The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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PAGE TWO A CLEVELAND PLAr DEALER SUNDAY EBRUARY 2 1930 Reputed Robber Reduced Prices on URNITURE at Our EBRUARY SALE GOING AROUND WORLD Pearls from the Persian Gulf An Aditorial By JAMES WALLEN tsViu cie i a in onse Since 1864 dcuJz STORES OPEN EVENINGS SUSPENDS RECIOR WEDDED BY PRIEST ALimAL CREDIT EXTENDED MIDDLE AGE IS GROWING GAYER DENIES SENDING POISONED CANDY MJ EVENING GOWNS AS BACKLESS AS BATHING SUITS Garrett Petro (inset) and the girl he says he married last De cember as they appeared yester day at Central Station following Petro's arrest in connection with a Missouri bank robbery Petro is 21 The girl booked for inves tigation as Mrs Louise Petro is 20 TWO STORES 10204 Superior Avenue 14900 Detroit Avenue Chicago Expert Mill Address En I glneering Society ranklin McMillan an author ity on cement and its use Tn con struction will speak before 400 mem bers of the Cleveland Engineering Society Wednesday evening in Car negie Hall McMillan director of research of the Portland Cement Association Chicago will discuss the "Life of Concrete" in all its phases Admis sion will be tickets palf Tired Business Men Turn to Colored Clothes CHICAGO eb Middle age is becoming gayer in its habiliments Youth is sobering down This is the observation emanating from the National Association of Merchant Tailors in session in Chi cago or example John Melangton an official of the association had this to say about the older men: "Chocolate browns bluish grays and silver greens are among the most popular colors with the middle aged business men this year ash ionable young men are wearing color ful materials too but in proportion the older men who are emulating the peaco*ck" Bishop Deposes Episcopal Who Insists He Will Retain Pulpit BEATTIE SONS 1Nco*kPOKATCP science Teacher at University School on babbatical Leave George Eberlein jr teacher of sci ence at University School will fill a long cherished desiro when he sails from San rancisco eb 14 for a trip around the world visiting the largest countries Eberlein has been on the staff at University School since 1920 and has earned a half year sabbatical leave He expects to stop in Germany on his return to visit friends and will arrive home early next summer to resume his duties at the school COLUMBUS 0 eb 1 (AP) Mrs Belle Kennedy of Bellaire pleaded not guilty when arraigned in ederal Court today to charges of mailing poisoned candy to her daugh ter in law Mrs Mary Adams Ken nedy last Aug 10 Judge Benson Hough set the date of Mrs trial for March 10 In ederal Court at Steu benville One hundred and twenty seven cases were called in Judge Hough's court today 87 of them Involving vio lations of the national prohibition act Seventy five defendants pleaded guilty and will be sentenced here eb 25 Except for ten defendants who were not present or whose cases were passed the others pleaded not guilty and their trial dates were set for eb 17 and 18 here A record number of 220 defendants were arraigned in two hours Out of the dark depths of the Indian Ocean and the sunstruck Persian Gulf come entrancing pearls eminine to the uttermost in color lustre and appeal they are today favored adornment Pearls in their highest state are shown in many forms in the Beattie Salon NEW YORK eb A Budapest dispatch to the New York Times today said Irene Palasty 1 widely known European actress was arrested by police as she left a Buda pest theater because members of the audience protested that her dress was too low in the back The actress explained that the eve ning dress was a widely known model by a Paris dressmaker Jeanne Lan vin Prey Wanted for 35 Rob bcrles Spares His Bride a Gun ight Paris Decrees rocks Wearer of One Arrested PARIS eb Evening frocks as backless as the newest bathing eults are among Parisian stylemakers' summer models which 1 American buyers will rush to the United States in the next few days to be copied in American workshops and to reappear on country club verandas The new decollete is not the mere vee which marked the frocks of the winter season but an opening eight to twelve inches wide at the waist line In order to keep in place the frocks which have a tendency to slip off narrow shoulders some of the gowns are designed with insets of a sun burn shade of chiffon which is the exact tint of sun tanned backs Some of the backless dresses have rudimentary capes but they are short affairs and are slit up through the center Stylists have christened them "beetle and prophesy a wide success for themamong young Americans Garrett Curley) Petro want Ml In JUnaaa City for 35 robberies 25 automobile thefts and the kid naping of a patrolman surrendered to Detective Sergeant Emil Ziegler veat rday morning after six squads Of police and detectives had sur rounded the house at 100 79th Street where ha had been Jiving with hi bride of two mouths Petro came to the door after Sergt Ziegler had pounded on the panels with the butt his revolver for nearlv five minutes Jerking the I door open suddenly Petro confront ea ziegier covering nim callbar automatic pistol Ziegler who was carrying a pump shotgun In his right hand trained the long barrel On Petro's chest and aafd "All right sonny Let's have the Spared Girl In Gun ight Petro handed the pistol to Ziegler "You he said "I'd have shot it out with you only I want to get my girl into trouble" 7 Louise Petro was still In bed when the detectives entered the house She and Petro were married earlv in December at Steubenville had been living at the 79th Street address since Dec 23 Petro is 21 his wife 20 Another 45 ca liber pistol the mate of the one Petro took to the door with him was found in the drawer of a dressing table in the bed room It was fully loaded with a cartridge in the firing chamber and the safety lock was down Petro and his wife were held for investigation and description and finger print classification wired to the Kansas City police Yester day afternoon an answer was re ceived from Kansas City: "Identifi cation positive Hold The information leading to arrest came from Kansas City at 3 a yesterday "Garrett Petro re ported living at 1700 79th Street Cleveland" the message read "Roy A Andreson and Beissel may be with him These men are danger ous and will shoot All wanted for bank robbery" Andreson and Beissel were arrest ed yesterday at Garnett Kan Ray Cochran ana James Aictscnron me other members of the Albert Green gang were taken in Kansris City a few hours later Green chief of the gang was ar rested at his home on Kansas City riday Under questioning he told where the other members of his gang might be found Green and Petro last December kidnaped Willcutt Kansas City motorcycle patrolman and forced him to accompany them on a aeries of police said Booked rday Petro gave his address as Kansas City His wife gave hers as Steubenville She said she had been married before and was the mother of a two year old child by the former marriage i Another suspected member of the Green gang was arrested yesterday in a rooming house on Wade Park Avenue but efforts to link him with Kansas City robberies failed Sergt Ziegler made the ar rest The suspect had a 45 caliberpistol in his room DAYTON Ky eb (APJ Rev Julius A Velasco 31 rector of St John's Episcopal Church here sus pended by Bishop II Almon Ab bott from exercising ministerial func tions in the Lexington diocese be cause he was married at Elliott City Md last Saturday by a Catholic priest today said the bishop has no right to ask him to resign Rev Mr Velasco said he will not resign and will continue to hold services at his church or will take steps to close the church "I have committed no he said have done nothing to jeopardize the ministry and have been guilty of no disgrace The Roman Catholic Church has as much right to marry a man as has any other church "Only the members of my congre gation can ask me to resign If they do so 1 muit grant their wish Bishop Abbott cannot suspend me because I have done nothing wrong" I Bishop Abbott announced Rev Mr Veiasco's suspension last night from Lexington Ky The bishop said the minister gave him an agreement "in black and white" three months ago that he was to resign if he did any thing to jeopordlze the church The clergyman was married last Saturday to Miss Catherine Rogers by ather Michael "Rev Mr Velasco does not know hat he is talking about when he says I cannot suspend him" Bishop Abbott said over long distance tele phone "He will be presented for trial be fore an ecclesiastical board and it will be but a matter of time until he is removed from the ministry" i BOSTWICK IS DIRECTOR Prosecutor and Johnson on Board of Geauga Printing Co Prosecutor Richard Bostwick of i Geauga County and Johnson the leading reformer who last year paid the expenses of a group of clergymen in an effort to stop racing at Bainbridge race track yesterday were named co directors of the Geauga Printing Co publish er of the Geauga Republican Johnson is an official of a Middle field bank and owner of the Ohio Pail Co Bostwick was frequently under pressure to stop racing at Bainbridge TALKS ON CEMENT WEDNESDAY Reputed Bridi Ik IK mi in In IrefeW Mwwl III nMJtCTWajftssnaL 1 4 CT I i Yn fl 4a I I I 4 OPEN GARDENS TO AMERICANS Irish Owners Agree to Join in Plan (1'laln Dealer Cable) DUBLIN eb The moat beau tiful gardens of the ree State will be opened to Americans this summer Aristocrats and wealthy citizens have joined an association in which they promise to share the beauties of their flowers and trees and their gar den walks with visitors and citizens Gardens famous in song and story in every part of Ireland are Included in the schema and among the great lords and ladles who have agreed to share their private heritages are the Earl of Meath at Kilruddery Mrs Lee Smith at Ballawlcy and the Walpoles at Ashford Bantry House and Odara Manor the latter ow ned by the Earl of Dun raven: the gardens at owned by the Earl of Grnnard at Kells by the Marquis of Headfort and at St Clontarf Dublin by Bishop Plunkett are all included tn the scheme The dowager Countess of Mayo is the organizer and she has arranged that a small charge be made to each visitor and shall be used to help the district nurses' fund NAB SON AS AMBER Officials Say Boy Confesses and Leads Officers to Hidden Money BOWLING GREEN Ky eb Carl Spillman 19 confessed today according to police that he participated In the robbery early thia morning of the bank of Rocky Hill Ky of which his father ia cashier and solo employe Young Spillman was charged with bank robbery and lodged in the Bowling Green Jail Spillman led officer to a hiding place In a rock pile later today andshowed them where he had hidden the money Approximately $3000 was taken from tho bank and young Spillman first told police that two men from Indianapolis had actually committed the crime but later he repudiated that statement and under a pile of reeks twenty miles north of here he pointed to where $21S5 lay concealed The boy's father Porter Spillman cashier and sole employe of the small bank hail reported to officer that shortly after he entered the bank nt 5 a today a masked iniin had forced hint with threats of death to givn up the money The boy arrested on suspicion first named two men officers declared ns having enticed him into the robbery but later declared he was nlnno Of ficers however said they would Cpn tinuo their investigation Heater Men to Meet The annual sales convention of the Brvnnt Heater Manufacturing Co ill bo held ut enway Hall Tucsdny to Thursday Tht ITALIAN RESTAURANT 4213 Euclid Ave SUNDAY DINNER S150 Srrifed rom 13 Noon to 9 Af Antipasto Cousomtue or Minestrone Spaghetti a Lucclonf Tork Tendorloln resh Mnshrooni Saties or Half ried Spring Chicken Sil Orittn Broccoli Iottnce 8ld rench Dressing Tie Pastry Sherbet Spuniono Coffee Tea Milk INDICTED AS MURDERER Xentiiehy Man Accused of Greenup County blajlng PORTSMOUTH eb (AP) Metzker 40 tenant farmer of Palmyra Ky was indicted by a Greenup County (Kentucky) grand jury today on ebargn of murder in connection with the slaying last Sun day of William Coffee 27 Coffee died In nn Ironton (0) hos pital from bullet wounds suffered when he wee nlleged to have been shot by Metzker who claimed that ('often was attempting to drive C' three Metzker frunj tttnlr home Superfluous Hair MoIm Wnrt and n(lur fnrtal blrmhhrs retnuvril wllh multiple rkrtrnhftlH ConiJillntlnn nnd llnoklti Ohio btata Mnllcnl Bonrd llCfllW MISS REESE 10110 Euclid Ae rhoua MAIn 8831 Hoorn Your cj es should have the best that can be produced in glasses (duality style and comfort aie essential fea tures The Strong Kennard Co 2044 East 8th Street Second loor Rose Bldf 412 United Bank Bldg Cor West 25lh and Lorain DEA Call for a free demonstration of the Xew rlconsticon 3The Idle Bros I Proiincijl sleeping room often makes a welcome contrast Of pine this has the rich color and interesting paneling of antique pieces Bed dresser and chest 5 13 87 5 The charm of a Normandy farm house is reflected in the 1 reneb Provincial grouping of hand carved beechwood at the right Table four chairs and china cabinet $12) ft MW a ttl ti feW 1 wa mW OfeJJL ii'A 4(10 sli wl 1 U'l ith I SiOJA II ra 'Itrnr 4 to al I'M A 1 lyWrwtl' It The Charming rovinciaJ urniture of Europe provides a new decorative note lor American homes OUR urniture Galleries have just received reproductions of rench English and Russian Provincial furniture It captures for American homes the charm of a Normandy farm house or an English country cottage Lt is especially desirable in combination with Early American designs It is new and smart in the fashion picture Rural Charm evived While our American colonies were being settled country craftsmen in Europe were copying often rather crudely and always in the native woods at their disposal the sophisticated furnishings of the palaces and town houses It is this type of furniture that is reproduced in this col lection unusual designs for sophisticated people who like unsophisticated things or Town or Country Sleeping room and dining room groupings are shown as well as occasional pieces for living rooms The original woods and crude finishes are reproduced in all their rural charm If you are interested in new trends in home deco ration we invite you to see our interesting displays which include both the Provincial furniture and the correct accessories to accompany it Displays of this new furniture will be found in our Galleries and Model Rooms on the ourth and ifth loors of the I Correct Accessories for Provincial Rooms Tole After the rench revolu tion when even the nobil ity had little money to spend inexpensive tin was painted to form decorative objects We offer repro ductions of this tole as it is called in lamps light ing fixtures vases and trays Reds greens and yellows predominate (Thiri loor Huron Pros pec! Building) Pottery Complete the Provincial table with amusing peas ant pottery We offer rench Quimper breakfast sets with soft backgrounds Other peas ant potteries include vases candlesticks pairs of deco rative jars and lamps They add notes of colo? (Third loor lluron Prospect Building) CLintz Chintz is just as correct for Provincial rooms as it is for those in Early American style We offer gay small patterns suitable for draperies and uphol stery There are also chintz and cretonne pillows with quaint ruffled edges some in quilted style (Third loor Huron Prosftet Building) Toile Toiles de Jouy were the most commonly used fab ric in all the Jess preten tious homes of rench provinces They arc still fashion right today for informal rooms in rural style Depicting quaint figures and scenes they form interesting back grounds as draperies (Third loor ilnron Building) loors form backgrounds for Provincial rooms sug gest plain carpetings in soft colors or linoleums in patterns copied from old tile floors As accents hooked rugs or Numdah rugs may be used both carrying out the crude quaint character of the furniture 1 (ourth loor Iluron Building) The Semi Annual Sale of urniture offers new designs as well as special prices in furniture for every room ourth ifth and Sixth loors Huron Prospect Building MU.

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The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


What happened to the Cleveland Plain dealer in 2013? ›

In August 2013, The Plain Dealer reduced home delivery from seven days a week to four: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. It continued to publish an edition seven days a week that is available in electronic form at, and in print at stores, newsracks and newsstands.

Where is the Cleveland Plain Dealer located? ›

Plain Dealer Publishing Co, 4800 Tiedeman Rd, Cleveland, OH - MapQuest.

Does The Plain Dealer still deliver? ›

Hundreds of thousands of copies of The Plain Dealer are delivered each week. The goal is to have newspapers to homes, coin-operated boxes and newsstands by 7 a.m. on weekdays, 8 a.m. on Saturdays and 8:30 a.m. on Sundays, come rain or shine, in most cases, before the crack of dawn!

Can I read The Plain Dealer online? ›

Q: Will I still be able to get daily news items, like obituaries and weather? Q: On which mobile devices does the e-edition work? A: You can access the e-edition through a browser on any device that has an Internet connection–tablet, smartphone, desktop, laptop–making The Plain Dealer easier to access than ever!

Is The Plain Dealer out of business? ›

CLEVELAND — The Plain Dealer as we know it is no more. Last week, 22 journalists were laid off. On Monday, the remaining 14 staff members with a few exceptions were told they could no longer cover Cleveland, Cuyahoga County or the state of Ohio.

What is the history of the Cleveland Plain dealer? ›

The Cleveland Plain Dealer was founded as a weekly newspaper on January 7, 1842 by Joseph Gray. By 1845 it had transitioned to an evening daily. Joseph Gray died in 1862, and his paper was controlled by a series of editors until Liberty Holden purchased the paper in 1885.

Who owns Cleveland Plain Dealer? ›

In April, Advance Local—which owns the Plain Dealer as well as, a non-unionized digital news operation—laid off twenty-two Plain Dealer staffers. (Advance positions as a separate media entity, though stories from both newsrooms have always appeared on the same site and print paper.)

How did the Cleveland Plain Dealer get its name? ›

1845. Its name was probably inspired by a former Jacksonian paper published in New York. Among its early staff members was CHAS. FARRAR BROWNE, who created the character "Artemus Ward." In the years leading up to the CIVIL WAR, the Plain Dealer was the local Democratic organ in a Republican city and region.

Who bought The Plain Dealer building? ›

One of those that submitted a bid was Industrial Commercial Properties/Cleveland Superior, LLC, which now owns the former Plain Dealer building.

How much is the Sunday Cleveland Plain Dealer? ›

The huge majority of people who read The Plain Dealer do so by subscribing, but people who buy the paper on newsstands will see higher prices starting Monday: $5 on Sundays and $3 the rest of the week. It's part of our continuing effort to sustain local journalism for the long term.

What days is The Plain Dealer printed? ›

Plain Dealer Publishing Co. provides content and publishes in print seven days a week. The company also provides production, distribution, finance, information technology, accounting and other support services for the Plain Dealer Publishing Co. and Advance Ohio.

What is the largest newspaper in Ohio? ›

Top 10 Ohio Daily Newspapers by Circulation
  1. The Plain Dealer. ...
  2. The Columbus Dispatch. ...
  3. The Cincinnati Enquirer. ...
  4. Dayton Daily News. ...
  5. Akron Beacon Journal. ...
  6. The Repository. ...
  7. 7. News Herald. ...
  8. The Vindicator.

How much is a subscription to the Cleveland Plain Dealer? ›

Just $10 a month. You will be charged monthly unless and until you cancel your subscription. You may cancel your subscription at any time by calling 216-999-6000 or by visiting Can I get a subscription with an introductory offer?

How much does an obituary cost in The Plain Dealer? ›

Placing an obituary in The Plain Dealer – Home Delivery starts at $269.95.

How do I contact the Cleveland Plain Dealer? ›

The Plain Dealer Production and Distribution Center 4800 Tiedeman Road Brooklyn, Ohio 44144 (216) 999-5000 or (800) 362-0727 Hours: 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

What happened to the Cleveland press? ›

Citing the depressed economy and consequent losses in advertising, however, Cole announced the paper's closing on 17 June 1982, and the final edition appeared that afternoon. The former Press plant was demolished to make room for the North Point office complex. View image at Cleveland Memory.

Why did Cleveland decline? ›

Many whites and middle class people continue to leave city life for suburban life. Even some of the closest suburbs such as East Cleveland are being brought down too. Much of the decline of Cleveland has to do with the deindustrialization of the city.

Who was Thomas Vail Cleveland Plain Dealer? ›

Vail (b. 1926), assumed personal direction of the Plain Dealer in 1963 as publisher and editor at the age of 36. Vail revitalized the Plain Dealer by hiring young reporters and supported more Democrats, giving the paper a vigorous non-partisan stance.


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Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Author information

Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.