unobstructed CIE Standard Overcast Sky.

BlockThe smallest urban built form that could be defined by the adjacent streets. Ingeneral, the block is the simple result of the surrounding streets.

CIE Standard Overcast SkyA completely overcast sky for which the ratio of its luminance L at an angle ofelevation γ above the horizontal to the luminance Lz at the zenith is given byL = Lz (1 + 2 sin γ).

Daylight, natural lightCombined skylight and sunlight.

EmissivityThe ratio of the intensity of the radiation emitted by a surface at temperatureT to the radiation emitted by a theoretical black-body at the same value of T.

EvapotranspirationProcess by which vegetation loses water through its leaves (transpiration)which then evaporates (evaporation) cooling the surrounding air.

Exceptional buildings Major structures, quite different from common buildings either in theirproportions, their dimensions, or their complexity. Exceptional buildingsoften stand out from the usual built environment as visual and/or socio-economic landmarks (for instance churches or public buildings). They helppeople find their way around the city.


Appendix C. Glossary

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Focal points (landmarks)In an urban space, focal points (landmarks) are outstanding elements (built ornatural) belonging to the space (or seen from the observation point). Theyhave the strongest visual attraction for the observer. They may include builtelements, monuments or parts of monuments, urban structures, squares,bridges, or views down a street. Observers select the focal points on a space ina way which depends on their individual characteristics and intentions at thetime (way-finding, orientation, identification, etc).

No sky line The outline on the working plane of the area from which no sky can be seen.

Obstruction angle The angular altitude of the top of an obstruction above the horizontal,measured from a reference point in a vertical plane in a section perpendicularto the vertical plane.

Orthogonal projectionsee Spherical projections (Orthogonal).

Probable sunlight hoursThe long-term average of the total number of hours during a year in whichdirect sunlight reaches the unobstructed ground (when clouds are taken intoaccount).

Semi-cylindrical illuminancesee section 3.1.

Sensible heatHeat associated with the dry bulb temperature changes in moist air.

Sky opening The sky opening is defined as ratio of the solid angle of the sky visible from apoint divided by 2π, the solid angle of a complete unobstructed hemisphere.In practice, sky opening percentage is used as an indicator of the perceivedconfinement felt by an observer in the open space. It is a purely geometricalindicator which doesn’t take into account the daylight and sunlight in thespace. Sky opening indicator highlights a number of features of an urban openspace, especially its level of enclosure and its legibility.

Sky view factorFraction of radiation from a uniformly diffusing surface in an urbanconfiguration, which would go directly to the sky. It is proportional to theradiation reaching the surface from a uniform sky.

Spherical projectionsSpherical projections are computed in two different steps: (1) projection fromthe 3D space to the surface of a sphere, and (2) projection from the sphere to aplane. It is the second step of the projection, from the sphere to a plane, thatcharacterizes the properties of the different projections, since a sphericalsurface cannot be ‘unrolled’ onto a plane surface without some deformation.Three main constructions are commonly used: ● projection to a plane, ● projection to a cylinder that is unrolled on a plane, ● projection to a conical surface that is unrolled on a plane.

Five different transformations are used in morphological analysis: gnomonic,stereographic, equidistant, isoaire and cylindrical projections. Once projectedonto a sphere, all objects are sized relative to their distance from the observer:

Appendix C. Glossary 149

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a small, nearby object can be as important in projection as a large, moredistant one.

CylindricalA distinctive feature of cylindrical projections is that vertical lines in the 3Dworld remain vertical once projected onto the plane. Cylindrical projectionsare used as qualitative instruments that naturally put forward verticallandmarks within urban open space. It is closest to the panoramic view of anobserver inspecting an open space for visual cues of orientation andlandmarks.

EquidistantEquidistant projections respect vertical angles, which means that the radialdimensions within the circle are directly proportional to the visual heights inthe 3D world. Equidistant projections are needed for vertical anglevisualizations and comparisons.

GnomonicPerspective drawings can be considered as gnomonic projections. Gnomonicprojections transform great circle arcs of the sphere into lines in the projectionplane. The main weakness of this projection is that, mathematically, therepresentation is not bounded: points can be at any distance from theprojection centre.

IsoaireIn isoaire projections, areas projected onto the plane are proportional to solidangles on the sphere. This means that they can be used to compare the visualobstruction of two different elements from specific viewpoints on the site.

OrthogonalOrthogonal projections respect the view factor between an elementaryhorizontal surface located at the origin of the axes and any face of the 3Dmodel. This view factor can be directly measured as the ratio between theprojected polygon representing the face and the reference circle area. As theisotropic diffuse sky component of radiation reaching a point is directlyproportional to the sky view factor, it can be immediately visualized inorthogonal projections from the area of visible sky.

150 Environmental site layout planning

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Figure C1 Construction method of 5 spherical projections

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StereographicIn stereographic projections the angles of tangents are conserved afterprojection. A circle drawn on the sphere will thus be projected as a circle inthe plane. Lines crossing at right angles will be represented as curves crossingat right angles in the plane. Thus the visual aspects of 3D shapes are quite wellrespected by the projection.

Upside-down stereographicUpside-down stereographic projections are stereographic projections fromabove the open space with their pole oriented towards ground. It is a kind ofbird’s eye view, only spherical: dimensions decrease with distance from theopen space.

Urban air canopyThe space bounded by the city buildings up to their roofs.

Urban air domeThat portion of the planetary boundary layer whose characteristics areaffected by the presence of an urban area at its lower boundary. The ‘urban airdome’ extends above the roof tops, to about 2–3 times the building height.

Urban formAny identifiable geometrical shape of the urban environment can beconsidered as an urban form. In traditional European cities, urban form wascharacterized by two types of component: built elements on the one hand(blocks, monuments and so on) and, on the other hand, public open spaces orurban spaces.

Vertical sky componentRatio of that part of illuminance, at a point on a given vertical plane, that isreceived directly from a CIE Standard Overcast Sky, to illuminance on ahorizontal plane due to an unobstructed hemisphere of this sky.

View length (mean)Let F1, F2, ..., Fi, ..., Fn, be the visible faces of an urban environment observedfrom a specific point P. The solid angles subtended by these faces are S1, S2, ...,Si, ..., Sn and their distances from the point P are L1, L2, ..., Li, ..., Ln. The meanview length in the point P is equal to the mean value of the distances of thesefaces from the observer (Li), weighted according to their visual obstruction(Si). The mean view length is thus equal to:

Lm = Σi=1,n Si × Li / Σi=1,n Si metres.

The mean view length is representative of the mean distance from theobserver to surrounding faces. It is an absolute value, directly proportional tothe dimensions of the open space. In most simple configurations, this valuewould thus be equal to half the dimension of the space, but in complex urbanenvironments this is generally not true.

Working planeThe horizontal, vertical or inclined plane inside a building in which a visualtask lies. Normally the working plane may be taken to be horizontal, 0.85 mabove the floor in houses and factories, 0.7 m above the floor in offices.

Appendix C. Glossary 151

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About this Guide

Site layout planning for daylight and sunlight: a guide to good practiceP J LittlefairRef BR209 1991This book gives advice on site layout planning to achievegood sunlighting and daylighting both within buildings andin the open spaces between them.

Solar shading of buildingsP J LittlefairRef BR364 1999Careful choice of solar shading is required in buildings toallow good use of winter solar gain and daylightingwithout summer overheating. It may be needed to stop abuilding overheating, to prevent glare (particularly wherecomputer screens are used), or to provide privacy forbuilding occupants.

This BRE Report describes the commonly usedshading devices and some new developments. It givesthe advantages and disadvantages of each kind ofshading device, plus unique data setting out the lightingand thermal performance of each device in summer andwinter. A decision table is included to help find the bestsolution for a particular building application.

Also availablefrom BRE

The main objective of this book is to producecomprehensive design guidance on urban layout toensure good access to solar gain, daylighting andpassive cooling. Its aim is to enable designers toproduce comfortable, energy-efficient buildingssurrounded by pleasant outdoor spaces, within anurban context that minimizes energy consumptionand the effects of pollution.

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