Western Morning News from Plymouth, Devon, England (2024)

of 00. £20 SOHOOLROOM PIANO (00-OPERATIVE PRICE FOR CASE). Seven estures, Strong, Sound, and Substantial, Adapted for Hard Practice, Eco lilustration In Western Weekly News." PACKED FREE, AND FORWARDED. PRICE LISTS POST FREE. THOMAS OETZMANN AND 21.

BAKER-STREET, PORTMAN-SQUARE, LONDON, Births, Marriages, and Prathe. All announcements of Births, Marriages, and Deaths are rev arded as Advertisem*nts, and charged for at the rate of Sixpence for every Tea or Fraction of Ten Worde, The announcements should be br prepaid, authenticated by Post office Order or Halfpenny Stamps, and must by the siguature and address of the sender. of ELLIOTT. At 5. Westwell Plymouth, March 23, the wife Mr.

John Elliott, of a son. GRANT At 8, Somerset-terrace, Ford, March 22, the wife of David Grant, of a daughter. KELLY. At Old Park, Liskcard, Cornwall, March 23, the wife of B. B.

Kelly, of a daughter. MARRIAGE. WOOLMER. -At St Mark's Church, London, daughter of March Mr. 14, Mr.

Woolmer, G. R. Boyle, Bast to Margaret Mary, eldest Marglebone-road, of the late Mr. Herman 35, Saunders, of Starcross, and grandbourne-terrace, daughter DEATHS HAMBLY -At surviving son Barn-park, of the late Boscatle, Fran- is March Brown 22, Henry Albert, Treharrock, 81. Kew, Wadebridge aged 36 years.

The Hambly, Funeral will take, lace at 8t. Kew on Saturday nest, at Ore o'clock. villas, PaigntoD, March 23, Captain Stephen Hedge, Royal Navy, aged 85 years. WAITFORD. As 5, Bey rout-place, Stoke, March 19, Mary Whitford, aged 76 years.

At 33, Albina, road, Dublin, March 14, very deeply regretted, Eliza the dearly-beloved wife of LieutenantGeneral Westropp, and eldest daughter of the late Richard Spread, Limerick, of Ballycannon, county Cork, and Springdeld, county Auctions. THIS DAY. OKARDON and SONS are instructed by the ExecuCD FRIDAY, tors of 24th the late March, Admiral Bleven Mo re to SELL by AUCTION. Vie at o'clock, on the premises, No. and Mahogany orta-place, Drawing, the whole of bis super for Walnut Brussels and piecelo tape try planaforte, carpets, valuable fail-compass patent Dining, and Bedroom trichord noble by Collard and Collard, selected instrument: framed chimney glazed, glass in burnished gold frame, oll superior painting.

mantel and clocks in old books, about 1000z sliver plate, plated ancies, patent ormolu machine, cassa, cur jewellery. Sheffield shire diocer service, hall, passage, and staircase china, fittings, bed and sewing glass, otafferdtable lines, kitchen and cuiinary uten-ils, patent washing and mangling machine, gasilers, gas brackets and Venetian blinds throughout the house, dresser and shelves, and other effects. On Furtber view the par feulars in of printed bills and catalogues. merning sale. The Desirable HOUSE to be LET, with immediate possession.

THIS DAY. Important Sale of Carriages, Materials, and Effeata. MURCH. and JACKSON are instructed (declining AUCTION, the at the Piymouth Factory, branch of their road, and business), to BELL by by Messrs. Standfeld and Crosse, Coach Builders, Breter THURSDAY and Station- Union-street.

Pie mouth, on day FRIDAY, March 3rd and 24th, 1876, SECOND each at Twelve o'clock, the Stock of NeW and HAND bandsome CARRIAGES and MATERIALS, com built, a superior new four-wheel dogeurt of spider modern construction, well prising a Dew four-wheel taodsome new tour-wheel Parisian sortable, under a splendid four side-light Elcho carriage, a four- wheel cab pose too, with bead, la excellent condition, cob sise: several drat class seccod-hand carriages, Including ruler cab phaeton, phaetena side with beade, two landaulette broughams, -pider brougham, several untinished light wagonette to carry six behind. Sc and carriages. Laces, bui carriage clutha, rep. canvas, trimmings, quantity of coach dera' ironmongery, axles, springs, wheels. well-seasoned 150 seb plank, dozen mahogauy, white wood, and other panel boards, about wet seasoned oak spokes, dry wheel stocks, and the asual view requtrementa of a large coach bullder', estabiisb ment.

On the morning of sale The carriages will be sold the first day: the materials second day. the further Descriptive particulars catalogues may will be obtalmed ready on on nest, and Auctioneers. application to the or Dated Mr. Plymouth J. B.

Liskeard, DAWS, 8, March Unlon-terrace, Plymouth, and 14th, 1876. TNREDEEMED THIS and lag Evenings, at o'clock, as the Mercantile vale Roome, 6, Cornwall-street, mouth. WOOLLAND and SON, Auctior eers. Bortridge Barton, Horrabridge, about one mile from the Horratridge Railway Station MR. TION, R.

on MONDAY, GLANVILLE the 27th will day of SELL March, by 1876. at AUC. the above nan ed Barton, the undermentioned LIVE and viz STOCK, the double property of Mr. John E. Giles, quitting the estate, and single couples of ewes and lambs, 6 cows in two milk and in calf, 3 3 heifers in calf, 6 steers ant bel ers coming years old: steers and heifers, twelve mouths old: 3 heifer calves, 1 superior bay cart mare, coming seven gears old, quiet, staunch, and sound la every respect; 1 excellent cart colt, coming four sears old; 1 young breeding sow, quantity of poultry, sheepdog.

I carts, market -Mowing machine, by Woods. nearly new: Implemente, trap and harness, several sets of shaft and foreberse barness, ploughing barness, saddle and bridle, 2 Iron plougba, iron harrow. 2 wood harrows, chain harrow, st ne roller, scarifier, 2 ladders, grindstone, winnowing machine, about de, dozen old from. hurdles, 2 ricks arish of and wood, other 2 rakes, prongs, forks, mattocks, sheep racks, bay knives, bullock tubs, wheelbarrow, 4 bog of cider, with the casks: about 20 bags of poratoes, large kitchen table and form, 4ft. cooking stove, aud sundry other articles.

Retreat meats at one o' elock. Bale to mme ce at Two o'clock p.m. Dated Westml ter Fire Utfice, Horrabridge, 14th March, 1578. March 29th, 1876. -Stamping Machinery and Materials, for Sale.

H. strong Farm, NEWTON, Camborne. Auctioneer, is instructed Valuer, to by LOUTION, ON WEDNESDAY, the 29th instant, at Two o'elosk the afternoon precisele, at New Rosewarne Mine, in the parish of Guinear, the following spar- MACHINBRY AND MATERIALS, an almost new Paeumatic Stampa, 2 coffers, with two hearts in each coffer; engine and gear, two ex ituders, and one boiler and very 160 fans. strong 12 by Messrs. Harvey of Bayle.

and launders. 360 tms, of battens, in good condition 130 fms. 9, 7, and S-inch taunders, 2 largo wood houses, to One condition: 69 square of excellent flouring and beardinga, 2 waterwheels, with stands and driving gear: 2 Borlase a revolving buddies and frames, 10 centre-head buddies 34 wood strips, 24 ft. long: 116 frames, with laundes, wood coffers, 12 8 ditto, 7 and 2 ditto, 20 ft. long; 8 tin Nieves, I cistern, de, To view the above, apply to the Agent on the and any further information may be obtained on application' to Jous WATSON, 9.

Graceehurch-street, London; Ca, tain Pool, Illogan: or to the Auctioneer, Dated Camborne, March 10th, 1870. 2300 Annual Rare Opportunity for Investment. be SOLD by AUCTION, at the Star Hotel, Belston, on 29th instant Lot 1 The Fre hold DW LLING HOUSE, Spacious SHOP, WAREHOU-EB, and PREMINES. in Helston, occupied by Mr. Heyres, Grecer, under a repairing lease for 21 years from mas, 1873, at the low rent of 2134 108.

Lot The Freehold DWELLING-BOUSE, Large Draper's SHOP, WARB-ROOMS and PREMISES adjoining Lot 1. occupied by Mr. Vale, under a repairing lease for 21 gears from Christmas, 1873, low rent of 28. 108. -About £2,000 have recently been expended by landlords and tenanta.

Lot 3. -The Freehold DWELLING-HOUSE sad PREMISES, In Colaagehall-street, Helaton, occupied by Messrs. Julian yearly tenants. Lot 4. -Pive Leasehold COTTAGES, near the Lower Green, Hel-top.

For further particulars apply to ROGERS and SON, Solicitors, Helston: OF N. T. TRENGROUSE, Auctioneer. Dated 7th March, 1876. the same time and place will be SOLD an excellent small CHAMBER ORGAN, suitable for a dining room or a moderate Hue chapel: it has handsome mabogany case, cont 5 stops, to height, 2 feet ons, 10 laches principal, in width, and 6j feet in 6fteenth: length.

8 vir. 4 die pa: and it is feet This organ was br tit for a private goutieman, and has been taken S.B great care of, so that it la in excellent preservation. -The or gen may be viewed at the premises occupled by the Mersre Julian, being lot 3. TR. KINSMAN will SELL by AUCTION, on 8th dav of April, 1870, at Terras Dear Gram pound Road, the MACHINERY and PLANT thereon.

closing a Su inch engine and 12 ton Corniab boiler, two bead stamp axles, with stamps Ax d. one ditto without stamps, round buddies, bevel gearing. and nsual plant of tia, drewing floors, timber, tram wagon rails, and wood houses la good condition. Sale at Eleven o'clock, For further particulars apply at the Auctioneer's Office, St. Austell.

Coppice and Timber, Leasings, Alder, and Ash. ME ESSRS. AUCTION, at the SAWDYE Run Ion, and SON Buckfastleigh. will on SELL by 8th COPPICE April, at and Four 175 o'clock in the afternoon, about 11 acres of OAK OAK TREES, now standing and lying in King wood and Brook Woods. The above compice is fine and of good quality.

The oak timber la very prime and hearty, most of it being of long lengths, and comprises both plank logs and framing timbers; all well situated and easy for removal, and within three miles of the Buckfastleigh Railway Station. Al the lots are numbered with white paint. Refrestiments on the table at Three o'e'ock. A charge of two shillings will be made to all persons entering the room, to be returned to purchasers. The lots mar be 8400 on to Mr.

WA. FOSTER, the Wo or to Mr. CHAS. MAUNDER, Carpenter, Brook and any further Information may be obtained from the Ano tioneere; or of Mr. MICE ELMORE, Land Agrat, Berry, Tones.

15th March, 1876. EVON AND EXETER HORSE BAZAAR For the Sale af Horses, Carriages, Harness, ESTABLISHED on 1820 Commission PARIS-STREE, EXETER, diliy, and by Auction every Friday, commencing at Half -past PADRIOR and BRICE, Proprietors, For A built Lady having LANDAU, no and further usefnl, use good for her looking light, HORSE, wellHARN 684, wishes to DISPO OF the whole. To be seen any morning before tweive at Grist's Rising School, Babbicombe road, Torquay. N' For PALE, to Bootmakers, REWING Tailors, MACHINES, and including Dressmakers. one arm machi serond-hand and new.

in good condition, lock stitch.H. Prideanx, Camborne, agent for Bradbury's celebrated sewing machlera. SCOTCH POTATOES. -Now arrived, after short passage ADd days, Pelme Cargo ROCKS, REGENTS. for either seed or table.

-Holman and Davy, Vauzhall-street, Plymoutb. FOR MONICA, SALE, by splendid toned rosewood HAR. Christophe, nearly Low, eleven stops, knee pedal. Inspection invited. -Apply Schoolmaster, 8t.

Ive, Liskeard. A handsome sound, Chestnut quiet to ride GELDING, and drive, 15-1 and high, rising Apply to Mr. Thomas, Veteriaary Burgeon, Plymonth. TOW DISCHARGING, ex Charm, a prime cargo of SCOTCH POTATOES, Victorias, Rocks, and Regent, suitable for seed or cooking purposes. for price, apply George Sara, Malpas-road, Truro.


British containing over 80 per cent, of phosphate of lime. -Apply and Irish Sugar Refining Company, Limited, Ply mouth. TOR SALE, WAGONETTE, with shifting head. Carries six inside. Patent break.

Poles, shafts, and lamps complete. La good condition. -Apply to M. A. Pearce, Scorrier, Cornwall.

FOR SALE, bargain, Hooded PHAETON, piete, and with Co. Germa a abutters, lamps, etc. -Apply FOR SALE, for very commercial cheap, a Four -wheel DOGCART, suitable or posting. -May and Liskeard. FOR SALE, PARK PHAETON, Ta good condiBuilder, tion, to be sold bargain.

-Apply A. GreeD, Conch 8t. Austell. FOR ditton, SALE, to be BOLD SIAMESE PHAETON, in good confor it. -Apply B.

co*ckerm, cheap, Uplande, as owner Tamerton. has no fartber use SHORTHORN BULL, J. di pure bred. For pedigree 0. me, Grimstone, Horrabridge, CHALLENGE POULTRY FOOD, Pearson'e, 14, used Old at Town- the street, Piymoutb.

FOR SALTER PORy almost PHAETON, and John double Lodgers, set Lausanne, Tel Tone. FOR months SALE, -Apply cheap, Two Sparkwell, SPANIEL Piympion, PUPS, Ave FOR stantly SALE, a lady. handsome -Apply Dr. PONY, Davia, Towey, been driven con- The No. 5,051.

r. Registered Transmission For Sale. TOR STEAM SALE, ENGINE, one Second hand 3A.P. Vertical wat in first-class with governors, feed-pump, and 10 b.p. Steam condition, equal to new.

Also one good condition, has been thoroughly repaired, dome and and all Attings, in BOILER, with per square inch, tested to suiba. One Second-hand Egg-ended condition, and equal to Bolbe, Steam per equare BOILER, luch. 15ft. by tu good dition. One Second-hand 5 b.p.

Vertical Steam BOILER, in good conTwo diameter. New Vertical Steam BOILERS, 7ft. Sin. bigh by aft. One diameter, New Vertical Steam BOILER, 6ft.

Gin. high by 2ft. 9in. One ditto, ditto, Sft. bigh by 1ft.

10io, diameter. safety valve, Second-hand Steam BOILER, with One in first-class condition, 150lbs. dome and inch, Sit. by 21t. diameter, equal to per square One Second-hand MORTAR MILL, 6ft.

condition. revolving pan, in good New BRICK PRE88, equal to Que day. press about 3,000 bricks per One WATER WHEEL, 12ft. diameter wrought trou shaft, by 2ft. Gia.

wide, nearly equal to new. Two Pair of FRENCH BUN STONE.B, with all class abafts, condition. bearings, for grinding by water- power, in first- in gear, wheels, on Sale PORTABLE ENGINES, SAW TABLES, and PUMPS or Hire. always Apply to POLYBLANK co, ENGINEERS AND BOILER MAKERS, NEWTON ABBOT AND DARTMOUTH. CHIPCHANDLERING AND AND BLOCKMAKING be disp sed of, by PREMISES PRIVATE in CONTRACT, all that for be Freehold Quay.

Dwelling house, Shop, Stores, and for many gears past Premises, in the situate at and new Jon of Mr. George if. charles, the occupathe Also, Ship the whole or part of the Stock In- Trade proprietor. and Blockmaking Business, whteh connected has with successfully carried ow therein for upwards of 70 years, but more bee: To especially treat by for the present proprietor for the last 19 ears Proprietor: or 10 same, and for other particulars, apply to the Mr. W.

HOSKEN RICHARD3, Auctioneer, Dated litt February, 1876. 54 and 55, Causewaybend, Pearance. TWO-FEEDER WHARFEDALE PRINTING MACHINE. WILL PRINT ANY SIZE NEWSPAPER. FOR SALE, a bargain, a large TWO FEEDER WHARFEDALE PRINTING MACHINE, Payne, of Otley.

Pitted with patent Byers. Will print a a a a a sheet 65 inches, and any stee below this. Is in first-class by Can be seen AT WORK at the Western condition. on Morning News Office, Plymouth, any Thursday or Friday during the next few te EDWARD HAWKINGS, Manager Western Morning News, Plymouth. DAIR PONIES, complete, the CARRIAGE and HARNESS for pontes BALE, Grey, 14 bands, property fast, of a and lady leaving Devon, drive: carriage, very light and elegant, by bees quiet London to ride builder, or with break, foot warmer, complete, and shafts: all ver-plate1 harness, Price for the lot, fitted 80 with guineas.

pole and quiet bay COB, 14 b. 1 inch, rising 6 perfectly sound Also a accustomed years, and and by to the carriage and saddle. Pel 435 May be seen 46, -street, appolatment. Turquay. -Address Messrs.

Edwards and Son, FOR bred SALE, Guernsey Harness and Saddlery; bandsome third calf: Pure- Cow, Querusey to Heifer; calve early in May, rough Bernard very fine Dog and Bitch, St. breed, a sear old, geatle with Garden Barness Frame, property Saddle: of Officer young removing Fowls: Aglesbury Address Ducks; children: Donkey, and Cart, both strong and serviceable: Cameron, Bull Point, from Northerner Captain every hour. variety of PRUIT TREES, healthy stock of every FOR SALE, large and Flowering Trees, and Shrubs, American Forest Planta, Trees, Roses, Evergreen Climbing and 8 and Rock Piante, Stove and Greenhouse Plants, a albs, new and description. genuine Agricultural, Garden, and Plower Beeds imported Dutch Rowiter, every Nursery and Seedsman, -Catalogues free on application to W. Paiguton.

A following First-class dimensions: Decked SAILING tuft. BARGE breadth, of the depth of hold, 4ft. 75-10: and will carry about tons, in all crustant kinda; use has carrying sails, Inaf sugars, groceries, and perishables of description. suitable for masts, and gear of the stow best any trate, with good hatches, tarapply to George and Pol a goo ard, 1 Steam small BOAT Parket -For further particulars Office, Bideford. SURPLUS STOCK GOODS.five-drawer Beveral cabinet, hundred four cases Chinese packed as bamboo below: -One Banyan two fans, one work basketa, worked china terra-cotta one teapot (email size), three small wickerbowls, and round apple x.

Sample case sent OD P.0.0. 10a. -John Burton, Merchant, Falmouth. FOR 12 YACHT SYREN, Afty fathom tins, well found. with sails, stores, two anchore, and Gr-at of rope cable.

and ready for sea. Lying at the Devonport. Western Docks, Plymouth -1. Bainsselin, Auctioneer, FOR polished case, HARMONIUM, 13 stops, oak, or village church. A releuted bargain.

-Charles instrument, James sultable for large room Hou Union street, Plymouth. Uctagon 'THE PLYMOUTH COOPERATIVE SOCIETY have pow discharging at Suttou Wharf, of good LIVERPOOL HOUSE COAL, 21s. ex Isabella, Cargo at per Ton. Order early. MANGOLDS (yellow globe) delivered £1 ton, REED and -Apply Philp and Co, Auctioneers." FOR SALE, One-horse power Saltash.

ENGINE, and Boiler combined. -Apply Post-office, Exchanges Stylish PHAETONS and Tavistock-road. others, in variety. Megrick, To be Sold or Tet. be LET.

or SOLD, two Bemi-detached VILLAS, with large Gardens. Can be converted into one bonse To De LET, or BOLD, No. 2, TOR'S PARK, with of lawn, containing fourteen rooms, kitchens, and quarter acre venience for a genteel family, near the sea, churches, every con- and station. To be LET, Part of a HOUSE. with sea view: ten kitebens, well calculated for lodgings, rooms, LANGDON, BARNETT, and LANGDON, Solicitors and Notaries, Ilfracombe.

DAY VILLA To BORGHE-E, be LET a or desirable Sold. the residence, with Fee-simple sea view, conte bing double drawing-room and dining-room, with bay three-stall windows la stable, each, library, coach-house, 10 bedrooms, and convenient offices about acre of pleasure ground, with a conservatory and room beated over: with hot water pipes For parti ulars and to view, apply to Brothers, 30, Torwood or to Tapper and Harvey Sons, House Agents, Dawlish and Telgameath, po be SOLD or LET, FAMILY for a term, a comfortable WOOD FREEHOLD RES.DBSCE, known as detarbed PARK, Anderton, near Devonport, comprising three sitting-rooms, seven bedrooms, w.c., kitchen, store closet, detached washhouse and larder, back yard conch-house, stables, cow-bouse, piggery, front and back gardens well ke. -For further particulars apply to the Proprietor, on the premises. Tenders. FOR 00P.

SALE ICE, in by the TENDER, isties St. 101 Gluvias Acres of Just OAK and 8t, in Roseiand, Cornwall, COSAWES WOOD, ST. GLUFIAS. Lot About acre. 3.

IN TOLCAUSE WOOD, ST. JUST. Lest 3l aces (more or less). for further particulars, and to see conditions of sale, apply to To WM. SMALE, Carclew, Perranarworthal, whom tenders should be seat on or before Baturday, 8th April next.

The owner will not bind himself to accept any tender. Dated March 14tb, 1676. TO BUILDERS AND OTHERS. PERSONS willing to undertake the ERECTION of a NEW LODGE at BLFORDLE GA, PLYMPTON, can see Plans and Specifications, and obiein all particulars upon application, of Mr. A.

Clifton, the Architect. of George-place Offices, Ply. mouth, on or after Saturday, the 25th. The Trustees of the said Estate do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any TENDEN, Sealed tenders to be forwarded to the Architect's Uffice, on or before 4th April, 1876. MARM to LET TENEMENT.

Gaverigan, St. Columb, ahout 28 acrve and 1876. rights of For pasture, for seven or fourteen gears from Lady-day, Tenders received to 27th March. Owners may decine bighest or conditions, apply to H. O.

Remfry, Truro. any tender. NO TENDERS are invited for the OFFICES ERECTION of STABLER, CARRIAGE-HOUSES, and The at Motherembe, Devon, for John Bulteel, Beq drawings, sp cifeations, and conditions may be seen at the Offices of the undersigned, 3, ALFRED Buckland-terrace, Ply mouth, NORMAN, Architect. 6th March, 1876, To be Let. ITH immediate possession, ELLESMERE, Paignton, Detached VILLA; three reception, five bedrooms, attic.

coach-house, stable, manservant's bedroom, with unking-room over. every convenient office, well gas laid on, good water, kitchen, flower Rent and wall gardens, stocked, about three-quarters acre 855. -To view, apply Mr. Langler, House Decorator, Paignton. -To LET.

Furnished, with immediate possession, gentsel DETACHED FILLS, well furnished, containing six bedrooms and dres-ing-room, three receptionrooms. ki chen, scullery, cellare, coach-house, and stabling. -For rurticulare, apply to Mr. T. K.

Tozer, Auctioneer and House A cent, Paignton, Devon. LET, with immediate possession, toge ber or separately, a four-roomed COTTAGE and large walled garden in firet-rate order, with out-buildings; situation close to the Rallway Station. to Willlamn Littleton, Burgeon. 8 TAMAR view, to TERRACE be LET, Stoke, Furnished, facing until the park, Midsummer, delarge garden, greenhouse, and stabling for two horses. Conchhouse, Good water supply; excellent drainage.

-Apply Mr. Haineselin, House Agent, 1, 8t. Devenport. -CLASS PUBLIC HOUSE to LET, central position, Plymouth, with large counter, Business one of the best; rooms adjoining. Price For particulars, apply to Mr.

Millar, 2, Mount-street, Plymouth, be LET, with immediate possession if required, a Full-licensed POBLIC HOUSE, with white ale brewery attached. Present Anchor tenant retir ug from particulars, enquire at the Brewery, stonehouse. CORNW be LET, HOUSE, comfortably furnished, overlooking Mount's Bay, with or withont Apply Mr. Rowe, Carpenter, Marazion. CAN Michaelmas, Three sitting-rooms, RESIDENCE four to bedrooms, LET dressing stable.

room good repair, plea ant garden, carriage house, and -Apply to Mrs. Langon, or Mr. Budge, Camborne. ARGE STORE and Ten ROOMS at the BuckLET land Hall, whole near or in the parts, Railway at Plymouth, D. to be Northey, Auctioneer and House Agent, Stonehouse.

low rents. -Apply to A Detached Furnished HOUSE to LET. Rent, 8160. Rooms servants' consisting of three reception, Ave bedrooms, one dressing, -Address rooms, and conservatory. Near the college.

Ferndale, Westward Ho! N. Devon. A Well-furnished HOUSE in Windsor-terrace (facing the Hoe), to be LET, for the summer months. Apply to Messrs. Skardon and Sons, Auctioneers, Bedford -street, Plymouth.

NO LET, No. 2, TORR- VILLAS. Watts Tavistock. Drawing, dining, breakfast, and six bedrooms. -Apply Mr.

Wm. Mathews, Tavistock. TO LET, HOUSE in Mount Edgeum be-terrace, to Messrs. Rooker, Matthews, and Harrison, Soileitors, Plymouth. HOUSE to LET, Immediate 7, CL possession.

-Apply J. Harvey, R.N., 2, place. TO be Milliners, LET, with Dressmaking, immediate and FANCY possession, DRAPERY Genteel BUBIMrs Lees, Mins Wills'e, Fore-street, Chudleigh. HOUSE (Free), in Union-street. coming £400, £100 of which may remain if desired.

dress 15, Morning News. TWO OFFICES in Chambers. Apply Ply. mouth Great Western Dock Office. Western for Abroad.

PLYMOUTH, To be Tet. SOUTH called Green Park, and Small Farm, LET, from Lady day next, near a King comfortable wear and RESIDENCE Dartmouth. and be SS acres of excellent LAND, with FARM BULLDING8. with Tue house convenleat contains offices dining tive and drawing-rooms, kitchen, and bedrooms. The land consists of about pasture, and the remainder superior 91 acres of and useful tarlev meadow soll.

The and whole pation. forms It a most compact, attractive. is only about balf distant convealent occuand having Railway a south Station, and the residence is most pleasantiy situated, from Kingswear Dartmouth Harbour aspect, and and the English commanding Channel. beautiful views of the For further particulars and terms apply to Mr. J.

PADDON, Kingswear, Dartmouth. DRINCE HALL, near Two Bridges, Dartmoor HALL, To be together LET, at Midsummer, the MANSION with one or more of thesmaller fields, of and PRINCE right of fishing and in about other outbuilding as may be required, and much stabiing two miles of the West Dart, which winds the over through the the whole middle of the of land, the about property, 372 and the right of shooting aspect of the house, and acres From the southern elevation (being 1,000 feet the above beauty the of sen), the furnished scenery, and lodgings the the during frat the instauce summer by months letter to would the probably proprietor, Dr. answer well. -Apply Torquey. BURRATOR, Lady day next, for such be term LET, with Agreed Devon, on, contalaing BURRATOR 3 HOUSE, situate kitchen, in the pantry, parish of as Sheepstor, a bedrooms, coach-house, w.c., with There is good stabilag for three horses scullery, It is situated groom's room over, and about six acres of ground, grounds, and on the borders of the moor, within its close to the church, with good fishing and shooting own desired.

about -For :00 further acres. More laud can be rented with the house 1 Brentor, Bridestow, Tavistock. particulars apply to Ward and Chowen, or Addrezara. DEPRESSED STATE MARKEr. OF THE COTTON BOOLDS AND COMPANY, GEORGE STREET, PLY UT H.

Have secured some Large and Advantageous Purchases to MANCHESTER GOODS, CONSISTING OF CALICOS, SHEETINGS, LINEN AND COTTON TICKS, TABLE LINEN, TaB LOWEST PRIOES FOR TWENTY YEARS. BUYERS ARB ADVISED TO BUY NOW. DERMANENT PHOTOGRAPHS. THE PATENT CHROMOTYPE. HEATH BULLINGHAM much pleasure in anpouncing that they have Have from the Patentees the RIGHT TO CSE THIS VALUABLE secured of the INVENTION, Work which and that they they prepared to exhibit Specimens are producing.

To three they invite attention, being confident that and durability must command a large share of patronage. their beauty 24, GEORGE STREET, PLY MOUTH. SPEARMAN SPEARMAN, GEORGE STREET, PLY MOUTH. BLACK SILKS WOVEN BY HAND. WEAR POSITIVELY GUARANTEED.

QUANTITY FRESH FROM THE LOOMS TO SELECT FROM. HAND WOVEN Per Yard, A Medium Weighted Silk, with Coloured Cannalle Bilge, Bright and Useful. HAND WOVEN Per Yard. Heavier Cord than the former, yet not weighty as to interfere with sterling quality. HAND WOVEN Per Yard, A Bilk woven from the Finest Yarns, which are carefully in Pure and Unloaded Dyes, PATTERNS SENT.


PIANO. Carriage Free to any Railway Station England. FORTES 16 16, GEORGE STREET GEORGE-STREET, PLYMOUTH GOLD AND GUARDS ALBERTS WATCH (Guaranteed), soid at Less than their WEIGHT IN BOVERSIGNE. CLUB. Particulars, Patterns, So, on receipt Weekly Babseription MONK.

ef stamp. 1s. or 2a. 6d. JEWELLER.

26, FRANKPORT PLYMOUTE. PLYMOUTH. BRIO HANDKERCHIEFS. BURNARD AND IVEY are offering at special prices HEMMED and HEMSTITCH CAM BRI: HANDKERCHIEFS, frem to per dozen, Linen and Muslin Collars and Cuffs, the new shapes for the Season. ILKS! DRESS MANTLES! PANCE GOODS terns of DEBENHAM their NEW and SPRING FREBBODY DRESS invite ladies to write for patMATERIALS, and also for photographs of their New Models in Bilk and Fancy Texture Costames, Mantles, which are forwarded post free.

for Their the stock is at very the large, lowest and read includes every approved novelty is organised with experienced assistants soley price. for the execution department of season, orders by post. CAVENDISH HOUSE, CHELTENHAM, DERMANENT PHOTOGRAPHS. PATENT CHROMOTYPE. MR.

JOHN HAWKE Begs to announce that be has PURCHASED THE RIGHT OF WORKING the above Process. on View at the Reception-room, GEORGE STREET, PLYMOUTH. 8 TABLISHED IN 1848. JULIA DOBLE, NO. 3, GEORGE STREET, PLYMOUTH.

(Opposite the Globe Hotel.) MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING ESTABLISHMENT. DOXES, BOXES, BE Boxes, of Jewellery, Drapery, descriptione, ineluding Wedding Glove, Cake Stay, Boot, made Boap, Fancy and Boxes, at shortest North notice, and Devon. the lowest prices, at the Box Factory, Torrington, COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF MEAT. Finest Meat-flavouring Stock Genuine for Soups, Made-Dishes of Baron Liebig's signature across Label. and, Sauces.

ONLY with facsimile FOLLOWAT'S feel PILLS. Nervous Debility. Persons serious who weak, low, and nervous, may assured some ailment is looming in the distance, Agatast which instant setion should be taken. Holloway's Pilla the ready means of exciting energetie action on the liver, ting accumulated bile, and at once a load from the and ling a poison from the body. This simple and natural method of remedying the first tendency to disease all gives and insures future asfety.

The pale, and losing should try other these Pille, functions which are especially useful when the digestive or are perfectly performed, and demand immediate correction, or in after years neither mind nor body will be well developed, STIFFS STARCH. STIFFS STARCH. Trade Mark-" Queen TIFF'S STAROH. One trial of this beautiful Starch will prove its superiority. STIFFS STARCH.

Sold by Grocers, Druggists, and Olmen, and Wholesale Redelth-street, Bristol. LUXURIANT WHISKERS MOUSTACHES. Positively Forced to Grow heavily in Six Weeks by FOX'S NOTED FORMULA. Thousands can testify to the same. sure Remedy for Baldness.

Harmless to the Skin. stamps. Mr. JOHN FOX, Cheshire. name and valled address, Beware of delusive advertisem*nts, renty unri ewecers.

Morning 24. 1876. Addresses. ARMY 8 AND GENERAL STA ION 8 LiB, BEDFORD STREET, PLY MOUTH. KEYS KEYS BON 8 for Notepaper and Envelopes, KEYS SON'8 BON'8 for Stationery Cases and Blotting Books.

KEYS for Purses and Ladies' Bage, 80N'8 for Portrait Albums and Scrap Books, Relief Stamping CIRCULATING In LIBRARY, open bundred. to terribers. no charge. co'our, is. per Plain 8 amping, ARTISTS' MATERIAL H.

M. HARRIS', 179, UNION STREET, PLYMOUTH. WILLIAM BRENDON AND SON Beg to announce that they have just received a large stock of Ladies' Bags in various styles. The new Blue Morocco, with Silver, is Glit, or Oxydised well Frames to the various disea. the stock all new and W.


Education. A vacancy TRADESMAN'S in good boarding DAUGHTER school on wanted mutual to 611 Address R. Western Morning News Office, Newton Abbot. RMY AND NAVY DIRECT EXAMINATI NE. of Mr.

guaranteed. -Por terms, apply to Chaplain, care Pass Thomas Dodge, Bookseller, Plymouth. NWO BOYS under 12 years can be RECEIVED by 4 clergyman. Sound education, especial attention to terms, apply to the Vicar of Devoran, Cornwall. experienced TRACHER of and Freehand Drawing, Painting, Mathematics, Newton has time disengaged.

-Edward Broom, Woodstock, Abbot, S. OLLIVER, pupil of Signor Singing, Vaschetti, will give in Italian and English at Newton, Torquay, and Plymouth. -For terms and particulars apply to Mrs. Olliver, 4, Landown-place, Dawlish, in FTER Easter ladies' there school will in be TWO VACANCIES foreign a select Devon. Resident English and governesses.

prepared for inations. The principal would receive two young ladies on very moderate Address 1, office of Western Morning News. THE MANSION, SLATER continues to RECEIVE a select number of YOUNG La DIES as resident pupils. She Is assisted by resident English and French governesses, and by superice visiting masters. The next term will commence April 27th.

DANCING: Adult W. Ladies H. and WESTCOTT Gentlemen for continues Private Instruction in the Valse Trots Temps, Lancers, at his house every day. Five lessons a Guinea: two lessons, 000 lesson, 1s. Prin eess-place, Plymouth.

BELMONT conducted HOUSE, by the MISSES EXMOUTH. REDWAY Ladies and HONEY. Pupils prepared for the College of Preceptors' Examications. The ensuing quarter will commence OD THURSDAY, April 6th, 1876. MOORLAND HOUSE.

SCHOOL, ST. AUSTELL. Conducted by the the MIS-ES ANDREW, assisted by a Realdent Governess, Vieiting Masters, and a Foreign Governess for the Modern Languages. The ensuing Term will Commence on MONDAY, March 27th. PLYMPTON GRAMMAR SCHOOL.

C. H. CROOKE, M.A., Prizeman of St. John's College, Cambridge, late Head- Master of King Alfred's Grammar School, Wantage. field, Every Pupils accommodation for boarders, with bath-room and Pubile Schools, and Government Offices.

are thoroughly prepared for the Universities, THE pupils, REV. can J. receive E. THREE WHITE, more at B.A., Haster, to having prepare two for the Former public schools and other examinations. Great experience.

pupils have done exceedingly well at Harrow, tc. The rectory (six miles from Saltasb) is large: ample grounds; bracing air. For terms, references to parents of present and former pupils, address Pillaton Rectory, St. Mellion, Corn wall. ALFRED Music, J.

ELLIOTT, from the Royal Academy of London, receives PUPILS for the Plano, Organ, Harmonium, and Singing, en the following terms per two ditto quarter, Lessons per week, of one hour each, 23 20 viz. -Two of three-quarters of an hour each, el 11e 6d; two ditto half-an-bour each, 21 6s. Mrs. Elliott also receives Pupils for the piano and singing at half the above charges--Address 21, Portland Square, Piymouth. TEWTON COLLEGE, SOUTH DEVON.

BOR EXAMINATION, One of £30, one of £25, one of 220. APRIL 1178. Apply to Head Master, Rev. G. TOWNSEND WARNER, 1 Trin.

Cambridge. DEVONPORT NATIONAL SCHOOL, ST. JOHN -STREET, DEVON PORT. consequence the great Increase in the numbers of the above School, the managers have decided to add considerably to its modetian. Alterations are, therefore, in progress which will allow large number of Boys to be ado.itted at the commencement of the ensuing quarter.

Applications for admission should ba ade at the Bebool to Mr. H. O. Tarn, bead master. Devon port, March 18th, 1876.

TOE GRAMMAR SCHOOL, PLYMOUTH. HEAD I MASTER-A. SIM PRON HENDRY, Assisted by a staff of well-qualified Resident English and Foreign Master. A SPECIAL CLASS will be formed for pupils intending to pass any examination during the year. Evening Classes will be conducted for those unable to attend during the day, and a Chemistry Olass on Saturday mornings.

The Three Term System pursued at nearly all our best schools will be adopted to future. For prospectuses and all particulars apply to the Hand Master TANNAMEAD SCHOOL, PLYMOUTH. The PRESENT TERM WILL END for the Easter Vacation I on THURBDAY, 13th and the NEXT TERM WILL BEGIN On THURSDAY, May 4th. Papils are admissible not only at the commencement of the Terms, but also at Lady-day, Midsummer, and Michaelmas. PETER HOLMES, D.D., F.R.A.S, BEAD MASTER.


M. WHEAT, OXFORD. FRENCH: MONS. L. DUVERGE, The next Term will commence on MONDAY, May 8th, 1676.

Puplis received at the quarters if preferred. A JUNIOR MASTER (NON-REBIDENT) REQUIRED, GRAMMAR SCHOOL, HELSTON, The full erdinary Course of Instruation comprises Reading, Writing, English Grammar and Composition, History, Geography. Arithmetic, Geometry, and Algebra. The principal extras, Greek, Latin, French, German, Music, and Drawing, for the acquisition of which great facilities offered, During School Hours the Pupils are arranged la Classes according to their each class under the immediate supervision of one of the Masters. Pupils prepared for the Army, Civil Bervice, and the University Middle Class Examinati us.

Terms moderate. Prospectuses on application to the Heed Master. Insurance flotices. THE STANDARD COMPANY. LIFE ASSURANCE BLISHED -WILLIAM GARD, Actuary, Victoria Stoke, Devonport.

WHITTINGTON COMPANY, LIFE ASSURANCE CHIEF OFFICE: 37, MOORGATE STREET, LONDON. A MANAGER AND BECKETANT: ALFRED T. BOWSER, Prospectuses and every information of the Local Agent, JAMES TREGONING, Tolgullow, Scorrier Also passages by fast Sailing Steamers to Chill, Australia, New York, and all parts ef the World, Hotel flotices. HE most Charming, Healthy, and Select Seaside Soort on the South Deven to TEIGNMOUTH AND THE ONLY HOTEL (FACING THE SEA) 18 THE ROYAL FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL Billiards, Livery and Posting Stables. 0.

H. COLLINGS, Froprietor. FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL HARVETS HOTEL, PLYMOUTH. TABLE D'EOTE DAILY AY SEVEN All charges at a fined Arrangements made with families and gentlemen to board by day or week. J.

WESTON, Proprietor, Late Manager Western Hotel. Paddington. DUKE OF CORNWALL HOTEL, PLYMOUTE TABLE D'HOTE Dally, 6.80 p.m. SUNDAYE, Biz o'clock p.m. SHLEY'S COVENT HOTEL, GARDEN, HENRIETTA LONDON.

STREET This well known homely and comfortable FAMILY the HOTEL in close prostraity to the Pubile Enfidings, all principar Places of Amusem*nt and the Parks. The situation he healthy and quiet. The fare la excellent and charges low, and every attention la paid to the comfort of vialtors. Conducted by Mr. MITCHELL.


Grand Morning Performance, Saturday and Wednesday, o'clock. MESSRS. THOMPSON AND DAVIS that Beg to they inform have the Noblilty, arrangements Gentry, and the Public in general made (at a great expease) for Provincial Tour with tbe SI The International NEL'LA BROTHERS, Diasionists and Anti-Spiritualiste, in their Popular Entertalament, MODER MYSTERY, Or of the so-called Spiritual Manifestations and Mediums assuming Superaatural Agency. Assisted by the celebrated Versatile Artiste, YANKEE HENRI, La his Refined Entertainment, entitled BOTH BIDES OF THE ATLANTIO," Introducing great variety of English, Irish, American, Continental Characters. PRICES OF ADMISSION.

-Front Seats. 29.: Second Beats, be Back ordered beata, Ten. To connience at Eight o'clock. Carriages may 6d. at P.

H. R.A.M. Mesars, THOMPSON and DAVIS, Bole and Responsible Proprietors. ROYAL BIJOU THEATRE, PAIGNTON. THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING, MARCH 24TR, The Performance will commence with the Original Comedy, Three Acts, entitled TRUE AS STEEL.

After which will be a Repeated the Novel Impersonation by Mr. Cape, Violin entitled PAGANNINI'8 GHOST, introducing Solo. To concinde with the Laughable Farce of HIS LAST LEGS. at The 6.48, Paignton Omnibus will leave the Torbay Lan, forre-square Immediately Botel after at the 1 Every Portorinances. Evening, Retura returning Tickets, Tor quay One Shilling.

Doors open at 1, commence at 1.30, Carriages at 10,30. PLYMOUTH MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. FRIDAY, 24TH INSTAS UNIQUE ENTERTAIN OF VOCAL INSTRUMENTAL MC8IO by the talented artistes known as the Cremona UnionTHE GREENHEAD FAMILY, Eight Brothers and Sisters, few Members, Reserved Beats. One Friend, 6d. Pablic, By request Tickets should be obtained at the Library of the Institute.

Public, 6d. Members and Friends, is. 11. Hon. Bee.


The BAND PLAYS ON MONDAY, THURSDAY, and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS: MONDAY and WEDNESDAY EVENINGS. Tickets at Mr. Bawday'e and Measre, Moon's, George streets the Rink. ALBERT HALL PLYMOUTH, SKATING RINK At the expiration of Mr. A.

Smith's lesse of the above baliding it wiis be converted into one of the LARGEST RINKS IN THE WEST OF ENGLAND, And at lower terms of and admission than charged any other Rink in the THOS. S. MARTIN, Proprietor, MEMORANDUM FOR INTENDING VISITORS TO LONDON, 8T. JAMES'S HALL, LONDON. ALL THE YEAR ROUND, EVERY NIGHT AT MORDATS, TB.

BATUNDATO, 49 3 THE WORLD- FAMED MOORE BURGESS' MINSTRELS, Por many years past by the Public and the wiser of the leading Jouranis of Great Britain THE ONE GREAT AND ONLY LEGITIMATE COMPANY OF THE WORLD. Standing proudly pre eminent over all Italiatore, and namburing In ita ranks FIVE PERFORM Of and known eminence, comprising the most accola pliabed the finest body of ever brongut together in similar En organization. Every copaged bioore and Orchestra have been membara of sue Society and the Royal Italian Opera Orchestras, ad of have been retainet at very heavy salaries la to the high standard musical excellence for tide Company has over been famed The Public residing in the various cities and towns of the Unites Kingdom who have not already attended one of the moats given by the MOORD AND BURGESS MINSTRELS tho 6t. James's Hall are reminded that it would manifestly wrong to confound or compare it with any of thom cubmitted to them by any the namerona minstrel troupes that travel about instance country. As MOORE an AND of the BURGESS' Sterling and MINSTRELS Enduri4g the following Popularity of (acta submitted -The present leaseD st tie St.

James Hall com menced on September, 1505. From that period down to the pre sent TWELVE the Company bas performed WERE EIGHT, TEN, and a ometima EACH througout the entire IN ONE CONTINUOUS SEASON, Without ELEVENTH the break of dingle lawful YEAR at day: the present being CON altogetber unparalitied in the biatory of the world's manta. Visitors arriving in London by any of Lite Bali ways wE de omalouses outalde each terminus which will convey them to the doors of the St. Jamar's Ball. IMPORTANT la No Person ilving connected wit Minstrel Company whor* resi name la Charles PITAR OF CERISPY MINSTRELS IS RETINOP THE GOLDSMITHS' ART UNION.

$50 PRIZE may be won for le. in the SPRING DRAWING. Prizes--Art Jewellery, Clocks, Carte of the Qu-en, Prince or with Princess of Wales, ticket, or other each, members of the Royal Family, given MOLYNEUX, every 6, sent for stamps.Bec., Anundel-street, Strand, London. Publicatioz. J.

PROUTS New SONG, "The Honour of Our Post Free for Eighteen St. Jamesplace, Plymouth, Before," The Foe Behind, the Deep by E. ERNEST GILL, Trinity College, Dublin, Specially salted Chwch Hymns" (8.P.C.K.) Music composed for country choirs. Price 21. London NOVELLO and or may be had of the Composer, St.

Ewe Rectory, St. Austell. BEST NORTH ADVERTISING MIDLAND COUNTIES. PAPER IN THE The LINCOLNSHIRE CHRONICLE (the recognised Conservative publiabed Organ of the FRIDAY County) and le a Weekly Newspaper, on SATURDAY. Circulates among and parties, and is consequently the best medium for advertisers.

Rates to of charges and coples of the paper forwa Lincoln. spoliation the Publisher, FREDE. O. PROCTER, street, THE WESTERN WEEKLY NEWS. SATURDAY, MARCH 251M, 1676.


TR AGE ON BRITISH OBJECTS. Proposed Government Subsidy to Irleb Pisberies. Bee Western Weekly News. 0. 8.

READ RATING ON THE BILL. GOVERNMENT Bee Western Weekly News. FIRE IN CHARLESTON: Negroes Plundering Houses -Hundreds Homel Bee Western Weekly News, OUR Arrival CHALLENGER Details LETTER: of the Voyage. Bee Western Weekly News, ETTER from our NATAL CORRESPONDENT Bee Western Weekly News, THE PRINCE OF WALES'S KETURN HOME: Voyage from Bombay. Special Letter and Telegrams.

Bee Western Weekly News. HEAVY GALES: Shipwrecks Loss of Life Bee Western Weekly News, A STEAMER AND ALL HANDS LOST OFF ST. IVES. See Western Workly News. FOUR MEN DROWNED IN Western SHETLAND.

See Weekly News TOTES IN THE WEST. See Western Weekly News, A Penzance. WEST OBSERVATORY: Notes from Bee Western Weekly News, SCHOOL EXTENSION LAUNCESTON, See Western Weekly News. PUNSHON AT AND CAMBORNE. THE REV.

G. SMITH DR, Bee Western Weekly News A CTION ON A LISKRAND OF SALE See Western Weekly News, NEW DOCK AT DEVONPORT. A See Western Weekly News. WESTERN RAILWAYS Bee IN Western Weakly PARLIAMENT. News, DEVON Heavy AND Sentence on a CORNWALL Schoolmaster.

LENT ASSIZES; Exeter Rowdylam Rebuked, 21,300 Damages against the South- Western Railway. Alleged Murder and Manslaughter at Melaton, A Trespass Case, Charge of Forgery against a Cam Bee Western Weakly News. TAVAL AND MILITARY INTELLIGENCE FROM SPROIAL CORRESPONDENTS AT HON AND ABROAD. Admiralty Announcements and Promotions. The Artillery Experiments at Okehampton.

Bermndian Naval News. The South Past Coast of Africa. Bee Western Weekly ARROW GAUGE EXTENSION TO LAUNCESTON. Bee Western Weakly News, SUFFERINGS AT SEA: Loss Plymouth See Western Weekly 1 ACETLE FOR THE WEEK. Bee Western Weekly News, ORIGINAL TALE.

Bee Western Weekly Hews, ABBEY FARM. Bee Western Weekly News, BEST MEDIUM FOR ADVERTISING THE TWO COUNTIES Tue Western Weekly £35. DRAWIN PIANO. (Civil Service Cash Fries,) TRICHORD DRAWING-ROOM MODEL, REPETITION ACTION, RICH, FULL TONE, Handsome Italian Walnut Wood Case. Elaborately Carved Fretwork Front and Cabriole Truss Legs THE ESCAL PRICE CHARGED FOR THIS INSTRUMENT 18 50 eTINEAS.


Addresses. BRANCHES ALREADY 1 ESTABLISHED: Ballarat, Victoria, 22 years, 68, High-street, Exeter. 112, Migh-street, Creditan. 121, Bid well-street, Exeter, Old Forestreet, Bidmouth. 13, Paris-street, Exeter, Ladies' Walking Boots, from Gentlemen's Walking Boots Working Men's Hob-nalied Women's Strong Laced, with or without WARRANTED TO WEAR EQUAL TO BESPOKE.

We do not Manufacture the very Low Rubbish them Goode, belleving to be useless, and dear at any price. MOON SONS Every instrument shews at VI. GEORGE-STREET, GUARANTEED personally selected by the Arm and most perfectly tested prior te its leaving their establishment, thus PIANO ensuring to the purchaser af even the lowest priced instrument the fullest possible guarantee of quality, FORTES. VI. GEORGE-STREET.

REAT LINEN SALE. T. W. LANSDOWN Respectfally announces that he is now offering SEVERAL VERY LARGE PARCELS OP 1 AND BARN LINEN SHEETINGS, From 3 yards to 34 yards wide, commencing at 2. per yard.

Also at Loom, Medical, and Fine Linen Hackabacke, commencing 4jd. per yard. Glass and Tea Clothe, from 4d. per yard. Irish Check Linen Glass Cloths, fine quality, 3,6 the half dosa, Large Lot of Fine Marcella Qafite, in all sizes, 24 yarda long, A each: 24 yards long.

All the Stock of BLANK BI8 at a Reduced List. PINE gard. LONGCLOTH SHIRTINGS, and 4jd. per MEDIUM SHIRTINGS, and per yard, the prices per dozen yards or the piece. very Cheap Lot of Table Linens, 14 yards wide, all linen, 104d.

per yard, and all other widths in proportion. Barnsley yards wide, Diapers from and Da ask Table Linen, in the place, per yard. from several lots of Scotch and Irish Table Cloths, 3 yards Also square, All Linen and Napkine, at and 2,9 per dozen: Full Dinner Size per dozen. Tollet Covers, each. BEDFORD HOUSE, 39, BEDFORD STREET PLYMOUTH.

66, GEORGE STREET, PLYMOUTH. KEY Is now offering some Large Parcels of COTTON GOODS, SHEETINGS, HOUSEHOLD LINENS OP EVERY DESCRIPTION, PURCHASED AT THE LOWEST POINT THE MARKETS HAVE REACHED, And which will be found of excellent value. Also several numbers of HEAVY AND MEDIUM SHIRTINGS, FINE LONGCLOTHS, ART MUSLINS, From 4d. to 8jd. yard, 38 inches wide.



Free from a greasy surface, and remarkably p'rasant to write on. PORE FLAX NOTE PAPER. Rough as old English Antique, but more pleasant to write on. trial will establish them in ur favour. Price from 1s.

6d. the packet, H. 8W186 (CHURCH DEPOT). 112, FORE STREET, DEVON PORT. B.






WESTWELL STREET, PLYMOUTH 3.3. at Ridgway every Monday, FLOYDE The BAKING Largest and Best POWDER. Id. Packet in the World. FLOYDE BAKING POWDER.

Best Quality ever Sold, FLOYD'S BAKING POWDER Makes Bread without FLOYD'3 BAKING Makes POWDER Puddings without Eggs. FLOYDE BAKING Try it, POWDER. and you will use no other. FLOYD'S BAKING ade of the POWDER Purest Ingredients only. BAKING POWDER.

Established Half a Century. AYE'S WORSDELL'8 PILLS. A La time saves the use of these Pilla, Health may be Restored and Preserved. Years. BOLD EVERYWHERE.

Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Consumption, and all Affections. 0 to 0 bottles, at la. 144., da. the Proprietors upon Receipt of Stamps, Another Important Testimonial, of Cana Rectory, Shaftesbury, writing as really a most valuable without of my from its use. comfort daring the weather.

me two tin5 suffering Pectorine la to any Medicine I have worst farms of Coughs and Colds. ate relief in Bronchitis Medicine for Asthma. Whooping troublesome tickling to the Karly PECTORINE all affections of the Throat SMITH and CLARKE Park street, Chancellor Air Had granted or Mason, Chemist, Roll for I Patent Medici Sold by VICARY NORTECROFT. R. BURD.

WOODS, Town street. B. D. Date Pls AT Aotices. OLD bave kindly CHINA, promised PICTURES, contributions of the Friends who Sale to be held at the Royal Hotel, on the 25th and above 20th for March, the on behalf of the ARMY SCRIPTURE READERS are Leigham-terrace.

requested to forward them as soon as possible to No. 6. SOCIETT. YOUNG MEN'S 193, UNION CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, STREET. CHRISTIAN WORKERS are reminded that TO-NIGHT (FRIDAY), 24TH E.

O. HAY, will, to present, The meeting will be for free conversation arrangements, and again discussion te according on the subject, HOW TO DEAL WITH INQUIRERS. The meeting very of great interest shewn la Friday last, and the the subject by the large so evening might be devoted desire generally expressed that committee to expect a large to attendance. conversation Chair on to be it, lead tasen the Eight o'clock. Ladies as well as W.

T. gentlemen invited. SPEARMAN, Hon. Eece MARY ANN NICHOLS, DECEASED. chapter 35, toan intituted Act of An Parliament Act of the 22nd and 20rd Victoria, Pursuant Property and to Relieve to Further Amend the Law Notice is hereby given, that all persons being Creditors of or MARY otherwise ANN baving NICHOLS, CLAIMS upon or against the Estate of wall, Spinster, deceased, of Penzance, in the county of Corn1876, at Penzance aforesaid.

who died intestate, on the 18th day of January, Estate and effecte Letters of Administration and to whose personal of February, 1876, granted by were on the 17th day the Probate Division of her Majesty's District High Registry Court at of Bodmin of Elizabeth Northey, Widow, the lawful Cousin German and Justice to of the next of kin of the said intestate, are required one the 4th of May next to send to Messieurs on or before of Penzance aforesaid, Solicitors of the said Roscoria and Son, particulars of their clal r.s upon or against the said Administratrix, Estate. And the that distribute at the the expiration whole of of the such time the same Administratrix will the parties entitled thereto, having assets of the said intestate among which she shall then have had notice. regard caly to the claims of Dated this 4th day of March, 1876. Solicitors ROSCORLA and SON, to the said administratrix CHARLES PRIDEAUX BRUNE, DECEASED, Statute 22 and 23 cap. 35, intituled Pursuant to the Act to Further Amend the Law of Property and An Trustees." to Believe CLAIMS hereby or given, that all Creditors and persons Notice is CHARLES PRIDEAUX DEMANDS upon or against the Estate of having county of Cornwall, and of No.

BRUNE, late of Prideaux-place, in the in about the the county 7th of day of Middlesex, Esquire, deceased (who died on 30, Charles-street, Berkeley or Charles Glynn December, Prideaux 1875, Brune, and the whose Will Executor was therein proved by of named, the on Probate the 6th day of January, 1676, Division of her Majesty's in High the Court Principal of Justice), Registry are demands hereby to us, required to send in the particulars of their claims the undersigned, as Solicitors to the said Executor, OF on And or before notice the is 1st day of May next. that time the said hereby Executor also will given, that after the expiration of of the i among the parties proceed entitled to thereto, distribute having the assets only then to have the tad claims and demands he of which the said Executor shall regard or any part thereof, so distributed pot be liable for the assets, notice, and that will or claim the shall not then have had notice. any person whose to of debt Dated the 21st day of a arch, 1876. COUDE, SHILSON, and Solicitors to the said Executor, St. Austell, Cornwall, THOMAS COODE, DECEASED.

An Pursuant Act to to Further the Statute Amend 22 and Law 23 cap 35, intituled the of Property and to Relieve having Notice any is hereby CLAIMS given, or that all Creditors and other Persons of THOMAS COODE, late of Saint Austell, or in against the DEMANDS upon Estate Corn wall, Esquire, deceased (who died on or about the the county of of August, 1675, and whose Will was proved by Susan 12th Wreford day Coode named, and on the Arthur 8th Coode. the Executrix and Executor therein at Bodmia of the day Probate of September, Division of 1875, her in the District Registry of Justice), are hereby required to send in the Majesty's High Court claims or demands to us, the undersigned, as Solicitors particulars to of the their said pest. and Executor, on or before the 22nd Executrix day of April time And the notice said is Executrix hereby given, that after the exiration of that the assets of the deceased and Executor will proceed to distribute shall having then regard have only bad to notice, the and claims that and demands of which they among the parties entitled thereto, they will not be liable for of whose assets, debt or or any claim part shall not so distributed to any person the thereof, Dated they then have had notice. this 21st day of March, 1876. COODE, BHILSON, and Sclicitors to the said Executrix and Executor, D.


Whereas the Trustees of this Turnpike-road at their annual meeting, Wadebridge, heid this day, in at the Offices of the Clerk to the Trust, fa ment in that behalf, having, ordered pursuance of the several Acts of Parliation of the of and set apart the sum of £300, the revenues Debts the said Trust, to be applled in and towards por- liquidation of the of the said Trust. (as is the therefore hereby given, that the said sum of about Notice discharge of the case may Moneys require will de applied in or towards the sald Roads to the Creditors owing who on the security of the Tolls of the transmitted to me three days before the by day of proposal the nest la Meeting writing. shall of lowest the Com Trustees, position on the in 19th day of of April next, offer to accept the surplus (if any) of such respect sum such Moneys, and will apply the Creditors as aforesaid, or a portion of £300, such after sum (as payment the case of such of require) security of in or the towards said Tolls, the discharge the of Creditor the Moneys owing on the may aforesaid shall offer to accept the next lowest who by Composition pros oval in re- as to sum spect of £300 such shall Moneys: be and exhausted. so on in like manner until the said of by proposal as aforesaid, shall offer And to if two or more Com position, the said Trustees will either accest determine an equal by lot rate of the present preference will between reseive or amongst such Creditors, or the Trustees amongst such to Creditors; pay such and all sums Composition ratably between or applied at the said Meeting will resolved and to be said Trustees at the expiration of tea days after the Treasurer said to the be paid by the with all interest then due on the same sums. Meeting, Dated Wadebridge, 15th March, 1874.

R. J. B. SYMONE, Clerk to the said Trustees. EST WHEAL LUCY-IN LIQUIDATION.

persons having send any CLAIM on the shareholders in this All are to requested to particulars of same on or before the 31st mine C. B. PARRY, Liquidator, Dated 30th March, 1576. 8t. Michael's House, Cornhill, London.

THE (Limited), 7, ASSOCIATION Whitehall-place, OF LAND FINANCIERS hereby given, that pursuant to the notification. London, dated 8.W. 22nd -Nottee Feb- is ruary, announced 1876, for the whole pre-redemption of the DEBENTURE BONDS thereby HAVE BEEN REDEEMED on the and August CANOBLLED. next, 31st London, By March order, 21st, 1576. R.

H. LANGRIDGE, Secretary, 13, CASTLE STREET. KITCHEN SOCIETY, No Applicant to receive a Dinner without one of and proof produced of being a Patient, there Tickets, TO PATIENTS. Beef Roast Meat, and Vegetables, Beef and Pudding. Rice Pudding Tea.

Other Jelly Pood only in 1d. proportion. Dinners on Taesday, Thursday, Friday. Tickets SUBSCRIBERS. a.

d. 0 10 0 2 05 0 Te be obtained of Rev. H. MOORHOUSE, Catherine-street. MR.

Rooms, HOLLOWAY, AUCTIONEER, next door to EMIGRATION the Pablie and GENERAL AGENT. First class Steam and Sailing Ships to all parts of the World. Free Emigration to New Zealand, Queensland, and Adelaide. Amisted Passage to Sydney, £5 10s. Agent to the Whittington Life and Manchester Fire Offices.

ROYAL LIVER FRIENDLY SOCIETY. ACCOMULATED CAPITAL NEARLY HALE MILLION STERLING, Which is invested and placed to the exclusive credit of the insurers. WANTED, an unlimited number of Energetic and Pushing MEN to open new and independent Agencies throughout England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, the Channel Islands, and the Late of Man. Liberal terms are offered to practical men who desirous of making for themselves lucrative and independen positions. To secure good districts an early application is destrable.

Apply to the Board of Management, 16, Prescot-street, Liverpool. WILLIAM ATHERTON, Chairman. WAGON COMPANY (LIMITED). MANUFACTURERS OF RAILWAY CARRIAGES WAGONS For Sale or Hire. ROBERT D.

BORNIE, Becretary and Manager, OFFICES AND WORKS, SWANSEA. THE RIAGE AND METROPOLITAN WAGON COMPANY RAILWAY CAR (LIMITED), BALTLEY WORKS, BIRMINGHAN BRANCH WORKS, CARDIFF, Successors to Messrs. JOSEPH WRIGHT and SONS, Manufacturers of RAILWAY AND RAILWAY CARRIAGES, IRONWORK TRAMWAY of CARS, WAGONS every description. deferred payments extending Wagons over period built for cash, or upoh Raflway Carriages and a of from three to ten years. to be Let large on number Hire.

of Coal, Ironstone Ballast and other Wagons Inquiries Manufactory to be and addressed Chief to Offices- Mr. -Saltley Joseph Works, at Birmingham, Olices, No. 85, racech urch-street, E.C. Wright, the London NOUPON attracted, and TRADING SYSTEM. Customers Daily expenditure returned.

merchants -Particulars and of tradesmen privileged. fort street, Plymouth. Manager, 8, FrankI MEDICAL MR. RUBBING THOMAS AND SHAMPOOING. Is in Piymouth for few (OF LONDON), few leisure a weeks on an important case.

He has a mentioned hours affections to be spare, and anyone suffering from the under Shampooing. when would skilfally be most applied, happy acta to attend. diseased relaxed vessels, but not only on the eystem with or electricity, thus arousing also on the blood, supplying the forces. Paralysia, spinal affections, stiff and jointe, equalising sprains, the rheum vital that have weaknees, contractions, are neuralgia, general by letter, been addressed cured to by the 16, above Western remedial means. Morning News, Plymouth 20 8.

COALS. COALS NOW DISCHARGING, AT THE STONEHOUSE QUAY (adjoining the Halfpenny Gate), PRIME CARGO HOUSE 00 8, 203. PER TON CASH. Orders received on board, or at 17, Unlon-street, Plymouth, W. H.

JENNINGS AND COAL MERCHANTS. March 24th. Finest Do. Winham do. Bercened do.

Steam Household Coal do. do. Unscreened Steam Coal An per Ton, ex Ship, Plymouth, Dartmouth, and Bouthampton. SHIELDMUIR COAL COMPANY, WEST GEORGE STREET, GLASGOW. Law Stationers, City WM.

Chambers, TRICKS, Bristol, SON, employ and 00. of writers, and are enabled to of quantities trial solleited. or COPYING by retura of BI CUTE ADIES AND GENTLEMEN Brompton and Villa, Breakfast da. No fees, Private VISITING 01d pear Drayton Arms. THE NEWS OF THE WEEK WEEKLY NEWS.


Western Morning News from Plymouth, Devon, England (2024)


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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.