The Urbana Daily Courier from Urbana, Illinois (2024)

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THU HltBANA lUHT COB RUCK 22 TUESDAY ATCUL 11 1922 in th Twin Cities IL lUJ ltS East Daniel a root is confined to ha Juan by Mines limner Sit West Hill street is transacting business for the DUno i nn Kiimiou 1 bureau i- Jt LW'i Easter Greeting Cards Tim- day tf" When you think of Greeting Cards for any occasion Our Easter Cards this year are especially attractive just the proper sentiment adds distinction to the Knowlton Easier Cart Is now while you have the greatest selection it A is I KNOWLTON BENNETT lU -v 1JJ-137 MAIN STUEET-UKDAMA ILL LEAD IN EVERY LINE WE CARRY Invited The banquet will be a covered dish affair and will be at prompt There will bo a food sale Saturday Apt II 15 at Steven ton's grocery on South Race street LAND VALUES AT 19 18 LEVEL Meeting Postponed The business meeting and social of the Tr! MtV Class Of tho Ftist llapitalj Sptnstleld HI April Improved thurch which was to have been held Illinois farm lands which reached U-o this evening at tho hom*o of Mi peak pi too In 1920 have dropped to ice on Ran Main street im neatly (ho ms level value tilt postponed until Friday xvmn bear according to ligtirej compiled I Run alt I mid 8tm atares think of Knowlton Bennett The beautiful coloring with Bennett Ifhe Get your WIGENO HILLS COM FAN REVIEW' Chicago April 11 toretga caHea affected cur wheal fututa to day rhvdiijt (igurea showing Mas ched I lower compared to hint night a pttees July lower and Remember lower rmn and outs held re Int Iveiy steady coin closing un changed lo i lower and vmta tm changed nttd lower compared with Monday Ida til's ftmtrea a Nona bureau wired was tmderalood ihat (here hud been a lalri tnmineaa In wheal direct with the oth or pldo hut white the volume was wot disclosed it wan reported fair Thule were several for wheat and corn that were below a woi liable basts latgnn crop rejmrtor wlr i inp I rom tircat Bend Kan nays the! smith half of Button rowdy hwt gmul St) per cent condition in wheat pm Imps lit pec cent abandoned acreage! who covered mirth Barton trad1 tlnsscii counties Sunday says they have 20 tier cmil abandoned and that! So per cent will not ha harvested or pay for harvesting balance fit) pat-cant condition Very bud on both aides of the Smoky river At least tww (hit da is so thin and lacking In vllality tint under roost tavanilda conditions it will not produce enough to get chad hack mtd pay for harvest Worms do but comddornble dntmtgo in localities Condition vary uneven wherever you go In Russ and Ness counties good 20 par emit abandoned probntdy 2ft 1 tier rent of twinned will not pay for iinrvcstinc if left bnlnnea of ncresRa fit! par rant romtuion Frnm peasant eendiilona the crop re pm tor rUvIros and fiikins into rontbdcralkin the sea aon the situation i serious Ksnsss City claims (hare was a goad impilry for hast (oday from all direa-lionH wlillo Minneapolis clnlmatl the floor business toddy was tho poorest In several months tiff I ThrirlsQnly One gfcht Vmnixr nrnctAM i URBANA I hKoUdiAUl Mias Pauline Knlpp who has been attending school at the Syracuse uni- versity is pending the Easter vara- tion as a guest ot her parents Prof and Mrs Knipp Window shades at -Adv 3 10 tf Lilley of Chicago is spending a few days in the Twin Cities trans-t acting business- Mr and Mrs Walter Llndley of Springfield are -spending a few days here as guests of relatives (Oliver has returned from a three business trip to Salem Mass See Barrier" of benefit play at Uibana high school Thursday night April 13' Tickets on sale at Oldham Bros Leslie's and Becker's diug stores 4 10 13 jf Caldwell left today for Wash ington alter having spent the past week with here Miss Marie Morphy of Smith Grove street who has been reeiy ill tinues ttr improve reapidly -t Rugs cleaned at Adv 3 1 tr Mr and Mrs Richards of St were business callers and shoppers in the Twin Cities today Mrs Lena Sadorus has resumed lntr duties at the Coffman store after having been absent for a day Mrs Prestin Lewis of South Maiktd street is confined to her home by illness See Barrier" of benerit play at Urbana high school Thursday night April 13 1 Tickets on Bale tit Oldham Bios Leslie's and Becker's drug stores Adv 4 10 13 Mrs Frank Cook left today for Gary Ind where she will join Mr Cook in their new home Malcolm Davis little son of Mr and Mrs Wallace Davis is confined to UH home on West Green street by an at tack of intluema Brunswick records most popular records out play on all phonographs G- Lawrence 112 West Main Street Uibana Ill Adv 3 28lf Mr and Mrs Reuben Slade of East Main street are the parents of a sis and one-half pound daughter born yesterday Ray Harmon made a business trip to Danville yesterday 'Miss Nora Johanning of Cham paign has taken a position as stenographer In the A Burt Loan Co Harry Neal has returned from Henning where he spent a day Come to Lawrence's for real values a In rugs and linoleums Lawrence 112 West Main street Urbana Adv 3 2S tr Mrs Elmer White and daughter oi Mayview were business callers in tin Twin Cities yesterday 1 V-Russell Willard the son of Mr and Mrs Frank Wellard of south of Urbana is very ill of blood poisoning Biunswick recouls most records out play on ail phonographs Lawrence 112 West Main stree Uibana 111 Adv 3 Mr and Mrs Nat Cohen returne 1 last night from California where they spent the winter dividing the time as guests of their sons Sidney at San Diego and Sol at Los Angeles See of benefit play at Urbana high school "Thursday Dieht April 13 Tickets on sale at Oldham Bros Leslie's and drug stores Adv 4 10 13 A scarlet fever card was posted yc terday at 802 West Clark street A measles card has been put up at 408 West Green street Mrs condition con tinues to improve Come to for real values In mgs and linoleums Lawrence 112 West Main street Urbana Adv 3 28 tf CHAMPAIGN Mr and Mis Becke(oMve dale -spent yesterday visititfe Take A Tip from 1 I i 1 itssfiection in Matron todav Frank Sanders 1211 West 1f avenue who Is recovering from an i eratioa at the Burnham hospiu! i reported rapidly improving Miss Ruth Majors of Staley tiled relatives in this city today Frank Hai troan oi tnmsat-t ed business here today Thomrs Hamilton is confined to bis home by illness Attorney Leonard Jr West HUI street has gone to Monti-! lo to transact legal brndneea Raymond Landers 1211 West Bail avenue Is slowly recovering from a severe attack of diphtheria Claude Nogin district superlnre'vl- enf of the VanXoy News company Af Kansas is a guest in the home tl hts Mr- aml Mrs li Neele 502 West Healey street Mrs Paul Laver way continues quire iH at her home 712 South Randolph street Mrs 11 Carpenter of Mahorno was a business caller ia this city to- day Mrs Dickerson has returned to her hom*o in Wingate after a short visit with relatives in thin cite Mr ard Mrs mu ice tioidon e-i Rantoul spent yesterday IransactirS business here Maurice sebaudt 1210 Wed Para avenue who has been verv HI ts pneumonia is reported sllplulv 1 proved Tobias West Church street has returned from Chicane whero he was buying for his store Miss Edna Barto fill South Sta' street will go to Iterator tomorrow where she will spend the Easter vacation with friends and relatives Mr and Mm Beil of Stdmnv were huiti ss eailorj in the Twm Cities today Mrs M- Fall of Channto field shopped lie-e today Dr Dudley of Decatur Is sp 'Ud ing the week wPh Dr Iteploglo 121 West University avenue Miss Louise Tubbs of Rantoul entered the Champaign Commercial eol lege yesterday Her home is in New York City but she lias been visiting her undo at Rantoul for some weeks II North of the North Construction company will return tomorrow from Cincinnati to visit his fam Uy 309 North Prairie street Sirs Dart Rice of Rantoul yesterday-with her brother Dr Ccott Mrs Townsend 510 John street and Miss Mary MoClel tan West Paik avenue retimed todav from Galesburg where they at ended the Congregational church convention They also spehf a few days visi'lng Mrs Dunlap of Abingdon Mrs Dunlap was formerly Mis Leona Smith of this ritv Mrs Edward Mingle of Wiiito Heath was a business caller In this city today Mrs Mary Leo of Peaotum has returned to her home after a liiief visF with friends In this city John Kirkpatrick teacher la Washburn eollege at Ann Arbor is transaeling business in the Twin Cities for a few days and renewing old acquaintances Miss Madonna Richardson 312 Wes Clark street is nable to attend Lot duties at the Lewis Co store he cause of illness Mrs Howe of Mansfield was a visitor in this city yesterday Clinton Manuel of Mahomet trans acted business in Champaign today Mrs George Howe of Mansfield lias returned to her home after a brief visit with friends in this city Roy Parrott of Mahomet was a Twin City business caller today A Heinz and Riemke of TVs-sotum transacted business here to day Miss Helen BraysHa Of Homer Is Bride Homer 111 Apiil Miss Ilelon Irayshaw only daughter of Dr and Mis A Brayshaw of this place was named Friday afternoon at 5 it hom*o of Mrs Schultz at Valparaiso 'nd to George Steinhaus professor at Madison Wis also profesosr of nm--ic at Valparaiso university The wedding came as a surprise to Miss Braysliaw's parents and fronds She had been attending the university at Valparaiso the past year Mis Stemhaus arrived home Monday afternoon to spend the week-end with her parents Mr Steinhaus will arrive later to spend the week-end here The couple will make their home in Chicago Noah! COMPANY SAFETY HRST SERVICE ALWAYS 5 WE WOMB'S CM -HAS LUNCHEON MRS FRAILEY GUEST OF HONOR AT ANNUAL OTHER SOCIAL AFFAIRS The annual luncheon of the Lrluun chib vnn served In Masmnc templu jeMoulay atternonn with Mrs Finiley second Vice pres deni ot the Hiim Fs'deuiiton ot Voin n'c tiute as guef-t of honor who was pro rented hv iho club wlitt a beautilut cor age bouquet of rosea and sweel peas Mrs Roy Freeman presided and introduce Mis Ft alley after the 122 memt era and guests had marched Into the attractively de'-oratod dirmu tmun to a tnaieh placed by Mrs Bln-yon alls Ft ailoy swdre on of beginning With the formation of the national organization 30 years ago and tracing it? history to tho present There are now 2(ifi0iiO nr embers of women's club affiliated with the national Imdy Benefits of membership were spoken of especially with reierence to music art literature education public wellare co-oi oration and individual responsl-Mity The luncheon was served in three rouiros by the ladies of the First I bytmlan church The menu consisted of fruit co*cktail veal mushed potatoes and gravy peas and carrots with com hlnatlbn salad and hot rolls and apple jolly orange fee angel cake and coffee Following the luncheon the nominating committee reported nominations lo ho voted on at the annual election For president Mis Cus Freeman first co president Mrs James Elmo Smith For recording secretary Mrs Wllih Bloom For corresponding secretary JrA Msndo Blue For treasurer Mrs Laura Snyder For historian Mrs (1 Johns' For parliamentarian Mrs Gordon Grimes For registrar Mis Cranmer Tnistee Mrs Wllkey The piogram that followed included a two-piano number number Sonata in Major Mozart by Mis Bin-yon and Mrs A Cope a vocal trla Once in Awhile and Sun Shines Czlbulka) by Mrs 8 Rice Mrs G-Thorpo and Mrs Mason: violin solos (Limiranre) and (Rader) by Miss Lula Dexter accompanied al the piano bv Mis Binyon and a trio King (Hadley) by Mesdames Rice Thorpe and Mason Mis Freeman president was pre senied with a potted plant by the hostesses who were Mrs Slaw son Mrs Stevo Kirby Mrs Emma Smith Mrs Willis Bloom Mrs Thorpe Mrs Augusta Iirlggs Mrs Elmer Heater Mrs George Douglas Miss Edith Burnett MIR Shephard son and Mrs George McClurg Annual Phi Beta Kappa Banquet That a Phi Beta Kappa key is not bestowed entirely as a recognition ot scholarship achieved but as a pledge for continued service 10 the field of letteis and philosophy was the theme dwelt upon by ail of the speak era at the annual Phi Beta Kappa banquet held Monday night at the university building In the absence of the president Dr Stephen A Forbes 706 Indiana nue on account of illness Miss Mar tha Kyle 1201 California avenue acted as toastmistress Speakers included Prof A Oldfather 804 West Green street who talked on Prof HAVoolbert 712 West Nevada street Being Prof Ward 1201 West Nevada street on Vision or a and Prof Cameion 702 Michigan avenue on j'phucajional Values" Frances Wipe responded for the new members who were initiated just previous to the banquet and Rice graduate student read a humorous poem dealing with the need for modern social methods and publicity on the part ol the fraternity Urbana residents who were initiated are Elizabeth Lonbons- 705 Gregory place Florence Errant 1207 West Oregon street Axel Brett 709 West Nevada street Pettle 312 West Illinois street and Hayes 1003 West Nevada street Mr Hayes rep resents the thitd generation of the Hayes family to belong to Phi Beta Kappa Champaign residents who were Initiated also are: Grace Foster 712 South State street and Miner 806 South Third street Make Anniversary Plane Charter Oak camp No 352 of the A held a regular meeting iait evening and completed arrangements for the anniversary celebration to be held April 18 at which time the quilt will te disposed of and a program wiil be given at 8 o'clock to which the public is Lips Bb oday BILL the I eatre PUN tst core reels li the bn sat Cha ic scret fMOR eatest he Dat RinuMemttm '0 lorrow iPLIN les 5c 13-30' IT OM1 il 17 edy Hit ESB1 rcws fear in $200 tax trsday led how cipt and Wo RUNG THE sox Comedy TS-3 Ueian for Illinois Irein repo i by cor respondents oi the Riinvnw bn mu The awragn value of all impivAul Illinois inim lands is placed at ISIS an mre com tm red with 13(1 in Hil't On the whole Illinois land good amt puoi improved nud unimproved ia aim'd slighily higher this sitting Hi lour yem a ago Good plow lands In 1918 were vnhmt fiito nn sere (n 1920 the value wan $2 Ll and toil vpiing Hie Boor plow hinds for tho same dates averaged $115 slid nxipeetively ()n all (nun lands with Improvements tor Hie years named $if 4X04 Ui5 Wiib out imiitovements lists $195 $126 Shorn Food Prices Still Bn Decline Wimhington Apt 11 11 A derreano in the retail cost of (nod to tho avet nco tamiiy in March ns cimtpnred will) Feliruaty was reported by the tmixMU of labor (itntlHtles or tho depart mtot of labor today Filers of 43 food ar-tlelea In 61 imimriant Hiina worn rtn-htdered Seven teen art teles rhowoi dccreacca tanging from lnra Ilian flvei' tenths ot one per cent on butler and tea to 34 tier cent on stiietly fresh butter 21 artfelea tncrens-d from low than ilvetc in lift of one per cent on ehtese to 11 per cent on oritnges and six ait Idea remained tachnafcd Dm lng th yar March 15 1921 to Mutch 15 1922 th bureau added the average decrenao In the retail price of these foods was It per cent In the nine year period ending March 15 the average of InrreitHo was placed at 43 pet cent Goart Of llopor Is Holding Convention Tho county convention of the Court til Honor is being held thruout the day In the Modern Woodman hull with James Webber presiding Tho morning session opened at 10 o'clock Magglo Renner was elect oi hs county chnlnnnn nud Guy Gulick county seeretaiy of tlm oigan izatlon Regtilar business was trans cited and dinner was wived at noon tit the Gilllliand cafeteria The afternoon was hpi nt In regular business session Seat New Board Members Tonight The Uibana board of education at a special meeting callmi for thin vo nlng will lanvttMt Die void cast at election and Install Judge Roy Freeman as president and Dr A Hindman and A Rotter as mem berg Outgoing members are Dr Van Doren and Mr Ftailey Tin holdovet are: Mayoi Smith Williamson Mi Mary Gremi and Mrs Hay Salvation Army Board In Session Advljuiry board of the Salvation Army met at 6 o'clock lunr boon at the Beardsley hull 1 last night Captain Going Wilson special effort secretary of the Midland division ad-d-essod tiie members Mr and Mis Gould ot Pt I amis-were Introduced and both spoke briefly of the campaign woik Mr Gould will return shottly to otganizc the boaid which will art In advisory capacity with Adjutant Bur-due in tatrjlng on lis work in this section nl th0 county TIME IN TO BE PRESENTED IN CHICAGO When Tune in the 1922 siudent op sa produced by Pierrots ot the Illinois union travel to Chicago 1ii3 week-end for two performances to lo rueti a' the Aryan Grotto theater on Satoidaj It will be the first time that etinicnt opera has been present ouirde of the Twun Phi Effort are being made to make the trip a complete wroc in ordey to as To Meet With Mrs Weaver The Among Heading Circle will meet with Mis 1 1' WotV tr 5hil West High Wednecduv afteimsiu at 2:30 HoMcaaea tor the ot tn noon will hot Mi a A 11 Cimmo ('rant t) Dime) Emma Row 11 Fannie Lewis and Weaver Entertains Sunday School Class Miss Maignrct Bone 113 Ninth Wcl ber street crtcttaim'd the Busy Deo Sunday school cinvi uf WeliUe" street church on Sa'ui day niicrtunn Tho lime was spent In "''Dina games and music after wha1 refreshments vverq nerved The gpett vote Mrs t1yte Booker Mina Juanita Richardson Iona MclntLQ Simel ton Mmy Johnantgen Thelma Spradlin" Martha Knox Beulah Johnston Ruth Fini1' 'Res Flvlrn Bone Mia Rooe Mrs Ihan' and Messrs Malcolm Boon and Tom my Booker fortnightly Qluk Entertained The nientbpra club were dfiUnhttk'illy eiiteituined yesterday afternoon nt the hom*o of Mias Keturah SlifiT 0f AVe-it Green street Duting tli tepuinr business tnoetinE Mrs AvRUoy rend a paper on Gooice Ade and Mrs Frank Snm-ris read poems of Eugene Field Mrs Gtindley and MtehjDlm were chosen as delegates to the did let convention which Is to he hehbftt Behind on the 20th of (ids month A social hour (allowed the business Hessicm during which time delightful retieshmyntfs were served Queen Either With Miss Zy Gulick The Queen Eithej' Circle of the Fits! church met lat evening nt 7:30 wiih Mis Zay Gulick 802 West Hill street Champaign Webber Association to Meet The Webber school Baront-Tench association will moot Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock MISS LORAINE MORSE SAILS FOR EUROPE Miss loiratna Morse who tins hem yjaijlng her mother Airs Ga trade Jacobus left for Now Yoik City where she will join her brother nmi auijt to sail on tho Aqunntalne todav to spend the summer ia Europe While there they will visit many plans of interest in Franco Italy Germany Swfraeilnnd Scotland and England re( timing tho last of August Miss Morse will study music while there TWO CONFESSIONS AGAINST ZIMMER Two confessions of judgmVnf were filed against I Zimmer of Mahomet In circuit court today One is by William Wykle and the amount Is $1371 60 and tho other by Charles Patton for $31795 ARE FINED FOR PLAYING BASEBALL IN STREET Dorman Fox and Rosenstein ar rested Sunday for playing ball in the street appeared in Urbana police court last evening pleaded guilty and paid fines of $3 and costs each CONDyCT SERVICES FOR LITTLE ROBERT KILDEON Sadorus III April The funeral of Robert Kildeon infant son of Mr' and Mrs Dan Kildeon of Villa Grove WRSjheR at the JjUhqrqn yjhmch this rnorhhi at Mrs Kildeon was Miss Mary Zoch qt this place before bar marriage 1 The deceased child whs a little over two years old when he died Business Women Have Party A delightful party was held by members of the Urbana Business Woman's club last night in tbeir new club rooms on South Race street Miss HpndPrson gave a short talk A shoit mutneal program was given and delightful refreshments were served A tea is being planned for the near future but arrangements have mot been completed (Bjr the I sited rmn) Dublin April 11 Coil in and Eamon Be Valera leaders of the Free State and the republican forces in Ireland today accepted thp invitation of the 'ord mayor of Dublin for a conference consider a truce The lord mayor hope to bring about negotiations which will result ia a settle- ment of the civil war between the Free State and republican Tactions Personal Attention Given Your Eye Tli cm vire rendered nnr pnttanst is uf ti very pcrempii nature We make timtuufU cvamimitiuii of your eye nmi if you do pel need will frankly tell you an To rtiine to us means perfect wtkfsc tion ntid cacreci -crvicc Havimy had aver vesr iccreaful cttcri cno tn Champnipti cxamniag gmi fiUnif CiCi far glasi ca CHAS AtJKER OITuMinftlST 313 North Neil S( ('hampalKii With rhiJolian Jiwrlry Store Slump Psorl Llvsstotg Rscslpu hi Hi Apt 11 Livestock ft-empts tings 150a miirket lUtflS rents lower top ftofiu CnUle nmikht steady Chicago Livestock Receipt Clncaqti Aptli It II receipts 19 000 tmuttet active cents lower than yealerduy's avmugo lighter moat top early bulk $l0 4t)(t0 8 Caitiff receipts 10800 market slow early Mules on beef steers and sha Poultry Butter tone Cfirrocted dally by Jacob Tick 71 East tlnlvorshy avenue Champaign Heavy hens 22c light heti 22c heavy springs 22c light springs 22c roomers 8c largo duck 20c gee 10c Indian Runner ducks 12c llv plgeoss 75c eggs 20C buter 100 pound Program For Doable Cross Ssnrbs Tim following program I announced for the Honeywell Double Cross service of tiro Honeywell evangelistic rnmpalgn at tiro Klfut church this evening: Cougregai "There 1 a Fountain Filled With Solo Crosa of Mra Cook Choir "What Did He "The Broken A Mills Double quartet of of ConKtegaUoa-i'NeaxlJifi Cross 1 Not Greater Than His Miss Byrnes and A Mills Mala chorus Wayside Crotffi" Con the the Cross of Can Hear My Saviour Pantomime Am Coming to the Vlisa Helen Brice Love Can Wash Away My Hail Congregation Him Lord of Choir led A MiUa Miss Helen Byrnes and Mrs Hamilton accompanists on piano and organ ChlciQO Ch Cord Closed V2 cent higher 2 mixed 3 mixed U1(b (mixed ufittiSB 61 mixed 61 2 yolow 69 SC 691 yellow 66 r7'4 white fi7fcf 5u While Chicago Cash Oats Closed 14 cent higher 2 while 4 3 while 36 48 38 4 while 35V6 8814 5 3814 Chicago Ch Rye 98 Chicago Csdot Receipt Chicago Aptli Carlo! receipts: Wheal 88 estimated Wednesday Cornel 87 estimated Wednesday 90 Oat 87 estimated Wednesday (50 fit Louis Llvtock Recslpta St Louis Mo April Livestock receipl: Hogs 12000 market 54il0 cents lower top $10 KU bulk $10 1080 Cattle 3300 market xsfeady top $9 25 Sheep lr00 niaiket prospect top iambs $10 00 ledlanapoti Llvegtock Receipt Indianapolis Ind April 11 Live-stork receipt- ioigs 6 000 maiket steady bulk $10 8VTfl1 00 top $11 DU Cattle 700 calves $8 30 Sheep 200 maiket steady lop spring lambs top sheep $9 00 yearlings $8(Nfi1o00 market lower top nuffaln Livestock Receipt Buffalo April 11 receipts (gs 3700 market steady to 10 rents lower A Catlle 200 Noah had a straight tip that there was going to be a lot of ram He told his friends about jt and they laughed at him When the rain did come Noah and his folks had something besides an umbrella The ones that laughed lost out You need anyone to tell you that a rainy day is coming It comes to everyone in the form of Old Age Are you laughing at the idea or putting it off? Remember friends! You will find that an account at this bank is a very safe and convenient and one not at all difficult to build An in a few years steady saving it will be big enough for all your family A dollar starts it! sure futuie of similar trips Jt vTjf 4 trsr'1 II.

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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.